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File: 32 KB, 630x630, DD7985F7-2B21-42FF-BFF7-49324CC17BAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8481069 No.8481069 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn’t you listen?

>> No.8481111

We haven't even gotten started.... This is all a warmup

>> No.8481128

But muh current year man!

>> No.8481135
File: 300 KB, 607x800, 835099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#7 baby!

>> No.8481155



>> No.8481169


>> No.8481186
File: 17 KB, 498x467, 1514154239807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello new friend here i want to invest because the picture looks like eth. based on this eos will be $500 eoy right? how much should i buy to retire next to a costco

>> No.8481229

Yeah, I've been watching EOSgo each week and it's starting to blow my fucking mind.

>> No.8481232

Hello friend, my ETH is slow and cant scale and today its only purpose is to push out scam ICOs.

>> No.8481247

BIG BIG project. If they deliver holders are rich. This is like holding ETH @ $20

>> No.8481269


Quads of undisputed truth

>> No.8481286

OP, I got 4k of these. will i make it? i went all in on this.

>> No.8481290

Wow whole %8 !!! Omg what a pump!!

>> No.8481334

you will have 4,000 different mansions congratulations anon you made it

>> No.8481338

care to explain to a newbie that just started to research about it what is EOS and what does it have that makes it so interesting? thnx Im watching eosgo right now

>> No.8481360

Wait for 100/200/300% pumps once we get close to launch in June......Ohhh and i forgot, the projects built on there will have to airdrop % of their coins to holders. You really haven't seen a thing yet. Combine a real developer like Dan, Wall Street, Silicon Valley and you get EOS bud. Get in or stay poor faggot.

>> No.8481422


Yep. I only have 2200 so you will be double the perpetual baller that I am.

>> No.8481428

is it a 1:1 ratio for airdrops?

>> No.8481439

I didn’t jump in until I saw his FUD. Haven’t looked back.

>> No.8481448

whos fud

>> No.8481450

whats the prediction for EOY?

>> No.8481494

Its a platform that will compete with ETH, except IT IS everything that ETH was supposed to be. I don't want to get into technicals but you can easily research developers blogs or watch Ivan on Tech on youtube. Developers know ETH is not even in the same league as EOS.
Its backed by Block.one and one of the main investors of block one is Eric Schmidt which was Google CEO for a long time til he recently retired. Also backed by Mike Novogratz and that's Wall Street money, watch some of his videos on YT, he called the crash of BTC and really called everything that's happening in the market today. He's a well known hedge fund manager that's a partner in this.
Bitthumb CEO is a partner as well in the project. Blockone is investing one billion dollars into the project. Mike Novogratz 325 millions and i can go on and on. Projects built on top EOS will have to give out airdrops to token holders, so non stop air drops. Just imagine the FOMO everytime and the money holders will make.
DYOR you'd be surprised just how dumb reddit idiots are when it comes to this,

>> No.8481543


>> No.8481552

If its bull market and its crazy like last December this will reach 80-100. Current market conditions 25-40

>> No.8481564

r u kidding me.? which means 400 bill mcap?

>> No.8481589

>1 billion dollar ico
>ignores the most important part of scalability
>no mainnet

>> No.8481602

yep. the constant airdrops to EOS holders (mandatory by algorithim) will make people keep fomo'ing into eos for the airdrops and eventually people will just hold EOS and stop selling it cause they want those airdrops. imagine if eth holders had airdrops for every coin built on it's code. that's what EOS is doing

>> No.8481620

>Clinton Global Initative token
>Degenerate Hollywood token

I didn't listen because it's aligned with shit

>> No.8481623
File: 85 KB, 856x846, retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no mainnet

>> No.8481650

if you hate money, keep doing what you're doing

>> No.8481677

US-IP Participation not allowed.

well damn here I was all set to get coins and now i'm told no not allowed. Damn shame I was gonna sit on this for awhile

>> No.8481746

>900,000,000 coins
it's like buying ETH at $70, except it hasn't accomplished nearly as much as eth as it did when it was at $70
when eth was $70, it had already had several hacks, a hard fork and plenty of history to work with.
EOS is overhyped and overbought

>> No.8481747

Nah most likely airdropping %10 or so of their supply to eos holders depending on their eos holdings(like pos)

>> No.8481763

How is it aligned? Because they have an actual billionaire VC?

