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8526475 No.8526475 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: OP is looking for to raise investment capital for a contemporary pop art / jewelry project from 4chan.

Hoping a fresh set of folks will see this today. Will be answering questions on this thread.

I am a second generation goldsmith. I have 15+ projects that need materials and labor covered, ranging from $5-30k in expenses, per project.

Offering 50/50 profit split on any project.
Jewelry generally has a minimum 3x return.
This is a short term 2x, with minimal risk, as the materials investment has a well established value and can easily becomes liquid again, if needed.

Literally would be the funniest shit if I found investment on 4chan.

Being as I don't want anyone to impersonate me later in the thread, my contact is: jewelryproject15@yahoo.com

Want to do (very well executed) ridiculous things with some of the most valued materials on Earth + make a lot of money and contribute to contemporary pop art?

Let's do it.

>> No.8526526

One thing to note: I have a few pending investment opportunities, it's simply best practice to have multiple options.

>> No.8526600

Would love to go over details with any interested party. Will be fielding general questions here.

>> No.8526640 [DELETED] 

Interesting. Bump.

>> No.8526669


>> No.8526690

Why come to 4chan though?

>> No.8526691

boomer level scam artistry

>> No.8526703

Might be interesting. Any website with your past projects?

>> No.8526709

You could ask questions and make that assessment after due diligence.

Or you could make assumptions.

Your call.

>> No.8526721


I'll post a few photos of previous projects.

Please keep in mind that my prior work is not indicative of the art direction of future projects.

>> No.8526749

It's novel, bold, and approaching my 10 year anniversary of using the form.

>> No.8526763

Why not just make some kinda custom Etsy store storefront. >People custom order
>You custom make, money up front for supplies
>People buy your finished product

>> No.8526768
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18k rose gold, pavé diamonds and hand engraved details. An accompanying ring sold for $4k at Sundance.

>> No.8526783

Background is in marketing. Aside from being entirely the wrong market segment, it would be detrimental as a price signal.

>> No.8526798
File: 223 KB, 750x743, FullSizeRender-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

18k white gold, pavé sapphire and diamond fangs (grills) Sold for $2k.

>> No.8526814


Not bad. I have questions I’ve directed to you via email.

>> No.8526855


To elaborate:

My current business far surpasses that, and my goals are even larger. I've been in the jewelry industry almost a decade, and am a second generation fine jeweler.

>> No.8526893

I’ll bump this thread for you.

>> No.8526921

Thanks for the interest so far, will be here to answer any questions.

>> No.8526963

A real /biz/ related thread, good luck OP

>> No.8526977

Thanks. Not here to bullshit. Here to make money with someone.

>> No.8527000

Where are you located? How much are you looking for?

>> No.8527004

I second this.....but you should reply to your email.

>> No.8527040

Very interesting. Where are you located? What investors did you get capital from for your past projects? And generally what return did your investors make? If I want proof of sales/contracts could you provide those over email?

>> No.8527042


Nice trips.
My studio is in Los Angeles.

I have a list of roughly 15 projects developed and priced out ranging from $5k-25k in production costs. I can provide you with the list privately and walk you through my price calculations and logic.

>> No.8527054


Past projects have been self funded, or custom work and smaller scale. The business was built without outside investment.

>> No.8527069

Thanks! Responded.

>> No.8527147

Today I learned that a project I had been planning was independently executed by another jeweler.

Had the funds been available at the time, there would be an extra 6-figures in my bank account today.

Heated, but only insofar as it motivates me. Execution, not conceptualization, is how capitalism works.


>> No.8527204


>> No.8527305

Happy to answer more questions.

>> No.8527324


You and I exchanged some emails. I didn't get a clear explanation as to why you needed someone to invest $7k, for example, when you can make more than that by selling one piece.

I got busy with other things, but that left it seeming scammy.

>> No.8527345

I'm sorry for not providing a sufficiently clear answer to you. The idea is that I need capital to make the piece in the first place. There is no profit without an initial investment.

