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8486325 No.8486325 [Reply] [Original]

Sell biopharm, buy tech and defense edition

Popular brokers for stock trading:
>commission free and no minimum to open

> How is it free?
Robinhood earns revenue by collecting interest on cash/securities and fees from their Robinhood Gold service

> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
Not being approved in 3 days seems to be the new norm. Nevertheless, call/email their support if you've been waiting more than that.

> When is it coming to my country?
The only "plans" are on an Australian and Chinese beta. Neither of which has gained much traction.

Interactive Brokers
>$1 commission per 100 shares. $10k minimum to open, $3k if 25 or under. Lowest margin interest. Free API access

TD Ameritade
>$6.95 commission per trade. No minimum to open. Fantastic data/charting through their free ThinkorSwim service

Degiro (Cheap broker for Europeans)

Free in depth charts:

Premarket Movers:

Earnings Report Calendar:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

>> No.8486386


>> No.8486420

options trading is live too

>> No.8486602

Good day.
Little wary of my REIT though, it's falling back to my buy price..
another wave of pain for REITs?

>> No.8486648


>> No.8486666

I bought about $150 in crypto on Robinhood yesterday. I don't really know what else to do. I feel that Bitcoin and Ethereum have run their course.

>> No.8487048

Checked, and buy LTC fren.

>> No.8487083

You're holding on for dividends, right? So as long as the company doesn't take a total shit and go out of business, or cut the dividend in half, a dip is a discount, yeah?

>> No.8487098

poor and retarded? that sucks, sorry to hear that

>> No.8487172

Which money market ETF should I use to park money in my brokerage?

>> No.8487244

So tomorrow. Will everything open up or will the selloff continue?

>> No.8487657

>making an smg thread after market close

>> No.8488438

Futures jumped pretty well but we're back flat now

>> No.8488460
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Hey smg i made the mistake of buying 20 AMD shares at 11.80 should i hold the bag or should i sell and cut my losses?

>> No.8488605
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You should sell, AMD will always be a t $10-12

Just buy shares of $MSPC

>> No.8488980

can we have like, a community poll of what to buy

and then we track our collective performance against buffet and the cuck indexes?

>> No.8489080

We all know that were all buying , BPMX , SEEK and MSPC. You don't even need to do a poll.

>> No.8489094

yeah but dont you want to see us destroy professional traders

>> No.8489105

(((Professional Traders)))

>> No.8489108
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Nice digits, the moonshot already came and went for most crypto the only way I see it happening again is if it becomes "easy" for normies to buy and sell coins and there's a massive influx of speculators.

>> No.8489131
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>> No.8489163
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>$9.00 a share
>Buying that high
>Not buying bpmx

>> No.8489218
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it's a mining company, uranium prices have bottomed out. They're going to start rising rapidly very soon since numerous miners have cut production. It's basically a sure thing.

>> No.8489221

Lurk more fag. We already do it. Autism Incorporated

>> No.8489454

cool it buddy

>> No.8489501

J-j-just like NAK right?

>> No.8489634

they've got a massive copper mine underway and with prices going up with copper as well it likely has a good future as well.

>> No.8489647

sell it bro

>> No.8490064

How many stocks do I need to buy to get this?

>> No.8490079


>> No.8490127

buy 100,000,000 shares of $SEEK or youll never get that poontang

>> No.8490516

big buy limit order showing up in the Dow futures orderbook and it doesn't seem to be a spoof, looks like something's up

>> No.8490629

thoughts on NorthWest Health Prop Real Estate Investment Trust?

7% dividend.

>> No.8490962

Shill me on bpmx

>> No.8491299

damn, bears are pretty determined to keep it down, they reversed the momentum then filled that order

>> No.8492031

fuck me

>> No.8492136

that fucking 140 point drop

can't tell whether or not it was fundamental news

buyers really need to step up or this thing will crash

>> No.8492178

its just the europoors panic selling

>> No.8492235

Partly, but also during sheer drops like this, I think a lot of the algos will actually pull what buy orders they have in the market.

>> No.8492249

Then you get massive gaps on the buy-side of the orderbook where there's like fuck all liquidity and shit just freefalls.

>> No.8492290

Here comes the mean reversion scalpers. Damage has been done though. Burgers need to bring the buying momentum, because if we get continuation of this downtrend then things are going to start to look bad on the daily timeframe.

>> No.8492478

So I got an offer from my bank, 2€ fee per transaction but I have to put at least one order per month. Looks pretty sound. Gotta find if there is no hidden fees.

>opening 25 minutes ago
>everything red

>> No.8492904

Any eurofags holding Inditex? It’s quite cheap atm.

>> No.8492914

Any Belgianbro's in here? Since we can't trade forex, what's the best alternative?

>> No.8492929

Buy Inditex, you dirty barraki

>> No.8492947

So you're saying REQ is going to bring on the next bullrun?

>> No.8492964

> shilling a fashioncompany

I bet you own a manbag.

>> No.8493077

A case to haul your laptop and your files around you mean ?

>> No.8493087

It will go up, bro.

>> No.8493139

> Buy inditex, sirs. It will moon soon sirs.

>> No.8493293
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Anyone here interested in buying Spotify when it goes public? Why/why not?