You have real people that aren't fucking scammers behind this and you are mad. Why do you think ultranationalists are always poor and stay poor? It's because you can't assess things correctly, it's no better then being a religious extremist.

Use google and see that there are actual libertarian politicians helping design this instead of focusing on where they are getting their billions from for one guy donating to the Clintons.

>> No.8481775

binance nigger

>> No.8481802

when eth was $70 btc was at $1800, icos were barely starting.

>> No.8481829

right, ETH had dozens of icos starting on top of it.
What does EOS have? Nothing, because it's a testnet.

>> No.8481876

Everpedia is the first airdrop to EOS holders. The CEO of Wikipedia is the CEO of Everpedia and they're building a Wikipedia on EOS blockchain. Wikipedia that will reward writers. Idiots have no clue just how big EOS will be.

>> No.8481884

Explain how it hasn't accomplished anything?

Graphene is proven and better then anything else out there.

We know that there are going to be 6 major dapp releases at launch

We know that the IPFS hosting works from the functioning test net

We know the storage works

We know it can do 10kTPS and run multiple parallel chains

Plus Dan isn't a fucking autist in the way that Vitalik is. I hold more ETH then EOS but when I was buying ETH there were no functioning dAPPs (there are still no useful ones) and it was slow as shit.

Disclaimer I hold 3x more ETH then EOS, this comment just pissed me off.

>> No.8481953

IPFS isn't EOS. stupid to value EOS from IPFS
storage works? lol congrats they know how to use hard drives
>We know it can do 10kTPS and run multiple parallel chains
on a test net...
real world conditions are always different
>dan isn't an autist
he's even more autistic, have you even seen his face?

>> No.8481964


>> No.8482030

wow such ignorance. I saw that listed on the actual EOS site you ignorant twat. This has nothing to do with binance nor do I have an account there. This is completely from their own site.

Learn to get your facts right before you pop off at the mouth peasent. This is why your parents dont love you

>> No.8482038

Damn, i didnt know they had a few already in March. Can i still claim them after launch?

>> No.8482086

Yeah if you click on the projects they have the token info.

Some or one of them is having a second event using the genesis snapshot tool and then some are going to ETH addresses holding EOS and you don't need a registered address.

The ones that have already had it seem scammy though so I wouldn't worry.

>> No.8482111

Hey full autist the IPFS is important because you can have a globally distributed IPFS because you aren't using a single nationalized currency hurr durr cryptocurrency 101

The test net is not a closed test net brainlet. You are arguing and you don't know shit about what you are talking about.

>> No.8482141

IPFS doesn't require a blockchain dipshit

>> No.8482143
File: 15 KB, 300x243, eos-logo-ECF31E0936-seeklogo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote abut that the last days here, but people here are emotional 16 year old fanboys who are too attached to their coins. Everything with EOS was set up for a pump

Low bottom out at 4$
Binance and kucoin add support, korean exchanges follow soon
Main net launch getting closer
Crypto is hype driven, within 6-8 weeks of an event

I don't really care about the tech, but it was just too many coincidences

>> No.8482144

i dont want to fund tether

>> No.8482185


genuine doubt. if airdrops are free...ppl can sell it for free. isnt it disadvantage ? where is the adv of holding eos beside shit airdrops?

>> No.8482204

They're free because the projects buit on EOS are funded through a private fund. So far one billion from block one and 325 millions from Mike Novograts

>> No.8482242

is there any other advantage beside free airdrops?

