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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8510417 No.8510417 [Reply] [Original]

2 hours.

>> No.8510432

easiest 4x in my life.

this is like ripple getting on coinbase.

>> No.8510506

unironically went all in

>> No.8510522
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easiest 10x in my life

>> No.8510547

don't forget coinone in a few days (after token swap)

>> No.8510610

Holy fuck this will be good

>> No.8510655

Lol good luck if you think this is about to moon with the listing its already priced in

>> No.8510673

Never underestimate the koreans

>> No.8510676

>pretending to know what's priced in and what isn't
>in this market

Kill yourself unironically

>> No.8510724
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>> No.8510739
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lol there are still retards around that buy coins when they're listed on new exchanges?

>> No.8510753

>newfag isnt aware of bithumb.
lol you will learn a lesson today.

>> No.8510770

Its already on upbit, the korean exchange rhat took over from bithumb with the most volume, and its dumping on there, why would it pump on bithumb?

>> No.8510788

no it hasnt retard. check bithumb

and bithumb has only 10 coins, not 200 like upbit. its the same as coinbase

>> No.8510791
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If I ever break even on this piece of shit I will be so grateful.

>t. bought a couple thousand at $9.55

>> No.8510825

Is not December anymore, even for Koreans a 4x is out of mind. It will barely pump, dump and then pump in a week or so.

>> No.8510831

whats happening in 2 hours? upbit?

>> No.8510833

Where is the source that it lists in 2 hours.

>> No.8510865

Also it was already on Binance, Koreans are far ahead compared to USA and Euro fags, they already know how to use and buy cryptocurrencies. They're not like our beloved burger normies that buy only what's listed on Coinbase.

It's a sell the news situation to me, but good luck.

>> No.8510875

I get a very strong feeling this dip is people selling the news. I find it unwise myself.

>> No.8510934


>> No.8510994

you're basically stuck waiting until the next bull run which might not happen until december again.

my best advice for you would be sell your bags now to go in to something low like nano.

>> No.8511021

Or... Just hold and accumulate more cryptos.

>> No.8511027

sure. keep hodling goy. how's that 80% down from january going from hodl life goy. good goy.

>> No.8511063

ICON(ICX) is going to be available at Bithumb as of March 23, 4:00 PM(KST)
From Twitter.

40 minutes?

>> No.8511070


What twitter?

>> No.8511096
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And it's only just listed with a KRW pairing, trading 20c higher than Binance. The Koreans are coming.

>> No.8511112


>> No.8511122

anyone gonna sell the pump?

>> No.8511137

Naturally. The main problem in the thread is people thinking one won't happen. It has another 50% in it easily though anything after that is questionable.

>> No.8511160

So it's not the 25th but the 23rd now?

>> No.8511177
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but how do i know when to sell

>> No.8511194

You put a sell order in for half of your stack at 2X and then stop caring. That or gauge the rate of climb and sell when momentum starts to slow.

>> No.8511212
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Had to screencap these dipshits for future shitposting. I merely told them to take profits at 3.70 because it was obvious a correction was coming for btc and ICX and buy the dip. We just saw 3.19 a second ago. Imagine being as big of brainlets as the people in that thread.

>> No.8511253

price is 3.30 right now and keeps pumping

>> No.8511289

Whales playing games on Binance with fake sell walls

>> No.8511291


You still would have made a shit load of free coins from not being a brainlet at this price. But emotional trading gets you fucked up. Don't worry though, we will see Icon under 3 within the week to make sure they feel stupid.

>> No.8511318

you probably told people to sell at $2.80 and $3 and $3.50 too. Do you really think it's reasonable to expect traders to be able to time the top and bottom with that kind of accuracy?
>hurr durr i said sell at $3.70, if you did and bought back right at the bottom you'd have made so many coins
fucking hell you're dumb. If you're such a great trader, why are you posting on biz on a thursday night instead of getting sucked off by an escort?

>> No.8511320

>2x during this bitcoin fuckery
it's actually interesting how market reacts

>> No.8511333

i bought at 37k sat and planning to sell at 40-45k, feels comfy

>> No.8511344

Just because something goes 2X doesn't mean it's sustainable.

>> No.8511345


Nah. The pump was obviously going to go long until resistance was met since this was what retards thought would give them an immediate ethereum pump. The resistance was met at 4100 sats so you sell there freely no risk. Just use your brain and you can make it. Now you have some risky bags with btc taking another shit. Enjoy yourself trying to moon with a trade war going on and btc caught in the middle.