>> No.8493573
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Who here buying dropbox on Friday?

>> No.8493907

The hedge fund is nice, but comfy sold everything to buy options now
It kind of kills the idea that we pick the stocks and maximize losses

>> No.8493946

FED shitpost power is real
We made 3 threads yesterday and the last one even survived through the night

I got rekt by this TVIX shit yesterday but it was my first time so it is kind of normal

Shall we play the TVIX/UVXY game again today ? (Trump will announce trade barriers against the chink scammers today, Cuckerberg gave a somehow autistic response on CNN and FB took a dip with a rather important volume)

>> No.8494095
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TVIX / UVXY could be spicy today

>> No.8494119

don't capitalize the "Fed", it makes you look retarded

>> No.8494130

I’m not buying but I did but April 6 puts for Pandora.

>> No.8494141


>> No.8494146

with politics shooting against web 2.0 services.
No thanks

>> No.8494153

Is it worth playing then ?
I think I grasped some trading lessons during yesterday's rollercoaster

Fuck you fag
FED is now a meme

>> No.8494161
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>> No.8494461

Mornin' boys, how do you find your stocks? What metrics are you using to identify imminent swings (up or down, doesnt matter) in stocks?

>> No.8494491

Are you a trader or an investor ?

>> No.8494509

Lmao retarded

People said EXACTLY the same in 2012


>> No.8494621


Not yet decided. If I just want to invest, i'd simply buy index funds over and over again, that's a bit boring, isn't it.

I want to trade, although not intraday. Some days to some weeks at most. Just raking in money on short term trends, with options on stocks.

>> No.8494706
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>politics shooting against web 2.0

They just want them to pay their fair share of tax

>> No.8494715

By trader, I meant day trader
So you are more like an investor then

You have to learn accounting terms, the usual ratios on Investopedia. Really, you have to read and spend time on boring shit.

Once you have a tiny grasp of all that, you screen for stocks on Finviz.

How do you screen ? It usually comes down on what kind of stocks you want. It really is like choosing fruits and vegetables in the supermarket. Of course, the criteria are a bit different.

Do you want cheap, beaten down stocks ? Screen for low forward P/E
Do you want high growth stocks ? Screen for high current P/E and a slightly lower forward P/E

And pay attention to the news and catalysts surrounding the stock you like.

As for reversals and swings, I don't rely on that. This is technical analysis. But usually a stock you think is mispriced will goo to its fair value in a few months time. I use TA when I want to enter into a stock I like.

>> No.8494745
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Never wrong

>> No.8494797

I will give you an example on how I get my ideas for investigation

Let's take McDonald

I am in France and I recently see a lot of its ads in the street. They are not about any new product. They are dipicting MCD sceneries associated with global and French pop culture.

And that got me thinking, it has been a very long time since MCD has done any new products in France. Now I want to know, why is that ? What do the French management want to achieve ? Is it the same strategy elsewhere in the world ? etc

>> No.8494906


>> No.8495010

so many skeletal bitches getting posted today. its makin my dick sad

>> No.8495050

Going to 7.50

>> No.8495084
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Waiting for the neets to wake up

>> No.8495128

Why are bond yields going down? Some one explain this shit to a brainlet.

>> No.8495148

Is this a result of people picking sides in the upcoming trade war?

>> No.8495149
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>mfw i check my bonds short this morning
i guess this serves us right for trading shit we know nothing about

>> No.8495155
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You're a "professional" trader. You should know.

>> No.8495173

Trade war concerns over Trump placing levies on Chinese imports. People are buying bonds (they're a safe haven) which raises their price, lowering their yield to maturity.

>> No.8495191

badda bitch. think i should cut and run now? dont know if itll dip at open

>> No.8495195

Flight to safety.
Look at TVIX/UVXY and FB in pre-market.
And maybe because the FED wasn't hawkish enough

Anyway, I am touching myself to see if I go back to TVIX-kun today for him to bully me again...

>> No.8495200
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The Dow is down 225 points. Buckle up lads.

>> No.8495211


so what do we think? one day overreaction or start of a bigger move down? i'm tempted to buy this

>> No.8495219

Shit so my TMV pickup is a ticking time bomb because it's -3x leveraged on bonds?

>> No.8495222
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>> No.8495233
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>Belgium stock market
How cute
I didn't know it even existed lol

>> No.8495236

I literally don't know at this point.

We've been told things don't have to lead to a trade war, the market's selling off because it's selling off. Not because of some fundamental reason.

Bluechips will start to enter the upper-limits of bargain value territory if things get much lower, particularly with earnings expected to grow.

>> No.8495244
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>Europe is down too
Nice trips.

>> No.8495261

yeah my semi short is going to fucking kill it today. tech is on fire. QQQ set to open 1.2 down last i looked. im going to try and get a better price with my bond short and wait for the market to open.

also does anyone know of any good resources for learning about bonds pricing? clearly i know fuck all about how they work. was expecting another gap up with all the action on them yesterday

>> No.8495287

holy shit you have to tell us. what are taxes on short term gains in belgium? it must be fucking insanity

>> No.8495297

>the market's selling off because it's selling off

as i look at the orderbook, I can tell you some heavy spoofing (placing large sell limit orders, then pulling them) on the sell side is going on (implying it's purely speculators driving it down - not fundamental reasons)

>> No.8495321

Not to imply there's something "wrong" with that, but imo, there's no actual "reason" for things to be dropping so drastically.

