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8502331 No.8502331 [Reply] [Original]

>billionaire businessman as president
>stock market keeps crashing


>> No.8502365

Remember, trade wars are easy, goy. just relax and enjoy the ride.

>> No.8502504


Fake Billionaire
Bad Businessman
You all got cucked

>> No.8502508

sell the news

>> No.8502520

Love the smell of FUD in the morning

Zoom out niggers

>> No.8502539

This guy will fuck your girl and all the woman in your family without glancing at any of them

>> No.8502557

He's fucking all of us already.

>> No.8502558


I'm not sure what this means, but he's already fucked us all. Especially the white man. Wait and see.

>> No.8502574

Chinks are about to get absolutely BTFO


>> No.8502581

Why do people think passing tax cuts was a great accomplishment? Tax cuts are the easiest fucking legislation you can pass, especially with a single party govt and no intention of ever paying for it.

>> No.8502634
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>Trade wars are good!

>> No.8502637

Zoom out m8

>> No.8502738

And easy to win

>> No.8502925

jpg quality not low enough

>> No.8502944

He's accumulating

>> No.8503092

(((They))) are crashing the stock market to punish trump for delaying their globalized, socialist utopia. They hate his nationalist/isolationist/populist rhetoric because it brings exposure to them. Not to mention he put a filthy goy in charge of the Fed

>> No.8503131

Fucking /pol. Fuck off. Crypto won't male you rich this year.

>> No.8503130

You know you can short the stock market too? or is it all in to your 401k and bonds?

>> No.8503216

>the greedy corporate Jewish masters desire socialism to replace their oligarchy

What the fuck am I reading.

>> No.8503254

This is no doubt true. He's trying to play 4d chess with (((them))), but it's a really tough swamp to drain when they keep pouring in toxic compounds. Not gonna say proud, but it felt good voting for Trump. Don't believe the MSM at all.

>> No.8503279

Socialism for you and the rest of the peasants. Not for them. They are no more socialists than they are capitalists, those ideologies are just a convenient way to keep the goyim in line. Keep them consuming, keep money flowing from the bottom to the top.

>> No.8503314

watch out guy
if you keep talking shit he may beat you up
he is very tough and stronk

>> No.8503325

You sir, have been cucked.

>> No.8503332

>one man runs the stonk market
>obomo pumped market, why can't drum????

>> No.8503363

>implying capitalism is an ideology and not just the natural way humans do trade with each other in contrast to a forced centralised system

>> No.8503410

USD about to go on a long decline.

Chinaman is tethered in GLD

>> No.8503450

Go read every executive order he signed, he is literally selling the country to (((them))). The country is for sale, i wholeheartedly believe this orange clown cannot count from 0-10 on his own.
He's surrounded by (((them))) and by the time he's done he will be totally fleeced also the country will be fleeced as well.
Don't believe me? Just follow this, his two older sons are married to one of (((them))) and in order to be one of (((them))) the mother has to be one of (((them))) so their children are now (((them))). Ivanka married and converted to one of (((them))) so her children are (((them))). Trumps youngest daughter is dating a lawyer and you guessed right, he's one of (((them))) you can find her on Instagram. By the time Trump is dead all his money will (((their))) money. Finally, since he took office he's been removing anyone that's white and replacing him/her with one of (((them))). Say what you want about Dems, Libertarians, Socialists or whatever, this tiny hand clown is a slave to (((them))) and he and (((them))) will definitely ruin the country.

>> No.8503462

Why did he ban Petro? what is he afraid of?

I wanna buy some but I don't want the feds at my front door. What do anons?

>> No.8503480

Poor wording on my end. But (((the powers that be))) don’t want true capitalism either, just the illusion of it. Using whatever is the most convenient way to keep your money in their pockets

>> No.8503505
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>He's trying to play 4d chess with (((them))),
>mfw there are people who still seriously, uniroincally believe the 'muh 4d chess' meme

>> No.8503522

Absolute brainlet.

>> No.8503550

>Believing in "them"
>Believing "they" would let you elect someone who would work against their interests
Which is it, dickhead? You can't believe both.

>> No.8503599

He's the type of person that unironically thinsk Cunton rigged the election and still lost when the amount of votes she got was pathetic compared to Obama. Don't expect him to apply any sort of critical thinking.

>> No.8503616

He's shorting the world.

>> No.8503621

Don't forget the psychic vampires making the frogs gay

>> No.8503623

If I marry a jew, do I get to become one? I don't want to wageslave anymore.

>> No.8503657

Economy is fine, Soros just keeps fucking it all up and shorting like the bitch titty nigger he is.

>> No.8503753

yeah this is asia (((china))) century
they effectively control the most important mines in africa/australia and are muuuh cmore competitive than europe/us

>> No.8503776

>more competitive
You mean 'willing to use slave labor', right?

>> No.8503777

I refuse to believe this

>> No.8503788
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He's a shitface! Protectionism never works and it's already murdering the economy.

I lost almost $50,000 fucking dollars today.

Bitching at China will NEVER bring back manufacturing jobs lost to automation. He is literally telling the shrinking base of redneck retards who voted for him a fairy tale.

Why, why WHY couldn't the Republicans have nominated a normal President? Jeb, Marco, Kasich, any sane Republican would have done better than this dumpster fire.

Oh, and the best part?

After the market is done crashing and mass unemployment starts, Democrats will have a Stalin-level majority in Congress.

Just fuck it all.

Maybe America deserves to let its angry kids kick capitalism to the curb and go full socialist.

Somehow, those pink haired SJWs are looking a whole lot smarter than the skinheads and knuckle-dragging Islamophobes who voted for a man who literally thinks 19th century tariffs are a good idea in a modern economy.

>> No.8503816

wow thats my whole portfolio, congratulations on that nice portfolio

>> No.8503833

Best part is how """"""libertarians"""""" supported him.

>> No.8503867


Jeb, Marco, Kasich, any sane Republican

all of those would have lost. you're lucky you didn't get hillary. trump saved us on that aspect.

>> No.8503868
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However democrats are run by lobbyist and Hillary is a warlock / warmonger like mccain. Trump at least gets along with Russia.

There is nothing trump can do to the debt bomb. He better get out next elections and let the crisis hit democrats

>> No.8503881

Truth. Hillcuck almost had the entire thing rigged up by her masters. Had it not been for Trump, we'd be at war with Russia by now. That's what the dumb fuckin bitch wanted.

>> No.8503904


>> No.8503947

>Trump at least gets along with Russia.
He consistently sucks Russia's dick if that's what you mean. It's not normal to fire your secretary of state for admitting that the Russians killed a guy they clearly killed. Even if you don't believe in there's a conspiracy, Trump has a weird hard-on for Vlad going all the way back to his ONLY request for the Republican platform at the RNC being support for Russia taking Ukraine.

