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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 28 KB, 655x509, FMEREWR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8524796 No.8524796 [Reply] [Original]

who /suicidal/ here?

>> No.8525239

bump I cant be hte only one

>> No.8525246


>> No.8525261

It sucks to be honest. I got out of that mindset for a few years, but for the past weeks or so I've really struggled with it. I don't think it has to do that much with crypto. Maybe it's related to the negativity on this board, I don't know. Like anything, it will pass eventually, just got to keep distracted until then.

>> No.8525286

clean up your room and go to the gym

>> No.8525298

Yep I certainly am. If I don’t make it relatively soon I may not stick around much longer

>> No.8525312
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>> No.8525336

I'm all-in on WTC. It's gonna take an exit scam to make me suicidal. Bought in at $1.60, $2.50 and $4 so I'm comfy.

Wish I'd doubled my stack at $45, but oh well. Alibaba is waiting

>> No.8525389

The only reason I'm still alive is clinging to the hope I get to watch people I hate die first.

>> No.8525447

Can't pay bills. No money to finish some investments . phone disconnected and I can't afford to pay for my cars reg and insurance to go find a job and let my business finally die .
Just alive cause I'm too stubborn to end it.

>> No.8525541

Not me because I'm not a pussy whose only problem is I'm not rich fast enough, or mom didn't make my favorite food and wants me to get a job

>> No.8525575

Lookie here

>> No.8525592
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>> No.8525608
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I didn't cash anything out at the top and now I cry myself to sleep every night, the regret is killing me slowly and I don't know what to do to get rid of it. I'm still holding and praying to god that we'll have another bull market this year.

>> No.8525620

Yes, but I don't have the balls to pull the trigger.

>> No.8525722

I think about it occasionally. Ever since I had a hard comedown from MDMA + shrooms at a music festival last year. Made me realize I feel bored with life/work and disconnected from people.
I would probably have kms if I hadn't cashed out most of my stack in January. My timing was pure luck though.

>> No.8525770
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kys don't seel your crypto. Limiting the circulating supply. TY for your service.

>> No.8525786

fuck no. all these faggot mental disorders will be cured in a decade or two. we'll probably reverse aging in our lifetimes. either way we'll have incredible vidya/vr and get paid to chill while robots handle everything. absolutely retarded to kys in current year unless you're already 70 years old. we're right about to enter the most incredible humanity bullrun anons

>> No.8525797

The problem is, you're boring.
Do something with your life for yourself.

>> No.8525800


Yeah, but how good was the experience? Think about what caused the comedown.

Some of my best memories are drug fueled raves with friends, whether real or not is irrelevant.

>> No.8525952

Of course the experience was amazing. My favorite memory is the mutual euphoria with a big group of my friends during Illenium's set. I can't shake the dark realizations of my comedown later that night though.

>> No.8525972

I'm having regular heart palpitations and weird feelings in my chest (like someone blowing cold air into my heart) along with breathing difficulties. I took some tests (ecg and ecocardiogram) and doctors found nothing.
Also have nausea, and dizziness.

Imagine having anxiety this bad that you constantly think you are going to die. Sometimes I feel like speeding up the process

>> No.8526044
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Hanging out with Sayori!

>> No.8526082


Illenium, shit, I am so jealous right now.

I've been listening to them/him/her for the last couple of months now. Where'd you go and the Sound of Walking Away are two of my absolute favorites. That + MDMA is my dream right now. DESU, I've done MDMA probably 10 times and never had a come down, so I guess I'm one of the lucky ones

>> No.8526091

I had a bad trip with weed that caused me despersonalization and im kinda mentaly ill now, i can't drink anymore or do drugs etc and ever since i have became even more depressed than i was before that happend

Im 20 and im not going to reach 25 i can asure you this

>> No.8526113

Give me some bitcoin to leave my dad and I'll livestream my suicide.