>> No.8495325
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If anything, I would buy the dip

Come to papa...

>> No.8495369


Thanks bud. I already do exactly what you said, how to look into 10-ks and all that, how to spot red flags in reports etc. I also use finviz. My search parameters are usually up/down X% in a fitting time period, plus P/E and RSI. Got any more indicators you could recommend me?

I'd like to combine both, like short sellers do. Look after some really overvalued stocks and then try to find some clues in the 10-ks to evaluate if the stock could tank in the near future. I did some research on a few companies but I didn't dare to short one yet.

>> No.8495374

Look at the damn daily candles on SPY, we broke the upward channel, we just got a FED shit post, and there was that double top that formed on the 13th. Face it, the bear is fully woke.

>> No.8495375

>Trade wars for no fucking reason
>Stocks trading at 10x their earnings
>Leveraged (((ETFs)))
>(((Facebook))) exposed and dragging the whole NASDAQ with it
>Donald Trump

We're not going to enter a recession, but what we saw in February wasn't the real correction.

>> No.8495419

This is where you understand people say investing should be boring
You have those indicators but it never tells the whole stories
I am not an expert in indicators and don't use many anyways

As for shorting, the risk-reward profile is skewed. I used to do it and it is far more scary than simply going long. The NKTR pop scared the shit out of me

>> No.8495445
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yeah i think itll drop today because of a lot of tech cycling out and panic. but the market will correct itself. maybe by tomorrow, or maybe by the end of the day.

personally i love how the markets been just crushing it and then selling off lately. its been giving us some awesome swing opportunities.

kek why are you so suspicious of ETFs being jewish? so what if they are? i mean, im uncircumcised, so i got no skin in the fight, but lets keep it kosher, eh?

>> No.8495483

Stocks may trade at multiples of their earnings because there's an expectation of future growth of those earnings. That was particularly strong due to the potential tax benefits companies would receive. The expectation of earnings growth and the implied tax benefit is still there.

But the general level of stock prices have also been supported by a low interest environment. I understand if things drop due to that changing. But idk about this trade war stuff, seems a little stupid.

>> No.8495502

I've been away for a while. BUY XXII!!!!

>> No.8495508

I have read stuff about ETFs being systemic recipient because they distort asset prices

If we look back at the 2008 crisis, it happened because a lot of debts were mispriced and people and institutions came to brutally realize they were far far far less wealthy than in reality

Do you think ETF have that kind effect ?

I don't really think so. In anything, ETFs might amplify swings in either direction when an event is up.

>> No.8495509

>tfw down .8% and the market hasn't opened yet

>> No.8495519

Yeah, shit's looking bad technically. No denying that.

>> No.8495520

RHE for today.

>> No.8495525

Any good book recommendations on options trading? I have an undergrad in math and masters in CS so mathy stuff is fine.

>> No.8495535

Will burgers save the stock market today?

>> No.8495542
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Only Sminem-sama can save us now

>> No.8495544


>> No.8495548

Hedge your longs on separate stocks by shorting indices. Institutions are already flat stocks, hedge funds are selling to retailers at the moment. There's something different since the volocaust. The collapse of the XIV was the end of an era. They used volatility ETFs for leverage. Libor IOS is spiking, this will cause some effect. I hear a lot of talk of gold being purchased and that does make sense, that would be a good alternative, because things are starting to get a little iffy. A lot of risk at the moment due to trade wars and rising interest rates.
FAANG+BAT stocks are the most crowded trade at the moment: https://heisenbergreport.com/2018/03/21/long-faang-is-the-most-crowded-trade-again-fair-warning/
When it's stretched like that, there's a lot of money to be made on the other side.

Well have fun and keep your eyes open.

>> No.8495563

Options volatility and pricing by Sheldon Natenburg is worth its weight in gold, you might be able to find a used copy or library copy somewhere.

>> No.8495568

This guy has a quite a following on Cucking Beta

I read some of his stuff and I find it to ZeroHedge tier doom WHY DIDN'T YOU LISTEN Ron Paul shit

Am I right or too narrow minded ?

>> No.8495589

>down 4% because zuckerjew had to open his mouth

>> No.8495595

i kinda want to crash things down to some reasonable P/Es. its why im so bearish all the time. i feel like i missed out by not being a trader back in 09. anything i go long on now, will inevitably be me buying the top. we need a good pullback.

is it finally going to do something?

>I have read stuff about ETFs being systemic recipient because they distort asset prices
i dont know how they would do that, as they track the underlying, not the other way around.

>> No.8495597

i hate this shit, im going to get called today, god fucking dammnit fuck trump and fuck white people

>> No.8495602

Who yolo TVIX at open here ?

>> No.8495603
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Why the fuck didn't I just hold UVXY from yesterday instead of selling it for a small gain

>> No.8495618
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do not let emotion cloud your judgement anon

>> No.8495632

Holding UVXY overnight is pretty high-risk. that said, the signs were all there that things were going to get wild today.