>> No.8482295
File: 65 KB, 200x234, dan-larimer__73843_100x100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried telling you guys for the past two weeks. Remember me? I will always be with you Anon.

>> No.8482301

I mean whats the advantage of holding any coin really?

>> No.8482375
File: 322 KB, 468x434, Dan_Larimer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wouldn't want to give this man their money?

>> No.8482580

for example eth pos, link give some incentive for node operators, some coins have master node incentives..etc. I hold good amount of EOS but curios to know we getting any other incentive beside airdrops?

>> No.8482735

chart history for this is weird. every time it goes up 5%, it will dump 5%
it did that for months

almost no subscribers on reddit, never any 4chan threads, yet it's ranked #7.
I'm thinking a lot of the volume is just the big investors like Schmidt playing whale games.

i mean look at any of the top 20 coins and there's always threads up for them, EOS? almost never.

>> No.8482787


There is so much going on... meet ups in 5 continents. Tons of projects. There are threads here every day because I am in them.

It's just not talked about on here because it's not a pump&dump scam, on r/cryptocurrency they all think it is scam because of the terms and conditions.

>> No.8482849

so what's to stop the blockchain from becoming bloated on day 1?

ETH isn't limited to 14 tx a second because doing high tps is difficult, it's because there's a gas limit to prevent the blockchain from getting bloated and making storage costs too high.

EOS solves a problem that doesn't exist. if they just let the network do 10k tps, that's 4 MB per second each node has to store.
that's roughly $2600 in hard drive space for each node

>> No.8482858

Yeah you get bandwidth for dAPPs, Storage and IPFS hosting that you can rent out to other people, groups like EOSDAC give profit back for voting for them as block producers.

You have an instant a free currency

You get airdrops from groups that use their 1.5b dapp development fund

There are more features and incentives if you DYOR

>> No.8482895

Yeah and it is commercial scale, block producers have to have server farms, there will be 121 active per chain/thread.

The bloat is avoided with you only get as much bandwidth as your coins allow.

You can look into graphene first and then EOS implementation more if you want to actually point problems out.

>> No.8482904


I started this one and the reason I haven’t been making them for several months is that I wanted to accumulate as much as I could first. In fact I was fudding it while accumulating. Every time someone would make a thread about eos I would mention something about how the tokens have no value or that it’s an Ponzi scheme. Sorry biz

>> No.8482905

$2600 a month*
isn't AWS cheaper?

>> No.8482945

ETH and EOS aren't even the same consensus algo too so comparing them is not really interesting.

If there is an emerging system that says it can swallow the existing ones whole and has some functioning product, as a smart investor it's good to look into it deeply. This isn't like credits, it has a BILLION plus dollars behind it and a thousand devs active now.

>> No.8482968

You are a game theory brainlet.

You rent from AWS, your money leaves you and you recoup nothing.

You hold a traded token, you can expand and shrink and recoup your money from buying and selling the token.

It's fucking genius and an amazing value proposition.

>> No.8483008
File: 35 KB, 600x314, 829ADA75-3A20-46E4-A1CB-A0ACB97E845F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EOS is very simply the most genius blockchain project to have ever existed. I think it will flip Bitcoin after it flips Ethereum. This is not an exaggeration.

>> No.8483036

most people weren't here before december, the only time it would have been profitable to be in EOS long term.
i don't care if it has $1 billion in seed funding, i care if there's demand for the platform. the only interesting thing I've seen is Everpedia
well we'll need some better numbers to compare then.

$1000 could buy me lots of AWS time, $1000 in EOS would buy me 0.00002% of the networks computation time. I have no idea if that would be nearly enough or not

>> No.8483065
File: 19 KB, 252x200, B3C83C16-7B75-4052-91D3-C003852334BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the record I have spent well over a hundred hours researching EOS and participating in its community.

You can ask me pretty much anything about EOS.

One thing someone said that was incorrect was that all eos projects are “algorithmically required” to token drop.

