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8510691 No.8510691 [Reply] [Original]

if you had to place a probability on it, how likely would you say it is that BCH will inherit 80% of BTC's wealth in the next 5 years?

>> No.8510706

Less than 1%.

>> No.8510715


>> No.8511058

How likely is it that BTC market cap will become 20% of BCH market cap in the next 5 years? Pretty unlikely Desu Senpai, Bitcoin Cash still has a lot of problems inherent in Bitcoin, electricity consumption, transaction fees, high block time. Fixing these issues would result in a coin so dissimilar to the current BCH, that It would almost certainly become a new fork. In 5 years time it is likely BTC will have changed dramatically as well, eventually BTC will have to increase the block size or it will perish. The answer you seek ultimately lies in the success of side chain technology like the lightning network. I think Bitcoin will fail, but I don't think this will be good for BCH. Bitcoin will become a curiosity without smart contracts, I'm sure some die hard crypto enthusiasts will keep a version of the network going, however this network will be inferior in every way to a proof of stake, dapp enabled blockchain. I guess there is an argument that if Bitcoin was to enable smart contracts, they would be more easily implemented in BCH than in BTC. The analogy that I think is fitting, is that Bitcoin is AOL. An ancestral relic, soon to be dead. buried and cremated.

>> No.8511563

> China bans bitcoin
> China recognizes the one true Bitcoin, BCash
> China wins trade wars, people want money of glorious chinese empire
> BCH 20x

>> No.8511584

Less than 1%
If BTC dies, people will switch to ETH

>> No.8511604

90% that bch not only has 80% btc market share but entire crypto marketcap

>> No.8511656

this is a novel but respectable opinion

>> No.8511749

Honestly I think it's very low, like less than 1%. It's only getting lower each day too, as LN keeps on improving.

BCH's only point in even existing is because some users wanted larger blocks in order to temporarily have lower fees. Many didn't want this because it was a short-sighted solution that also made some trade offs in terms of security and node centralization.

Once LN is fully developed and deployed, there'll be instantaneous transactions and low fees that are hundreds of thousands of times higher scale than what larger blocks alone can achieve.

>> No.8512063

Sounds about right. Any scenario in which massive wealth flows out of BTC and in another crypto is more likely to benefit ETH or an hypothetical new crypto (all current ETH competitors fall short).

>> No.8512485
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>> No.8512547

uh never. have you seen how cheap btc transactions are these days ever since they made segwit the default? Were talking 0.01 cent transactions. The entire purpose of bch just got btfo

>> No.8512614

I really hate BCH.
Like ASIC mining isn't centralized enough, now you need industrial servers to run a full node.

I think BCH will either take over in 1-2 years or not at all.