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8528217 No.8528217 [Reply] [Original]

How much money do you need to buy the cure for depression?

>> No.8528231

if you can cry you don't have real depression yet keep digging

>> No.8528236

no porn, no fap, get a hold of your drug habit if any, weed is very easy to stop if you really want to, lift, eat healthy, sleep 8 hours, never go to sleep before midnight.

We are all going to make it bro, with or without millions, just take care of yourself mentally, physically and spiritually

>> No.8528237

$100, buy some ketamine and mushrooms

>> No.8528243

>if you can cry you don't have real depression yet keep digging

I don't anymore.

>> No.8528246

never go to sleep after midnight*

>> No.8528247
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this advice literally saved me from depression

spreading u all positive vibes

>> No.8528257

$60 for a gram of coke

>> No.8528264

no matter how far you have fallen you can always go deeper my friend. I fell so deep i thought i hit the pits of hell. The only way out is to defeat your mental demons my brother. Goodluck man, if you make it out alive its the greatest gift you have ever been given in life.

>> No.8528268

I'm glad you made it man, I'm seriously smiling because you did it. Yes it's hard, yes you will probably have a relapse, yes you will feel like shit on random days or lapses for no apparent reason, but in the end you can do it, you can always do it if you try hard enough.

GL everyone, never let this shit feeling dictate your whole life, we are more capable than we give ourselves credit for.

>> No.8528271

Buy some testosterone

>> No.8528275

>no drugs or alcohol, unless caffeine counts
>too depressed to even fap
>already eat healthy
>go to the gym a couple times a week, even though it's a monumental task

None of it helps.

My sleep is fucked, but I have little control over it because of my job

>> No.8528287

then you are doing better than a lot of folks out there bro, some are homeless, some are eternal NEETS (no offense really)

Get a hobby, learn piano, a language, don't be scared to try something new for the first time.

Get 200-300 mu of LSD and just binge some wholesome movies or do art.

Life is beautiful man you can do it.

>> No.8528311

This unironically saved my life.

>> No.8528317

enough to buy a shovel and some gardening mits

>> No.8528326

Super glad to hear that my brother, life is a pain in the ass yes but it's life after all, sweet would not be this sweet without the bitter parts, just remember we can change any situation no matter how dire to our advantage.
Big hug!

>> No.8528327

Electroshock therapy is supposed to cure it, but that’s probably about the same sophistication as a lobotomy or a bullet to the head.

>> No.8528339

Prozac is pretty cheap.

>> No.8528347


I learned to play guitar and it kept my mind off all the bs going on in my life a hobby can really help keep your mind off the negative into something positive

>> No.8528393

I’m addicted to cocaine and I don’t watch porn anymore but I can’t stop fapping. I’m constantly horny and fuck any girl that moves and is willing. Can I still make it?

>> No.8528401

I cured mime ith a long (3 years) treatment with escitalopram and clonazepam. I rached that point because so stressed and overwelmed during years of my fucking job. and now I'm fine. I got married and have a newborn girl. do some sports man or just walk. the most important thing is thst you identified the depression, I can tell you that almost nobody detect by himself that state of mind. cheers

>> No.8528407

What do you fap to then? Lines of cocaine?

>> No.8528420

sorry for the bad keystrokes. this tablet is shitty

>> No.8528424

Thanks man. I had a weird episode about 5 years ago. Was binging hard, 2-3 times a day and high as fuck every waking moment. That shit took a toll on me and I literally almost lost my mind. This was 5 years of constantly beating my brain up doing this shit.

After that I was like fuck weed! Weed is the devil I can’t believe it did this to me. I quit weed, and nothing really got better. So I thought fuck, I’m doomed. Started to lose hope, stumbled on yourbrainonporn and nofap and tried it out. Was so fucking hard. Holy fuck. I felt terrible for so long. Wel now it’s 5 years later and I still relapse but maybe once a month know. I know that’s not the best.

Trust me, I didn’t want to believe in this shit, thought it was some bitch ass placebo.

Over these past few years my mental health has gotten so much better. I haven’t changed anything besides cutting out porn the best I can. How long have you been clean from P?

