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File: 77 KB, 768x512, TrumpEconomicDisaster .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8520414 No.8520414 [Reply] [Original]

Trump Destroying America Edition

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Previous thread >>8515934

>> No.8520428

trump destroying america hahahaha

>> No.8520436
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>> No.8520442

burgers put all your money in to Canadian weed stocks pls. Thanks in advance.

>> No.8520443

This is the end of Dow's campaign!

>> No.8520448
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>> No.8520451
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Respect it.

>> No.8520453

why is that desk so small?!? A slightly larger desk would have better optics, can't even fit the fucking box on the desk

>> No.8520454

This is the real thread



>> No.8520461
File: 93 KB, 1884x985, robinhood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is literally the worst, least intuitive website I've ever used

>> No.8520468

Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04F4xlWSFh0

>> No.8520479

AMRS predictions next week?

>> No.8520482
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God Damnit Drumpf

>> No.8520487
File: 22 KB, 480x360, best of VOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought so high
And held so long
But in the end
It doesn't even matter

>> No.8520490
File: 310 KB, 580x282, c4jt321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the bright cookie from 3 days ago who was posting UVXY prices and making fun of US?

>> No.8520491

fuck off, this one was created first.

>> No.8520494
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>> No.8520500

This. We must know

>> No.8520502
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>> No.8520503
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>Trump Destroying America Edition

>> No.8520504

oh lol
SPX is testing february lows

>> No.8520507


not it wasn't FAGGOT

delete this one

>> No.8520510

I wish I'd held onto mine past Wednesday

>> No.8520522

Dow Theory about to swap to sell. Call how low the flash crash goes tomorrow.

>> No.8520528


Sure hope you're ready to pay alimony, anons.

>> No.8520532
File: 266 KB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20180323-144920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are the anti-gold fucking brainlets? Show yourselves so we can laugh.

>> No.8520539

tomorrow is saturday

>> No.8520540
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Imagine being this new

>> No.8520541
File: 17 KB, 336x291, feargreed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strong buy signal.

>> No.8520543

ITT : brainets who can't 69D chess

What if

Trump is deflating the market which reached retardedly high levels (thanks Obongo) in order for the young people to shitpost with their money on the stock market ?

>> No.8520544
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>> No.8520545



>> No.8520549
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>> No.8520551
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>> No.8520555

i dont see why all you guys are getting FUDed so easily. that one dude who has been spamming the thread has yet to give an argument. the way i see it, the fundamentals havent changed, next ER should be an easy beat and we are gaining steam and clearly outperforming the rest of the market. shit seems ok, just dont be scared if it corrects. it still looks as good long term as it did a week ago, youre just getting FUDed. if youre scared, lock in profits

>> No.8520559
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>> No.8520560


Legitimately thought it was Thursday. I haven't slept in 42 hours because of my losses, sorry.

>> No.8520568
File: 184 KB, 1372x912, ALERT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's Buy the Dip time boyz

>> No.8520570

Under 2600

>> No.8520573

>not investing in uranium when it's cheap

fucking amateurs

>> No.8520577
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IT'S OGRE!!!!!


>> No.8520586

you fucking retard

>> No.8520588
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>> No.8520592

all the dip buyers getting BTFO

the next leg of the bull has to nourished with the blood of the panic sellers

>> No.8520599

>everything tanking
>LockMart mooning
Is it time to buy water and medical supplies yet?

>> No.8520600
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>> No.8520601
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>> No.8520605
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>> No.8520607

If we close at these numbers or lower dow theory is triggered to swap to sell. Prepare you anus.

>> No.8520615

>1:1 retracement
yep confirmed buy more gold and silver monday guys

>> No.8520618


>> No.8520619
File: 189 KB, 484x484, ssswe32r32r32r32r23r23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just went all in on the SP500
all time highs next week

>> No.8520624

he literally is throwing the whole world into a global recession and probably a third world war with the 50 billion in tariffs, and at the same time signing a 1.3 trillion budget for war toys

how fucking stupid one person can be

>> No.8520626

How new are you, did you open your RH account yesterday or the day before?

>> No.8520628

how can LMT have a negative book/sh?

>> No.8520634



>> No.8520638
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>> No.8520639


>> No.8520640
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get over it faggot

>> No.8520641
File: 71 KB, 656x748, stocks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy this shit when MACD and RSI are literally in the shitter

Go ahead anon, do it

>> No.8520646
File: 23 KB, 480x360, heresjohny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seriously though, anons, how fucked are we exactly? I've literally lost more money than I lost in early February.

>> No.8520653

golly gee. i wish i had been more greedy today. was not fucking expecting the nasdaq to slide another 2.5% today. shouldve held onto that SQQQ a little longer.

>> No.8520656

Looks like it worked last time

>> No.8520663
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>> No.8520667

>he doesnt have infinite money to buy every dip

>> No.8520666

Don't use RH whatsoever. I'm only invested in a few companies but the majority of my portfolio is in ETFs.

>> No.8520677


>> No.8520679

buy high, sell low.
MACD is useless 99.9% of the time. only helpful on divergence.