>> No.8527392

I understand that -- but you've made profit from previous work, and continue to make profit, no?

I'm not accusing you of anything, I'm just saying it doesn't make much sense to me.

>> No.8527404

>pop art / jewelry project


>> No.8527435


I just reread our messages. Seemed that the question was a general skepticism about raising capital through this (admittedly, totally unconventional) means.

This is something that I can't afford to fund from my pocket. By structuring it as a project-to-project investment I will, after a few projects, be able to fund them out of pocket.

At the end of the day I am comfortable providing potential investors with any requested details about myself and my plans.

>> No.8527449

I understand if the math doesn't work for you, but I'm being fully forthright.

>> No.8527463


I'm honestly not opposed to the idea. But I haven't figured out a way to add sufficient trust to the situation. I could send you $7k in ETH, for instance, and you could literally walk a way with no recourse. I could file charges or something, or we could write up a contract beforehand, but that's quite a lot of time/work invested (I've never entered into that kind of formal agreement before).

Do you see where I'm coming from?

>> No.8527508

It makes sense. In such an unconventional scenario this working hinges on the development of trust, if there are any steps you'd like to be taken to build that, I'm fully open.

And am willing, privately, to disclose any necessary personal information.

>> No.8527560

>And am willing, privately, to disclose any necessary personal information.

Appreciated -- but how can one prove the authenticity of the disclosed information? Further, even if you gave me your SSN and your mother's maiden name, what can I do with that information if you cut and run?

Not saying you would (you seem genuine), but that's a real possibility.

>> No.8527590
File: 9 KB, 263x322, 1521770709472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll make it easy for you anon.
Anyone on biz asking you directly for money is a scam artist.
If you can't figure out what the scam is it just means they're a good scam artist.

>> No.8527622

Hope for the best, plan for the worst.
Makes sense. I suppose you could make a personal assessment about the whether I'm telling the truth. Consider the likelihood of someone lying about wanting to progress in an industry that they're entrenched in. And then, after all that, if I run, contact people in my life and slander me? The police? I really don't know either, and hadn't considered it that far because that's not at all my plan.

As far as this guy >>8527590 - he's wrong. He's commenting on a situation he isn't familiar with, with people he's unfamiliar with.

>> No.8527667


I'm east coast so I'm going to bed soon (early morning). I've thought about the arrangement a few times since our exchanges. I'll definitely think about it more.

I won't lie I've done pretty well in crypto, but not well enough that I could toss close to $10k out the window without being pretty fucked up about it (especially right now).

If you can come up with some means of further proving your authenticity, I'd appreciate it.

>> No.8527680


Further, it's also worth pointing out that you could be completely legit and have the best of intentions, but simply overestimating your abilities to sell (and maybe craft) what you're planning to. That's another facet of risk.

>> No.8527685

Sleep well. I’ll think on it. Still available via email?

>> No.8527687


Yup -- same email. C***mail

>> No.8527691
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>As far as this guy >>8527590 (You) - he's wrong. He's commenting on a situation he isn't familiar with, with people he's unfamiliar with.

A good scam is something like
1.Make a fake escrow website
2.Make a fake machinery hire website
3.Advertise discount sales through classifieds

A bad scam would be
1.Ask biz for money "so you can make jewellery"
2.Hope they send you some.

>> No.8527729

i live in Los angelos op, i want to meet in person and i want to see some of your work in person

i want a copy of your ID.

i can invest 15k eth.
BUT when i send you ETH you have to give me some jewelry, after we take to get verified its real.

if you have no colateral, literally fuck off

>> No.8527777


Please email me, but to be fully upfront if I had collateral that could easily become liquid (such as jewelry) I wouldn’t need to find investment.

>> No.8527819
File: 121 KB, 499x344, laughing_girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to change your account there anon LMAO
I've got screencaps don't worrk

>> No.8527829

Do you do custom order engagement rings?

>> No.8527834

>Forgot to change your account there anon LMAO

I'm not following what you're saying.... I don't see anywhere he samefag'd

>> No.8527843

Literally don’t care. I’ll own that. Was bumping my own thread, didn’t want to look lonely in here. Now I’m getting in n out.

