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File: 23 KB, 640x359, Sunny-Lu-VeChain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8483764 No.8483764 [Reply] [Original]

>pwc is in
>bmw is in
>jim breyer is in
You have two months to acumulate. Mainnet in June, moon will be out of this world. Screencap this post. You have been given the opportunity of a lifetime.

>> No.8483773

$2 eoy

>> No.8483780

>bmw is in
>he doesnt know

>> No.8483795

oh no anon... I have something to share with you.

>> No.8483854

If we look at LIVE use cases, the only blockchain project on a similar level to Vechain is Ethereum. When the next bull run arrives, Vechain will tend towards its real place on CMC, and that is right behind Ethereum. I believe Vechain will overtake Ethereum eventually as regulations come in and REAL companies/projects start offering ICOs on the VeChainThor. It will undoubtedly see the most use by real life comapnies of any project on the market.

Ask yourself, what big company wants to use a blockchain that has no stable governance model and no proper economic model? One day they could spend $10,000 to use Ethereum and the next it could be $30,000, which makes budgeting and cost planning impossible. Vechain is far more ahead than most people realise.

>> No.8483877


This FUD is weak. Already been disprooved. Saltywalties detectes

>> No.8483882

Shitcoin eoy.

>> No.8484014


>> No.8484065

Don't tell them, you just let things run their course and then laugh at the retards who missed the chance

>> No.8484096

Hes right anon. Kinda pathetic how little you realize this.

>> No.8484132
File: 53 KB, 403x448, Brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not mentioning DNV GL
holyshit, this is you

>> No.8484154

2billion erc token lol

>> No.8484230

do you know whether VET or VETH is going to be used to fund the icos?

>> No.8484258

Question: Don't you guys think that if a coin with this much already-proven backing was going to be worth assloads, it already would be? If it really had this much potential, the least it would do is not bleed to shit while everything else pumps.

The fundamentals and backing of the project mean shit when all you neets are poor because of it.

>> No.8484286

ICOs will have to accept 50% VET as payment

>> No.8484304

ok, thats what I was hoping

>> No.8484359

I remember reading that very same reasoning regarding ETH back when it was 8 bucks

>> No.8484363

moved in bnb for now

>> No.8484374


they will use IBM's blockchain you tard

>> No.8484375

2018 will be the year of PoW, fuck your chink icos

>> No.8484387

source for disprove?

>> No.8484390

Priced in

>> No.8484415

el em ay o. Defeats the whole purpose and if you had ANY idea about this whole fucking space you'd know IBMs centralised database 'blockchain' is trash lmao. Vechain realised that you can't get the massive benefits blockchain has to offer WITHOUT it being a public blockchain.
It's like intranet vs internet.
Any more FUD?

>> No.8484420
File: 47 KB, 625x385, 2018-03-21 22_25_02-BMW USA on Twitter_ _BMW has not entered into a cooperation_partnership with VeC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bmw partnership

yeah ok


>> No.8484424

no one is going to every buy vechain dude. go look at the DNV GL Veracity platform, which is the thing that integrates the vechain blockchain. It's nothing, and no one is using it. They just offer it to people so they can look like they are hip with the new blockchain tech.

>> No.8484456

hey brainlet when you have 101 authority nodes the only ones capable of making new blocks, that's called a private blockchain.

>> No.8484465

You'd have to be a special kind of stupid to believe this..

>> No.8484521

Big industry doesn't want a blockchain supported by random NEETs in their mom's basement. They want an infrastructure they know is not going to randomly fuck them over with hard forks or some bullshit and has enough centralisation to AT LEAST put forth good ideas to vote on by the stakeholders. Plus, good luck ever getting any real adoption of Ethereum with it's shitty tx/s. Can't even handle some kitties lmao

>> No.8484585

ok so you're arguing in favor of IBM.
like i said, brainlet.

>> No.8484600

Nope, I'm arguing in favor of the middle ground between IBM and Ethereum, which is Vechain.

>> No.8484629

Can someone convince me that the sell walls are actually effective? If VET is such a god coin wouldn’t the buy orders outnumber the sell?

>> No.8484641

Vechain is a fucking ERC20 chink scamcoin without use case, SINGLE LINE OF CODE or any github activity.