>> No.8495635

be happy you took a gain at all, dont be greedy

>> No.8495644
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Morning all

>> No.8495645

I made huge fucking loses shorting through a large amount of 2017's bull market, managed to come out in profit overall during the final quarter's massive rally.

Currently still bullish on the Dow, till that 200 day moving average is sliced through (which seems ever more likely each day). Seems I likely have to take some more heavy losses if things get too bearish for me, but so be it, that's The Market.

>> No.8495649

That dank MJ payout of $0.045 almost makes up for buying in at $37.34

>> No.8495650

>But the general level of stock prices have also been supported by a low interest environment.

Also an over regulated economy. Part of the reason the market is so volatile and trading sideways right now, is there’s more room to invest. Bonds are up. Capital investment is up. Venture capital investment is up and expected to grow. Real estate is up. Counterintuitively, a stronger economy is turning the market.

>I understand if things drop due to that changing. But idk about this trade war stuff, seems a little stupid.

We’ve been in a trade war with the world for years. We’re just openly talking about it now. Unfortunately by using crisis language. Stated as it is, we’re trying to reset our trade deals to more favorable ones. EU and Chinese tariffs on our goods are 10 times what we impose on their goods, and their VAT, which we don’t have, compounds that.

>> No.8495661

If I knew about the joy of investing and stock memes 9 years ago, I would have been so fucking made
But at least I understood while there is still time

Yes they try to track the underlying indices
But in reality, ETFs are the ultimate trend followers that tend to buy what is rising and sell off what is dipping

And at the end, it creates a positive effect loop when there is a major events

I don't think there will be a recession, but markets are volatile as fuck and emphasis should be put on real value stocks (like AMRS trollface.jpg)

>> No.8495666

I'm just frustrated, I knew shit was going to be wild today, at least I didn't sell at a loss


>> No.8495693

You didn't do like me and lost 120 bucks and TVIX

I am wondering if I should go back in today at open...

>> No.8495710

So when are we going long? Shit looks like it could just keep falling all fucking day.

>> No.8495714

Didn't Zuckerberg try to blame all this on Trump or something?

>> No.8495717


>> No.8495719

>STM down 4%
>didn't sell yesterday

>> No.8495734

>I made huge fucking loses shorting through a large amount of 2017's bull market
that may very well be what im doing. but i feel things have changed recently. i mean, think how many days in either direction that have been over 1% on the major indexes. that wasnt happening last year. and it all started the day we got a new FED chair. shit done changed. we may not be bearish yet, but we certainly are going sideways in a very violent way.

this is true actually. frequently when im trading these leveraged ETFs, i can see where there is a major reversal, because it overshoots the underlying. this is where i usually get out

>> No.8495742

Yeah. But, he actually gave the information to the Obama campaign in 2012 rather than a 3rd party app working within the ToS. He’s just a jewy Jew doing Jew things.

>> No.8495744
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I tried to warn you
Why didn't you listen ?

>> No.8495749

I have no disagreement with Trump just giving people back their own medicine. Other countries will shape the narrative though, particularly when the mainstream media tends to be anti-trump (I'm neutral about Trump). They'll make it seem like Trump is doing something "wrong", and there's evidence to suggest tariffs end up harming everyone, but the US has had to deal to other countries laying costs on their exports for a long time.

Speculative sellers in the futures markets are just going to use this to pile their orders into the downward momentum.

>> No.8495754

Yes you are right...

I gonna go with SVXY instead

>> No.8495759

Throw some cash at UVXY options if you really want a ride.

>> No.8495765

Because I took an offer from my bank for 2€ fixed commissions on trades but had to do the paperwork
Shouldn't have waited

>> No.8495767


>> No.8495770

>tfw put all my money into TVIX and UVXY yesterday
>wake up to see I'm up 10%+

>> No.8495781

How do I buy docusign? When will it be listed on exchanges?

>> No.8495790

if I remember right, you still have some profits in STM

If I were you, I would wait for a green day to sell it, just to train yourself mentally

>> No.8495803

Ok, Trump's anti-chink speech will be on at 10.30am

>> No.8495807

We're live everyone press F to pay respects

>> No.8495809

Checked, but next bullrun will most likely happen in 2020 due to halvening

i'll see if i can dig up a copy, thanks.

>> No.8495811


>> No.8495813

I'm still +6%

>> No.8495816

How much crash is on the menu?

>> No.8495828

Speculate in BTC (less so in ETH) because you believe its narrative as a kind of digital gold.
Not a currency, not something with intrinsic value, but as the modern equivalent of gold (which is surely the longest lasting meme in History)

BTC is either that or total trash

>> No.8495833

How do I get docusign shares? I have an etrade account. I own 0 stocks and haven't funded my account yet. I've only traded crypto on binance

>> No.8495837
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In a sea of red, there's but one stalwart defender of my portfolio

>> No.8495841
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Who fucking cares what the source is? It's just data. You look at it all and make a fucking educated guess most of the time. With a shit attitude like that, worrying who's the Jew and whose not, you'll end up losing. Best to follow the Jews on finance I believe.