This is not true. Only projects being funded by EOS VC will make it rain tokens. The good news for EOS holders is that the VC firms in charge of selecting airdrops will only pick winners.

>> No.8483133

Agree. Too many big names backing it and they won’t put their reputation on the line. Focus on Mike Novogratz, this guy was Jewed out of his fund in Brazil and look what happened there. The guy is a clean record and speaks the truth. Watch his videos and you’ll know EOS is in good hands.

>> No.8483156

are there SPV nodes?
how will they deal with the storage problem? if 21 nodes are randomly selected each time.. well who knows if 21 nodes will even be able to afford the size of the blockchain?

Bitcoin is 190 gb and EOS's blockchain will fill up 1500 times faster. 1 month of EOS and the blockchain will be bigger than Bitcoins

>> No.8483168
File: 144 KB, 446x299, 98CAD562-DF7D-442D-9C3C-437180D4A024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen brainlet, if you don’t think Dan “I had unprotected sex with your mother” Larimer can’t deliver the Amazon of blockchain by June then just FOMO in when we crash to $300 you mETH head.

Kneel now, so that later we may spare you.

I have attached a picture of you from the future. It’s you defending Ethereum EOY 2018 after EOS flips Bitcoin.

>> No.8483196

you said you've been studying it for months and this is all you have?

>> No.8483300

>Mike Novogratz
promotes and finances highschool wrestling
i.e. little boys rubbing against each other
why there are so many weird childliking people at eos?

>> No.8483309
File: 44 KB, 363x550, CA01EB77-21A9-4688-B849-9CBA6AADDB56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you gay and simple ridiculous faggot.

Ask daddy anything.

>> No.8483328

i already did and you ignored it

>> No.8483378
File: 15 KB, 227x222, 68762FC9-B91E-4A71-B00E-F55AF5F8D238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eos is bad because funny british man

>eos is bad because brock pierce got funding from pedos when he was 17 and was never charged but still left block.one and eos anyway

>eos is bad because of wrestling

>> No.8483384

How can I as a server owner run an EOS node ?

>> No.8483392


>> No.8483394

Please look into how this works, this isn't btc/eth. There isn't full dAPP data in every block. The block headers are removed quickly, everything is quickly pared down to a basic ledger.

Dan has a hour long talk about this that I recommend.

Also what I know is there will be 121 Block Producers receiving funds to fund the hardware, and there will be a minimum storage and computational requirement.

>> No.8483399

What did you say you mentally retarded person? If you don’t have EOS your brain doesn’t function correctly.

Ask me a question with substance or do not waste my time with your shockingly inferior mind.

>> No.8483484

So each of these 121 producers is going to be able to handle an extra 5.5 TB per year in hard drive space? and the VCs are funding it out of the goodness of their hearts?
So you don't know the answer. what a faggot

>> No.8483501

Sign up for block producer status and present a case of why the community should vote for you.

If you are really interested make a fake email and I would want to help/start a team. I know most of what there is to know about EOS at the moment.

>> No.8483530
File: 10 KB, 250x250, 1520687824828s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently not super interested, but more interested in the whole node/miner/stake structure or what you wanna call it

>> No.8483532

5.5tb is so cheap.

I have 35tb that I paid $12/tb for, your arguments are still really weak and you obviously have not researched anything.

>> No.8483551

uh, i did'nt said eos is bad
have bags
just noticed the weird childlove going on

>> No.8483552

Well you have to get voted in as a BP and so long as you are receiving enough vote to be in the top 121 you receive tokens. The top 21 make substantially more. A lot of the top contenders for those spots right now have massive funding.

>> No.8483561

my bad, missed a zero 54 TB per year

>> No.8483569

and mr. pierce got raided in a spanish villa full of childporn with his two buddies who got convicted for weird sexual behaviour

>> No.8483577

HPB will rape this coin's MC by EOY. GL fanboys

>> No.8483609

there's very little on the web about it, no one on reddit or 4chan knows the answers to my questions
i've tried researching, i've had much easier time getting answers on every other coin.