>> No.8520682

I'm back to zero and currently looking at negative returns if I hold any longer... Feels bad man

>> No.8520689
File: 15 KB, 249x359, 250px-Vladimir_Putin_-_2006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MAGA, am I rite Comra- I mean rivals in Capitalism.

>> No.8520691
File: 181 KB, 373x327, HEBS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already did got in at 141.57

>had Market order at 140.
>TQQQ Hit's 140.30
>Jumps immediately to 141

I swear this is rigged.

>> No.8520694

Trump is giving you a dip to buy. Invest in technology like Amazon, Dropbox, and things associated with online payments.

>> No.8520702

Will the spooky spider bounce off SMA200 like the last time?

>> No.8520707
File: 27 KB, 953x578, bull_trap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8520712

Down 25k from ATH, but I still feel like markets are too overvalued to buy. Should have just listened to my gut and sold when I got the chance.

>> No.8520722

What part of making America Great involves collapsing the economy?

>> No.8520727


>> No.8520729
File: 28 KB, 480x360, bogdanoffs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh I probably have more money than most anons. I'm still sitting on a bit. But this is bullshit bro. We're bleeding money from very avoidable stuff.

No...it's not rigged. It's BOGGED.

>> No.8520730

Who else bought puts on FB at 165 a few days ago, whos laughing now zuck?

>> No.8520738

So you got yourself elected. What's the next step of your master plan?

>> No.8520740

Anything below $10 is cheap.
t. Amyris expert

>> No.8520744
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Ignore them. They don't know any better.

>> No.8520749

>be wrong
>be tricked by Russians
>even worse, be Russian
>telling people to get over it

When we handle the traitors, and trust me we will, you guys are going away for a long long time. Enjoy your last days of freedom, Vlad, because now you’ve effectively fucked with the only thing the elite actually care about...their money.

>> No.8520754
File: 56 KB, 600x600, 1511997320908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when we dipped like this before the bounce back profits are insane
if you didnt buy today you are a pussy bitch

>> No.8520755

Is it really that hard to open a Fidelity, or some other broker, IRA or do most of you just not have the minimum deposit amount?

>> No.8520757
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>> No.8520760

LOL, good advice, even better meme.

>> No.8520761
File: 119 KB, 426x341, extreme_sweat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I fomo ????

>> No.8520763

I have some ocean front property in nebraska you might be interested in.

>> No.8520766
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>> No.8520770

Crashing the global economy with no survivors.

>> No.8520774
File: 120 KB, 800x800, smirnoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we're drinking then right?

>> No.8520786



>> No.8520789


Anon you're supposed to buy when RSI is low. That's the whole point of the indicator.

>> No.8520797
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>Just buy the dip lol

>> No.8520804
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>> No.8520805

Yes. I tripled down after earnings at ~$6.
The new floor will be $8, it will range between $8 and $12

market is slow to react so plenty of time to buy and simply wait.

>> No.8520808

I wouldn't be surprised if impeachment comes up soon. They've been putting up with Trump because of taxes, but they'll just as soon dump him if he's no longer useful and actively harming their bottom line. There's already plenty of material to use against him.

>> No.8520811

Jesus christ it's textbook

>> No.8520812

This needed to happen to this overinflated market. Its overall going to be a good thing. Its better to release the steam slowly to fix the damage done by these people against American interests.

China can eat shit.

>> No.8520814
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Who has the balls to SP500 short x3?

>> No.8520816
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read my post again anon

>rsi AND macd

>> No.8520819
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>> No.8520821
File: 6 KB, 234x323, TQQQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear I had my Market order at 140 and some fuckers stepped in front of me.

>> No.8520827

Why is it always right?
I thought they removed this feature after 2008?

>> No.8520833
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>> No.8520840

Lets see what happens next week. This can't possibly continue another week right?

>> No.8520845
File: 1.75 MB, 500x293, 1501730205517.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, but it will

>> No.8520849

Spsx would have been a killer play today.

>> No.8520850
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>> No.8520851
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>> No.8520864

money is going to flow into my safe haven of makeup, gold, and nat gas and I'm going to be filthy rich

>> No.8520866
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The party starts when the market closes. No nikkei tonight either so we got time. I'm takin a shot for each one of you. Fun week.


>> No.8520869
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>> No.8520875

Is this a drunk anime thread now?

>> No.8520880


Post the rest

>> No.8520883
File: 125 KB, 518x672, impeachnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"In victory you deserve champagne. In defeat, you need it." - Napoleon I

>> No.8520894

Champagne is for pussies

>> No.8520895


>> No.8520896

8 cans almost 2 down gonna regret not buying more

>> No.8520897

Wtf I love Drumpf now?
Where do I sign up for the American Foreign Legion?

>> No.8520902
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>> No.8520905
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>> No.8520908
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Fuck you, coalitionnigger.

The local synagogue.