>> No.8495848

Wym, XXII like doubled in price not too long ago. Plus the FDA is moving towards regulating nicotine among other good news. It's a long hold for sure but right now is a good price to buy in

>> No.8495853
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It's a wild ride.

>> No.8495864

By the way, who's shorting FB since Monday? That was easy with the news coming in on the weekend. Best free money I've ever made so far.

>> No.8495887

>hes 100% liquid
>dump it
>paint a bull trap
>continue the dump when hes in

Not today Bogs

>> No.8495895
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>> No.8495898

yeah its just been so flat and underwhelming for like a week. i got some cheap, its just me being impatient. its been relentlessly shorted with high frequency bullshit since i got in like a week ago

>> No.8495927

>there's evidence to suggest tariffs end up harming everyone

Yeah. A single instance in history which compounded a problem already growing. Kind of like how an assassination of some second rate aristocrat in a shithole country launched a world war.

People should read our economic history. Adam Smith was never our guiding economic philosopher. The last 40yr experiment in free markets was a failure.

>> No.8495938
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>> No.8495947


>> No.8495960

thanks for the suggestion

>> No.8495974


>> No.8495975

In fact, what Adam Smith wrote was brilliant and capital

But he was an anglo so most of his thoughts worked because of the anglo/christian culture and mental structure (especially respecting the terms of a contract and fair-play)

I have said it several times about the chinks and how they view rules. They are born cheaters and you can't do open trade with them

>> No.8495984

Patience baby

>> No.8496016

Wait you guys take economic advice from a guy who duped a bunch of people into following his religion?

SNAP is trying to go green, S&P is really really fucked.

>> No.8496038

Pep is the only green, makes you wonder

>> No.8496040

I don't care about how a person is
Adam Smith could be a satan worshiper and a pedo for all I care
I care about what they do and what they produce

I just think free trade and capitalism are good, but they just can't be done with everyone

>> No.8496041
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>> No.8496044


>> No.8496060
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>> No.8496062

get SVXY now while it's cheap

>> No.8496075

Sure, Smith was brilliant. But, we outright rejected his economic theories in favor of Friedrich List. And from 1789 to 1989, that’s how we ran our nation’s economy.

>> No.8496079

I'll wait till it's cheaper or the VIX starts it's reversal.

>> No.8496087

>Friedrich List
I will look into this guy's work then
I didn't know him

>> No.8496089

Adam Smith books are extremely good reads and most of his analysis are spot on.
The part about healthcare and education should be applied today. He also warned against the positive and negative effects of taxation. The first part of Wealth of Nations is also very interesting in a pure historical point of view as he details the events and other theories leading him to his conclusions.

>> No.8496105

>Been over a month and DOW is still not back to its ATH

>> No.8496116

you dont like smith? hes on our side though.

i cant really blame the chinese for taking advantage of the situation to try and turn a profit for themselves though. what really pisses me off is how OUR politicians and corporations have been giving china every opportunity to fuck over the american worker and subvert our industry. its bullshit, and i think the blame lies with them, not necessarily the chinese. anyone with a business sense, that could get away with it, would do the same thing given the opportunity that china and other 3rd world countries were given with our prior trade agreements.

>> No.8496139

buy BAC if you know whats good for you

>> No.8496142


Never mind I was thinking you were talking about Joseph Smith. So you're telling me I should read Wealth of Nations? Did they make it into a movie?

>> No.8496143
File: 90 KB, 680x638, 1521488240543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For ETFs is there a website to check out their holdings?

>> No.8496163

Come on it's only 500 pages you fucko

>> No.8496171

I hope it crashes because I FOMOd

>> No.8496173

You can't blame other people for taking advantage of others' stupidity

What is a bit surprising is China's tone over the trade tariff scandal
Germany (aka the EU) came to the negotiation with the US
China seems to be defiant

If you have time and actually care about your personal enrichment, why not
I haven't read it lol but know the gist of it

>> No.8496180

ishares and related says on their website the components

>> No.8496187

I'm tired of giving advice to you people who never listen. Buy CLRB if you know what's good for you

>> No.8496197

etf.com duh

or etfdb.com

>> No.8496203

Bush tariffs in 2003 = -25%

Not buying stocks until dow drops below 22k

>> No.8496207

Looks like a good buy, just picked up 100k

>> No.8496227

you should. hes definitely /biz/s version of /ourguy/. if only we could have an actual free market. hes like our version of marx. it sounds so good, but its pretty unrealistic given the current corporate-ocracy. all lobbyists should hang desu

yup time to practice your bear skills

i already bought and sold before you could type this

>> No.8496233
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Whats are some good Uranium memes? I already have cameco

>> No.8496250
File: 190 KB, 1200x802, AA04BD4A-D29D-447D-8F26-02F5AE92ED5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw bought pep stocks yesterday

>> No.8496257



Here you go they got the whole thing for free. If I'm going to waste the next 2 years of my life reading some ancient manuscript and trying to figure out how it can be applied to the modern day some one else should too.

>> No.8496263



>> No.8496281

Why though?