>> No.8511361

binance freezing like crazy right now

>> No.8511383

im guessing its gonna dump after this, doesnt seem sustainable with BTC fucking around

>> No.8511398

My 2 cents are on a double top at 44000 sats and dump.

>> No.8511403

9 minutes bros. Oh shit. I've waited 3 months for this

>> No.8511416


Ain't a bad call. Let's see where the resistance is. If Koreans can really take destroy ICO holders then I will freely congratulate y'all.

>> No.8511443

oh shit 4 minutes

>> No.8511447

It will be really interesting to see which way this goes but I'm thinking a 50% rise within six hours before a dump.

>> No.8511469

1 more minute you bitch ass niggas

>> No.8511481


>> No.8511487

The volume on Binance is already insane

>> No.8511488

is it lsited or what??

>> No.8511491
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All in baby

>> No.8511492

like i said, Mr. Trader Genius, why are you shitposting on /biz/ instead of fucking an escort if you're such an excellent trader? Another thing, I bought icx at the bottom last week and my bags are hot air balloons.

>> No.8511493


>> No.8511501


Sell volume lol

>> No.8511504
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>> No.8511510


>> No.8511516
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where is it

>> No.8511523


It's a Thursday. I am hard at work scalping and shitposting. Dunno why I would waste money on that shit. I bought rebought in at 1.67 and sold at 3.60 and am not rebuying this until 2.50 at most. I've made 28k off of Icon and it's rarely accounted for more than 15% of my port. Hold them bags my nigga. Hold them tight.

>> No.8511533


>> No.8511550

we got trolled only deposits trading is on the 25th.

>> No.8511551

Hahahahahahaha. I didn't think I would be instantly proven right. This is rich.

>> No.8511568

>ICON(ICX) is going to be available at Bithumb as of March 23, 4:00 PM(KST)

>> No.8511567


>> No.8511569

how low we going now?

>> No.8511572


>> No.8511577


>> No.8511581

ya for deposit not trading ahahahaah

>> No.8511582


>> No.8511592

Is it dumping or pumping

>> No.8511595
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why is red pump on korean exchange

>> No.8511601
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>> No.8511603


>> No.8511606

lol I imagine you retards panic buying and panic selling at every movement of this shitcoin.

>> No.8511609

Those sells, hahahahaha.

>> No.8511615

>larping this hard

>> No.8511620


>> No.8511622

ive been holding for so long i feel nothing

>> No.8511623


>> No.8511624

I just realized all the gooks in SK who own tons of this coin from being on the team bout to dump. All those insiders and friends of the people on the team. It's all bullshit man.

>> No.8511640


How do those bags feel? How does it feel to be literally proven wrong in one single thread? Do I legitimately need to post pictures of my binance? Kek

>> No.8511644

tfw I have been holding only OMG since August and ICX since December.


>> No.8511653
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dude this is embarrassing, put away your inspect element and just stop posting

>> No.8511655

Just go fuck your self

>> No.8511671

Man when korea wakes up this is going to explode

>> No.8511688

not sure if you're baiting or not but it's 4pm in korea tardo

>> No.8511696
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>> No.8511703


I seriously feel bad for you guys. That's why I pay special attention to ICX and OMG threads because you can still make money from these coins. You just can't holding anymore. People are outright lying to you people to get you to fomo in and foot their bill for cashing out and it makes me cringe.

>> No.8511704

they are up lol its 4 in the afternoon there

>> No.8511711

kek pretty sure they're selling it instead of buying oh well cya guys in 2 months

>> No.8511715


>> No.8511722

>Man when korea wakes up this is going to explode
maybe he wanted to say that he cant wait for koreans in US to wake up

>> No.8511723



>> No.8511726


B-but it was going to 5x!!! They told me Monero and EoS did!

>> No.8511734
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Holding my bags

>> No.8511738

>I feel bad for you guys
>it's why I antagonize you

kek. Yeah, you're a bleeding heart alright.

>> No.8511746

Welp. I waited 3 months for this moment and it's all over. I will take tomorrow to contemplate my life. Have a good night folks I'm out.

>> No.8511760

Lol you must have sold at the bottom. Why waste your time posting in caps. Get a life.