>> No.8503949

>Dozens of Russians Are Believed Killed in U.S.-Backed Syria Attack
Russians are already attacking US forces in Syria. The only thing Trump has done is weaken NATO, alienate allies and embolden Putin. You guys are literal cucks.

>> No.8503952

Loool believing she wanted war with Russia. There's a war with Russia today, underground in Syria where we and the Russian bomb these sand niggers trying out new weaponery. While (((they))) are slowly stealing more lands and resources.

>> No.8503990

> I lost almost $50,000 fucking dollars today.

look at this coinlet

>> No.8504030
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Again, there would be a total cold war if not ww3 with hillary already. Democrats will surely raise your taxes, even thought i think you are broke as fuck voting for them. Raising taxes bring poor down, not the rich. The mega rich and banksters vote democrats ofcourse. This is your false hope.

>> No.8504053

They sure made you gay.

>> No.8504059

long SPXU and you will be a rich man in a month

>> No.8504085

>elect equivalent of used car salesman as president from the upper caste
>shocked at results

>> No.8504100
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>The mega rich and banksters vote democrats ofcourse. This is your false hope.
You know the data is easy to find and check right?

>> No.8504110

>he forgot about the no-fly zones she said she would enforce around Syria
>literally saying that 'many Syrians would die' if she created the no-fly zone

She was a fucking piece of shit and I'm glad she's dead.

>> No.8504137

Mega rich don't vote democrat because they don't swallow the propaganda. All they care about is money, so if you run your platform on 'we're not going to fuck you in the ass 24/7 and steal all your money', they're going to probably vote for you.

Republicans did that platform, so they voted in their best interests; keep their money.

>> No.8504198

Right so the "mega rich and banksters vote democrat" is false. Also following your same argument, it is in the best interest of the lower classes to vote Dem because they benefit the most from tax funded services and programs. This isn't about propoganda so much as people who have money like to keep it and people who lack money want to have more. The only outliers are the poor republicans who actively vote against their best interests as a result of right-wing propaganda.

>> No.8504209

No one here likes the bitch
no fly zone would kill a lot of Syrians? Loool, we're killing them by the 1000s everyday and tha'ts a fact. The whole ME is shithole because we have to bow down to (((them))) and as much as we thought she was on the same page as (((them))) this orange clown is 10x worst

>> No.8504246

Different ID's, bud. The only mega wealthy democrats that support the democratic party are the ones pulling the strings that have their money tucked away offshore somewhere safe from the very tax man they enforce on the masses.

>> No.8504288

The middle east is a shithole because people like Hillcuck headed the State Department and sold millions of dollars of armaments to the regional terrorists in a successful effort to further destabilize and fuck it up.

She was then going to move into the throne and move the pieces she had spent the last 4 years setting on the board. Trump basically stole the chess board away and is proceeding to suck on the pieces.

She's extremely assblasted about it all.

>> No.8504293
File: 46 KB, 1242x546, balance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really think that Democrats wouldn't cut taxes if there weren't any consequences? Giving away money is the easiest thing to sell to voters. The deficit is exploding under Trump and it will have long term negative consequences. The tax cut benefits people who are currently wealthy (boomers) at the expense of everyone else who will have to deal with it after the boomers are dead.

>> No.8504313

I'm by no means a rich man and the tax cuts are helping me tremendously. I usually have to pay in each year, but next year I'm getting close to 3k back from the fed due to the lower rate.

>> No.8504330

Yeah I know the ID is different, I'm just hammering the point home for this >>8504030 dipshit

>> No.8504387

No bud the ME is a shithole because of (((them))) in case you didnt know almost all science, math, algebra, physics and chemistry was all originated from the ME. (((Them))) been kicked out 73 countries throughout history and we let them settle there, forcing (((them))) on the original population. Shit wont stop til (((they))) are out of the picture and the way things are set up with the orange clown its not going to happen. He's literally selling off the country to them privatizing every inch of public lands and bunch of other disgusting things taking place. Just research every EO he signed so far and its amazing that no one is speaking out.

>> No.8504419

If that was all true about the whole (((them))) thing, don't you think one of /ourguys/ would have infiltrated the secret (((them))) club thing by now and started leaking shit to everyone?

I don't buy that whole conspiracy sandwich there sir.

>> No.8504442

The problem is that the tax cut isn't funded. They're basically just taking out a huge loan that you (the tax payer) is liable for and giving you a small cut of it. I'm not even against tax cuts, especially the corporate tax cuts which are backed by most economists, but the way they've enacted them is completely irresponsible and disproportionately benefits the already wealthy.

>> No.8504456

One day you'll learn

>> No.8504471

meanwhile Trump touts about how we are increasing our military spending this year to record highs.

If the population spent 1/10th the time I did in econ classes in college our society would be exponentially better off.

>> No.8504500

Well, what it would take to balance is cutting the shit out of most of the fed, which I think we should do anyways. Unfortunately, neither party does that. Now, Trump's cut taxes, which is a good step 1, but then he increases the fuck out of military spending, which is retarded.

With Dems, they raise taxes, then raise the amount of payouts while operating solely on a deficit.

If the republicans would fucking do the tax cut, then taper back our military spending, we'd be fuckin peachy. You could almost justify the entire cut just by cutting back on military alone.

>> No.8504582

If you had some hard evidence, you'd probably have an entire army of people ready and willing to help you strike down the perceived enemy here.

Everytime with you folks, you go on and on about some dumbass anti-semite shit, but you don't got jack to back it up with. You could change my mind instantly if you had an iota of proof.

>> No.8504620

Guy inherited a billion dollar empire and drove it into the ground. Only survived doing reality TV shows because he was famous as a playboy rich kid in the 80s. RIP USA.

>> No.8504660

Trump and his businesses are still worth billions. Didn't really drive it into the ground.

Really, he hasn't affected the wealth much at all. It's just kinda grown on its own. It's still growing.

If you're gonna sling shit, at least make it sticky.

>> No.8504785

McMaster was just replaced, I want to get off of cheeto benito's wild ride.

>> No.8504824


Yeah he pretty much did actually drive it into the ground. When his dad died, 2 years later Trump was effectively insolvent. He dad build the entire company, Trump was just a figure head because his dad was this mobster-esque slum lord no one would do business in because he was under investigation for fraud, discrimination, etc. Trump was the token CEO but obviously never did jack shit, he spend most of time trying to be a celebrity.

The best idea Trump has was to put is big name on everything, so when he almost went bankrupt his creditors forgave the debt to avoid damaging the Trump brand, but he actually had to promise to never take an active management role in any of his future business. That's how fucking bad of a business man he his. The rest is just reality TV bullshit. Hes a celebrity president.

>> No.8504861
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>ultra rich jewish capitalists want socialism

>> No.8504882

Jesus reddit please go back. Go back.

>> No.8504887

You keep saying 'drove it into the ground', but I know for a fact that the Trump family still has like 4 billion dollars.

Got anything that actually shows the decline?

>> No.8504898

Mitt Romney would've beat Hillary easily.