As soon as I saw Vethor conference I knew it was scam. Should have known before given that it is chink after all, but I like to give everything a chance, even fucking Chinese scam artist.

>> No.8484664

Biggest one in my opinion

>> No.8484667

Please let this anon stay poor

>> No.8484681

>without use case
>any github activity
no shit retard it's not open source

Enjoying demolishing FUD, keep coming niggas

>> No.8484693

hold on do you think that IBM won't have the exact same authority nodes model for their blockchain, without the useless economy nodes?
economy nodes exist purely to pump the price of VEN and to raise money for Vechain. They serve no purpose in validating tx. The 101 Authority Nodes are the only people who matter. Everyone else who buys is a sucker.

>> No.8484702

Still using this old picture? Oh yeah, recent rebrand was shit.

>> No.8484724

>Muh blockchain
>Not open source

Why the fuck would BMW chose fucking chink ERC20 blockchain shitcoin that has no advantages of blockchain (which are small in any case), but has all disadvantages?

Oh and btw
>Kek ETH sucks, no body is going to use this NEET shit
>Shills fucking ERC20 token MADE on ethereum platform

How dumb are you?

>> No.8484736


>> No.8484737

you're going to get dumped on so hard once people realize economy nodes hold no use, and vechain thor tokens can be purchased directly with fiat. no one will buy them on the open market, and no one will buy VEN to secure thor. How do you not see this?

>> No.8484757

gonna lol so hard at fudding pajeets when vechain is top 5 coin EOY

>> No.8484758

>hold on do you think that IBM won't have the exact same authority nodes model for their blockchain, without the useless economy nodes
There is no incentive to create blocks without financial reward. How empty is your head.
IBM 'nodes' are just a computer database, it's not even a little bit decentralised, it's not immutable and it's not blockchain as we know it.

>> No.8484759

Economy nodes have 50% of the network voting rights.

>> No.8484776


>> No.8484785


>> No.8484796

it will be a blockchain amongst interested parties, only authorized users will be allowed into the system.
ok so now enterprises are back to being hostage to the whims of a bunch of neets. great strategy.

>> No.8484816

You know that IBM can rune nodes because they are getting payed in USD right?

>> No.8484828

Brainlet here still waiting

>> No.8484829

Newsflash! BMW or Apple, or any other big company that matters do not care about decentralized, non scalable, slow as shit blockchain solution.

They will use their PRIVATE, in house, scalable and completely controlled solution. They WILL NOT USE

A) ERC20 token like VEN
B) Fucking Waltonchain
C) Decentralized internet known as Tron

Get this chink shit out of here!

>> No.8484861

You need to step up your fud game

>> No.8484934

VET serves more purpose than just generating THOR.
>Serve as the intermedium of value, i.e., smart payment currency

>Represent the right and privilege to occupy and use VeChainThor blockchain

>Carry out the economic and business activities which contributes valuation of entire VET circulation

>> No.8484941

Please any anon? I really can’t figure this one out

>> No.8484978

> the only blockchain project on a similar level to Vechain is Ethereum
>VEN mcap $1,896,501,671 USD
>ETH mcap $55,342,390,104 USD
Yeah bro very similar

>> No.8484979

There are no sell walls. The valuation will increase with
1. another round of speculative bubble 'investing' (which is 100% coming)
2. real world use cases rolling out to increase demand for VET/VETHOR

>> No.8485011

Its not even fud. You see no one is replying to claims that :

A) There is no actual product
B) Its a fucking ERC20 token
C) Has no whitepaper
D) Has no code (ok its blockchain that is not open source, why even fucking use it then?)
E) There is no knowledge about their developers
F) Fucking coca cola kid is inside trading in daylight
G) Their fucking CEO is shilling and propping up prices on telegram and discord groups with bad English to boot
H) Entire re brand conference was cringe-fest train wreck
SADSADQWREQWE) Sunny literally miss used applying to BMW startup garage as being big BMW partner

Red flag galore. And its a chinkcoin. Made on ETH platform. Kek

>> No.8485012

You’re saying there’s no artificial price suppression to give whales more time to accumulate?