>> No.8496284
File: 27 KB, 600x765, 53f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels superior

>> No.8496287
File: 57 KB, 486x431, 1518796490016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody interested in FOMO'ing into GERN. I'm getting crypto returns in a stock

>> No.8496299

>If I'm going to waste the next 2 years of my life
It's not a very long book and it is pretty straightforward. I hope you aren't going to take more than a week or 2 to read it.

>> No.8496301


>> No.8496330

Yes, unironically.

>> No.8496353
File: 387 KB, 350x480, SOXS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even going to read it they made it into a 5 part movie.

Thanks bud! Have a bear.

>> No.8496385

>hes definitely /biz/s version of /ourguy/

I don't think so
I think /biz/ would thrive even if we lived in a Venezuelan-like hellhole lol

The book won't make you have gains
It will help you understand why some countries are 3rd world shitholes, some are becoming ones and some are on the path of success

>> No.8496400

>I think /biz/ would thrive even if we lived in a Venezuelan-like hellhole lol
i would evaporate under true socialism

>> No.8496426

>implying knowing which countries are on a path of success can't be used to make gains in long term emerging market investments.

>> No.8496454
File: 29 KB, 529x614, 534trf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Big5

>> No.8496455

oh shit you are right

anyway, have you made up your mind on your VIX meme ETN yet ?

>> No.8496467

Buy the Kraft Heinz dip

>> No.8496468

its incredible. the only things left standing right now are the /biz/ stocks.

>> No.8496480

Still holding, It seems SPY is trying to channel up, so if this next wave doesn't dip below 267.75 I'm just closing the long VIX.

>> No.8496496

>All going up

We are invincible.

>> No.8496497

I read left and right that former hedge fund stars are getting rekt (Paulson, Ackman)

Maybe we should take their place
Make Autism Inc. real

>> No.8496519

Well fuck, I just want red candles to keep coming with more and more volume....

>> No.8496520

Buying volume on SPY is pathetically weak

>> No.8496530

Ok thx

I am monitoring the TVIX charts and I wonder if it will do the same shit as yesterday minutes before FED's shitpost
>reaching a bottom
>kneejerk to trigger the stop losses/take profits
>VIX to the moon

Today at 10.30am, Trump will state the trade barriers conditions

>> No.8496566

Oh my god, we've been going down seemingly every day for a long time now.

>> No.8496572

neat I got into the robinhood crypto trading

>> No.8496588

I am an europajeet
I am wondering, can you deposit crypto into your RH account and trade it for fiat ?

>> No.8496601


I do not see anywhere to deposit crypto
I cant even find anywhere to withdraw the BTC i just bought

>> No.8496606

crypto is fiat

>> No.8496618
File: 19 KB, 500x367, puny_spic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok thx

>crypto is fiat

>> No.8496634

i don't see why not crypto is the future of currency right?

>> No.8496653

>this coin has use as a currency because a lot of people agree it does
>not hard backed by something
>not fiat

When was the last time you used crypto as a currency and not just as a way to get more USD?

>> No.8496655
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I don't know if the Trump minutes will drive the market lower or if the flush already happened.

>> No.8496663

>Down 2% today already


>> No.8496673

>he didn't put his entire portfolio in UVXY and TVIX


>> No.8496678

This is UVXY's long term trend reversal. We going back to 2,000,000 per share.!

>> No.8496686

Should've FOMOd GERN like the rest of us

>> No.8496690

Important day today. Senate will vote on C-45 (legalization bill) second reading before the end of the session today. A pass means it continues to third reading which will voted on or before June 7. Defeat here means the bill is temporarily toast.

CBC put up a fear mongering fud article this morning. It suggests that many independent senators will not show up. This is patently untrue. The only senators who will not be in attendance are the members of committees out on road trips. These committees consist of even numbers of conservative, lib, and independent senators. Meaning their absence does not change the party ratio in the senate for this vote.

As far as stocks are concerned, expect a red day today with some potentially juicy discounts. Tomorrow will be pure green.

>> No.8496730

Didn't cash in STM yesterday but still have some money, gonna dump 400€ in SCHNEIDER EL for the lulz.

>> No.8496735
File: 191 KB, 365x352, f56ft68ft87fg4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noooo citigroup wtf

>> No.8496737

>nigger vernacular

>> No.8496755

>dollar rising
>markets falling

this better fuggen continue

>> No.8496761


>> No.8496776

Man Im ready to get burned when AMD drops to 10 dollars in the next month.

>> No.8496788
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>> No.8496821


>> No.8496863
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>> No.8496870
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I think im done with this market until. he's impeached or voted out in 2020.

>> No.8496876

thanks just bought
looks like it goes down forever though

>> No.8496885


>> No.8496890

lel, what a fucking retard

>> No.8496894

Which stock do I buy the dip for?


>> No.8496906

Im at risk lads. I am calling on the market gods for my one-time.

>> No.8496908


>he thinks this is the bottom of the dip

>> No.8496909

Netflix 100%
under 310 is a steal for range trade
308 is best

>> No.8496912

Where did I say that? :^)

>> No.8496925

>hodl'd through last flash crash
>from before then until now lost $500
>wake up, see this shit
Fuck it, I sold absolutely everything. Might rebuy at bottom, might not. Took my gains and got gone, too many shenanigans in this market, I'm done with this shit.