>> No.8511762

I honestly think fud aside everything will fuckig 2x-3x fucking the crypto market growing and reaching 1t marketcap

>> No.8511766

koreans bought the ico right

>> No.8511768


The last thread I begged people to sell at resistance and they smugly told me to fuck off and stay poor. In this thread I told people that this listing was meaningless and to be cautious. Trying to be helpful is not antagonizing. Try to listen to people with more insight to the market once in awhile instead of dumbasses that use the word lambo unironically.

>> No.8511770

u guys do realize deposits are enabled today and trading starts sunday right?, kek

a quick google search will provide source

>> No.8511775

relax lads, it will fly after chinese new year

>> No.8511780


>> No.8511785

wait you thought it was going over 43000 sats? That was a complete double up from the bottom. You realize that is equivalent to a 10x in December's market right? ICX has made huge gains these last few days. Book em and move on

>> No.8511787

Just wait a few days, we will see usd 4 ez

>> No.8511797


Amen. If you got in at the sub 2 dip then just take your profits. It's too risky right now. When we see some actual fight maybe put a little back in. But for now this is suicide to stay in. Especially if btc makes a break for 7k again.

>> No.8511798

>expecting anybody to listen to randos on 4chan.

Where do you think you are?

>> No.8511805

Its currently the summer solstice in Korea. When its over we MOON

>> No.8511824

red dildo

>> No.8511828


You read something and then you judge whether or not it has merit and truth. There were people in the last thread that listened and I am sure they're thankful in some small way. What I said was explained in great detail of how this listing gives Koreans the ability to sell to KRW for the first time which is scary. If you thought about that you would see that it wasn't worth the risk and at least took the 80% profit you made on that pump out logically.

>> No.8511830

we get it, you sold 2 hours ago
FUDing on 4chan isn't going to change the price

>> No.8511836

holy shiot almost $4 on bithumb

>> No.8511840


I sold yesterday and I will stay out until 2.50.

>> No.8511848

check bithumb for me, buddy

>> No.8511853


>> No.8511863


Check bithumb prices of btc. Lost in translation.

>> No.8511865

too bad binance isnt catching up kek

>> No.8511866

I still think it's going to go up. I'm more concerned with the volume on Bithumb than anything else. It keeps going up rapidly without price movement.

>> No.8511874
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>> No.8511875
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Holy fuck....its pumping. ITS PUMPING

>> No.8511882

how long does it take for other exchanges to update their price to the butthumb price?

>> No.8511883

Wait why are the good candles red?

>> No.8511887


>> No.8511888

Bought at 38000 sold at 39800.

Didn't want to be greedy incase the koreans dump on me

>> No.8511895


>> No.8511901

where did you set your sell orders?

>> No.8511906

did he died?

>> No.8511918

He's rushing to buy

>> No.8511924


>> No.8511925


Are you guys even looking at bithumb or binance? Lol

>> No.8511935

Volume has gone up 6M in the past 20 minutes. I wouldn't make any definitive statements about the direction until volume is at 80M.

>> No.8511941

Thought this shit was happening on the 25th and missed the pump. Gook'd again

>> No.8511942

Anyone have an actual link to bithumb chart?

>> No.8511946



>> No.8511961


>> No.8511971

>being this obsessed
did you sell low or something?

>> No.8511991

oh shit guys, gooks are pumping again

>> No.8512000

stop calling them gooks

>> No.8512005

to the moon!

>> No.8512019
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>> No.8512030

lol, get over yourself, faggot

>> No.8512036

hey guys should I buy icx now

>> No.8512037

$4.29 on bithumb noice

>> No.8512050

$4.50 now

>> No.8512058

Holy fuck this is glorious, FUDders BTFO and confirmed for retards incapable of fundamental analysis.

>> No.8512059

holy shit. It got off to a rough start but Korean FOMO is full on now. This is spectacular to watch. Bless the koreans. The land of gambling addicts.

>> No.8512070


>> No.8512075

fuck me the price is going up and down so fast

>> No.8512076

gooks are crazy

>> No.8512079

Lol what the fuck is going on?

>> No.8512089

price just dropped 10% on bithumb
wtf gooks are nuts

>> No.8512090

kek. wait for couple of hours. it will go below 3.5$

>> No.8512096
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Come on gooks, make me some money.

>> No.8512101

Price in BITHUMB is 1 dollar more than Binance! It will catch up soon trust me!

