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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8522778 No.8522778 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8522801

Insider sources say it's the time to buy. Don't ask questions. It's your one shot. We were never meant to have this! See >>8522629

>> No.8522804

So you can be party of the exclusive stinky linky club! Hang out with the 200 other retards who all own LINK, spam shill /biz/ with them, and have group masturbation sessions to pictures of your beloved leader Sergey!

>> No.8522811
File: 141 KB, 960x541, vitaliksergey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The memes are bretty gud

>> No.8522848
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>> No.8522853
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>> No.8522876 [DELETED] 


>> No.8522877
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pic related

>> No.8523022
File: 85 KB, 376x354, avatarpcl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy fucking peculium you fool

>> No.8523043

What is this?

>> No.8523059

Salesforce just bought, for $6.5 billion, Mulesoft Inc., a company that's about making APIs externally available:
This is the most expensive acquisition Salesforce has ever made. That's because they know how important APIs will be, and ChainLink is poised to connect this API economy to this emerging Smart Contract economy. Salesforce are connected to ChainLink via the dev Dimitri Roche, and Sergey tweeted the Salesforce CEO.

Yes, the API economy is huge and it's growing. How huge? Well, the research consulting company Ovum says that the size of the API economy is going to be 2.2 trillion dollars during 2018. There were ~15,000 public APIs available in 2016, growing by 40 new ones per day during 2015. In 2016, Netflix alone received 5 BILLION API requests PER DAY.
>An API request is equivalent to a "job" that an oracle would do.
>For comparison, Oraclize claims to do "thousands" of jobs per day. That shows just how much room for growth this API/Smart Contract economy has.

If ChainLink can capture just 3% of the $2.2 TRILLION global API economy, that gives it a market cap of $66,000,000,000 - 66 BILLION. Consider that Sergey said there are 19,000 people interested in running a node: that's over 100% of the available public APIs in 2016, so 3% of the market is very conservative. Consider that Starbucks holds 40% of the market share of US coffee shops. We’re not even considering what % of the smart contract economy ChainLink can capture, for which I can't find much on predictions for its value or its current value.

Price per coin multiplied by number of coins determines market cap, so marketcap divided by number of coins gives us coin price. So if LINK captures 3% of the API economy, that gives us a price of $188.

>> No.8523412

Link won't pass 3 dollars end of year if market does good. Listen brainlets just because Link is a good project doesn't mean it just continues to grow with out dumps. What btc and eth has were something different. The chances of link ever being 100 dollars are less than a percent. If you brainlets are okay with that then so be it. But if you think there is like a 75 percent chance it'll be 100 dollars or more you're so fucking delusional I feel bad