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File: 67 KB, 751x712, Sergey-Nazarov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8490034 No.8490034 [Reply] [Original]

>Smart Contracts are implemented by every financial institution, developer, and blockchain on the planet.
>ChainLink is the oracle of choice
>You wake up and check Blockfolio
>Chainlink crashed to $1,500 and everyone on /biz/ is panicking
>You smile and go for a stroll outside
>You're Asian wife holds your hand as you both stare at the beautiful sunrise.
Thanks Sergey

>> No.8490066

Asian wife sucks

>> No.8490072

>My cock, and refers to me as senpai.
Thanks Sergey

>> No.8490106

>>You're Asian wife holds your hand as you both stare at the beautiful sunrise.

fuck that shit otherwise thanks sergey

>> No.8490122


You think that all of this is going to happen in 2 years.

My G*d, how deluded are you people???

>> No.8490176
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>> No.8490180
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>Unironically not believing in the power of oracles

>> No.8490210

>bought enough ethereum to buy 3k more link
>six days later i only have enough to buy 2500
I'm so fucking sick of this shit... I'm never going to make it.

>> No.8490228
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>You're Asian wife
>You are Asian wife

>> No.8490236

Keep the link funds in fiat till you're ready to pull the trigger

>> No.8490237

Due to nueral pathways that refuse to close down, you accidentally visit yahoo.com where you see Sergeys face as the main story partnering with Elon Musk on a new asteroid mining project.

>> No.8490254


>> No.8490262

I only bought because ETH crashed hard but now LINK is taking the fuck off.

>> No.8490282

We've all done it don't worry

>> No.8490308

Yeah. This isn't the worst I've done.

>> No.8490330

If link is sucessfull ETH will be as well.

>> No.8490344
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>tfw was hoping for .20 or maybe even .10 LINK so I could dump some cash into it

why the market gotta rebound... we were so close...

>> No.8490399
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I've been calculating every day since I made the deposit. I missed out on at least 600 link because of this bullshit. I know for sure ETH is going to moon and LINK is going to tank back down to .30 now that I bought more. But that's life.

>> No.8491084


We're patiently waiting for our singularity, but don't forget hundreds of noLinkers will probably kill themselves the day after.

No joke.

>> No.8491093
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>> No.8491109
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Thanks, Sergey.

>> No.8491125

Source this right now nigger where the fuck does it say this in the github tell me now

>> No.8491151

So when LINK is only like $1.20 EOY will /biz/ kill itself?

>> No.8491166

You know that won't happen.

>> No.8491178

its literally on the github, you can look

>> No.8491187

$1.20 EOY or collective biz suicide?

>> No.8491192
File: 433 KB, 1000x1000, 1521414899049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sexually Identify as a stinky linky. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of delivering tamper-free smart contracts for individuals and institutions alike . People say to me that a person being a smart contract is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install 6 flat sides, a big mac and a permanent plaid shirt on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Linky” and respect my right to provide middleman free agreements and immediate resolution. If you can’t accept me you’re a linkophobe and need to check your blockchain privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

>> No.8491200

$1.20 EOY

>> No.8491214

If mainnet gets released within the next month or so. $10 end of year is most certainly not out of the question.

>> No.8491215

Yeah I just found it, it is truly fucking happening

>> No.8491408

Then I’ve still tripled my investment. Fine by me.

>> No.8491426

And $10 is still pitiful

>> No.8491497

Fucking Vanbex stooge. Stop shitting up this board. You stole the get, now it's time to get you when you're in fucking thailand fucking ladyboys while your smith and crown handler has you drugged, you bitch. Everything vanbex touches will die with them, mark my fucking words.

>> No.8491532

these link cult posts are pure cringe

>> No.8491544

Checked & Heil Hitler

>> No.8491565

Our savior Sergey of Nazareth will redeem us!

>> No.8491568

Well this is interesting

>> No.8491612

Wow you take bait that easy huh?

>> No.8491638

OK I take back my post. That is interesting.

>> No.8491682

This could explain why Sergey always wears the shirt. Could have something to do with their "grassroots marketing"

>> No.8491715

I am ironically going to start meming these guys on biz

>> No.8491731

As am I.

>> No.8491741

hey man, when link makes a bunch of us rich
does anyone want to create super hero/villain alter egos?
Unironically would spend my free time arching someone

>> No.8491754

Nice try vanbex

>> No.8491761

how do you connect this to his shirt?