>> No.8496926

B-but the blockchain

>> No.8496929

makes profit
makes profit (but could get problems soon like fb)
their problems are here for a while
lol doesnt even make profit you might as well buy snap and tesla

>> No.8496938

lol pussy

>> No.8496943

2 more years, until 4 more years.

>> No.8496961

i feel bad for the guy. i honestly think herballife is a fucking scam too, but icahn propped it up and smashed him out of like a billion dollars. fucking brutal

>> No.8496963

>tfw want to dump my portfolio and buy in short ETFs and volatility but I blew all my week's day trades doing exactly that on Monday when Facebook dicked over tech stocks

>> No.8496969

When is this dogshit dotard getting impeached. He is putting our money to sleep!

>> No.8496974
File: 316 KB, 626x673, 20cfc30f52b1461e4553bab0616e47ba3583770c667e7e09a455eb609c26d76f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he can't make money in this market

>> No.8496978


unoriginal, alien chink scam shit
are you a boomer ? also CEO is a clueless pajeet

>> No.8496979

>until 4 more years.


The white trash turnout won't be as high as it was in 2016.

>> No.8496982
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>leftypol is here
just wonderful

>> No.8497008

As one OP of /smg/ said :
>The whole stock market is like shitposting with money on memes

>> No.8497013

I unironically voted for him but his complete reversal from championing the stock market to crashing it with no survivors seriously has me at risk.

>> No.8497017
File: 144 KB, 1890x1630, 1521401849640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calling out Trump for the retard that he is makes you a liberal
>Muh black and white identity politics

>> No.8497027

it's over for me lads, the cheeto eating retard has personally margin called me despite my best efforts, first doubles gets to pick my livestreamed suicide

>> No.8497042

go back to communist honeypot website infinitychan, your subversion techniques need work

>> No.8497052

Base jump off Trump Tower with no parachute.

>> No.8497053

We'll just repeal the 24th amendment and put a big ass pay wall on that son of a bitch.

>> No.8497062

Go back to the ptg hugbox with your $60 robingoy account.

>> No.8497063
File: 9 KB, 378x228, baller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a green wojak

Also, does anyone else dislike Robinhood web? I think I prefer an emulator

>> No.8497073

you retards realize the market is up 40% since the election, almost solely due to the tax cuts. Those haven't even had a real chance to take effect, but if you want to sell here and donate all your proceeds to Bernie 2020 feel free

Maybe we sweep the Feb lows, but that would be great buying op

>> No.8497074

>white trash
>literally any white person from farm to executive
As opposed to the enlightened niggers and illegal spics of the left?

>> No.8497076

who /pharma/ here

what do we make of this ABBV move

>> No.8497082
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>Implying 4chan isn't a communist Honeypot

Putin called, he needs his dick sucked by 3:30 and Trump is too busy.

>> No.8497084

My swing trade positions are getting fucking hammered, far too much technical damage is being done to the indices, but just be patient. The opportunity will come for the eventual reversal. Just wait for it.

>> No.8497085


I wouldn't be surprised if he tried that.

>> No.8497099

Just walk into the woods and never come out

>> No.8497101

Realistically this will probably be a regular down day and then an up day tomorrow. Market is just really volatile but all it needs is a good reason(ie bond market carnage) for there to be a massive collapse

>> No.8497105

thinkin about going long for a scalp rn tbqh

>> No.8497109

>the market was up before, that means the market will always be up

inflation, tariffs, possibility of a tech bubble, etc.

>> No.8497111

>trump single handedly destroys the global trade system to appease impoverished rural and suburban retards
>h-he knows what he's doing guys promise. 8-D Chess!! M-maga

>> No.8497113
File: 29 KB, 640x753, crying_feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long GILD and any CAR-T hemophilia biotech
I dunno for ABBV what happened ? spoonfeed me bo

I am thinking of dumping my REGN bag
Based Shkreli can't be right all the time

>> No.8497120

i've laid off any more leveraged trades on 1broker today, feels good man. feel like i will just chop myself up and probably wont be able tod o anything today for sure

>> No.8497129

>tfw tariff talk killed by BGNE bags

>> No.8497132
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>Muh Putin
Jesus you faggots really are single-minded

>> No.8497136

I'm in for my one-time fade. God help me.

>> No.8497139

wow thats really comfy way to die thank you

>> No.8497156
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Ok, Russian shill. Make sure you swallow for your ruskie overlords.

>> No.8497166

definitely a good idea to not add to, or have any large leveraged positions right now

>> No.8497172


>> No.8497178
File: 17 KB, 420x570, chinese_merchant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come to papa my 7 ATVI@70.66$

>> No.8497179

oh shit buy brkb

>> No.8497185

Holy shit when did /pol/ invade /smg/?
Please tell me you guys are actually trading stocks and arent here to just shit post about politics all day?

>> No.8497194

>tfw been losing money on BRKB for almost a month straight

>> No.8497203

It is depending on the context
Yesterday we had the FED
Today, Trump is making a speech on his trade tariffs

Too much emotion and politics for sure

>> No.8497221

>President makes retarded decision that sends markets dropping
>Expecting people invested in those markets to not talk about it

>> No.8497229
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>Having money
>Contributing anything worth while

They're the niggers of 4chan

>> No.8497231

Below 24k today?