>> No.8512102


You were saying?

>> No.8512110

No idea what is right or wrong anymore.

>> No.8512112
File: 44 KB, 514x544, 5f8060a3-4d73-4d76-b464-c28d347abe25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ICX just got listed on Bithumb, often referred to as "the korean coinbase". Have you heard? There was a lot of FUD and some people even sold for cheap, but believe it or not, I held and now I'm getting a blowjob from an escort on a thursday night

>> No.8512117
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it's forming an elliot rodgers wave pattern

>> No.8512120

my nigga. pics? How did you find, TER or EROS or?

>> No.8512124

Damn, these Koreans are pathological fucking gamblers. This is nuts.

>> No.8512125

you seemed sure of urself earlier, whats wrong? (srs)

>> No.8512134

fuck should I try to daytrade this

>> No.8512135

Oh man, big of you to admit this. You seemed so sure.

>> No.8512147


Going up and down so violently. Who can say. Congrats on going higher than my 3.60 selling point on binance unironically. Lets see where these gooks take it.

>> No.8512148

Interesting that upbit's price closer to binance than bithumb

>> No.8512149



>> No.8512162
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>> No.8512164

9$ EOD

>> No.8512171

Uh oh. Here come the crazy price predictions. Sell signal?

>> No.8512175


>> No.8512176

It's crypto bro, nobody can predict short term swings because it's all irrational. Day trading is horseshit. Fundamentally, there is no way that opening ICX up to isn't going to boost the price in the short-medium term so just buy and hold.

>> No.8512178

Possibly actually. I'm still waiting for double the volume to decide which may or may not be a mistake on my part.

>> No.8512180


No idea. That usually is a good indicator though. Wait and see what happens when the gooks stop tripping over themselves and decide.

>> No.8512189

Tfw when the 36700 sats buy order got completed during night. Made 2k just by sleeeeeping

>> No.8512194


Make no mistake. I'm not buying at this price. We still have airdrops and market cap increases coming. If it goes up I am fine with that. I am not partial to the coin at all. But I will freely admit to being wrong if it actually moons. Currently it is sitting at 3.60 and meeting resistance on binance so I am still in the clear on that front.

>> No.8512196

what? speak english

>> No.8512197

1500$ per icx EOY

>> No.8512199

Red and blue do make good sense as up and down colors.

Red = heating up
Blue = cooling down

>> No.8512201

It's at $4.20 on bithumb.

>> No.8512202

The blowjob from the escort. How did you find her?

>> No.8512208

I think it's a clear sell right now actually. About 500 BTC betwen 43 and 50.

>> No.8512216

Dude mind blown lol i always wondered why they don't use green and red

>> No.8512223


Unless you're Korean that's pretty meaningless. Or maybe you're sadistic and like paying the kimchi premium. I stick to the real markets. I sold at 3.60 on binance and it's 3.60 right now.

>> No.8512224

are you guys selling or letting it roll more?

>> No.8512225

shiet nigga I never realized that

>> No.8512227


Piss Skined, Short Dicked, Slant Eyed fucking GOOKS


>> No.8512228

That's nothing, it has done 4100 BTC in volume on Bithumb in the past 1 hour...

>> No.8512244

Just look at the korean BTC to USD conversion factor. It's about 4.3% Therefore $4.20 on Bithumb should translate to ~$4.02 on Binance.

>> No.8512251

Volume growth is slowing down. My gut is telling me to sell but my mind is telling me wait for a while longer.

>> No.8512255
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>> No.8512256


Things aren't that simple.

>> No.8512257

Nice. The professional trader has never heard of arbitrage or the law of one price. There is a limited "kimchi" premium that is tolerated before the dettering cost is greater.
Why not just use Sats instead of doing that math?

>> No.8512263

Of course it's going to slow down, it has almost done Ethereum daily level volume in the first hour of becoming listed...

>> No.8512272

oh. the escort was a joke. read my posts earlier in the thread

>> No.8512278

Why not.
>Be Korean
>Buy Bitcoin on Bithumb and send to Binance
>Buy Icon
>Send Icon to Bithumb
>Sell icon

>> No.8512282

I'm liking what we're seeing boys, we're approaching 100m in KRW trading across both exchanges in a very short time. Sure volume will always be unusually high at release, but the point is there is clearly a lot of interest there. We're going places sooner or later.