>> No.8504913

>I know for a fact that the Trump family still has like 4 billion dollars.
Are you literally Trump? Nobody knows how much money he has.

>> No.8504931

>I lost almost $50,000 fucking dollars today.
lol it's been on a downtrend for like two weeks now. I went short on Friday and felt like I was dumb for waiting that long. You're not gonna make it if you're this clueless.

>> No.8504953

>killed a guy
The investigation isn't even done yet. I doubt Russia would have been retarded enough to actually use an easily traceable chemical weapon against one of their own spies.

Britain, on the other hand, has much to gain from framing Russia for the attack. They can certainly foment dissent and start pushing for retaliation over the whole thing. Given the UK is one of the leading chemical weapon producers on the planet, it sure would be easy for them to go ahead and stage an attack like this.

Whole thing screams false flag to me. I'm interested to see what they actually come up with.

>> No.8504969


You have no idea how much money Trump has. You may have an idea of what the value of buildings he has at least some share of ownership in, but you have no idea how much debt he has against them.

>> No.8504977

Yet yo know his finances so well you're sure the entire company has plummeted in value?

No, I don't know his actual worth, but neither do you.

>> No.8504980

Muhammad was a pedo and is rotting in hell you shitskin faggot.

>> No.8504985
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>> No.8504994


>> No.8505038

It's not even the first time they've done it. What does the UK have to gain from this? How much is Putin paying you?

>> No.8505044

Wtf is a neocn?

>> No.8505047
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>> No.8505054
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>> No.8505064


neocnodon which means nothing

>> No.8505071

Yet he pays a porn star to sleep with him and his wife is 99.9% likely fucking another dude.

>> No.8505087

>he doesn't know who funded the soviets

>> No.8505095


Because he himself in interviews, and from 3rd parties, described his finances in the early 90s when he renegotiated his debt in lieu of bankruptcy.

Its amazing how many Trump supporters have never even bothered to read even the history of his business career (or lack thereof) on Wikipedia.

He inherited money and owns real estate but he hasn't actually ever managed his businesses except for a brief year or two which caused him to almost go bankrupt.

>> No.8505103

He paid a porn star to not talk about the affair, you moron. Ivanka is obviously a trophy. Do you even fuck yourself?

>> No.8505158


Yeah because the porn start sleeps with the obese 60+ yo purely for personal pleasure, not for any financial incentive or for valuable gifts. LMAO.

>> No.8505176
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>receives massive capital from rich daddy
>declares bankruptcy 6 times
>bunch of cucks believe he is good with money anyways

I mean I commend his ability to cuck his voterbase (and the rest of us taxpayers) into supporting his own personal wealth. That's more of a corrupt politician move than a businessman move tho desu.

>> No.8505198

That dumb motherfucker can't play 1d chess

>> No.8505237

What is insane to me is just how well BOTS/Propaganda/Paid social media did in swaying sentiment towards trump during the election.

A LOT if not most of the people on /pol/ fell for not only voting for Trump but campaigning for him too thinking they were in on some hilarious kek meme magic shit.

Everyone voted for a puppet.

>> No.8505254
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sounds kinda British

>> No.8505268

Democracy was a mistake.

>> No.8505270
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All these butthurt, shitskin 3rd-worlders.

>> No.8505306


A puppet who has only lost net worth and sacrificed brand popularity, alienated himself from media and political establishment in order to pursue the most pro American agenda we've had in decades?

He is currently taking it to China, even as it could potentially hurt his legacy, it is overdue and other presidents have been too pussy/globalist to confront them. He is anything but a puppet in POTUS terms

Libtard bug man

>> No.8505315 [DELETED] 

where are the maga cucks now ?

i'll make a smart contract to bet that trump will commit suicide before the end of his term... a true, self-inflicted suicide.

>> No.8505337
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>liberals so butthurt they're resorting to making shit up about bots and russian trolls

lmao embarrassing

>> No.8505403

Legacy? really? Legacy?
He's destabilizing America all for the Kremlin and he doesn't even know it.

This was one of Russia's greatest infiltration and all the poor white minority just continue to eat his shit up. I do understand how he won as the white minority were now really starting to hurt in America in terms of jobs and poverty.

>> No.8505441


You're falling for a second red scare based off of absolutely nothing tangible and you're trying to act like I'm the dumb sheep

Take a step back and reevaluate your perspective

>> No.8505450
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I can't even tell if Trumplets are still memeing or genuinely supporting Trump still.

>> No.8505486

>falling for a red scare

i bet youre the type of guy that drones on about uranium one conspiracies too, kek

>> No.8505505

they do it unironic but because this website is anonymous and they have zero interpersonal connections, they never face the consequences of their actions and pretend they were retarded the whole time.

>> No.8505513

You mean the "absolutely nothing" that all the Republican headed intelligence agencies have agreed exists? The "absolutely nothing" that members of Trump's own administration have confirmed (before they were fired)?

>> No.8505524



Both you and your glorious leader are puppets right now. At least he is financially benefiting from his puppetry. You're just being exploited for free.

>inb4 "but muh negligible tax cut that expires in two years"
>inb4 "you only care that it was passed simultaneously with a corporate tax cut which does not expire in 2 years and I'll end up subsidizing later because you're a libtard"

>> No.8505564
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>He's shorting the world.
Holy shit underrated

>> No.8505567

i'm not falling for anything. I'm actually pretty open but it all points back to the same conclusions.

>> No.8505571


You learned about the 50's in school, correct?


Establishment runs on "both" sides of the aisle. Have you heard of RINOs? In a lot of ways Republicans don't work as a team because their ideologies are everywhere. Trump has been anti-establishment since the beginning, since before the media concocted a "he's a Russian puppet" story post election to save face after getting ass fucked by the electoral process. And yet he still won because he promised what America wanted and is currently pursuing that. Tougher on trade, tax cuts, and stricter immigration. Stay mad, stay clinging to that pathetic shell of a Democratic Party which no longer stands for anything but skin colors and a million gender orientations.

>> No.8505600

you're getting deported, paco.

>> No.8505662


No, I've followed Trump's campaign closely since early on. This all goes back to the Podesta emails which revealed the DNC was corrupt as hell and actually rigging the electoral process, along with big media entities like CNN. All conveniently deflected to "WHO got these emails?" later. Finally announcing that it "HAD to be the Russians" (based off of nothing but wishful thinking) They were hacked by a simple phishing attack which could have been carried out by a 12 year old with a Pentium 3 computer. It's a moot point. And despite 1.5 years of carte Blanche to investigate and interrogate everyone and anyone, Mueller has been unable to do anything, because there is nothing, there never was, THIS story has been the propaganda and you have sucked on that tit like a good little millennial nu boy.>>8505571

>> No.8505676

THIS.. Can one libtard name a policy or an idea the democrats want to push besides DACA a program for fucking illegals. They have no message because they are losers and opportunists hoping to play on emotions. FUCK THE LEFT and FUCK THE RINOS

>> No.8505683


>> No.8505693

>an amphibian with sweat glands

>> No.8505715
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Makes sense.