>> No.8491781

Ok. I'm researching now. So far what I've come up with is that Vanbex is working with Enterprise Ethereum Alliance. Take a look at their list of members. Only connection I've found is Intel, but I haven't even started looking at the other partners of Vanbex

>> No.8491791

Oooh. Indian Blockchain Council

>> No.8491799

Haha oh my god the nolinkies were right

>> No.8492156

OK so far I really haven't found any hard connections between vanbex and link, though I have found a lot to oraclize. Also I've just generally found a lot of interesting noteworthy companies. Globility and RSK caught my eye

>> No.8492532

OK turns out Factom is a client of Vanbex

>> No.8492693

A trustless immutable ledger needs manual data entry from a pajeet. surely there's a better way.

>> No.8493685

thats the joke

>> No.8493955

Hi new friend

>> No.8494339

I want this life desu

>> No.8494400

disgusting...i'd almost rather have a pajeet wife.....

ideally id want a latina

>> No.8494497


>> No.8494620
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>You wake up and check Blockfolio
>Chainlink crashed to $1,500 and everyone on /biz/ is panicking

>Chainlink crashed to $1,500


>> No.8494638


Fuck Latinas, never marry them

>> No.8494983

Man, I'm sorry. I just can't see how can I get $420,000 of my $70 investment in november (I'm poor af with 420 LINK).

I have no reason to sell, so I will hold longer than most people will. But $1k per token? It's too much. I'd gladly take $25

>> No.8495022
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>You're Asian wife

>> No.8495272

Gott mit uns, bruder.

>> No.8495302

This. Yellow fever is so cringeworthy. Literally have never seen a guy with an Asian wife who wasn't a soyboy.

>> No.8495311

Checking to see if my ID changed.

There are people that bought ETH when it was $1, remember that.

>> No.8495342
File: 206 KB, 1813x952, MarkZuckerberg-1200x630-e1487185306298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every guy with yellow fever is some beta faggot who thinks they're alpha because they have a submissive wife/gf.

>> No.8495383

in b4 link is a nigerian scam and link can't ever reach above $100 because of marketcap...not even past $40. Get rekt faggots, learn coin market caps before you invest.

>> No.8495431

>There are people that bought ETH when it was $1, remember that.
I do... But will this grow that much? At ETH's peak that would give about $380 per LINK... Which is insane.

Market cap is irrelevant in crypto. It is just price x supply. I could make a shitcoin with 100 billion tokens and sell it on EtherDelta for $10. There you have the first 1 trillion cryptocurrency.

Demand and volume is what matters.

>> No.8495443
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>> No.8495626
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Aishiteru gaijin-san

>> No.8495885

Asians and whites mating is the best thing for the world. You get superior white genes mixed with asian work ethic and a combo of white ingenuity and asian ingenuity.

>> No.8495919
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>> No.8495924

the mix to defeat the jews

>> No.8495952
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He did the world a great service.

>> No.8496022
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>> No.8496074


>> No.8496101

I lived in tokyo for 2 years now
And japs a literary cheating non stop
I fucked at least 10 sluts with boyfriends and even found some girls who wanted me to impregnate them
For glorious white genes
They dont have the same values as us probably because different belief system
They dont even care about it

Muh faithful waifu

The faster you learn that most women are sluts and society used to suppress that behavior for good reasons the faster you can let go of your false ideals

>> No.8496136


Pic is clearly Philippines where everyone is Catholic. I've had quite a few girlfriends from there and they were all long term relationship material.

>> No.8496212


yeah except that your kids are some ugly brown looking hapa faggot with an identity crisis when they grow up.

>> No.8496347

You do not under any circumstance want a Latina wife. Hit it and fucking quit it as fast as you can.

t. South Texan

>> No.8496354

now whos falling for memes?

>> No.8496368
File: 62 KB, 970x592, hapa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so basically your last post was larp and you're just an angry r/aznmasculinity poster

>> No.8496418

Made me look, fgt

>> No.8496503
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$1,500 of 2020 cost 100gr of rice

>> No.8496538
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>> No.8496548

Is this shit really going anywhere? I’m down 100 bucks already if this doesn’t get up to 90 cents each within the next month or two I’m out

>> No.8496565

What is Vanbex?? Googled it but don’t understand connection to chainlink?

>> No.8496569
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>> No.8497257


Down $100 L M A O.

Sell faggot.

>> No.8497282
File: 222 KB, 970x980, 48204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINK is intrinsically worthless. Node operators can be paid in existing cryptocurrencies. Just look at the testnet right now, it only accepts ETH instead of LINK lmao. It means that ETH can easily be substituted for it, that is, if someone wants to fork the token to accept ETH (an established cryptocurrency instead of some fucking ERC20 token made with a two-man team), LINK is basically useless. That is besides the fact that everything LINK aims to do can be easily done by cryptographically signing the data from the API source.
>muh next ETH

Link, 5 months in: 35 cents (3.5x ICO)
Ethereum, 5 months in: $5.50 (17x ICO)

Uh oh, pissed stinker incoming HAHA.

>> No.8497304

Chainlinkies power my sex doll