>> No.8520914

>What part of making America Great involves collapsing the economy?
crashing the dollar to increase industrial competitiveness on a global scale with the 3rd world, enacting tariffs and trade renegotiations to rebalance our trade deficit.

big numbers on stock prices dont mean shit if our whole debt economy crashes in on itself. we need actual fucking GDP and exports and industry

>> No.8520915

If it's any consolation more than half my money is in 4/20 spy 280s and a few 290s. I want to cry.

>> No.8520926

This is me man. I've got like 3 shots left. What the hell am I gonna drink tonight?

If i ever make a trip, its gonna be coalitionniger haha

>> No.8520929

But in all seriousness, a crash needs a catalyst

If you analyse the trade barrier meme 's conditions and how the Chinks reacted, nothing has happened yet

Trump is being Trump and put the USA's actual economic interests first (and not the stock market)
China is forced to put on airs of toughness

In overall, there is a high chance a compromise will be found in which both parties keep their faces

Technically speaking, SPX is just short of february's lows. I think we will be trading sideways for some time now, which is a good thing since the market crazy bullrun of previous years.

>> No.8520934
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>leftypol raids every red day

>> No.8520948

We're down like what, 1000 points over two days? Our lives are literally a joke.

>shitposting is leftypol
No, I just don't appreciate people making retarded decisions that cause markets to tank.

>> No.8520952

Hey serious question for one second;

Does the US market close for good friday next week

>> No.8520954

Yeah, how dare people commit wrongthink right in the middle of your personal thread.
Fucking faggot.

>> No.8520961

shorted the QQQ 3x for half the day today, holding from yesterday, but backed out when it hit around 160.75 because i figured i was going to get the horns for staying too long. shits fucked.

we should add FNGD to the hehdgefund as our bet against cuckerberg and his shitty empire

>> No.8520964
File: 4 KB, 230x80, TQQQ2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Sminem, I'm green now


>> No.8520966

I rebalanced all my meme funds into SVXY calls for next week. People better come to their senses this weekend and realize this is a big nothing.

>> No.8520968

When are you guys going to understand that emotions are what drive the market? Not (((fundamentals))). Everyone is scared as shit right now. Nobody cares that McDonald's made 100,000 more burger flipping jobs last year?

>> No.8520969



>> No.8520971

top kek. even if you think he's retarded you should play around it.
is that a catholic thing? americans don't do good friday i don't think

>> No.8520984


I live in new mexico. Good friday is bigger than 4th of july lol.

>> No.8520988

oh nm, looked at the calander, guess it does. memorial day after that

>> No.8520997

guys im not even joking im literally in tears crying like a baby ive lost so much money that took me years to save up
my cousin is dying of cancer and i wanted to try to make money to help her, but all ive managed to do was dig myself into a deep dark hole from which theres no escape
i shouldve paid off my debts or just left my money in savings
instead now im $6.5k poorer with NOTHING to show for it

>> No.8521004
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Buh-buh-buh-but ma Trump bump. Greatest businessman ever gonna take us to the promised Land of MAGA. Fucking keked

>> No.8521011
File: 137 KB, 800x800, toomany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take another shot for that

>> No.8521017
File: 134 KB, 433x480, 1511468182066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop thinking wrong then

>> No.8521028

what day you think itll bounce back? it think monday is going to be an extension of this. a big bag of bear dicks. we blasted right through all the major daily moving averages on the S&P. if its going to bounce somewhere, itll probably be below this.

i agree that there is no real reason for another global selloff (unless this truly is the neo-tech bubble), but perhaps the FED shitpost was more severe than we initially thought?

>> No.8521034

What the fuck? MJ paid a dividend? I got a surprise $1100, looked it up and its an MJ dividend hahahahaha dude weed lmao!!!!!!

>> No.8521043

stop posting anytime

>> No.8521048

Weren't (((they))) saying privacy is dead and that not being on Facebook made you an antisocial criminal? Now all of the sudden they're concerned about privacy.

>> No.8521058


Sure. US markets closing on Good Friday has been a practice since the mid 1800's despite not being a government holiday. There's all kinds of theories why the practice started. It's pretty interesting reading.

Canadian markets are also closed Good Friday, although in that case it actually is a government holiday as well.

>> No.8521059

Yes, this is a sensible bet
Best of luck
I will try to channel my energy to you with my buying of AMRS

That is why I think I shouldn't go with the crowd.
The last crisis happened because of a massive mispricing due to MBS and other shit
Suddenly, people and fiancial institutions were much more poorer than in reality, which triggered various margin calls etc

Currently, I find we are in the middle of fucking nothing. if anything, we may have ETFs amplifying the selloffs but that's it.

I am sorry bro
What can I say except "be strong"

If you try to draw meme lines, it would make sense to see a channel of lower highs and lower lows

>> No.8521065
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So is monday going to crash hard or bounce?

Please respond.

>> No.8521072
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>> No.8521073

I think monday will start low and end lower with lots of swing like today.

>> No.8521079


Yeah the ETF pays out a dividend.

>> No.8521084

cast your votes. i say monday blows but tuesday bounces

>> No.8521085
File: 13 KB, 320x320, User Profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead Cat Bounce on Monday...