>> No.8505721

Sean Illing
Has Putin made a puppet of Trump?

Mikhail Fishman
Of course. This is certainly what the Kremlin believes, and they’re acting accordingly. They're quite obviously playing Trump. They consider him a stupid, unstrategic politician. Putin is confident that he can manipulate Trump to his advantage, and he should be.

>> No.8505724

>Hillary is a warlock
Stop trying to make her sound like a badass.

>> No.8505754

>delaying their globalized, socialist utopia.
I made the tests with the elite want to happen, and the result was centrism

>> No.8505756

>Mikhail Fishman
is Jewish.

>> No.8505774


>> No.8505781

>Harper put tons of effort in and dedicated his life to modernizing the Canadian economy from resource extraction to services
>Mr. Dressup and this baboon are going to crash everything

>> No.8505783

the 80s called they want their foreign policy back HURR HURR HURR

>> No.8505784


There is nothing to suggest Trump has become a "puppet". He is doing his own thing and you know that because people are raising hell globally. A puppet wouldn't bomb Syrian forces within months after taking office to show Russia/Syria he means business.

A puppet would however stand by and let Russia actually invade/annex Crimea and Eastern Ukraine. Like Obama. Where were you Nu Red Scare conspiratards then? Globalist cock gobbler media wasn't running with that take huh.

>> No.8505801


It's understandable that you wouldn't have a clue what policies and ideas the left are pushing. Hell, if I voluntarily kept myself in an echo chamber, I might not know either.

>> No.8505814

name one

>> No.8505826

>Harper put tons of effort in and dedicated his life to modernizing the Canadian economy from resource extraction to real estate speculation


>> No.8505846

The importation of 3rd world immigrants to outbreed conservative voters(aka citizens) in every first world country around the world

It's plain as day. If you import leftist voters, the leftist s stay in power.

>> No.8505853

cause it takes no skill to make money when daddy inherits you millions or billions?

>> No.8505856

no, i watch them on reddit.
this isn't an echo chamber, because I just heard your retarded opinion.
On reddit they shadowban, downvote censor, and ban so no one can hear our opinions.

Then they put points next to each comment so your brain thinks the comments with more points are better informed or more correct.
But they're not.

The left's platform is: Fuck white people, walls don't work, we need more niggers and muslims, and we need to grab the guns.
oh yeah, and fuck rich people we need more socialism and communism but worded differently so it sounds like it would actually work.

>> No.8505888

>fuck rich people
You forgot to mention that the people who push socialism in the media, and on the biggest national stages, ARE rich people. The difference is that these rich people think they'll run the socialist utopia(they won't).

>> No.8505890

thats not even the main goal you fucking retard. if you had any idea of game theory you would understand the leftist idea is far more long term than the right (sadly) they are already preparing for a borderless world. only their flaw is you can't import retards without consequences yet. but eventually people will be free to move anywhere. that will also mean white enclaves will start to form, but thats another discussion

>> No.8505913

Are you against people paying for whores? Much libertarian

>> No.8505947


>> No.8505965

Wait, you think the left is actually pushing their ideas for the betterment of all mankind?

When has that ever happened in the history of the world?

The leaders of the socialist movement(or at least the public faces) are pushing policies that keep them in power. That's it. I understand that the idea of policies that take from the rich and give to the needy is addicting, and it pushes the "I'm a good person" buttons in your brain that make you feel good. But you have to understand that is not actually their endgame. Their endgame is to remain in power, at any cost.

And look back at how progressive socialist regimes always end up.

>> No.8505975

I’ve decided to register and vote Trump just because of this slide thread

>> No.8505985

>can't name anything from his own echo chamber
>resorts to name calling
The modus operandi of a brain dead commie

>> No.8505989

lol who is comparing 4chan to reddit? I didn't say anything about "the left's platform" so I'm not sure why you're saying any of this to me desu.

Dude I replied to literally hears so little about the policies and ideas of the left he could only think of one. Not only could he only think of one, he legitimately expected others to not know of any either. That is the absolute definition of being in an echo chamber.

>> No.8505992
File: 10 KB, 492x177, welp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8506005

Me, your wife, and your wife's son are voting Dem because of your post.

>> No.8506022

you're a British Paki, you can't vote.

>> No.8506024

Sean Illing
In other words, Trump’s a useful idiot to them?

Mikhail Fishman
Exactly. The Kremlin is limited in their knowledge about what's going on in Washington, but they see the chaos and the confusion in Trump's administration. They see the clumsiness, the inexperience. Naturally, they're working to exploit that.

>> No.8506034

> Mikhail Fishman
you already referenced this Jew

>> No.8506040

>before the media concocted a "he's a Russian puppet" story post election
Why the fuck do you people have so much trouble keeping track of basic facts? The Russia shit came up months before the election.
Do you honestly not remember this? Trump is the only one who claims it only came up after the election.

>> No.8506056

Enjoy next 7 years . . . and then Ivanka :^)

>> No.8506068

>1 post by this ID
good goy

>> No.8506069

because you're another one of those "4chan is an echo chamber" retards.
The fact that you can see my comment and we are arguing is a direct contradiction of your statement.

reddit actually is a great example an echo chamber, since you like to talk about those. You don't see dissenting discussion unless its in the form of a poorly thought out "devils advocate".

4chan is biased, that doesn't make it an echo chamber.

>> No.8506089


when did I do this?

>cant name anything
the idea that you still can't think of anything and expect others to struggle with it as well is hard for me to believe, but ill bite, here are some ideas and policies the democrats have been pushing in recent memory"

socialized healthcare and education, firearm regulation, tax reform, research funding, availability of contraception to people who flood our foster system with unwanted children

>inb4 you try to attack me as if I had said I support these ideas just because I was able to list them

>> No.8506090
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>obsessed with reddit
>reddit spacing
You have to go back.

>> No.8506096

>reee the russians hacked my dirty emails
clearly Russia was in cahoots with the Trump campaign

>> No.8506109

Just a cohencidence. Nothing to see here.

>> No.8506122

it's a direct contradiction of a strawman you've built. I literally never said anything about 4chan or reddit. I just took his ignorance as the obvious evidence of him being in an echo chamber that it was.

The fact that you are so adamantly defending your preferred means of communication to someone who never brought it up is a little concerning, but you do you bro.

>> No.8506149
File: 732 KB, 1500x500, its_a_featurenot_a_bug1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russian collusion is undeniable to anyone who has dived down the rabbit hole.
The Kremlin runs hard core psyops and social engineering across the board. Twitter is full of their bots.

>> No.8506187

Maybe I read too much from your comment, but I've heard the same sentiment a dozen times and you sounded exactly the same.
>Hell, if I voluntarily kept myself in an echo chamber, I might not know either.

but honestly there's not much "policy" to know, other than the general leftist sentiment that' everyone already knows.
>fuck the rich, fuck whites, gibs for students, fuck guns
what policy do you think there is he isn't aware of?