>> No.8483629


Insert 1,000,000 trumpwrong.gif

>> No.8483649

Ok, thank you! What about the incentives for those node operators to not do something stupid/bad with the network? If they are so few

>> No.8483656

Redpill me on EOS.

>> No.8483659

I understand, I think rather then looking to community for really complex network info and new complex governance look to the project heads.

Dan has a lot of talks on youtube about EOS and how the actual chain will function, EOSgo is a good resource for more casual news.

Thomas Cox is handling writing a lot about their governance. He has a lot of interviews that are great, he is a politician so he is really engaging.

>> No.8483660

Keep dreaming buddy. One day you'll realize its about who you know not what you know and in EOS case its both. Stay poor faggot

>> No.8483663

Buying most shilled coin on biz, just after Link.

You're in line for a major surprise.

You literally never learn.

>> No.8483684

i can get complex network info on any other coin from the community.
EOS fags always just reply with toxic comments. it's the same in every eos thread.
none of them know it they just say "trust dan"

not gonna watch an hour long video for something i should get an answer to in 10 seconds.

>> No.8483711
File: 355 KB, 800x800, 8034709683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Funny how there's so many posts in this thread and this is the only one with any value.

>> No.8483712
File: 81 KB, 645x729, 1518736402117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Who you know
HPB partnered w largest payment processor in the world and NEO

>What you know
HPB developing hardware to scale its TPS

You bandwagon fools never learn

>> No.8483718

Well 121 leaves you with less then a percent control per delegate. ETH and BTC have much more centralized mining pools controlling a lot larger pieces of their network. Sometimes over 30-40%


A technical explanation

>> No.8483728

run for block producer

>> No.8483742

Thx, not trying to be autistic or bad just trying to learn

>> No.8483756

I know because i know Dan is probably the most proficient person to do such a project.
I know because when Silicon Valley, Wall Street, Korea is behind a project then it must be a winner.
I know because i love money and i can smell it from my computer when i see something about EOS.

>> No.8483759


If you don't want to learn that isn't anyones fault but your own. You had all of your questions answered and you asked really fucking stupid questions. Ignoring you for others now.

>> No.8483770

Oh yeah I had the same questions. That video clears it up pretty well.

>> No.8483777

>implying it's not centralized scamware

>developing hardware to scale
>not even in the top 100


>> No.8483782


All meme-ing aside, you should do more research before investing in a coin. You will regret putting your money in EOS before Q3 ends. Screencap this.

>> No.8483830

I've done my research and every coin i put my money hit it huge and i am not just talking about December rush. Anyway i have a strong feeling about this and i love everything they've done so far. I guess we will see who's right and who's wrong in the next few months.

>> No.8483848

lmao what a joke. eos shills have the most thin skin of anyone. I'll give you a quick glimpse into the future

>hypes back to $10
>main net is released
>no one uses it because AWS is cheaper
>after 3 months the blockchain is already 150 times bigger than bitcoin's
>VC's stop giving money to the 121 producers because its too expensive
>Producers drop out, they can't even find 121 people to do it
>EOS puts in harsher tx limits
>they come up with excuses why its not any faster than ETH
>ETH jumps as their scaling solutions come out

>> No.8483912

You cited 54tb as huge cost. You are fucking third world tier autistic. You based your whole argument off of $800 a year cost for someone receiving money.

Enjoy your off chain Plasmacash! Works just the same as Paypal!

>> No.8484001

54 TB a year is a huge cost, are you clueless?
BTC fags had a heart attack over increasing chain size by 36 GB per year.

>> No.8484020

Oh, that explains it. You’re retarded.

Block producers are paid a lot of money in EOS with 5% yearly inflation.

>> No.8484057

So where does the EOS come from? thin air? or from existing pool?