And a Crash like you have never seen before on Tuesday.

>> No.8521087
File: 85 KB, 300x300, ca8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weed sell off during the last hour of TSX trading...

It'll be fine, we b-bullish s-sector now r-right guys?

>> No.8521096

Look at the bright side: one less heir to divide assets with

>> No.8521103



>> No.8521104

Fuck bois all power hour did was power fuck me in the ass. Are the bogs into ass stuff and thats why we get raped so often?

>> No.8521107

It's a shit half percent, but when you were expecting 0, thats money in the bank! I think this might bump me over 11.5% yield in my portfolio, nice.

>> No.8521110


*breathes in*


>> No.8521122

There's only so much playing around I can do though before it just becomes a totally absurd situation.

>> No.8521136

crash for sure. DoW is on a journey to 20k

>> No.8521139


Green all day and closed still in the green. Not concerned about that. If anything it cooled off the RSI a little which should set us up nicely for Monday.



>> No.8521140
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>> No.8521142
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Please tell me you're just larping. I want this to just be some dumb post made for (You)s.

>> No.8521152
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>> No.8521154

hide in cash or gold if you don't know what's going on.

>> No.8521158

Capitalism is dead.

>> No.8521164
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Greater fool theory.

>> No.8521176

Holy shit...this is pretty hard to swallow. It feels like I've just been told we're gonna die.

I'm sitting on a small cash reserve.

>> No.8521184
File: 2.00 MB, 250x231, 1519429153645.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6.5K is not that much...

I used to blow 1.5K per weekend on coke and hookers for 2 years.

>> No.8521186
File: 384 KB, 708x503, shitposting_with_money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread
I swear
This image is so true

>> No.8521200
File: 159 KB, 639x642, IncludeInAllScreenCaps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monday is going to be the greenest trading day in history. Screen cap this.

>> No.8521204
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Also I got nothing to show for... but I did have fun !

and not a single fuck was given on that day

>> No.8521205

It's not the fault of capitalism. It is the fault of central banks.

>> No.8521211

We will get some mean reversion towards the upside by Tuesday.

Weekly 20 sma on the Dow has soundly broken, indicative of the beginnings of downward momentum on the weekly time frame, which is a very bad sign. There's always the chance that fundamental news (like the whole trade war thing ending up being a non-issue) can change this. But betting on fundamentals is useless.

>> No.8521214

what was the greenest day of all time?

>> No.8521216
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>buy 10 shares of VFV a month ago at 61.46
>sold yesterday morning at 61.66 to buy WEED
>VFV at 59.43 now

>> No.8521222

on what do you base that ?

>> No.8521231

it sucks, but this is a zero sum game m8. if you arent completely cleaned out, you should start cycling stuff out and reinvesting into things that will be good in a bearish equities market. do your DD and play defensively. we are facing rate hikes, and inflation, as well as strange geopolitical times. invest in harder assets (which can be done with ETFs if you cant hold physical commodities) and precious metals as these will be less likely to fluctuate in regards to trump tweets and stupid shit news, like the equities markets are doing lately. also look into how fixed income works.

>> No.8521245

>this is a zero sum game m8
its literally not

>> No.8521247

>>reinvesting into things that will be good in a bearish equities market.

like what, bonds, basic material stocks? other currencies?

>> No.8521248

I should just walk away from all this and go live in the woods.

>> No.8521267

30 minutes ago you were shitposting harding than anyone. what happened? how much did you lose?

>> No.8521278
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See you on Dead cat bounce Monday.

>> No.8521295

In the past thirty minutes? Nothing really. But I'm down like 400 dollars since two weeks ago, and since last December I'm down like 1000. Overall I'm up about 1700.

>> No.8521302
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Like WM
Because this is where we will all end up

>> No.8521307

My dankfolio is

60% WEED
20% CRON
20% CNNX

Am I gonna make it? Added CNNX to my position today since it seems to have cooled off from that initial pump.

>> No.8521328

I've owned CNXM for a while, steady divs broski

>> No.8521343
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you are like a child. here's my daily loses.

>> No.8521345

yeah i dont know. you got the weekend. do some research. its what ill be doing. i was planning on this crash and have been sitting mostly cash (aside from shorting tech and semis) and avoiding the major equities shit as its all too high and looking weak. look into all that stuff (bonds, commod, materials).

everyones going to have to adjust their game plan if we really crash again, so we might as well get the jump on it. especially those of us with smaller accounts. we can move around with great agility and not get as fucked up as someone with a shit ton of market exposure right now

>> No.8521374
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Getting in to the stock market on the assumption that it is a mature, grownup, rational activity is one of the best ways to get burned and lose your shirt, pants, shoes, and underwear.

>> No.8521381

Free broker no bitching

>> No.8521388
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You're a rich guy.

>> No.8521406

This. Fucking Hussein just caused it to get too high. Trump is a dose of reality. He tells it like it is. So of course the bubble is popping. The real red pill is realizing that it doesn't matter if the market crashes as long as steel and coal jobs come back from China. That's how we have sustainable (true) growth instead of 0bama lies.