>> No.8506240

Why would I take the word of a Ukrainian bot?

>> No.8506248

Well, seeing as he could only think of one, the policy I think he isn't aware of is... all of the policies which are not that one?


>> No.8506282

Trump apologists always fall back to "muh DNC emails" or "at least hes not hillary." No one gives a shit about the DNC or wants to defend the morons who lost a giveaway election.

Everything Trump supports claim to be red pilled of, fake news, false flags, social media manipulation, is all shit that was used to make Trump win. Cambridge analytica's tactics, Russian bots, these are all things Trump apologists accused liberal groups of doing when in fact they were ones being manipulated by those exact things.

>> No.8506288

it's like you're trying to make your posts as unsubstantial as possible. I asked for only one example of ANY policy, and you couldn't name one.
your generalizations to avoid arguments of substance are tiring, and I must go.

>> No.8506305


Like it fucking matters. Just by weekly puts to hedge any long position. You can make money going both ways... god damn.

>> No.8506317

Troll farms supported both obnoxious leftist groups like BLM and Trump. The goal is to promote internal chaos in the nation. The techniques employed have roots in old Soviet propaganda machines but were shown to be effective in the digital age during the invasion of Ukraine.
Trump was the preferred candidate for the goal of sowing civil unrest in the US during 2016 and has consistently served Russian interests as president. Because the main goal is chaos, they have also organized anti-Trump rallies after his election.

It is known that the Trump campaign attempted to meet with Russians to gather dirt. It is known that multiple members of the Trump campaign lied to the FBI about their meetings and dealings with Russians. It is not yet known if there was anything direct like being "in cahoots" or direct collusion but it is possible. It is also possible that Trump just genuinely likes sucking Putin's dick because he thinks Putin is a cool guy. The current investigation should settle the matter if it is allowed to reach completion without obstruction.

>> No.8506349

>The current investigation should settle the matter if it is allowed to reach completion without obstruction.
It did reach completion.

House panel finds no Trump-Russia collusion, recommends leak crackdown https://www.politico.com/story/2018/03/22/house-intelligence-panel-votes-to-release-trump-russia-report-479406

>> No.8506375

Socialized healthcare and education is a horrible idea. That means lower quality. Firearm Regs are supported by almost everyone but rights shall not be infringed. Tax Reform isnt even a policy, tax reform happens every fucking year. Research funding, we already do plenty. And contraception, yea we agree we need condoms. BESIDES MUH SOCIALIZED HEALTHCARE/EDUMUHCATION which is fucking impossible here in the US on a macro scale what the fuck else you got that?

>> No.8506405

The special counsel investigation has not reached completion. The house panel barely called any witnesses, didn't do any evidence gathering, etc. The house isn't the entity which has served 22 indictments so far. You know this and that is a weak deflection.

>> No.8506437

The House Committee ruled, it's over.

>> No.8506444

This is the truth.

It's the same reason Trump's supporters get so defensive when he is criticized. They have started to notice that they were taken for a ride and feel the need to rationalize or justify their support.

Ever notice how the second you bring up something shitty Trump's done, his supporters lash out at you about Hillary (even if you never supported her, nor mentioned her in the conversation). They are stuck on the election because they are still justifying their choice to themselves. Everytime they get shafted in favor of corporate globalists they have a new rationalization for how it is Trump or the establishment conservatives actually making some kind of strategic move to indirectly help them. It's an ego-defense mechanism.

>> No.8506457

The special counsel investigation has not reached completion.

>> No.8506471

You aren’t informed

>> No.8506478

Then refute me pussy.

>> No.8506491

check the post I linked to in the comment you are responding to, in it I disproved the presumptions you are currently making before you expressed them

>> No.8506522

Trumpfags, they fund both sides. I thought you knew that already.

>> No.8506525

>engage my pilpul goy you owe me arguments

>> No.8506549

You don't owe me shit.
You owe yourself an attempt to think critically.
So go ahead. Try to think it through and put together a response.

>> No.8506570

>inb4 you do exactly what I inb4'd in the comment you responded to

ah shit, I'm too late, you already did that

anyways, they have been more specific than I was in what sort of tax reform they want. That is most definitely a policy they are pushing, so meets the criteria you have claimed I couldn't meet, along with the other few I mentioned which also meet the criteria you claimed I couldn't meet.

>what else you got that

you okay there buddy?

>> No.8506636

>make my job as a shill seem less like screaming into an empty void goy

>> No.8506652

Kek seriously butt hurt, The truth is Donald Trump built an empire regardless of who his dad is and 99% couldnt do that. Even if he was born poor I can assure you he'd be far more successful then you

>> No.8506697
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>> No.8506738

It's the next step after turning them gay

>> No.8506741


True. If I inherited a couple hundred million dollars I would just put it in equities and retire to a private life. I wouldn't want to be a celebrity, I'd be richer too because even a simple index fund available to any retail investor would have outperformed Trump's real estate earnings. But no, I would never try to run for president and by shear luck run against one of the weakest candidates in history with an army of foreign bots shilling for me for free on social media.

>> No.8506744
File: 125 KB, 1478x1040, prophecy2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just "i told you so" one of my pal, because one of my drunk prophecy in 2016 went fucking right..

>> No.8506769

Wow the ignorance. If the money that Trump inherited was placed in a bank he would be richer than he is today and that's just a mathematical FACT. Built an empire HOLY SHIT

>> No.8506848

>I’m a digital influencer, baby
>It’s a real job with health care and everything
>Well my family is Jewish but I don’t really identify as...
>Wait don’t go

>> No.8506857

>they've enacted them is completely irresponsible and disproportionately benefits the already wealthy.
Gee, tax cuts affect those who make more money more, who would have fucking thunk it. It's almost like you're giving them back money that you were taking from them in the first place lmao.

>> No.8506890

Amen to that

>> No.8506951

Instead of making an argument anon resorts to le Ebin jew memes
Infected mind or Russian bot.. perfect example

>> No.8506956

>government builds roads, bridges, military to create a save, fair environment where a free market can even exist
>people make money using roads, employing skilled labor educated in public schools, who can go to work without being killed because of the police
>charging them for these things is "taking their money"

>> No.8506992




Pedes we can’t let these shills win! We have to KAG!!

>> No.8507003

Trump didnt start the fire - the fire is unstoppable.

>> No.8507017

>another great thread! Only infinity more to go :^)

>> No.8507034

Its 9 pm, I already wagecucked all day. Watching you fail to put together arguments is just something I do in my free time.
That's right, I do it for free,

>> No.8507039

>control the mines in Australia
Sorry but you are retarded.

>> No.8507040
File: 37 KB, 822x113, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. i'm just network administrator here caught up headlines the chink returning fire and got this lines.

wondering what the fuck the nigger was doing on his 8 years terms other than droning sandnigger back and forth.

