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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8497849 No.8497849 [Reply] [Original]

What are some masternodes/staking tokens worth looking into? I already have a ven node. Doesn't have to be currently available, but up an coming this year

>> No.8497885


>> No.8497895


>> No.8497910

Blocknet is around 20% roi and costs around 100k

>> No.8497923


>> No.8497940

Obsidian. People who say it's dead would have said Ethereum died after the DAO.

>> No.8497957

literally none of them. nobody uses your shitty muh masternode coins why would it ever be profitable

>shitcoin worth 50 cents
>get 20% free coins a year staking
>shitcoin is worth 80% less after the year
>profit!!! hurrrrrrr durrrr

>> No.8497972

Stratis masternodes when ready, but they are going to cost a lot...

>> No.8497978

Phone posting while pooping. That's too expensive

Are you trying to unload ur bags on me, pajeets???!?!!? Didn't the CEO just fuck off and make the tech guy in charge?

>> No.8498031

Blackstone is way cooler than the old CEO

>> No.8498056

Well, I'm not touching anything that's only on cuck exchanges, and it has 11k usd volume last 24 hours. I think I'll hold on to that purchase for a while

>> No.8498321

Stipend SPD, has an application, a website in works for freelancers

>> No.8498421

SUB1X, VSync and Weycoin

>> No.8498584


>> No.8498604

Nobody has said LINK yet. Why?

>> No.8498813
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Nuls will smack all these.

>> No.8498831

ICX has an incentive program... just look it up in their whitepaper

>> No.8498846