>> No.8521409

Hmm, I haven't really considered dividends since the market is so speculative.

If Canopy gets Nasdaq listing I'm finna nut

>> No.8521411

Fucking pleb, I'm down 7k today

>> No.8521414


>> No.8521428

stocks with high dividends are going to be fucking crucial to hold if things get really bearish

>> No.8521436

Well congratulations, you lost money. What's the next step of your master plan?

>> No.8521468
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crashing this economy


>> No.8521476

And let's not forget about the deep narative of Trump and his FED puppets : deleveraging

I think we will be seeing indices going sideways, with lower highs and lower lows.
I wonder when this sideway cycle will end
Maybe when USD and bonds are going up again ?

>> No.8521484
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>> No.8521490

get annihilated chump

>> No.8521491
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I wish that more trumptards had a vestment in the market.

How quickly you would see them flee from the retard. I've lost almost 30k because of this asshole.

>> No.8521503

The economy is fine (based on metrics, I know everyone is going to have their own opinion as to how they view the economy). Don't conflate the stock market with the economy.

Just something I wanted to point out, because I see a lot of people doing it.

>> No.8521509

I voted for trump

>> No.8521530

Almost everyone on here did. It's just that some of us realize that while better than Hillary he's not some messianic figure.

t. also voted Trump but disapprove of a lot of what he does.

>> No.8521539

they expect one of us in the margin calls, brother

>> No.8521540

>I wonder when this sideway cycle will end
>Maybe when USD and bonds are going up again ?
so in a year and a half when rate hikes stop?

face it, this shit is coming down hard and fast, and then it will bounce even harder and even faster. theres only two reasonable things to be doing right now, holding through it with steel hands and drinking a lot, or trying to find the crazy ass opportunities in this market without getting burned. sitting cash is a terrible idea as the dollar is going to inflate and crash in a big way to increase our competitiveness in the global market.

>> No.8521546


>> No.8521554

This pull back is actually a direct result of Obama's dovish FED and the quantitative easing bull shit that propped everything up to begin with. We are now in what I like to call a natural economy with opportunities for people looking for long term growth.

>> No.8521572

Trump won :v) theres nothing you can do about it

>> No.8521581

what bagholder said >>8521554
but i also wanted to add that youre a whiny faggot. blaming a fucking politician for singlehandedly crashing the fucking market. no wonder you lost 30k you fucking tard

>> No.8521617

Nobody gives a single fuck about what what tripfaggot says or thinks.

>> No.8521627

>what what
Heh...tough luck, kiddo.

>> No.8521632

Trump won :)

>> No.8521640

And then when the stock markets go back up Hur Dur thus is nothing to with Trump also since trump has been president the stock market is way up from what is was before he was in office

>> No.8521653

Sure I may have lost 27% today, but I made 11% this week. That's pretty good. You just need to fix your attitude and adjust your strategy. Make a plan and follow through. I didn't follow my plan. I could have saved my self a good 22% had I just cut losses earlier.

>> No.8521655

Yeah, well, we'll cross that bridge if and when we get to it.

>> No.8521660

Not the popular vote :v)

>> No.8521667

>blaming drumpf
i'm down 0.23% today. maybe you should learn how to buy stocks better

>> No.8521670
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>> No.8521673
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>he fell for the Russia meme

>> No.8521688

I don't know, Trump said there won't be a stock market crash on his watch
But he never said anything about a slow trending down

Trump has been handed a bag of african worms, I think he is actually trying to make do the best he can

I think you shouldn't only look for USD strength only in the interest rates as the latter don't tell the whole story.

Speaking with you shitposters got me thinking.
I should take a look at the trade balance : any enhancement means a more sound dollar and more US exports.

>> No.8521694
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how bout you take some time, sit down, and try to figure out how the fuck you lost 30k in a market was up over 30% and has only corrected 10%. sounds to me like you trade like a fucking faggot

>> No.8521696

America was never a pure democracy, thank god

>> No.8521708

Libtard or conservative, wheres the sauce sir?

>> No.8521719
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So much this
In a true demomeme, the most populous states would de facto be the ones dictating the whole countries' politics
Imagine the USA ruled by California

>> No.8521741

I love the
>1 ID by this post
Shills that come here every time there's a dip

>> No.8521744

>I don't know, Trump said there won't be a stock market crash on his watch
trump is a populist. his long game seems to be to weaken the dollar for the reasons i stated. and he has no fucking control over the FED, which desperately needs to correct from the overly dovish lala land that equities were in under obama.

>I think you shouldn't only look for USD strength only in the interest rates as the latter don't tell the whole story.
of course not, theres also inflation to deal with right now. we have interest rates AND inflation increasing at the same time. this is no good

>I should take a look at the trade balance : any enhancement means a more sound dollar and more US exports
again, i think there are more variables at play that you are not thinking about. i expect to see the exact opposite in terms of dollar strength, but an increase in exports to developed countries (as well as an obvious decrease to exports in china and the 3rd world)

>> No.8521748

China, but with transgenders, HIV infected liars, and a cesspool of hollywood pedophiles.


