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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8487419 No.8487419[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

He sold? Fine.

>list it on bithumb
>list it on upbit
>list it on bitplace
>get koreas biggest bank on the line
>partner with them
>pump it 80%


>> No.8487517

lol who cares. the dude still has 2 million dollars which will be 10 million on the next run.

how much do you have again? mommy and daddy's weekly $10 allowance?

>> No.8487539

>still a fat black manlet
>10MM wont change that

>> No.8487562

I have this weird feeling is going to try and tax evade and get butt fucked.

>> No.8487593

You mad about people talking down about your favorite chubby black boi?

>> No.8487626

don't forget the fact that they OWN coinone and will list any day now

>> No.8487633

Why is it that retards like you feel the need to be rich/famous peoples’ unpaid internet security force? Are you just that fucking useless and desperate to feel like something you do matters? You think this fat negro would care you’re defending him online? He would fucking laugh and be embarrassed for you.