Try it bros. It’s crazy. But know it gets worse before it gets better.

>> No.8528426

I’m a multimillionaire. I’m still depressed as fuck. No idea why

>> No.8528441

Heh. You almost got me pissed for a second. 8/10 troll

>> No.8528446

Learn self control bro, no more fap no more sex for at least 1 full month.
It's only 20 days and I'm 100% sure you will be able to restrain your desires in favor of a more level headed you thinking rationally and bettering yourself.

All the good vibes bro

>> No.8528450

Memories of sexual experiences or actresses

>> No.8528455

>Weed is the devil!

>> No.8528471

woops meant 30 days!

>> No.8528472

Thanks my man appreciate it

>> No.8528480

I’m gonna try, STARTING a new change in habit is always the hardest part

>> No.8528482

Lmao re-read it man! I thought it was the devil. Realized it wasn’t. Matter of fact I’m about to smoke a bowl right now.

On some real shit though, P is the fucking devil if you abuse it hardcore

>> No.8528484

Wrong video

>> No.8528491

Oh. In that case, carry on.

>> No.8528513

Don't say "I will try, I might do it, I hope I can" etc.
Literally say to yourself right now IM DOING IT, I WILL CHANGE.
Don't think in negatives, always think in clear affirmative actions. Your subconscious will thank you my man, you got this.

>> No.8528586

I don't know. If I was a multi millionare I'd still kill myself with od on cocaine. The damage in my brain is already done through past experiences and no money or vagina could fix that.

>> No.8528597


>> No.8528640

Don’t do drugs, kids. It’ll fuck you up.

>> No.8528664

cannot. am i cool yet? what do we get for being part of this elite group

>> No.8528697


about 25k usd and about a year of work. (not counting money for living etc etc)

I quit work to take care of my depression, saw four experts, one of which 4 times a week.

Honestly it was the most painful year of my life but now things are on track.

>> No.8528715

wat did these experts do for you? im only in therapy, its slow going

>> No.8528737

Long story short
>Burden to my family
>Bullied throughout middleschool and highschool
>drug usage over the roof
>no real friends, those close have used or stayed with me out of pity
>raped by some hobo
> killed someone already
>very cringy experiences with women
And I am only 20. Been depressed since 11.I am breathing only because I am too scared to kill myself and have planned to live a few years more and OD on some drug of choice far away from my family so my body can never be found.

>> No.8528765

>casually mentioning murdering someone

>> No.8528792

Having a gf that loves you

>> No.8528819
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has reddit banned your sub? kys

>> No.8528847

> used to do coke in my mid 20s
> lived on Nantucket Island for a few years. Shit was everywhere at parties. Good times.
> fast forward to current day. waiting in line for bathroom at a bar and some dude in line asks, “you like to party?”
> indulge
> have had the worst depression ever in my life for the past 2 weeks.
> life unraveling
Stay away from drugs kiddos.

>> No.8528874

>taking drugs from random dude looking to rape you
are you gay or something?

>> No.8528879

I was 14x my initial investment and still wasn't happy at that point

now i'm only 3x and I feel indifferent

>> No.8529872

I did that once. In Mexico. Wouldn’t advice it.

>> No.8529890
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$1 for a rope

>> No.8529907

I’m pretty sure his coke addiction is the biggest problem not masturbating, Jesus christ are you fucking serious? You and your good vibes

>> No.8530010

SSRIs helped me a lot, but I do acknowledge there are people who are really against them. I can only speak from my own experience.

>> No.8530017

kill yourself

>> No.8530040

As much as it takes to buy a rope you fucking pathetic pussy. Fix yourself or fuck off. We don't need you making this miserable planet worse than it already is with your pathetic whining.

>> No.8530043

it doesn't solve depression if it's from loneliness
doesn't matter how much

>> No.8530143

Diet, exercise, and a good night’s sleep is all free bro

>> No.8530160
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You forgot: don't be born with autism

>> No.8530383
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This is good advice.

>> No.8530517

>my own place
>my own bf
thats it, 2 mils is more than enough to be set for life