>> No.8521765

As opposed to a handful of 70iq cousin fuckers in a flyover states dictating the economic direction of the places that actually generate wealth in this country?

>> No.8521793
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>> No.8521801

I live in california, and I want this place and all of its people to be genocided
if not for trump this would be even more of a marxist paradise

>> No.8521802

Lol, eventually /smg/ will all come around to my strategy :-)

>> No.8521834

You joke, but inb4 Trump replaces himself or some shit over the weekend.

>> No.8521851

You unironically think the corporations don't run this country? Trump has the lowest approval ratings of any president since modern polling began and is under investigation for collusion with a foreign power. Bill Clinton was impeached for having an affair, there's any number of things that they could impeach Trump for.

>> No.8521853

Let me get this straight:

> Zombie economy is propped up by cash for clunkers style commie programs and QE funny helicopter money.
>the stock market rises from 09-13 while the real economy teeters on the brink of recession.
>the stock market keeps rallying predominantly into meme stocks like Amazon, facebook, netflix and tesla whilst massive corruption under democratic mismanagement is happening.
>Market goes completely berserk under muh Trump MAGA and is still in the running ro become the longest bull market of all time everybody thinks they are an investing genius and will never have to work again because they bought bitcoins or netflix stock.
>the fun stops
>/biz/ cannot cope

Never change, /biz/

>> No.8521864

He said he would never turn his back on us and desert us.


>> No.8521872

Clinton was impeached for lying under oath not an affair.

>> No.8521874


I no joke


>> No.8521898

theyre over reacting. they will probably even out by monday morning. futures move around all fucking crazy when the markets are closed. especially after a day like today

dividends seem like a nice way to offset bearish or flat markets. and bonds seem fucked. need to find something to hold onto, as cash is going to be terrible. whats your opinion on SCHH? just found it, it has a real low expense ratio, is a REIT, and has a pretty good looking dividend. also i get free commision as its a schwab ETF. seems like a no brainer right?

>> No.8521903

he has better ratings than Obama did at this point his his term.
might want to check your (((facts)))

>> No.8521904

That's the lovely result from today's trading.

>> No.8521913

why do people panic if we turn bear....just get into a shorting ETF whats the problem? why do people have emotional ties to corporations?

>> No.8521932


Don't insult me haha. AT LEAST 5%, and thats even poor. The lowest yielding stock I have is like 7%, besides dude weed lmao which is just my /smg/ meme play with a few bucks. Try things like NRZ OHI MORL CLM.

How's the nadex demo coming?

>> No.8521941

Are we really going lower than FEB's low? Like seriously how would that even be possible. inb4 meme graph crash, there's like no fundamental reason for the whole bottom to fall out. Unemployment is at the lowest it's been in decades. I don't see how this shit could crash further than it already has.

>> No.8521943

I don't care politicians trying to be populist, nazis, communists or whatever.
The only thing that matters is if that is actually beneficial in the LONGER TERM

So far, I find Trump is doing a great job, considering the hands he has been dealt with. And somehow it makes me sad that people won't be seeing Trump's beneficial action results anytime soon

You shouldn't view a weak currency as necessarily undesirable. USD should be weak because of the cumulative trade deficits. A weaker currency helps rebalancing the trade account since it favors exports.
Trump and the FED are actually working in tandem.
Negative effects of rising interest rates are counter-balanced by
- tax cuts and massive deregulations to favor productivity through investments
- fight money scarcity (because expensive) through government spending and oversea cash repatriation

There are surely other causes. It may seems I am sucking Trump big fat cock. In fact I am. I wish there were 4 more guys like him in this world.

Yeah, there must be much more variables to consider as for a currency's strength but I am always trying to learn

t. a europoor

>> No.8521953

Nice alternative facts.

>> No.8521960

a whole bunch of newfag hedgefunds went full leverage on the market, this is just them getting liquidated

>> No.8521962

It could crash further if things between ourselves and the Chinks escalate.

>> No.8521976

>Market going south? FOMO bought at the ATH? No problem. Just buy one of our (((inverse ETFs))).

When the real selling starts, not even bear ETFs are safe. Most of them didn't even exist outside of the current market cycle.

>> No.8521982

You mean like me?


>> No.8522002

>Calls himself a newfag

The absolute state of /smg/ haha

>> No.8522007

I hardly trust a company to keep their balance sheets accurate, much less trust partisan polling orgs (who were off by 20 points in many states, mind you)
But several polls are saying he's tied with Obama, nothing close to this "worst" in history nonsense.

but i'll leave the losers who lost 10k today with their 20 point variance polls, I'll stick with my 0.23% losses for the day.

>> No.8522008


>> No.8522013

it seemed alright for an ETF, and the fact that i get no commissions makes it seem like a good place to go hide from inflation with a portion of my stack. havent really looked too much into individual stocks for the real high dividends but i will.