>> No.8485028

>>Serve as the intermedium of value, i.e., smart payment currency
useless, that's what fiat will be used for on an enterprise level
>>Represent the right and privilege to occupy and use VeChainThor blockchain
no only authority nodes can use the vechain blockchain, and buying thor via fiat allows anyone to do the same. VEN has no use.
>>Carry out the economic and business activities which contributes valuation of entire VET circulation
cool buzzwords

>> No.8485033

No Jesus Christ. The foundation has their own pool of VET set asied to sell to strategic partners such as DNV GL, PwC etc. Everybody else will have to buy from the open market

>> No.8485061


>> No.8485063

Weak bait or weak brain, both deserve sage

>> No.8485069

lmao dude they have another 100 million VEN set aside to GIVE AWAY to """strategic partners"""

>> No.8485147

okay this has to be a troll or youve been in a cave for months
a) product been working for 2 years on private blockchain
DNv/GL has released a vechain product tracking wine on the blockchain, 7 billion dollar industry
all the top wine exporters in italy using it
theyve also stated multiple times that they have a few customers using it right now

b) why say this when you know the mainnet is coming out? fucking retard
c) sunny stated whitepaper is for retards because its theoretical and vechain its not a concept now, its actually real unlike your stinky shitcoins but to please faggots like you theyre wasting their time writing a whitepaper and will be released upon mainnet
d) yes code, not open source but they wouldnt land all the partnershups if they didnt have code fucking retard
they dont need outside retard devs copying or working on the code for them
e) check their website, also theyre hiring 100 more devs by end of year, wow 1000x more then your shitcoin has
f) who cares, its easy money buying and selling, learn to trade fucking retard
g)weak FUD. useless comment
h)thats chink style, useless comment
nope thats just how your tiny useless brain interperated this because this space is filled with 20IQ brainlets like you

fucking retard

>> No.8485215

Do you have a source on the Italian wine exporters using VeChain? I want to learn more about that.

>> No.8485229

I don’t know why you brought up VeChain since they’ve nothing to do with it. I hope for our sake the walls are artificial or else this is actually a shitcoin

>> No.8485234


>> No.8485259

I'm arbitraging several coins so I can buy more VEN.

>> No.8485271

>over 50% coins already locked in and platform not launched yet
>ICOs will require 50% vet and vet must be sold last
>already announced 1 ICO
>real companies already using it
>strong ties to top 500 fortune companies
>supported by chinese government, just wait till they get a green light on crypto and fomo in Vechain
>literally the only blockhain used in a new smart city being built in china
>2b m.cap

and many many many other goods things going on for this chain...does it get any better than this?

>> No.8485276

>or else this is actually a shitcoin
Another retard who thinks current price = quality of project
Empty head. I guess TRON is better than Vechain and Dogecoin is better than REQ. Litecoin is clearly an amazing project also

>> No.8485278

All of this is priced in already, which is why I think the walls are artificial

>> No.8485309

Lol, this is priceless. Fucking chinks man. Vechain, verge, iota, and tron are 100% scams

>> No.8485343

remember when people said VEN will reach ATH after the 20th march because of supply and demand.

>> No.8485359

Current price should reflect future expectations. I give up arguing with you. It’s like you think VeChain is under the radar when it’s just the opposite

>> No.8485362

LOL all I gotta say

>> No.8485368

>product been working for 2 years on private blockchain
DNv/GL has released a vechain product tracking wine on the blockchain, 7 billion dollar industry

No they haven't. They already said they will use Vechain as 3rd party partner but will develop their own blockchain in cooperation with deloitte.

>why say this when you know the mainnet is coming out? fucking retard

Yea, just wait for mainnet like 1000 other shitcoins. Is it, or is it not, ERC20 token?

>sunny stated whitepaper is for retards
Great. Sunny is genius. Whitepapers are for retards, just listen to our promises and you are good too go, no need to be technical.

>yes code, not open source but they wouldnt land all the partnershups if they didnt have code fucking retard
they dont need outside retard devs copying or working on the code for them

Create blockchain. Point being that it is used as decentralized and open software. But hey, do not show your code like everyone else does, hide it and say you don't want anyone to steal it and that you have alooot of repository folders and great programmers. Thats enough.