You can email about that too, I’ll likely pass it off to my mother.

>> No.8527853


>> No.8527863

I bumped this thread on my phone, then posted for the most part on my computer. I didn’t announce that I was the same person. It’s not a big deal.

>> No.8527866

Oh shit lol

I was so tired I didn't see it.

Well fuck. Good catch.

Your phone intentionally not on wifi?

>> No.8527903
File: 120 KB, 800x800, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn’t announce that I was the same person. It’s not a big deal.


How do you explain this then you faggot, just thinking out loud?? :D



>> No.8527925

Haha oops linked the wrong one, it's this:


>> No.8527926

Right. The point was to samefag without looking like I’m samefagging.

Not even gonna front about it.

>> No.8527930

looking through the thread, where's your email?
also, how much are you looking for in capital?

>> No.8527945

First post. Jewelryproject15@yahoo.com
We can move to my personal email after an introduction.

>> No.8527959

How long did this stupid shit take you to come up with. I'm actually embarrassed for you.

>> No.8527975

Again, not trying to have this thread look lonely and on the 5th page. Duh. If that ruins my credibility for three people I’ll own it. Have fun with your screenshots.

>> No.8527986

yea own your shit scam you fucking piece of shit

>> No.8528008

I’m rolling my eyes so hard at you.
I’m glad you feel like you caught me on some random shit. Still not a scam.

>> No.8528132

Thread is still open.

>> No.8528198

This is probably one of the most fucking retarded things i've ever read.

>> No.8528263

>market exists
>have production pipeline in place
>needs capital, offers respectable short term return
>most retarded???

>> No.8528442

>no proof

>> No.8528473

Email requirements for proof. I will meet them.

>> No.8528494

Just post it here? If you e-mail them to me I'm just going to do that.

>> No.8528536

What would you consider proof?

>> No.8528618

Hey, next time:
>Think of what you'd consider to be proof
>Then ask for it

>> No.8528688

First page.

>> No.8528721

Hey bro i do jewelry design in rhino if you need a designer hit me up

>> No.8528750

Show some pieces you're working on with timestamp

>> No.8528761

Shoot over some of the work you've done to the email in the first post.

I'm pretty set with my team, but am always looking for exceptional people.

>> No.8528804
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Here's a photo of my bench, can't time stamp in-progress work because I'm not at my studio.

Should I take your concern as interest? If so, please email me to keep in touch.

>> No.8528867


>> No.8528868

>im a jeweler
>posts jewelry from other jewelers...
OP's first pic is from instagram: ifandco

fuck off

>> No.8528875

Can you make beaded lizards

>> No.8528880

Uh, not trying to take credit for the first picture.
Everything else is legitimately my work.

>Prove me wrong.

>> No.8528888

send me your work cclv@protonmail.com

>> No.8528900

No. One of my first jobs in the industry was beading for production. I hate beading.

>> No.8528915

Don't swoop in on my shit.

>> No.8528925

bro you haven't posted shit that is worth 2K
>prove me wrong

>> No.8528937

I'm not following your logic.

>> No.8528983

>Try's to hijack my thread.
>Is an idiot.

>> No.8529011


>> No.8529017
File: 18 KB, 248x189, 1520100345881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, but I'm gonna have to pass on business inquiries on fucking 4chan KEK

>> No.8529037

Haha. Totally fair.

>> No.8529101

Look ma, I'm on the first page!

>> No.8529184

U make stuff for niggers?

>> No.8529294

youre the idiot trying get investors on biz, requesting 5K+ for "pop art jewelry", and posting work that doesnt even cost 2K to make or is even sell able for 2K...

7g 18K ring with with cheap turqouise, $4K? surrreee

>> No.8529368

You seem like you’re also in the industry and fucking bitter about it. I’m not even going to bother defending the sales prices of my own work to you, there’s no point because they’re sold already.

