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849444 No.849444 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think will happen to AMD stocks ?

Should I invest ? This is my first time buying stocks

>> No.849454

AMD is in dire straights, leveraged to the hilt. I played a bounceback at $4 and got out. They picked up small wins last year with consoles but this isn't the same stock it was 15 years ago. The PC market is dried up and the mobile market is scattered. They aren't feeding off of Intel's table scraps anymore.

Going in at this price might not be a bad gamble if your are playing the dogs.

>> No.849458
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AMD is buried under debt, they have only a small R&D division, their product lines have nearly all been sold off, and they have no earnings. There's a reason their stock is a penny stock.

>> No.849482

Ohh, so chances are slim that it will produce a profit if I buy now.

>> No.849488

The only saving grace is that it's bought by either Intel or Qualcomm, and if either of that happens, except the stock to reach ~$5.

AMD is still burning through cash very quickly, and you know the old saying about catching a falling knife: don't.

>> No.849490

>First time buying stocks

I bought the hyped TSLA, first time buying stocks, in three days I earned 1000$, went out for short 2 day vacation, came back to -1000$. Fuck, bailed out at -700$, when it had a slight push.

Investing is a full time job, even if you are doing it as a hobby.

>> No.849499

It will NEVER produce a profit the way they look now. I personally wouldn't invest in AMD.

>> No.849508

Yeah, no way they are going to be profitable. This stock is not a long play at this point, you would only buy here to catch a bounce. The falling knife never falls straight down, it stabs a bunch of fools on the way.

>> No.850268

Poorfag here considering dropping $200 on it and seeing where it goes.

>> No.850300

Samsung is gonna buy them out get in if it hits 1.50

>> No.850302
File: 42 KB, 386x495, certified shit wrecker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy now when they are cheap.
their stocks will gain next year.

>> No.850304

>doesn't know shit what he's talking about
intel can't buy amd.
anyone else buying would only get their gpu,
x86 license are not transferable.

>> No.850387

So if AMD changes ownership Sony and Microsoft would be without a chip for their consoles?
I call shenanigans.

>> No.850877

I'm dropping 20 dollars on amd.

Laugh you faggots laugh, I don't mind losing the 20 dollars.

>> No.851228

If this is not bought out, the only thing I can see saving this is the increased demand on graphics hardware for the upcoming VR releases like Oculus Rift (~Spring 2016). HBM2 should be what they're including memorywise on their next line of GPUs (but so will nVidia).

You do have Zen coming out next year as well. That could potentially get them back a small bit of market share. I did see something about Zen being used in an Exascale Heterogeneous Processor (EHP).

A buyout would probably require a renegotiation with respect to their cross-licensing agreement with Intel. AMD needs x86 and Intel needs x64.

>> No.851388

AMD is the most shorted stock on NASDAQ no joke.

>> No.852046

Short squeeze soon?

>> No.852228

Who wants to buy it?

>> No.852347

AMD sucks. AMBA is the future

>> No.852358

amd has been shit for years. there's rumors samsung is looking to purchase them, in which case their stock would go up

the more time they spend losing money the likelier this scenario becomes

>> No.852361

Interested to see what happens if AMD goes Bankrupt.

Intel having a monopoly on certain CPUs and GPUs won't be allowed.

>> No.852379


Speaking of the consistent second fiddle, why the fuck do these fuckers not market their fucking shit?

I've been researching components to build a desktop for a few weeks now and the middle tier is basically theirs.

6300> i3
8350> i5

They lose out in the high end but holy shit if anyone with half a brain is shopping for parts why in the fuck would they not buy AMD?

If they can get more mainstream and undercut pricing on all advantaged fronts they could significantly cut into their competitor's market share.

And why don't they take a page from Glock's book and practically hand them out to real product representetatives (professionals, education facilities, etc) and have the short sighted wisdom of the common consumer go over to them?

Who the fuck is running this company, some kid fresh out of college?

>> No.852395

>I've been researching components to build a desktop for a few weeks now and the middle tier is basically theirs.

I built my PC in 2014, Every part that AMD might make is in there. AMD chips single threading might not be that great (Intel does that well and for some games runs better), but they have a lot of cores for cheap.
I was surprised to find their stock was so shit

They do need to hand them over to devs for free, because right now a lot of game dev's are making their games around Intel chips and standards.

>> No.852412

*hold my beer*

>> No.852419

lmao wow you're right

>> No.852428

>a lot of devs are making games around intel chips and standards

ahaha this amdrone delusion. same way nvidia is sabotaging games to suck with amd ogshit graphics cards right?

>> No.852431
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>it's completely unrealistic that the two dominating parties of two quasi monopolies would work to further their dominance by working with developers to optimize performance to their products

You realize even professional reviewers refer to some games as more Nvidia friendly, right? Not to mention that more games feature Nvidia specific technologies than AMD?

>> No.852440

Actually rumor in the industry is Apple is going to buy them. There was like no reason for them to put AMD graphics cards in all their computers since everything from nVidia is better but they did.

>> No.852477

thats the dumbest fucking thing I have ever heard. apple has never put an AMD chip in any product of theirs ever. if you believe they're ever going to start you're fucking retarded.

OP: look at it this way. You want to build yourself a sweet new computer. Do you put an AMD chipset in it or an Intel chipset in it? The answer if obvious. If you wouldn't put it in your computer why would you put it in your portfolio?

>> No.852497

> apple has never put an AMD chip in any product of theirs ever.
are you just pretending to be retarded? Retina MacBook Pro, Mac Pro and Retina iMac use AMD graphics.
The low-end iMacs are the only Apple products currently using Nvidia.

Apple makes their own mobile processors these days. Doing the same for their laptops and desktops isn't that outlandish.

>> No.852551

$20? Whoa dude! Think about what you're doing. You could buy 2 extra value meals with that!