> check their website, also theyre hiring 100 more devs by end of year, wow 1000x more then your shitcoin has

And Walton is fucking moving to big ass office. Does not mean they are legit, with so many Vets dumped on you retards at ATH I would assume they would hire some more.

>who cares, its easy money buying and selling, learn to trade fucking retard

Who cares if someone from Vechain is obviously inside trading? Top kek. Great partnerships await, especially with BMW as inside trading is known as very legit practice around the world. Not punishable by law by any means.

> weak FUD
Yea, pointing out that their own CEO is looking like a sneak oil salesman while he shills his own coin and tries to prop up the price on fucking discord is fud

>Disaster of a conference without a single relevant detail and overselling fucking startup application as BMW partnership is chink style

>> No.8485383

Better get out of this coin then because there are no mythical wales holding it down. See you in 1-2 years when you're in the noose.

You're so clueless

>> No.8485384

You have 2 months to chase other moonmissions. The more you shill this shit the earlier other fuckers will catch on and try to buy in before you can.
Just shut your fucking mouth for once and make money.

I have a good saying for you:
"Those who speak cannot hear"

Now shut the fuck up and stop shilling ven so you can triple your stack by that time.

Any coins that have interesting things coming at the end of April/half May? I have a 2 week deficit in my holdings planning.

>> No.8485390
File: 298 KB, 480x648, vewhore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8485448

Don’t you mean 3 months? Lol

>> No.8485494

You just go ahead and buy 1 day before the announcement

>> No.8485564
File: 219 KB, 458x291, do_the_needful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw all in

>> No.8485596

I’ll wait for mainnet. If it doesn’t moon like crazy then you’ll be waiting longer than 2 years

>> No.8485634

>trying this hard to FUD

>> No.8485667

>no one will buy VeThor
you're actually a complete retard lol

>> No.8485690

>tfw sold this shitcoin for ICX four days ago

>> No.8485808

dumb fuck. i said they won't buy thor on an open market. they will buy it with fiat from a central party that collects thor from authority nodes.

>> No.8485836

look at the BMW twitter

>> No.8485939

Just go and listen to interview with VEN COO on YouTube. He said multiple times they want price to be stable. No moon. No dump. Stable.

Don't expect moon on this coin guys. They want to be adopted by as many companies as possible = they want to offer cheap price. Simple economic. If you want adoption in business, you need to show these companies that by using VEN they will reduce costs and it will be cheap for them.

Also huge red flag in all of this is CCK. They can use him whenever they want to pump or dump price. It's a big no for me

>> No.8486020
File: 55 KB, 480x360, hqdefault_live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8486085

X Nodes will be offered for sale by Trezor/Nano from normies like me.
suck it fags

>> No.8486268

the thor price you retard

>> No.8486309


Fuck I should have sold the rest of my stack during the rebrand, now I'm stuck with these fucking bags!

>> No.8486395

Its a LICENSED ATM that you can directly purchase VET, BTC, ETH from in Japan. This is a real business and backed by real businesses and if you're not in on this you really deserve to be poor.

>> No.8486414

ven also, you believe they want to say to new companies: hey, buy our nodes for couple millions of $ on open market to produce thor yourself

of course not, they want to be as cheap as possible when businnes is gaining momentum to get adoption and many companies. Which means no real demand for price increase in near future (couple months)

>> No.8486463

fucking inbred retarded motherfucker
they can just buy the thor cant they?
They can keep the price of thor stable by giving more of it to the node holders as the demand increases.
saging the shit out of this thread

>> No.8486508

no not ven, thor only
saged as fuck
you sold and want the price lower and now just literally making shit up
anyone can fucking see it at this point hahaha

>> No.8486528

You guys are going to get one hell of a shock in the next two weeks when you see what Walton drops with their mainnet. You guys seem to forget that their Korean counterpart is working just as hard on securing partnerships. The remaining 5 child chains will be bigger than most people give Walton credit for. Remember kiddos, VEN has hyped the fuck out of their own product. Expectations are high, one slip up and investors leave. Look how much one tweet by BMW hacked at yesterdays price.