>> No.8507064

You need to go back
Bots and infected aren't welcome here

>> No.8507074

Australians have one of the highest wages and lowest unemployment rates in the world, especially in the mines. Cleaners get 100k+

>> No.8507079

>Government throws trillions into shit holes across the globe
>kills tens of millions
>no American safer
>"Lol but. Like, u like roads, rite? Gottem! Xd"

>> No.8507102

>B-boss he won’t engage any of my canned arguments
>Y-yes I tried that
>N-no not making excuses
>Y-yes I tried the pilpul

>> No.8507125




>> No.8507130

Nice canned arguments

>> No.8507139

Ok, I'm going to say this really fucking slowly, and I want you to read it slowly.

When you take someone's money to do all of these things, you are in fact providing some sort of a service. I acknowledge this and understand it. However, when you take someone's money to do these things you are STILL taking their money. There is no amount of mental gymnastics you can go through to say that taking someone's money isn't taking their money.

I'm truly baffled by the fact that your big closing point comes down to "well if they take their money and do stuff with it then they aren't taking the money!!!"

Were you dropped on your head as an adult? Specifically from a great height? I only ask this becuase I do know a few people who were dropped on their heads as children and they would never make such a stupid and easily falsifiable point.

>> No.8507146

>Y-yes I called him a bot
>I know it’s a last resort but nothing else worked
>I know I’m sorry I’ll do better massa

>> No.8507170

>I deserve thought out arguments that will allow for emotional manipulation
>wahhh I didn’t get them

>> No.8507228


I agree with you. Cutting taxes by borrowing money, then giving 99% of that to people like Trump's family, and kicking back like $12/week or w/e most people probably get, is probably not benefiting you either.


Thing is all that money people make is purely due to those things in the first place. Now if you prepaid your share of the trillions invested into infrastructure, education, security, before you even started your business, you might have a point. But you don't, you pay in the rears.

>> No.8507233

You got BTFO. You can't put a single coherent thought together. Nothing in my post had emotional manipulation.
Go take a walk outside,
it's time to stop posting.

/pol/ colonizing reddit was a mistake. It didn't have to be like this.

>> No.8507245

Just ignore him, he's beyond help

>> No.8507277




>> No.8507354



>> No.8507376
File: 338 KB, 640x813, F37ED588-B0F5-4C84-98E5-2A080B8257BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>safe space: punctured
>explosive decompression imminent
>immediate estrogen transfusion required

>> No.8507420

Only rural rednecks and suburban retards voted for Trump. All city people voted for Hillary

>> No.8507462



>> No.8507464

And city people are useless.

>> No.8507465
File: 318 KB, 1156x831, 1361266048940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live by the market. Die by the market.

Now you understand why sitting president only vaguely acknowledge gains/losses on the stock market.

>> No.8507470

impossible to know without national voter ID

>> No.8507486

>its trumps fault i didnt lock in profits into fiat ahead of major impactful news
Lmaoing @ u

>> No.8507494


My family voted for DR. GEOTUS!

>> No.8507498

>surely my reddit parody will stop and demoralize him
>an increase in antisemitism? Where could it be coming from

>> No.8507538

Are you unaware of how districts work? Look at the rural red and blue cities on any electoral map.

>> No.8507549

Impossible to know how those districts voted without national voter ID

>> No.8507553

But you're not giving it to them, you're just not taking it from them. Government just steals less of their money. There's a big difference here.

>> No.8507559

No intelligent person thinks it was a great thing. But republicans need something positive to talk about so they hype it up

>> No.8507564

You would know, right?

>> No.8507571

It can only collapse if it's overvalued. It's literally going to keep rising for as long as the real value is rising along with it.
The question is, quite literally: How overrated is America?

>> No.8507582


Reread those posts.

>> No.8507583



>> No.8507585

It's true. Many people that vote democrat are either zombies or illegals.

>> No.8507593

>>>8502331 (OP)
>Fake Billionaire
>Bad Businessman
>You all got cucked

>> No.8507608

I... don't have to?

I'm only rebuffing your point, which is flawed. Gubmint doesn't 'give' anybody a goddamn thing. They simply take less of their money.

>> No.8507611

>who could be behind this post

>> No.8507612

White people voted Trump, non-whites voted Hillary. This trend transcends income, geography, age, gender etc. For example, in New York City, Staten Island was the borough that Trump won because it has fewer spics.

You have to lie and say "city people" or some other variable that is merely a proxy for spics instead of simply saying spics because everybody knows that winning the spic vote is actually a negative thing.

>> No.8507619

I agree national voter ID would be useful but even if you believe many illegals are voting, exit polls, opinion polls, voter registrations, etc. also support this conclusion. You can be pro-ID and also recognize the obvious political divide between urban and rural areas.

>> No.8507652

As all those souces are comprised, the divide impossible to judge without national voter ID

>> No.8507668

>initiate trade war with China
>recession ensues
Is he trying to buy more houses for pennies on the dollar?

>> No.8507671


>> No.8507692

Your reddit parody continues to manipulate your emotions, mine are dead to you

>> No.8507706

He's playing the same game as you dude
Its a stupid game and you both lose

>> No.8507720

$12 a week amounts to something like $600 a year, which is actually very helpful for most people in the US. Not saying that people wouldn't get by without it, but having an extra $600 in your pocket isn't something that most people are going to scoff at.

It is not insignificant in the slightest.

Just ignore him, lol, he clearly doesn't want to admit that he's retarded.

>> No.8507722

>surely this new tactic will engage the goy’s emotions

>> No.8507750

Have you ever lived in a city vs a rural area?
Even if you pretend all the data is fake it's easy to experience first hand. Every data set carries some margin of error but that doesn't mean they are meaningless, you just have to consider the confidence interval.

>> No.8507765

current-trump supporters get cognative bias when you bring up the kikes
>accepts money from aipac.
>bitches about special interests
i knew he was a hypocrite then and there

>> No.8507792

sell all your stocks anon, get out
> >:)

>> No.8507799

I've never had a problem with Jews ever. So far, nobody has been able to show off a single bit of concrete evidence supporting their anti-semitic bullshit.

If you got some, great, divulge it and educate us.

>> No.8507809

Data is fake, impossible to know voting patterns without national voter ID

>> No.8507817


>> No.8507828

>IDX composite, 5 years view
>everything else, 1 day vote
What did he mean by this?

>> No.8507830


>> No.8507831

How are exit polls fake?

>> No.8507840

I have never witnessed someone so nervous and triggered

>> No.8507854

They vote Democrat.

And the minority that vote Republican are Bill Kristol types.

>> No.8507864

Operation mockingbird writ large

Media all comprised

Only national voter ID will solve

>> No.8507871

tax cuts are a meme, when you understand how the federal reserve and our economy works, any tax cut is a fucking joke.
there should be no income tax.

>> No.8507888



>> No.8507893


dude >>8507750 stop arguing with that retard. youre just getting trolled.