>How's the nadex demo coming?
its coming. i fucked around with it for a bit, just to see what max pain looked like, got down to 20k from the initial 25k, then had a good run, made it back to about 24k, and then fucked it all up. back at 22k. gimme a couple months. i dont know if ill ever feel "comfortable" with it, but im definitely going to try at some point for real. its a lot of fun just as a demo thing anyways

>> No.8522034

>ry things like NRZ OHI MORL CLM.
In your style of investing, do you care about the actual values of the stocks ?

Usually, with high dividend, it means high payout ratio which means less reinvestment and in turn, theoretically lower future cash flows for the companies.

Am I missing something ?

>> No.8522035

4/20 my duder

>> No.8522071

lel I registered for a free account for shits and giggles and I didn't understand a damn thing

>> No.8522103

Well start with those stocks. I posted my whole portfolio like a month ago, idk if you were here for that, but those are all great div-growth stocks.

Are you familiar with the Parabolic SAR? That really raped nadex for me. I made a ton of money with that.

Well, the value of the stocks is less important, but still important nonetheless. When you are long-term investing, a drop in price (like today) is just a good chance to releverage your positions. A dividend growth portfolio is all about cost basis. Keep in mind though, dividend growth with like 1K isn't gonna net you much. I have about 80k invested and it pays my bills. I work rinky dink jobs for spending cash.

Think of things in terms of percentages. If the options contract costs $75, there is a 75% chance of it winning basically. Nadex is the only platform that pays you for taking risks. Just do demo first is all I suggest.

>> No.8522171

why would that occur, how could both bear and bull ETFs tank at the same time, why do they exist?

>> No.8522191

Decay, look er up

>> No.8522193

>You shouldn't view a weak currency as necessarily undesirable
i dont. youre misreading me. crashing the dollar is necessary to the overall economic health of the future of the US. i believe trump knows this. but hes not going to come out and say it because the media would kvetch up a storm about how "drumpfs purposefully tanking the economy". no matter what happens, idiots will try to blame the markets crashing on politics because they are addicted to politics. and when they like the politician they try to attribute the gains to the politician. its pandering. the markets do what they want.

so while all the normies will by crying and laughing over the latest episode of the apprentice, or are out looking for russians under their beds, the people with know how are trying to make money from all of this. im trying to do the latter

you dont have to post your shit if you dont want. i really want to take some time to study up on some things myself anyways for the weekend. gotta find my own trades ya know?
>Are you familiar with the Parabolic SAR? That really raped nadex for me. I made a ton of money with that.
i have a basic understanding of how it works, but ill look into it more

>> No.8522211
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Pls no bully bagholder. He’s gonna buy me hookers one day.

Also this. I lost 20% today but I knew it was coming. I bought in against my better judgement. Nobody to blame but me.

>> No.8522220

Thank you for your intake
Yeah, a good investment must be something that retain the principal (invested capital) while paying you returns (dividend or SP growth)
I regret buying shares of a pachinko company which is a dying industry that is getting laced with all kind of red tape by the nihon government. The payout keeps shrinking and so is the SP.

>> No.8522242

Bear ETFs (((rebalance))) after the end of each day, so there's no such thing as holding it long term for gains.
even in a bear market, its only the relative difference between each day that matters.
you could be completely right on long term direction and lose money

>> No.8522252
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Untighten the SAR a few points and you'll be set, i don't wanna give away strats but you're a cool dude haha

And no, i posted my shit already. Pic related from portfolio like a month ago or so.

Exactly. Check out the "dividend champions list". This will give you some good stocks that consistently raise dividends. No point in buying if they are just gonna cut which triggers a selloff, which triggers a cut, which triggers a selloff, etc.

>> No.8522259

if youre using leveraged, inverse or inverse leveraged etfs, try to limit how long you hold them. premarket and afterhours fluctuations can fuck you up if youre on the wrong side

>> No.8522261

have a good night

>> No.8522276
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>> No.8522290

Take it easy.

>> No.8522291

Then you're either a retard or you didn't start investing until this January

>> No.8522314

thanks a bunch man. and yeah dont give out your strats. if im worth it, ill figure my own out.

>> No.8522316

I agree bro

This has nothing to do with finance but when you look at Trump, he is actually one of the few world leaders to have children. Children who actually looks like him. He is far from the "my wife's son" meme. The rest of them look so dead, empty with nothing to fight for.

As for your holding, a fund manager I like suggested only holding good value companies (like 60%), the rest in cash (20%) and gold (20%). Even the cash should be converted into JPY.

Maybe we are in a time we should be patient and wait it out, who knows ?

>> No.8522324

He’s a retard. It’s well known the market, Twitter, Reddit, and scores of normies collectively shit themselves everytime he does something. This was just a double whammy.

>> No.8522327

My assumption going into next week is that sellers know buyers will be looking to get in on a dip. The sellers will try squeeze them out as much as possible, and make it as hard as possible to get any sort of upward momentum going (something which they did very effectively this week). It means sellers are in total, this thing only goes up once they start closing some positions and taking profit, and most likely entering into long positions themselves.

