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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 94 KB, 600x800, 7836BB2F-7F65-4293-ADD3-E7CC205A61CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8457840 No.8457840[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why? Because you losers blame drug dealers for your kids death, instead of blaming the kids low iq they got form their shitty parents. Smart parents dont blame the drug dealer and of course this is the reason the kids of smart parents didnt deserve to die.
But again, the parents who blame the drug dealers are satirical models of natural selection getting RIGHTEOUS.

>> No.8457858

Fuck off this board faggot.

>> No.8457861

Has nothing to do with /biz/ you flaming faggot

>> No.8457864

edgy bruh

>> No.8457877

move out of the midwest, redneck

>> No.8457878

So should I invest in drugs?

>> No.8457893

thanks just bought 100k grams heroin

>> No.8457921


t. drug dealer?

what the fuck is this /r9k/ shit? leave, retard

>> No.8457985

Redneck lol.
Project much, cletus?

>> No.8458142

>100k grams
You could just say 100 kg.

>> No.8458746

Fucking newfags

>> No.8458778

Wrong forum faggot

>> No.8458815

drug addicts = low IQ? What an idiot, lol. Being a lonely antisocial cuck with big nose and small penis does not make you a high IQ person.

>> No.8458827

Fuck off this board

>> No.8458874

Go away loser

>> No.8458884

Literally nobody here has children

>> No.8458891

/biz/ Business and Finance

>> No.8458898


>> No.8459017

This is true though. If you have parents that are narcissists and are emotionally unavailable but physically present, there's a high chance your kid will at least experiment with drugs.

>> No.8459081

Exactly how is this /biz/ related? Also there are a lot of factors that can be accounted for when someone ODs. Its always an Y road.

>> No.8459091

nice b8 m8

also reported


>> No.8459113

Fuck you op

>> No.8459169

>t. salty drug dealer

So how many tyrones inspected your pipe work today? I know you white cuz minorities can't even write.

>> No.8459185

Fuck you too, little girl.

>> No.8459194
File: 136 KB, 1140x458, singapore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont blame muh drug dealers
fuck off libertarian. All Singapore had to do in the 70s was hang FOUR fucking drug dealers. Four. One by one, a 1-2 year gap in between. Today it is one of the top 3 livable and safest cities alongside tokyo and melbourne. Drugs flow like willy wonkas fucking chocolate river all around south east asia but not a single gram enters Singapore.

hail lee kwan yew, hail duterte, hail donald j fucking trump.

>> No.8459236

Wish it was this easy to spot normans. I would have them eradicated from this whole board. Only me and my neet pals deserve to get rich

>> No.8459248

Fuck off subhuman chink

>> No.8459336
File: 107 KB, 640x640, image (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sub 100iq mutt probably wished he lived here and paid 0% on capital gains tax and 15% on personal income tax. Maybe if you ask nicely, crawl on all fours and make a few circles we could let you scrub toilets for 6 months to test that work permit out

>> No.8459768

Nah no need. Being a rich white landowner in the US is good enough for me. I'll be over there to fuck some of your girls this year though. Get me some good sideways yellow pussy.

>> No.8459949
File: 203 KB, 1124x598, 1517318504591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure, gonzalez

>> No.8459987

Where do you find these pics? Hilarious as fuck

>> No.8460011

i googled 56% mutt it was the first few to appear

>> No.8460046

I know this is a bait thread but I was a heroin addict for 4 years. I am by now means "low IQ", to make a complicated story very simple, basically I just reached the point where I didn't give a fuck, I was in a very dark place. What started out as a once every month thing became a once every week thing, then it became a once every 3 days thing and before long I was using every day. I've been clean for over two years but even now I get cravings.
I met many other users while I was using, some of them from what society would call "good and stable" backgrounds. Heroin addiction doesn't discriminate.

All I will say is that the people who make big bucks off this shit, the people who never touch or even see the stuff, deserve to be shot.

>> No.8460100
File: 352 KB, 1212x2048, D77BB6BF-6DDB-4DF2-A284-FF6BE461E760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must be an angry amerimutt

>> No.8460107

Lol theres drugs everwhere in melb haha safe drugs i guess poor investment though fuck this thread

>> No.8460110

>blames others for his decisions
I am glad you are clean tho. My cuz used to do H. He's in rehab in cali now. I used to pop bars prob once a day. Sometimes snorted oxy with them. Spent days on the floor in my room detoxing after I almost OD'd. I never once blamed my dealers cause I was the fuckhead who started that shit. 3 years clean now. keep going bruh

>> No.8460230

I once listind to a speech of a drug expert. He said clean H isnt as bad as people think and most people die of dirty H. The color comes also from stuff that is not H but some other shit.

>> No.8460320

what do you mean by this exactly ? think it applies to me lol..

>> No.8460363

The most common way of dying of H is when the effects are so strong you stop breathing, asphyxiation too from breathing in vomit This is why so many people OD after they start using again after a period of abstinence, their tolerance levels drop but they still use the same amount as they did just before they stopped prior.

>> No.8460522

>Business & Finance

>> No.8460649

if you have a parent (hopefully not two) with personality disorders, you're gonna suffer for it.

t. mom is batshit narcissistic, been depressed since i was a kid and suicidial since 14, its a miracle im not in jail or dead or something. entering my late 20s and I just feel like an old man, still think about just fucking off with everything and shooting up some H on the daily. someones going to call me a weak pussy or whatever, but I actually feel like I've been very strong just for keeping it together. broken homes are fucked, its depressing to think about all the shitheads mistreating children out there

>> No.8460704

grats to you guys. I don't think I'd make it back from trying H. ive done pills and they just felt so damn good that I know I'd crumble under the real shit. mostly stick to weed, which I hate cuz I feel like a bum, but it really does wonders in terms of keeping me cool.

>> No.8460906

Nice larp, mr imbred fat snitch from kentucky!

>> No.8460927

Going to x100 long heroin

>> No.8460939

Awe... its ok mista chinaman, he didnt mean it...

>> No.8460966

I honestly believe the best way to prevent drug deaths is to legalize all substances, tax them and use a good deal of the tax money for help centers and proper use instructions, nobody will ever die from contaminated drug use if all drugs are sold and manufactured in controlled environments

>> No.8460974

And yet your afraid to say where your from, because you know the mythical combo of monster and ubermensch actually lives in the internet..,

>> No.8461063


Who is that model?

>> No.8461064

True, but you still sound like an idiot.

>> No.8461090

If I had a kid that ever did drugs I would make sure that it overdoses on drugs and dies.
No place for weak unstable genetics in my bloodline. I will build the most chadest and staciest lineage ever