>> No.8507896

This is the fucking truth right here. The fed does not need our money.

>> No.8507899

>one man controls the market
Heaviest of sighs
Also this
The idea is to make everyone poor and controllable, no easier way to control than to do that. Like a child in the home. They cannot leave because they are poor and must live by the rules of the house because of that fact. Not that I subscribe to that belief.

>> No.8507901

In your head, rent-free

>> No.8507910


The tax cut cost many trillions over the next decade. Completely, 100% unfunded. So it will be paid for by the federal reserve "printing money" / expansion of the monetary base, which will increase inflation and decrease purchasing power of each dollar far below the scraps they give you. Meanwhile families like Trump literally get multi-hundred million dollar cuts, and corporations get billions. Most of which is paid to shared holders (holding companies / billionaires), who have been rewarded for laundering money overseas with tax holidays. If it gets too bad, like Venezuela-bad, no skin off their back they are rich enough to live wherever they want in the world.

>> No.8507914

Jesus I thought believing the Russia bullshit was just a reddit meme.
Bro you need help, Russia isnt a real threat.
Mexico is more of a threat than Russia.
Russia did not hack john podestas emails and julian assange is not a agent of Russia.
Youve been swindled by kikes my frand.

>> No.8507920

Keyboard laughter = cognitive dissonance trigger

You’re already persuaded

>> No.8507931

If you honestly think all election data is fake then why would national voter ID solve that? That only helps if the election system is generally good but occasionally abused by illegals voting.
If even polling actual humans leaving voting locations is fake, IDs won't change that.

>> No.8507967


>> No.8507970

Blockchain biometric ID

>> No.8507988

Sleepless nights

That dream again

>> No.8507990

A "VoteCoin" would be an interesting application of the blockchain. It'd be nearly impossible to fake, too, unless some jackass has more than one token.

>> No.8508015

Would be amazing if it could actually be implemented.
But again, that's a separate issue from ignoring all the other ways of collecting data about populations beyond simple counting of votes.

>> No.8508021


Tied to national biometric ID and all gibs

Asian first world nations likely to adopt first, possibly too late for American slave class

>> No.8508027

>control over anything

Learn about power, lil kid.

>> No.8508044

Well, they might if Winnie the Pooh didn't just make himself the eternal fuckin president.

>> No.8508046

wow /biz/ really is clueless about /pol/ memes

just stick to what you guys know ok

>> No.8508047

All data collection compromised

Media bubble for manipulation purposes only

Reason Trump result such a shock to norms

>> No.8508057

>Pay Cambridge analytica a million bucks
>Get elected
Trump and CA's twitter meltdown is actually hilarious, but sad for USA. Did russians get him elected? Fuck no, but their fake news industry certainly appealed to his voters. Did Trump hire CA? Fuck no, but his campaign runners most certainly did. Guy's too dumb to realize he didn't get elected out of love, but due a nationwide campaign to make him so. Jews love this guy, and he loves them.

>> No.8508058

6% of all taxes go straight to the pockets of private bankers
they have the audacity to call them DIVIDENDS
why havent we killed them all yet?
how have they gotten away with this for 100 years?
our entire congress is complicit in tyranny against its own people.
they sold us into slavery in 1913.
inflation is on average 2%
that means you all are getting poorer every fucking day, the system is DESIGNED that way.

>> No.8508076

the arrogant cunts even post it right on their website!

>> No.8508086

Smart move given cia and mossad etc subversion tactics

Putin too

“Democracy” natural subversion conduit

>> No.8508091

Can you point to an actual issue in the methodology or do you literally just not believe in any data has been collected about the populous for the last 50 years?

>> No.8508094

You're delusional if you ever think it's going to get anywhere near Venezuela levels of bad.

You're also failing to, or probably more accurately refusing to, account for the potential economic growth that such a tax cut can create. Now, is it going to make up for the increased deficit? Maybe, fuck if I know. If we're being honest probably not, but even in that case it will likley only lead to marginal inflation, and a little bit of inflation over a long period of time actually isn't really all that bad for the economy or the individual.

You're literally doompauling over something that will probably end up being mostly a net neutral or a minor negative in the long run.

If we do get to the point where I'm hunting squirrels in my back yard for protein though, then I'll be sure to jump on /biz/ to tell you that you were right lmao.

>> No.8508106


Yeah, Russia didn't want Trump elected, their goal was to make democracy look like a complete fucking joke,

>> No.8508108

>slavery in 1913
Fuckin right, goddamn Jekyll Island, them motherfuckers. Then they engineered the Great Depression right after it. Good to see others that are educated.

You know, our forefathers cut ties with Britain over 6% taxes. If they saw us paying +25%, they'd probably shoot themselves.

>> No.8508132

Accurate data collection for internal use only

All publically reported data compromised/manipulation purposes only

>> No.8508133

You know anon, I hate it. I try to explain it to normies and they wont listen.
Makes me pray for a meteor to wipe us all out.

>> No.8508142


Damn, maybe put it in a more brainlet way:

They are printing an ass load of money, to give billionaires like Trump 99% of it, and spread out the cumbs to poorfags who get like $12/week and say its "significant" when real inflation is creeped up like 2-3% per MONTH this year. Hence why the fed is trying to increase rates and stocks are reeling back.

>> No.8508152

Russia thrives on in instability. Makes their government's word sound true, when everyone else is going to shit. Simple as that. Putin and Trump have no real relationship, but their nation keepers do have a big stake in ensuring the other guy looks weak, The people eat that blame game right up.

>> No.8508178

It all comes down to presentation. If you make a quirky little cartoon with enough humor here and there, you could sell the people on the fact that they've been getting fucked for over 100 years.

Presentation is everything. Next would be keeping it up anywhere long enough for it to gain attention.

>> No.8508185

You dont get it anon, this entire system is based on perpetual debt and inflation. That is the game. It is not a side effect. That is how it is designed.
If I loan you the first dollar in existence and you promise to pay it back with interest, where do you get the interest dollars from?
You have to borrow them.
If the government stops borrowing, shit hits the fan. Which is why the debt ceiling is a meme. Gov will continue this cycle until people get violent. Such is the norm of life.

>> No.8508188


Reason memetics so dangerous to nwo

>> No.8508213

You really need to do research on social engineering and psyops
Better yet look into the AI chat bots controlling narratives on social media

>> No.8508217

People have already done that
i cant get these dumb mother fuckers to take 30 minutes out of their day to watch it.
also this is the best video on the fed
Mike Maloney is my god damn hero

>> No.8508240

>said the AI chat bot

>> No.8508251

30 minutes is tough for people to invest. As painful as it sounds, you'd have to cut it down to probably bite sized 1-4 minute chunks somehow... or smaller.

People have small attention spans, especially if they think they are learning.

That said, I have definitely seen these before and they are worth the watch, to anybody that hasn't seen them.