>> No.8486552

Yes they can

Ven Foundation can also change thor rate etc. however they want. Or increase/decrease ven supply. I'm just trying to tell you, there is zero incentive for anybody to increase ven price in near future

>> No.8486568

walton is disgusting
its going to dump at mainnet, watch
literally everything about walton is unattractive, from the marketing, partnerships and the whole comapany in general

this is proven by the fuck that no one gives a FUCK about walton

compare walton threads with ven, dead in the water shit coin forever, itll pump but no where good enough

always be second best

>> No.8486583

>zero incentive
Apart from the fact the foundation (sunny, feng etc) own a fuckload of VEN and it's in their best interest to design an economic model that maximises their worth you fucking empty headed cunt

>> No.8486594
File: 18 KB, 248x189, 1520100345881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen a Walton thread ever since they got caught rigging their own contest.

>> No.8486596

Sage for sure. All these fuds are pointless. Again though if VET doesn't moon on mainnet then we deserve to be laughed at.

>> No.8486601

kek, keep telling him
fucking brainlets i swear
you can tell theyve never made a decent dime

>> No.8486604


They want a stable price for Thor, not VET. VET generates THOR, THOR is utilized for transactions, and the THOR generation rate per VET will be increased based on demand. That means the more the network is utilized, the more VET appreciates

>> No.8486643

Yes, they locked coins for 2 years. Because they understand they don't want price increase NOW. But in the future, after adoption. Don't you see it? That's what I'm trying to say.

What I mean guys, I believe VEN is legit. And price will increase, but not in upcoming months, rather much later. Just my 2c in this thread, think what you want

>> No.8486672

If 2 years is too long for you to wait to make a life changing sum of money then you're in for a shock
In 2 years 99% of shitcoins are going to be obsolete and the market will be consolidated into a top 10-20 with the vast majority of market cap. I'm more than happy placing my bets on VEN

>> No.8486694

Sure, I was answering to OP who said moon by June. Do you believe in this?

>> No.8486699

You mean the toxic shill threads filled with moonboys on 4chan? Kek when was there ever a meaningful, informative thread here discussing any coin? LINK out of all things has had the most in depth discussions for fuck sake.

Every Walton thread is immediately bombarded with 'salty walty'.
As for marketing, who the fuck cares about marketing to holders. Business use cases behind the scenes are all that matter. VEN's entire model is based around copying. Its the Chinese way. That last event screamed 'Look, we're just like Apple BUY BUY BUY'. I have no doubt they can be a successful business but I don't expect the price to hit insane levels.

>> No.8486727

I believe that if adoption was the only trigger for price increase in this market you'd be right. But there's a massive speculative bubble on the horizon and there are few projects which shine as bright as Vechain when people start FOMOing in.

>> No.8486746

The delusion is scary

>> No.8486762

copy any harder hahaha
that comment reeks of insecurity
desperate to make up any excuse to defend

interest for wtc has died the fuck off especailly on reddit, most even moving over to ven
theyre on thin ice, if they even delay their mainnet to Q2, price is going to dump hard
and even if they release it and its even just a little shit, another dump

>> No.8486785

I think VET is too tied to the real world to bring in the speculative moon. It's almost a company stock lol

>> No.8486790
File: 204 KB, 1232x580, vechainuse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's undeniable. Refute either of these points

1. Vechain is the most used industry blockchain seeing live use cases as of today next to Ethereum

2. Enterprise will not develop dapps on ungoverned, unstable blockchains but instead the Vechain blockchain with stable use prices and proper government required for enterprise use.

>> No.8486811

Lol They replaces expensive Ven with cheap subsidized Thor, you only need Thor tokens to run nodes so why the fuck would anyone buy Ven? It has no use.

>> No.8486838

Well that's nonsense, VEN is traded on the open market just like every other shitcoin. It will not be much longer before the gold starts standing out from the shit

>> No.8486844

VeChain is clearly a bitconnect level type ponzi, I don't know how they got Breyers approval. He's going to lose his rep on this.

>> No.8486884

There's a new Walton mining subreddit, volume has increased there as well as a fairly active daily so that's coming from your ass scare mongering.
Mainnet was scheduled for Q2, with insiders saying Q1. A delay to Q2 might cause a minor sell off but highly doubt unofficial news will crash it.

