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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8511984 No.8511984[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's be honest here, BTC is going to 5000 isn't it?

>> No.8511986


>> No.8511988

Let's be honest here, Tyrone is going to jail isn't he?

>> No.8512023

Slide thread. Sage and report.

>> No.8512044

>spend all your prime years locked away in your room studying TA patterns and trading
>stress of moons and crashes push you near the brink of sanity
>tested quantum immortality on a number of occasions
>finally catch a break and make it and get a nice wife
>fast forward 20 years and your daughter is in pic related

Why even live

>> No.8512105

Depoends on it breaking 8350 support which signals a downtrend.

>> No.8512133

Fuck off you filthy kike
saged reported

>> No.8512398


>> No.8512495

Niggers should all die. Unless they vote republican. Those ones could just go back to Africa.

Whites are only about 10% of the global population and dropping, niggers are 30% and rising, despite most of them being violent amd good for nothing. Racial purity is literally a matter of survival not only for the White race, but the whole human race. Humanity is literally fucked without White people.

At the very least, taking race-mixing to the max means there will be no White bitches" left for tyrone to black. But blacks aren’t capable of thinking that far ahead, for provably genetic reasons.

I hope you’re having fun "triggering racists". Keep it up. If you can trigger enough White people, you can win the prize of complete extermination of the entire failed black race.

>> No.8512516
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Jew betcha it is

>> No.8512548

I guess. The last "bullish sign" was the G20 everybody was waiting for. Even if the market is controlled by whales, this week had the chance to start a new bullrun. Now I have really no idea what could bring some new investors / big money, besides Tether and Whales. I guess we have to wait for a while. Is there anything on the list that could influence the market?

>> No.8512572

No ones interested in crypto anymore. Not until it has a mainstream uptake for real work use. So yes it’s possible, but most likely it will trade within a channel of support and go nowhere for months. Personally I’m selling my entire crypto stake and alt coins until I feel more comfortable

>> No.8512587


Tax day for Americans soon.

>> No.8512598

it's going to 500 HAHAHHAHA

>> No.8512608

So Americans get their Taxes back?
Do you know when exactly? Thx.

>> No.8512624

hahahahaha please keep it up OP

>> No.8512664

newfag gtfo

>> No.8512673

Nobody knows what the price is going to be, least of all fudding pieces of shit like you.

>> No.8512723

Down to 2.8

>> No.8512867


>>>/pol/ bait