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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8489705 No.8489705 [Reply] [Original]

He's seriously shilling a 50k discord membership and his friend's trading bots now.
I guess the rumors were true

>> No.8489928

dont talk shit about me

>> No.8489944

>pay 50k
>get dumped on


>> No.8489945

What rumors? I don't follow this soyboy.

>> No.8489959

Haha just joking guys. But seriously message if you want to up your game for 50k.

>> No.8489964

Could you imagine that being exactly what happens? Would be funny as hell.

>> No.8489967

some cucks are literally lining up to do it

>> No.8489971

Is he really a cokehead?

>> No.8489995

someone was calling him out for trapping and dumping on his followers

>> No.8490154


nah think he genuinely believes you should stay sober and sharp when trading.

im unironically considering paying 50k. i really do think he's just a nice guy and i have little doubt the skills him and his crew can teach wouldnt be worth it. but seeing as thats 100% of my port its outside of my finances really.

>> No.8490269

Who the fuck would pay 50k for a trading group membership? Or 5k for that matter? $500, maybe.

>> No.8490592

He's admitted to forming a pump and dump collusion. Someone can post the website with all the info. I already reported him to the SEC. Hate fucking slime balls like that

>> No.8490637

This, just report him and move on. he admitted that he uses his followers to amplify his trades, or just straight misleads them.

>> No.8490655

Honestly see no reason to trust this dickhead over PBC, definitely no 50 thousand dollar reasons

>> No.8490672 [DELETED] 

his favorite game is http://lastflipwins.co/lowrisk/

>> No.8491057

I don't really believe that blog but he's getting shadier by the day

>> No.8491292
File: 119 KB, 396x385, 1515916234467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone trust any of the assholes giving investment advice? Read about the project, check the buzz online about and make a decision.
It's hard to feel sorry for people who just do what they're and then complain when it turns out they were played.

>> No.8491306

Unless he gives you 100% accurate entry and exit points then it's not worthy

>> No.8491433

Where did he shill them? Links please, I'm a lazy retard.

>> No.8491503

i could turn that 50k into 1m in 6 months with link

>> No.8491505

buddy I watched his live stream, that 50k shit is his soyboy asian humor, it was a total joke.

>> No.8491577

>i could turn that 50k into 1m in 6 months with link
why did you include an m? typo? you obviously meant you could turn 50k into $1

>> No.8491837

He sounded serious about this one. Of course he'll pretend it was a joke if anyone calls him out on it

>> No.8491876


you are kidding right?

fucking brainlet.

actually you literally are that philakone chink yourself

>> No.8492801

he was just joking doesn't change the fact that he promotes scum such as these:


^ literally a professional scammer, retweeted him surely multiple times until that scum got called out

>> No.8492901
File: 230 KB, 741x739, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's seriously shilling a 50k discord membership

proof? Did you see his friends twitter he retweeted? He has a lambo next to a fucking jet. That must be the guy he is getting paid by to fuck people over.

>> No.8492979
File: 97 KB, 645x729, 525411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so hard to rent one

>> No.8493311

his latest stream, somewhere around 40 minutes

>> No.8493379
File: 42 KB, 657x527, 1521577327042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, clearly the meme TA's are colluding

>inb4 a rich fag will probably hires a hit.