I’m going to leave you with one tip: If you’re in this industry and you’re treating the materials as the commodity, you’re backing yourself in a corner and you’re doing it wrong. But you probably already know that huh?

>Protip: diamond melee, not turquoise

>> No.8529471


>> No.8529490

Show details of the engraving, this looks pretty shitty.

>> No.8529533

not bitter about anything, yeah im in several industries. yes when you're selling at that price range (with no name) you should base of materials and labor. much success to you in your craft but asking for 5K plus on biz, cmon man

>> No.8529536

I don't plan to use much engraving in future work, so it's not substantial or relevant to me. If you're seriously interested feel free to email me.

>> No.8529559

So you're going to cast the jewelry then? Why don't you start casting silver wojak figurines, I'd buy one off you.

>> No.8529560

I'm going to continue to let you think it hasn't work.

>> No.8529578

>I'm not using engraving
>So you're casting then?

Those aren't comparable techniques, and a choice regarding one doesn't imply anything about the other. That said, some parts will be cast, others hand fabricated.

>> No.8529582

he'll charge you $500 for 5g silver wojak

im sure you'll bait a sucker or two

>> No.8529619

If you want to invest in silver buy bullion.
If you want cheap jewelry go to Walmart.

>> No.8529715
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Dumb money buys jewelry and they buy it at Kays.
"Fuck You" money buys shiny bullshit because 10k might as well be 10 bucks to your average person.
What on Earth makes you think "Fuck You" money wants "Pop Art" jewelry?
You should be shilling Lil" Pump's instagram, not /biz/.

Sidenote: If you're a second generation (jew)eler, you'd get daddy to finance this bullshit. But chances are, you're Da already knows you're a failure. Leave the second gen out next time.

>> No.8529744

My assessment is that there's a relevant market fit. I have a history of being right about these things. For someone who's outside of either sphere, I can understand how it may be hard to see, but it's not uncommon to flaunt wealth - and these materials have been the defining materials of value in human culture for thousands of years.

Pop Art-tanjential may have been a better description.

>> No.8529785

"Fuck You" money often buys art, and often buys jewelry. It's not a stretch.

>> No.8529844
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>I am a second generation goldsmith.
>I have 15+ projects that need materials and labor covered, ranging from $5-30k in expenses, per project.

I'm a second generation tradesman. If I had $5-500k worth of work that I needed bankrolled, I wouldn't need to beg on /biz/.
Your father thinks you're a moron, and I agree. If you are soliciting funds on /biz/ it's because all the real jewelers you know think that you are terrible a business.
Maybe they are shortsighted and think that engagement rings are the only way to make money, but I'm inclined to agree with everyone you asked before you started begging on /biz/.

Good luck. You'll need it.

>> No.8529880
File: 670 KB, 1080x1244, pepebeach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because he's a scammer.
He's just sliding the proof way back this massive fucking thread of garbage


>> No.8529885

Not begging. Presenting a coherent and detailed offer with respectable returns. You don't know my family, nor my fundraising potential, so you're not agreeing with anyone, you're making assumptions.

If you have questions, feel free to ask. Otherwise, thank you for your unsolicited advice.

You are incorrect.

>> No.8529894

Maybe he’s practicing on you

>> No.8529896


>> No.8529903

Listen you've tried to call me a scam all night. You're wasting your breath. I'm not a scammer.

>> No.8529916

You are a scam. Slide as hard as you like scammer.

>> No.8529920

This is a silly suggestion and I like it, but legitimately I just thought it would be funny if it were successful.
Some logistics with a prior investor fell through, I didn't feel like waiting for them.
And I'm about to hit 10 years since I first went on 4chan and wanted to offer something back.

>> No.8529933

Stop spamming my thread with your useless and fully incorrect babble.

>> No.8529945

Stop spamming my board with your shit scam

>> No.8529951

No one is scamming you autistic freak.