>> No.8508260

Says the other AI chat bot

>> No.8508281

So you actually think the NWO controls literally millions of people across all of history just to pretend that cities are generally more liberal than rural areas?
Can I get a hit of that glue you seem to be huffing?

>> No.8508293

>You dont get it anon, this entire system is based on perpetual debt and inflation. That is the game. It is not a side effect. That is how it is designed.
Actually I do get that, which is why I'm not particularly concerned with marginal inflation over a long time period.

If trends like >>8508142 continue over an extended period of time (source please by the way bby, I'm not as plugged in as I would like to be) then there is some cause for worry but otherwise inflation is normal and healthy.

>> No.8508305

>chatbot detected

>> No.8508322

No way to know without national voter ID

>> No.8508342

If they have the power to control all people who ever collect any data, why wouldn't they just fake the data behind the national voter ID?

>> No.8508354

>i know you are but what am I

Have you seen chat bots talk to each other though? Shit is creepy

>> No.8508378

Trustless blockchain biometrics necessary

It will take time just as bitcoin took time

Possibly/probably too late

Balkanization of US likely

>> No.8508391

>said the creepy chatbot

>> No.8508418

If they are so powerful they control all of history, all voting and anyone who has ever lived in both rural and urban areas... then at that point you are basically believing in something supernatural. Do you think the blockchain can block demons?

>> No.8508425

AML Bitcoin is pretty far into biometric identification built into the blockchain
Connections with EU etc

>> No.8508427

I voted Trump. Will again in 2020


>> No.8508443

where's the proofs he's a billionaire? Trump has never disclosed his actual wealth, he only claims he's a billionaire but no one actually knows his net worth. Seems like he's over-compensating and wants to have the prestige of the "billionaire club," but lacks the actual capital to back it up.

>> No.8508449

I refuse to make your emotional leap out of the realm of logic

I have no comment on your supernatural fantasies

>> No.8508452



>> No.8508468

You guys are shilling in here too? We already have enough shilling with all these garbage coin shills.

>> No.8508472

EU will attempt to use for social control, not voting

Probably won’t go well for them

Brexit 2 will not be allowed to happen

>> No.8508546

>I refuse to make your emotional leap out of the realm of logic
What are you even talking about anon?
What emotional leap?

Why are all your posts

formatted like some shitty

japanese haiku

>> No.8508570
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>Mitt Romney would've beat Hillary easily.

>> No.8508591

Also for tax avoidance and money Laundering in the US
An ex diplomat for one of the us tax havens (I forget) is an advisor of the team

>> No.8508663

See previous post

>> No.8508666

>inflation is normal and healthy.
I will fight you to the death over those words

>> No.8508679
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I'm not reading this entire thread, /pol/. Donald's responsible for a bunch of one day or one week crashes. So fucking what?

>> No.8508729

Forgot the best part, the proof!

>> No.8508771

Feel free to, Satan. You are as entitled to your opinion regarding macroeconomics as I am to mine.

My only assertion is that I beleive that modest inflation encourages investment and spending as unspent and uninvested money will depreciate in value slowly overtime. Provided that the rate of inflation is small enough as to where it doesn't affect people's day to day lives and as to where money can still be saved in order to allow individuals to make larger investments over a longer period of time then it merely incentives people to participate in the economy as it stands.

Again, that's just my opinion, feel free to disagree.

>> No.8508837

>I only clipped a bit of the coin, goy
>why do you persecute me so

>> No.8508876


>> No.8508956

>protect my safe space
>respect my ashkenazi pilpul
>why do they persecute me so

>> No.8509034

Stop being a Jew

>> No.8509094

>resorts to ad hominem
>no arguments


>> No.8509102

>protect my safe space
>respect my ashkenazi pilpul
>why do they persecute me so

>> No.8509125

Stop being a Jew

>> No.8509152

So you do get that you're being ridiculous, right?

>> No.8509166

>the khazar feebly attempted to engage his opponent’s emotions

>> No.8509210

Alright, fine, I'll give you the biggest benifit of the doubt here.

Assume I am retarded, please explain what you were trying to inform me with this post >>8508837 using simple words and sentence structure.

>> No.8509272

Inflation removes value from the money supply and redistributes power upward

Deflationary currency an unclippable coin

Massive power and wealth redistribution

It’s too late

>> No.8509393

>anything negative trump does is thanks to the jews and not trump since trump is perfect
please for the love of our gene pool.
kill yourself

>> No.8509433

>kill yourself goy
>why do they persecute me so

>> No.8509458

Ok, I'll address your points now as best I can

>Inflation removes value from the money supply and redistributes power upward
Alright so based on this and your whole clipping a bit of of the coin comment earlier I'm assuming that you are arguing that inflation reduces available wealth in the economy?

Well, that's not really how currency works. If that is what you're arguing then you clearly don't understand how currency, fiat or otherwise, functions. See, the currency itself doesn't nessarily have a set value, it's value is only determined by how much people are willing to pay for it in terms of goods and services, and that as with anything else it set by supply and demand.

Adding more individual notes (or theoretical dollars as the case may be with our current system) isn't like shaving bits off of a coin as it is making another coin. The whole coin is still there and it's still in circulation, it's just that by the nature of there being more coins in circulation people are less likley to pay a premium for said coin as there is more likley to be a supplier who will provide them with that coin for less.

As such value isn't removed from the money supply, the only way that can happen is if wealth is physically removed from the economy, and the way you do that is by destroying goods and assets.

As for how that redistributes power upward, you haven't actually made any sort of case for that that I've seen. If you have then please self quote the posts that you have made the case for that in so I don't have to dig, I would appreciate it.

>Deflationary currency an unclippable coin
Can you elaborate on this? I think I know where you're going but I don't want to assume more than I have to.

>Massive power and wealth redistribution
Again you haven't made the case for this and if you have I haven't seen it.

>It’s too late
Can we please not doompaul here? I would actually prefer to have a discussion

>> No.8509464


>> No.8509501

Alright, I'll just one question. Do you want to have a discussion or do you just want to call everyone who you think that disagrees with you a Jew? Not trying to be cheeky, this is a legitimate question. If you just want to call people Jews and aren't intrested in a discussion then I'll fuck right off and leave you to Jewpost your heart out.

Please awnser this post with either "Yes I want to have a discussion" or "Yes I want to Jewpost" or I will assume the latter and take my leave.

>> No.8509520

when inflation occurs, whoever get the printed money first gains the excess wealth, as the prices rise as the extra money circulates through the economy, but not prior. So if you get the new money, prices don't rise until it starts being spent/circulated, and you can buy things at pre-inflation prices levels.

The banks get the money first.

>> No.8509526
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>> No.8509591

Well that would be all well and good if the value of the dollar only changed when new money was introduced into the economy, but as things stand the inflation rate is essentially constant and as such the benefit of being the first spender is exceptionally marginal to the point where in the grand scheme of things it's basically irrelevant.

Have a nice night then, lad