>> No.8526123


I am actively monitoring this thread now. That sounds like not just weed. What was the setting and dose?

>> No.8526360

Yes I know I will kill myself one of these days. I will shot a high dose of insuline I've heard this is a easy and effective way of dying. Any other suicide methods suggestions?.

>> No.8526390

Depression is a mental Illness, the right amount of nootropics can cognitively enchance your mind to not feel negativity

>> No.8526419

Weed isn't for everyone. I saw firsthand during my psychiatric hospital rotation how it fucks over people predisposed to schizophrenia. I didn't want to believe it back then because I was a daily smoker for such a long time and never had issues.

>> No.8526429

Let me guess, you have a porn addiction too right? Quit that and your problems will free themselves up.

t. 12 year pothead, quit weed bc I thought it was fucking me up. End up quitting porn and now life is actually worth living.

>> No.8526470

lol you fucking faggots are pathetic, crying over lost money is literally the dumbest thing ever.

fucking weak bitches, never gonna make it

>> No.8526508

Don't do this. I bet you can't even tell me what type of insulin you'd use. You're more likely to wake up in a hospital bed with brain damage.

>> No.8526515
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I am, I was one 2x away from making it and then that fucking roastie crashed the market with her fake news article. Now it has been two months of slow bleeding and I really can't handle this anymore.

>> No.8526525

>decides to exercise discipline and self-restraint
>doesn't cave to simple pleasures nor allow them to dominate his life
>learns to respect himself
>goes on image board
>minimizes the greater lesson by telling people quitting porn is what fixes everything
faggot idiot.

>> No.8526538

if you faggots are gonna kill yourselves I dont really care. All I ask is that you either send your crypto to me or delete your private keys first so the coins become that much more scarce

>> No.8526550

insulin overdose will be a horrific painful death. actually like 90% of the time it fails with this method leaving your brain damaged and in eternal pain and suffering

>> No.8526688
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was suicidal after losing my chem job and being unable to find another in the industry.

but then i found crypto. i'm one of the noobs who got just'd in december. I made a 3x and am now at <50%. But I learned about speculation, I learned about massive gains and massive losses, and more importantly, crypto painted a vision for me.

I got a job in a fortune 500 investment bank and have been being paid to study for the FINRA 7 for the past two weeks. I'm going to be on phones in a brokerage office for a couple years, but the head of my dept. assured me that people in his department have moved into asset management and analysis departments.

I was at the point where I was contemplating suicide daily; I have a 12 gauge shotgun, was thinking a slug to the dome would do it. But at my weakest, I found you niggers and a dream.

The dream is to never worry about money again, and I'm taking it quite seriously.

So in summary:

Buy JNT and GVT.

>> No.8526726
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My father is diabetic I was thinking of using his insuline, Toujeo solostar. Do you thik it will be effective?

>> No.8526741
File: 53 KB, 573x393, A9A22FA4-68B7-4523-B35E-885D8A399AE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

panic attacks. change your diet and get off the boards.

>> No.8526758

I whole heartedly believe that my porn addiction is by far the biggest contributor to the shit my life has become

>> No.8526761

I know it will be painful I was thinking of getting drunk first to numb the pain and conscience so it will be easier. Please if any of yokow of a quicker and more effective way to die tell me.

>> No.8526769

Buy Nembutal

>> No.8526787
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No, it was just weed with heavy panic attack and despersonalization, then after some time i started to have paranoia and im now kinda afraid of everything, i have changed a lot desu i remember i used to enjoy music while drinking, i remember i used to have a lot of friends to party now i don't have friends but at the same time is like i just don't care anymore about anything. i wasn't a drug guy tho, just weed and from time to time, it was just bad setting and strong weed but i have never been the same ever since, i went to visit psychiatrists and a lot of them tried to gave me different pills from risperidona to antidepres i didn't take any of them
Life feels different now, sometimes i get scared out of nothing and start thinking i could go mad or something, other times i feel out of my body, as if i was extremely sleepy or tired, feels like reality is a movie sometimes

I nearly commit suicide but at the same time the feeling of having that exit of being able to kill myself and that at the end nothing really matters i mean, "if everything goes wrong i just killmyself there is no more pressure" kinda gave me some relief and that is how i life my life now, i know sometime sooner or later my mind is going to go from functionally-ill to something much worse and then im going to end it and it's ok, for the momment i just live my life a day to a day or something like that.