>> No.8529968
File: 111 KB, 501x597, 4incny36p9vy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't know my family
Correct. I don't know your family.
>nor my fundraising potential
I do know your fund raising potential. It's scamming on /biz/.
Which leads me to believe that I do know your family, and they know you're a scammer too. If you were worth a damn and the son of a jeweler, materials are paid for 10x over already and labor is free.
This is 100% larp or scam and I wouldn't "invest" even if you weren't a larping scammer.

>> No.8530004

Still riddled with assumptions about me.

See: >>8529920

I'm a partner in a successful business with collective experience fundraising >$1m. I literally am doing this for fun.

>> No.8530014

I'm in the Los Angeles area as well and I have to means to fund every project you could fathom. I want you to answer this question as truthfully as possible. Why after ten years of work do you have no capital of your own?

>> No.8530024
File: 124 KB, 1200x520, larplife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These people also do this for fun.

>> No.8530044

I run on empty with my personal finances, much of those 10 years in the industry were unpaid or underpaid, mostly for family.

I'm not yet 25 years old. I'm a partner in a successful startup and was recently invited into another with a strategy and marketing focus. Most of my net isn't liquid.

>> No.8530066

I live in LA too and want to be there in person to see the scam first hand go down.
So i could back up the anon that bites the bait and takes you to court yet still loses
OP wtf man, this is n't gonna work out and how could you have the balls to even ask for 5k with no real proof of work or contract or anything
>We just have to build trust
You serious? Scammers are cold hearted pieces of garbage
They can act like your best friend for months of phone calls. Then take everything you have with out thinking twice

>> No.8530086

For people who take this view, of course this unconventional method wouldn't work. That's fine.
You're confusing your skepticism and my intentions.

I would provide any needed details in private communications.
I would meet face-to-face in public.
I would form a fucking years long friendship with somebody if we're compatible as people.

Just because you're skeptical doesn't mean that I'm a scammer.

>> No.8530098
File: 41 KB, 450x301, weinerdogpupsand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give you 1 eth to let this thread die and quit clogging up my board with scams.

>> No.8530099


>> No.8530115

For the record, my m.o. is not to scam anyone.

Let me paint a scene:
>I am tucked in bed right now.
>I am watching Bon Appetit in another tab.
>They are trying to make cheetos by hand.
>My girlfriend of 5 years (soon to be fiance) is asleep next to me.
>Our cat is on top of her.

>Oh yeah, and scamming people puts my other business at risk.

So fuck that.

>> No.8530150


>> No.8530158

OP why wouldn’t you just offer to meet your investor(s) at a law office and draft a legally binding agreement over the investment and returns?

>> No.8530165

Obviously that wouldn't be possible with if they aren't in the LA area, but I'm more than willing to volley any documents between our lawyers.

>> No.8530185 [DELETED] 

This guy still here?

>> No.8530188

Well you could still consult with an attorney over the internet or phone and then have the documents signed via mail. This is probably the safest thing to do. You can’t just expect people to throw thousands of dollars at you by “building trust” the world just doesn’t work like that.

>> No.8530197

Reasonable. Again, fully willing.

>> No.8530233

Temporary contact email for any interested party is:

>> No.8530263


>> No.8530272

Just returned to this thread. I have your email and I'll consider it, however it sounds as though you would be juggling quite a lot. You're a partner in a startup and are dipping your toes into another all while on the verge of getting engaged. That tells me that this will simply be a hobby project for you in your minimal spare time.

>> No.8530296

Fair concerns, this is a priority for me.
I'd be happy to explain my time and emotional commitments, among other things, if I hear from you.

>> No.8530311

I'd like to share my personal email with you, if possible, the Yahoo account was made for temporary use.

>> No.8530372
File: 10 KB, 600x694, 1441145426152.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm i wonder who's behind this

>> No.8530375


>> No.8530391


>> No.8530458

Send it to this temp. I'm about to go to sleep, but I may contact you sometime this week. I doubt I'll have much time this weekend.

>> No.8530506


>> No.8530525

Received. Good night.

>> No.8530697

I remember a thread by you earlier this month. You were talking about an experienced caster, show some of his castings.

>> No.8530722

Headed to sleep. Feel free to connect with me via email if you’d like to discuss.