As for coping, there's a reason Walton is ALWAYS compared to VEN in every thread, fud in every Walton thread by VEN holders. Face it, Walton is the competition and you see it as a threat. If it wasn't I am sure WABI and Origin Trail would be mentioned more.

>> No.8486888

>Vechain is the most used industry blockchain
Most used industry blockchain according to who? VeChain’s COO?
>Enterprise will not develop dapps on ungoverned, unstable blockchains
Western enterprises will develop dapps on private blockchains made by bluechip technology companies with decades of track history, like IBM:


>> No.8486898

Ven and WTC are both clearly massive scams. The deluded believers are blind to it due to greed.

>> No.8486910

>It will not be much longer
You mean at least 2 years? lol. If sell walls aren't artificial, and the current price truly reflects future expectations, then yeah VET has less potential. All the other dapp platforms are expected to have more future potential than VET, which seems reasonable. VET at its core is simply a supply chain blockchain.

>> No.8486980

IBM's 'blockchain' is a centralised PoS offering none of the benefits of a decentralised public blockchain, see earlier in the thread for this discussion. Vechain was originally private (and has live apps running on it as we speak) and they are in the process of migrating to a public blockchain BECAUSE they have seen first hand the limitations of a private blockchain. Again like intranet vs internet. This is a non-argument

>according to who


Those are the first 2 live applications off the top of my head that I found easily on google. Show me ONE other blockchain with live projects aside from Ethereum. Oh wait they're all vaporware

>> No.8487024

Blockchain has been around for a long time yet it is seeing almost 0 adoption in the real world. Why?

1. big business doesn't want to get involved with unregulated, non governed blockchains. Vechain solves all of these problems

2. unstable cost of using the blockchain. With the VETHOR system this problem is also eliminated. There is not a single blockchain project on the market that big businesses are considering for implementation because of these hurdles, that Vechain are the only ones addressing.

>> No.8487130

it's hard for me to believe this isn't priced in. i can't believe i'm ahead of the curve because i'm a fucking brainlet

>> No.8487196

no one compares it to wtc!
only you guys coming in every single ven thread going
> p-p-please notice me senpais
> we e-exist too
> buy walton sirs

youre literally in a ven thread doing the same thing, fuck off with your dead rep shitcoin
that thing was a godsend back in september, i rode it from 2 to 40 and sold it and never looked back, dont have any hope or confidence in it anymore after their literal 100 fuckups

read the twitter comp tweet they did, like just stare at it for 5 minutes, do you know how pathetic and embarrassing that looked? coming from the official company writing that

>> No.8487208

We're ahead. We're very early. The big bubble is coming and Vechain will be in prime spot to steal most of the thunder because it will be seeing real use by the time it comes

>> No.8487246

100x this

>> No.8487293


BMW fud is soooo fuckin weak. Read that article. BMW Startup Garage only accepts 5% of startups past an initial screening, and of those 5%, 90 FUCKING PERCENT go on to contine business with BMW. I will for sure put my money on those odds.

>> No.8487303

>1. big business doesn't want to get involved with unregulated, non governed blockchains. Vechain solves all of these problems
So which is it? Is VeChain a private or public blockchain? You just claimed VeChain is a public blockchain to differentiate it from IBM's offering, yet it sounds like you're describing a private blockchain.

Also, IBM’s private blockchain can not only securely track products through
every step of the supply chain, but it can also provide consumers with the same visibility and accountability that VeChain claims to offer:


>> No.8487318

also BMW is confirmed to have already passed final stage, so yes weak as fuck
waiting until ven mainnet release to be official

>> No.8487351

I'm done repeating myself, if you knew anything about Vechain you would know it is aiming to achieve the perfect balance between centralisation and decentralisation. See >>8484600
Vechain WAS PRIVATE and was doing just fine, but saw the opportunities that a public blockchain offers that a private one just can't, and here we are today. Autists like me able to grab a slice of the pie on the open market. Get yours or stay poor

>> No.8487420

You flip flop your description of VeChain's blockchain so much it's hard to keep up. So now they're aiming to achieve a perfect balance between public and private blockchain. Got it, whatever. The opportunityVeChain saw in a public blockchain was to fleece greedy laowai and gweilos such as yourself. Stay poor.

