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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3.17 MB, 2209x2921, 94578nxmz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8454358 No.8454358 [Reply] [Original]

>the year is 2025
>smartcontracts are in the middle of a mass adoption craze
>chainlink is the preferred oracle across multiple large markets
>chainlink is $5000 a token
>you're running a node massive node and have been running one since some of the early days of linkpool
>gain multiple links a month, passive income of tens of thousands of dollars
>your victorias secret model wife has just put your children (chad, felicity, and serendipity) to bed
>she rides your dick hard like a gymnast every night - you both cum multiple times on a regular basis, sex life is great
>you descend into your oxygenated cryochamber to sleep and regenerate for the night
>caviar for dinner every day, champagne with every meal
>your doctor has prescribed a new high tech version of ecstasy for you - every day is bliss
>you will have enough capital to go on in the future and invest in companies that will mine asteroids, planets, and harness energy from stars
>you will amass enough wealth to have a seat at the table of the intergalactic elite and play spacegolf with japanese aliens and talk about the spacemarket

its going to happen
thanks /biz/

>> No.8454414

our own house for my family and a bit of cash would be enough - dont need caviar, models.. just the freedom to do whatever we want to do

>> No.8454426

Nah you'll just lose everything you put in link.

>> No.8454431
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>> No.8454442
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It will be sweet

>> No.8454481

>you wake up from the dream
>check your stinky portfolio
>26% ATH

>> No.8454587
File: 811 KB, 720x404, MR SLIPPYFIST.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious querstion... how to run a node?

>> No.8454619

Train like it’s a 5k, but a little shorter

>> No.8454689
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Thanks, dingleberry

>> No.8454719

Thats beautiful, anon. My goal as well.

>> No.8454743

So, I am rich but still only get to have sex with the same woman every night?

>> No.8454755

No, it won't happen. In the meanwhile something new will come out that'll immediately be adopted, while shit like ChainLink will die a horrible death. There is no 'being early' anymore. Everything that's out right now has seen its peak - only new coins will be able to give you a lot of gains.

>> No.8454756

i dont any of that shit.
i just want to go to sleep when im sleepy
wake up when im done sleeping
that's my goal in life.

>> No.8454806

I'll be 47, can only afford 211 LINK and already have ED so unless medical technology advances I won't be doing a lot of the things in that scenario. Thanks for ruining my morning though OP.

>> No.8454809

There are plenty of jobs that allow you to do that. Are you really too stupid to find one with flexible working hours?

>> No.8454843

im a professor at a university. hard for me to simply change to "one with flexible working hours".

>> No.8454880

I teach at university as well. And I just chose not to teach in the morning. It was pretty easy to be honest.

>> No.8454896

Kek I'm 22 and have 130k how does it feel chubby

>> No.8454908

quit being a nigger. I work in online education and work with dozens of professors who teach asynchrononous courses online that don't do shit and work whatever hours they want.

>> No.8454940

Just type "sudo ChainLink node" into Google maps/

>> No.8454951

All that knowledge and you can't even into self employed content creator.

>> No.8454965


What is the minimum amount of LINK required for this to be a total certainty?

>> No.8455077

You are welcome

>> No.8455107

i can flex a tiny bit but i can't change the entire school schedule. kids have classes in the morning during some years, afternoon in the others. my classes occur during the morning-years. and im one of the youngest professors, so my leverage is pretty shitty to even change within that schedule.
not my case at all. im also heavily involved in a bunch of research projects which also take a lot of my time. im not saying i work a lot (i dont), but there's always shitty hours that i need to follow.
content creator? doesnt sound like a great option for my specialization.

>> No.8455125

be sergey and have 32m funded.

>> No.8455209

What department do you teach in?

>> No.8455285
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Hmmm... looks pretty complicated. I think I can handle it. Thanks, anon!

>> No.8455320
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>Hmmm... looks pretty complicated. I think I can handle it. Thanks, anon!


>> No.8455404

You realize you're arguing with larping neets right?

Hopefully crypto goes to 0 so they can understand the futility of flipping burgers for most of their waking life.

>> No.8455546

Sounds like I just got the better deal. I'm not even a professor and I can just create courses about my research topics and put them whereever I like. And the students have to work them into their schedule if they want to take them.

>> No.8455560

Jesus christ. Put it out of its misery

>> No.8455588

What happens when the supply of Link that is meant for node operators runs out?

>> No.8455618


Except that's bullshit. Now is the time when projects start to deliver their products - including running whatever nodes you've prepared for.

>> No.8455631
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Stinky Linkies turn Pinkies

>> No.8455647

>online education


>> No.8455667

This is actually what I also desire. I just don't ever want to be woken up by an alarm clock ever again, uninterrupted, full sleep is amazing.