>> No.8512285

i hear ya

>> No.8512290

look at this guy here...
he's a lying piece of shit and wants you to lose money...

>> No.8512301

Comfyy let them fomo in when it gets higher. This is atleast going to break old ath

>> No.8512304

Fucking Koreans, I swear.

>> No.8512306

Bithumb price goes down
Binance price goes up...

>> No.8512310

lets see if it can blow past 4 bucks

>> No.8512320

Arbitrage. It equalizes prices.

>> No.8512324

That's because
>Bithumb price goes down
>Bithumb is still much higher than binance despite going down.

>> No.8512327


Confused about that as well. Maybe because it is showing more stability on bithumb.

>> No.8512330

Just sold @ 0.0072 ICX/ETH. Volume is dropping at Bithump and price delta between Binance and Bithump was closing. Will buy back at a lower price.

>> No.8512359

i smell a red candle incoming

>> No.8512372
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>> No.8512377

I don't understand anymore.

>> No.8512386

I don't even know anymore

>> No.8512390

s h o u l d i s e l l

>> No.8512392

Do i sell and try to swing?

>> No.8512397


I fomod back in so probably you should

>> No.8512404
File: 1.49 MB, 4032x3024, 58D59971-64C5-484F-A89F-1F4E3BB1D0B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s just taking a breath. The pump continues.

>> No.8512412

What bout that stupid hypecoin wanchain

>> No.8512413

I've never seen something so fucking erratic.

>> No.8512418

yes just dont get greedy. added 5% of stack during this run

>> No.8512417

and it dumped like what?

>> No.8512421

When you buying back

>> No.8512426

gooked. muh kr are nationalists. lol

>> No.8512428


>> No.8512440

Dunno, not into this coin..

>> No.8512462

nah fuck this

>> No.8512471

Don’t sell

>> No.8512502

Kek the up and downs were so sporadic I couldn't time it right. I actually did some biz protocol
Buy high sell low
Fucking gooks I swear. That was such a shit show, I'm out. Done gambling, buy order in for like half of what it is

>> No.8512510


Yeah, it's not december anymore. The market is down and waiting for input. And that's why ICX could go hard if koreans buy into it and traders follow because they want to catch a wave. The FOMO would be glorious.

>> No.8512544

Guys, do I have a chance of breaking even on my 0.0083 ICX/ETH bags? Because hot damn I would be happy.

>> No.8512561

what to do? sell now or hope bags won't be very heavy?

>> No.8512562

You have, but not today I guess.

>> No.8512570

Depends on your entry price. People often get too greedy. I try to catch 5-10% on my trades, then sell and look for another opportunity.

>> No.8512596

my entry was around 55k sats

>> No.8512668
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>> No.8512704

I missed this because of ICX.

>> No.8512745

For those who didn't see it, it went up 34% before dumping.

>> No.8512762

what even is that?

>> No.8512789
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Some shitcoin

>> No.8512793

It's down to 15%. I just watched it lose half its gains.

>> No.8512811

A ponzi pump and dump like all coins

>> No.8512829


>> No.8512837

Ok the bitcorn is recovering. Watch the bot pump on ICX in the next hour

>> No.8512986
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>coin pumps and dumps waiting for binance to sell another coin while it dumps

>> No.8513121

I'm in Verge now.

>> No.8513220

i would say 100x is greedy but 50x is okay

>> No.8513262

Bought in at 0,0058 ETH and just sold at 0,0072 ETH.

Will it dip again so I can FOMO back in?

>> No.8513272

Just sold my entire stack at a bit above 71. Waiting for a dip to buy now.

>> No.8513279

Small dip coming.

>> No.8513284

Never underestimate the stupidity of people who buy this coin lol. Shame the volume is too low to scalp off panic sellers

>> No.8513305

Fomo back in now,

>> No.8513314

Up we go /biz/boiz

>> No.8513319

Why do I even bother trying to daytrade this ahhh

>> No.8513329
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>> No.8513348

Ez money on this just watch the btc chart

>> No.8513405

idk if that easy anon it should correct a bit now and still pumping

>> No.8513452


You're getting left behind

>> No.8514451

DAT korean volume, wellcome to promise gookland boys

>> No.8514506

I for one welcome our new korean overlords

>> No.8514555

No thanks. Way to many bagholders looking for suckers . Y'all done got gooked.