>> No.8526816

Thank you. Do you know where can I get it?

>> No.8526835
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Im kind of emotional and angry and irritable today. Ive had sinusitis for almost 2 months, 3 rounds of antibiotics, and all these drugs from the doctor just make me feel worse and emotional. I havent had a full nights sleep in 2+ months since before I got sick. I fall asleep and wake up 1-3 hours in pain with sinus pain, repeat 2-3 times each night then multiple hours of pain when I wake up. Ill have to go back to the doctors probably next week and get more anitbiotics thatll have an even worse effect on my body.

>> No.8526869

I feel you.I had a good childhood and was a happy kid, then things happend and became functionally-ill and afterthat now I'm in the much worse state. It's better to end it now than let things turn much worse. I t could only turn worse from now on I'm just trying to safe myself from that.

>> No.8526920

Not suicidial, yet, but does any of you every now and then has flashes off his life and how you waste it?

Probably playing with internet magical money is one of the few things that keep me going on.

>> No.8526950

Yeah I do, and lately I've been having wonderful dreams of me not wasting my life and spending time with the few people I love

Waking up is hard

>> No.8526955

Unironically considering suicide. My financial situation is good, but I'm lacking human connection. Never had many friends, and now all I do is sit alone in my apartment. 25 khv and I just feel hollow everyday. Tried talking to a girl recently, and thought we were hitting it off, but it turned out she was laughing at me rather than with me. Been in this apartment for 2 years and I don't know anyone in the complex. There's no one checking up on me, so if I died in here no one would know until maintenance came in and discovered me after my utility bills went unpaid for a couple of months. Eh. Thanks for reading my blog

>> No.8526961
File: 91 KB, 920x774, Stone Cold XRP Bash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just go all-in on XRP and see what happens :)

>> No.8526964


i remember that my life was shit , it has always been shit, my dad left when i was 15, my mum was an abusive shit but i could get on with all that, i had some friends, i had music, i was depressed but at least there was hope but then everything changed from a day to another, as i said im going to keep living to see what happens, just because i want to see how far can i my mind go till all blows up and i can't take all this shit anymore.

you want to know the worst? Sometimes i cry and i feel so disconnected from that feeling, i feel that at the same time im not truly feeling anything, sometimes i laugh and i feel so distant from that laugh i feel like i don't truly feel my emotions anymore, and this is the worst, to feel 'weird', 'diconnected' from yourself

Life is such a nostalgic and turbulent trip.

>> No.8527011

XRP could have futures that's the end of a coin. Didn't you know? Stop giving false hope.

>> No.8527036

Ironically it's *very* difficult to kys via insulin. Suicidal T1D here, I would know.

>> No.8527053
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>> No.8527063


Toujeo is garbage, barely works

>> No.8527077


>> No.8527102

Based Jack Ma.

>> No.8527131

What works then?

>> No.8527245

did u sell the bottom ?

>> No.8527255

stop looking at cp then

>> No.8527288

Ill share a secret with you all. After having reached that so called enlightened status of being "debt free", there is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It is instead a never ending battle of greed versus being content. You are forced to face the question: "what is meaningful in life?" and if you think money is the meaning, youll be as sad as I am.
So /biz/ let me ask you, what is meaningful in life to you?

>> No.8527309

What diet would work?

>> No.8527351

This is a good point anon, though I would sub 'debt free' with not having to wagecuck anymore.