>> No.8497232

youre an idiot if you didnt see this coming from yesterdays close. and you shouldnt blame politicians for major market fluctuations either. it makes you sound retarded. the reason things are moving is mostly because of the FED minutes yesterday throwing everything out of whack. but your soft head is letting the media tell you "this is all drumphs fault baka famalam" because its midterms season and they need to politicize everything.

but make no mistake, last years mega bull run had nothing to do with trump, and this years bear market will have nothing to do with trump. tons of major financial analysts have been calling another crash for years.

and to any /pol/acks out there, no the kikes arent crashing the market on us stupid goys. the market is fucking overvalued and the FED is tightening up. stop viewing everything that happens in the world as a way to validate your retarded political views, and start actually thinking about the how and why of whats happening.

idiots need to stop jumping when they say trump, or tariff, or russia, or whatever.

>> No.8497247

Trump is definitely a closet commie. Based comrade is destroying the US regime from within!

>> No.8497251

Why are Robinhood funds available instantly for me now? Also, I bought 40 shares of BPMX. Do you guys expect it to moon?

>> No.8497260

all i have is a TSLA long from yesterday thats breakeven due to the losses today, and a yuge 100% gain on a short of USDCAD. Captured the entirety of the candle yesterday, not sure when losing that but Senor Trump keeps fucking up the dollar might as well let it ride

>> No.8497262
File: 129 KB, 1036x675, Hmmmmmmmmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you retards realize the market is up 40% since the election, almost solely due to the tax cuts
Which didn't even last. Look at where we are headed now.

Obama had his shortcomings, but at least he wasn't a fucking idiot like Trump.

>> No.8497269

are there no buyers left on earth? what the fuck is happening

>> No.8497274
File: 324 KB, 1934x1747, laughing whores bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or actually, keep jumping until i cover all my shorts holy shit. i fucking love how retarded everyone is. i take it all back

>> No.8497305
File: 100 KB, 636x514, Memes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here to shit post and make this market my bitch.

>> No.8497314
File: 71 KB, 747x960, 1521649947282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, but M-MAGA amirite?

>> No.8497323

nice uvxy calls my nig

>> No.8497327

Lmao (You)

>> No.8497336

The market sure has felt that way since we got above the 100d mva again after the Feb selloff

>> No.8497347

Do you really want a president pence?

>> No.8497348

Jokes on you
Sold at 6.50

>> No.8497352

>x happens
>not posting the moves you are making instead of bitching about the situation
If you think the market is crashing then short some stocks.
For me Im buying stocks because I know that this is just a momentary hit.
This is a good time to buy or short.

>> No.8497355
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Let me know when the Democrats put up some incompetent celebrity 'tard like Jay-Z and droves of minority thugs go out and vote him into office.

Until then you have no comparison.

>> No.8497360

Unironically anything to stop adding risk we don't need with the Fed already hiking.

>> No.8497367
File: 145 KB, 1200x800, 33c856739eaee0154c8f4d80ae6ddb072332517cacc770e991fe0b2080bc409f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both Bush and Obama were serving shortly after the bottom of a financial crisis, of course the market came back up for them.

For Trump, the economy was in a "New Paradigm!" mode when he came into office. And then everyone acted surprised when a nationalist candidate implemented nationalist policies instead of investing properly.

>> No.8497373

reminder to ignore all infinitychan raiders

>> No.8497391

>MU right now
At least earnings today will be good r-right?

>> No.8497406
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>> No.8497421

bonds are kinda like stocks. if the yield goes down the price will go up because of interest hikes

>> No.8497426

Please recover...

>> No.8497441

Microsoft and Micron are killing me.

>> No.8497453

so this is what gang rape feels like

not a fan

>> No.8497458

are MSPC and SEEK the penny stocks?

You guys holding these things?

>> No.8497459

The trading volume is actually quite light today, compared to the past couple US sessions.

>> No.8497461

No I thought if the FED raised the rate, the yield would increase and the price would go down.

>> No.8497467
File: 75 KB, 347x472, Disgust_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit we have to hike rates or this whole shit comes down. hell, we shouldve done it years ago. do you not understand the importance of keeping prices in the market in check? do you understand that there are plenty of easy things you can do to make this market even more profitable than a bull one? you sound like a fucking child m8. lrn2bear

>> No.8497473

You realize what trump is doing pence would do a lot worse.

>> No.8497475

new thread pleas

>> No.8497504

>down 40,000 burgerland dollarydoos from ATH
I was expecting this, but it still stings. People have been underestimating the instability in the white house for a long time now.

>> No.8497520

(The implication being that limit orders are being moved around a lot, but people aren't actually buying or selling that much, at least not in the futures)

>> No.8497530


>> No.8497534

Yield increases for new bonds, which makes existing bonds written at the old interest rate comparatively less valuable.

>> No.8497863

Lmfao now I know you're either retarded or "pretending to be retarded" because that's actually happened in the past election

>> No.8497868
File: 29 KB, 976x669, D0A43B90-3CD8-4EB7-813A-42C590B2C803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw went long with SPY yesterday.