>> No.8487440

Yes Vechain are going to fleece me and Jim Breyer. Damn it.. I fucked up!

Thanks just sold 100k

>> No.8487510

>and of those 5%, 90 FUCKING PERCENT go on to contine business with BMW
Wow. So have you invested in all the 5% of companies that made it to the BMW startup garage? No, just because you get some kind of contract with BMW does not justify a huge multi-billion dollar valuation. People are acting as if BMW and VeChain merged into one new company and Sunny's gonna run the Nu BMW lol. BMW is just phishing for technical and implementation data from these startups, they're gonna do whatever they want after they have enough info. They don't need VeChain.

>> No.8487533

just sold 100k too now give it a rest. it's pointless and annoying to read. fudding ur own coin here won't do shit to the price.

>> No.8487570

>but saw the opportunities that a public blockchain offers that a private one just can't
More like saw the huge speculative frenzy around btc and blockchain and wanted a slice of those investor funds.

>> No.8487600

No but I’ll definitely invest in any crypto companies that have a 90% chance to be doing business with Fortune 500 companies.

>> No.8487710

A lot depends on the nature of the project and the earnings potential.
>90 FUCKING PERCENT go on to contine business with BMW
If they do more test projects, or participate in a pilot program, that's considered doing business with BMW but not necessarily that valuable. People seem to think BMW is going to use VeChain as it's parts tracking solution. A German engineering company using a Chinese startup for tracking, I doubt it very much.

>> No.8487817


>> No.8487832

If that's what you want to should be all in on XLM.

>> No.8488519


>> No.8488575

bad news bro, it’s gonna pump before April

>> No.8488594

you are too smart for crypto

>> No.8488620

Me too, I bought ETH at 15

Neo at 8

Vechain blows them away

>> No.8488643

IBM is so far behind Vechain they can’t even give a reach around with 100’ arms

>> No.8488694

this is why nodes will be worth multi millions someday - even the baby nodes

>> No.8488765

they already have 180 customers without trying

they will be the premium blockchain and yes enterprises will always pay for premium. it’s a competitive advantage

>> No.8488771

Billions, at least. BMW will pay billions of dollars to VeChain to track it's floormats and oil filters. And that's just one company. I'm so glad I'm all in Vechain right now.

>> No.8488809

they will do exactly what PwC Kuene and Nagel and DNV tell them they should do

I would know I work for one of the big 4

>> No.8488860

actually they realized trustless system was the only way to secure and connect the internet of value in an inevitably decentralizing world. what a wonderful opportunity and a magnanimous one at that.

>> No.8488994
File: 11 KB, 251x242, 1493806117891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jim Breyer's having a psychotic break and reposting the same vechain article once every hour. Should we dump our bags now ?

>> No.8489077
File: 610 KB, 1426x783, 148934885572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VEN, DBC, ICX are my biggest hopes for '18

>> No.8489110

Thanks sold my mn

>> No.8489864

This is why ven will be 76,000$ eoy and even though i only have 27 ven I'll still make it and tell my boss to stick it!

>> No.8490124


>> No.8490160

>screencap this post
>anonymous board

i bet he wouldnt be so confident if his ID wasnt anonymous lol.

>> No.8490195
File: 24 KB, 600x350, H0fckXI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my babby x-node is gonna grow up one day and be worth a million billion trillion dollars

>> No.8490576
File: 124 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180322-012451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VET $20 eoy

>> No.8490602

Gud noon sirs ... Superb coin Vary NIC and so beautiful, pls do buying

$300 end for year sirs

>> No.8490852

Should I sell ICX and all in VEN? Lost a lot of money because of VEN rebranding crash, but I got lucky from yesterday's ICX pump, and now I can buy back the amount of VEN that I own before the crash. Should I sell all ICX and all in VEN? I think VEN has more growth potential than ICX in 3 months.

>> No.8490896

How much ICX do you have $ wise? I'd maybe split it. ICX can still moon hardcore when Koreans start taking it on Sunday. You have all of April to accumulate VEN and prob first week of May before seeing the pump