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8509099 No.8509099 [Reply] [Original]

>drink coffee in central London at 8 pm to feel less alone
>getting underground train home and see Stacey dressed smartly
>realise she may be going home from a high paying job
>look up law salaries in London
>new recruits at top companies make £85 k, partners get £1.5 million

If you're not on the track of Oxbridge to finance / management consulting / law, you have no chance of making it in the UK. I have no chance of making it.

And of course every single person on tv and Instagram is making huge amounts of money while I live in a tiny flat

>> No.8509134

lol try california, you wouldnt even be able to afford a room.

Its like 1k a month for a shit roon in any decent city

>> No.8509167

Hahaha is this real or is this like very old pasta? It cant be the same dude every time

>> No.8509206

>hairy arms still
dropped again

>> No.8509569

1k a month is cheap in London

>> No.8509627


>> No.8509658

yes but you make more in london, right?

>> No.8509680

maybe you didnt notice the hundreds of other wageslaves or the dozens of homeless around you?

>> No.8509698

Make more money or fuck off.

>> No.8509751

1k a month, fuck that is pretty cheap. Normal rent here in Oz would easy be 1.2k a month, and that is in no city, city life you are looking at 1.6k-2k a month easy

>> No.8509754

Not sure if bait,

But London is an anomaly, overpriced shithole. Move to any decent City up north, Manchester, Leeds even fucking Glasgow. It's much easier to find work up here and the quality of life is generally better.

And people aren't pompous pricks like in London.

>> No.8509795
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come live in beautiful Ohio
rent here in the city is like $900 for a good apartment in the city (or like a mile out of downtown)
and out of the city it's even cheaper like $400 or $600 (but don't live there lol)

>> No.8509828
File: 3.24 MB, 290x189, kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when I live in chicago (arguably the coolest city) in a nice neighborhood with sweet bars and I only pay 700 bucks a month for a nicer place with a roommate

inb4 "rampant violence" like cunt that shit is so centralized to certain parts of the city that I've never had to worry about any of that

>> No.8509834

Eyyy, I kind of resent the "even fucking Glasgow"! It's pretty enjoyable up here and lots of the English people that move tend to stay. There are less minorities if that's your thing, too.

>> No.8509858

almost went to university of cincinnati, cool town

>> No.8509884

I got excited there until I saw
>with a roommate

>> No.8509893

couldn't say much about the rest of the state tho

>> No.8509928

find me a one bedroom in a city like chicago for less than a grand and I'd eat my own dick

>> No.8510273

Wages aren't bad but you'd struggle with a regular job without roommates. Studio apartment starts around £250($400?) a week. Comparable to New York. I'd say London is better housing wise if you don't have a lot of money. £700/month gets you a pretty nice Victorian house in a decent area sharing with friends. Graduate jobs make about 20-26k yr. Building trade £14-20/hr. Labourer £10hr. Min wage like 7.50