I'll be increasing my long bets, but I've also started hedging with some shorts.

>> No.8522335

I'm just trying to help some people out haha. If someone gets rich from my strategy, they owe me at least like 3 drinks, which is a gain for me long term hahahaha

>> No.8522340

>It means sellers are in total
*total control

>> No.8522359

If I get rich off of something you say I’ll personally blow you and swallow your load. Unfortunately that’ll be no homo though.

>> No.8522383

wtf this doesnt make any sense. why would a seller want to drop the price? why would buyers want to increase the price? why would you enter a long right after closing a long?

>> No.8522400

im looking at long oil, various commodities, precious metals, real estate basd ETFs, farmland based ETFs etc... hard asstes. i think alot of the value memes are overvalued so for equities im looking for companies that are already undervalued, with big upside potential. so "growth" i think.

and yes, holding USD is a terrible idea right now, as it is going to inflate a lot

>> No.8522412 [DELETED] 

you know Blue Chips usually do Stock buy back on Dips like these, and these guys go deep pockets, they are gonna squeeze the shorts out on Monday they Could get their friends out of the market at a good price.

>> No.8522422

'contrarian' lele

>> No.8522436

I meant to reply to >>8522327

>> No.8522505

Don't be a fag. By me some drinks and we'll get our dicks sucked by some out of town breezys at the hotel I'm about to start working at next week haha. Practice first tho, I practiced for a full year before getting raped on overseas options, then nadex, and now dividend investing. Education is paramount.

>> No.8522569
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>All credibility lost

I'm drunk /smg/ don't hate me

>> No.8522605

Yeah makes sense
Also with all the shenanigans happening, the notion of value stocks should of course be revised

I won't buy, let's say KO, just because it is a viewed as a traditional value stock. I would analyse it like I do for every other companies.

Also, if you can, take a look at Bakkafrost, a salmon farming company. Solid company, prudent management yet aiming at growth, sector is consumer staples which is a safe haven, various equally weighted geographical markets. That could be part of your end of the world portfolio.

>> No.8522623


kill yourself

>> No.8522663

It fuckin is in a trade war m8

>> No.8522676

no, its not.

>> No.8522701

Relax m8
A good think to do would be to short China

>> No.8522740

That’s what I’m doing. Took $45 I had and dumped into RH. Made nearly 300%, till today. I think I’m gonna trade small at least one more year before I invest more.

>> No.8522742

Fellas, it's okay. Especially if you get into the routine of putting a percentage of your income into the market every week/month, it really sinks in that it always goes up more than it goes down. The stress really goes down with consistent and regular contributions

>> No.8522747

quite a convincing argument you got there bud. go back to /leftypol/. jim is selling your data btw

>> No.8522774

lmao nice try triptard

>> No.8522775

If I can offer some advice, take the fuckin profits. If you have a chance to take some money, take it, that's my number one rule.

>> No.8522837

How do I invest in developing markets?

>> No.8522856


>> No.8522862
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ETFs broski

>> No.8522880
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im legitimately confused. can you not spoiler on 4chan anymore? what the phuc?

>> No.8522887

back to the kiddie boards with you

>> No.8522918
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were at the kids table bud. where do you go down from here? honestly asking

>> No.8522919


You need ACBFF, they have a bigger production capacity than Canopy.

>> No.8522926

Crypto lol

>> No.8522955

so put in orders for gold etf's, short etf's, and bonds on Monday. then when things look up then we buy back in and buy cheap af blue chips

>> No.8522974
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>muh coal jurbs

>> No.8522982
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>> No.8523074
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Reminder to keep calm and Trust Trump.

>> No.8523170

will this be the first time /smg/ lasts till the weekend?

This shit is intense, my body is ready for the crash monday

>> No.8523241

well we're autosaging so unless you want to make a new thread..

>> No.8523275

Myanmar is a hidden gem. It's so hidden, no ETF exists for it yet.

>> No.8523444

zoom out a bit and see tech and sp500 and other are a bit retarded, more pullback incoming

>> No.8523503

I think it will the country of the next manufacturing boom since slavery and human rights disregard are enforced by their government, making it very competitive

>> No.8523575

OK so here's the difference between between whats happening now and 2008. In 2008, large companies started to suffer liquidity problems which preceded the subsequent equities sell off and market crash.

Today, no such thing have occured. Books on all major firms remain healthy, and so far no banks or large tech firms have sought for additional liquidity. So the current sell-off is purely sentiment driven, and unlikely to last long. In a way this is good as it blows some of the excess valuation off companies like Amazon, returning them closer to their true values.

>> No.8523679


>> No.8523736

the sad part about all of this, even though stocks are crashing HARD right now, its still 10x better than being in crypto. part of me wants to be smug at the shitcoiners, as they were relentlessly smug at me for learning to trade securities instead of crypto, but the other part of me feels really bad for all the people who were probably in the "made it" catergory, before it all came tumbling down. and i doubt they got out in time. looking at those charts gives me the shivers.

>> No.8523825

It's like the feeling of being a first responder at the station house fire. All those people getting burned.