>> No.8484059

eos nigga, in my current company we running an application with peta bytes of data in aws. will eos able to host that kind of app?

>> No.8484080


It's not about storage you dimwits, it's about bandwidth given a particular average block time. Relying on good bandwidth is a death sentence for anything more than a blockchain toy.

>> No.8484083

Hey guys is it okay to buy on Coinbase with a VISA or is it still not safe?

>> No.8484110


>buying high

>buying after reading this shit-show of a thread

never change /biz/

>> No.8484118


>> No.8484119

This is the thread with the most replies so I'm asking here. I don't even know what that shitcoin is

>> No.8484159

It is about storage. BCrash says they can have 1 GB blocks. Blockstream doesn't do it because storage costs would be prohibitive.

does no one remember the whole failed flippening? doing 1000 tps is not difficult, storing it is.

OH HOLY FUCK. he wasn't kidding. 5% inflation. This is madness, this is 5 times worse than XLM.


>buy my bags to subsidize a more expensive AWS platform

>> No.8484233


You still haven't used google

Go die.

There are going to be 30TB of RAM on the network So storage will probably be 20-30PB. This isn't a btc node. Literally everything you ask or say is not relevant to to this thread

>> No.8484237
File: 110 KB, 739x959, lastFlipWins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you really should check out lastflipwins.co they are very innovative

>> No.8484298

Enjoy your 5% inflation fag. lmao this is worse than just holding USD.

So it's not a blockchain? Blockchains have to store their tx to resolve disputes. Either it CAN do 10k tps and stores those in order to resolve disputes, or it doesn't store them and its not a transaction.
Make up your mind dude

>> No.8484333

>21 posts by this id

>> No.8484565


>> No.8484973

I finally bothered with DYOR - holy fuck, this could be big. I'm pretty much an Eth maximalist, but I just grabbed a bunch of EOS to hedge my bets. Will accumulate more too.

>> No.8485059


Yep. Dapp author here - converting Dapps is simple, all the existing ones can be ported straight over. Plus we can bridge to two using Chainlink, so there's no reason why if both cooexist the way Windows, Mac and Linux does we can't use both if one proves better than the other at some tasks.

>> No.8485128
File: 70 KB, 547x210, 3C5F152C-C7B3-4924-9872-38AF31A51C8B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mETH head or Cardanoob pretending to be an obvious shill.

>> No.8485219

what is this retire next a costco meme? couldn't find anyting on /r/outoftheloop

>> No.8485326


>most shilled coin on biz

Liar. I stay on biz constantly and routinely ctrl+f “eos” and for months and months there was NOTHING. Even after reaching the top 10 hardly anybody on here ever talked about eos. And on the off chance I did find an eos post, over half the time it would be FUD, not a positive post about eos, and when it was the OP would be quickly shouted down with FUD. Even now, most threads are filled with “muh pedocoin” “muh Clinton foundation” shit. I for one am glad so many missed out because you don’t deserve it.

>> No.8485365

A lot of people on /biz/ are smart enough to realize that EOS is the one true coin. Their punishment will simply be arriving only very shortly before the normies.

>> No.8485385

>back to the price from last week
>still at 1/3 of ATH
>you only made good profit if you bought in 2 days window during the dump and have no guarantee it won't dump again
gee I wonder

>> No.8485475


>must have a guarantee something won’t dump before buying

Why are you even in crypto? Go buy US savings bonds

>> No.8485760


Kek, good one faggot. I literally said I'm a mETH head (yeah, fuck me for going x150 on my buy in haha - what a newfag) and I have 2k of ADA just in case (probably bullshit, but meh) Point out what I said that's factually wrong ie why day one I can't relaunch EVERY Dapp on Eth and fucking clean up on EOS?

>> No.8486855

What wallet do i need to have? I have my coins on my Ledger nano s.

Is that good enough? Or do they want the mist wallet?