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845125 No.845125 [Reply] [Original]

In 2010 Bitcoin was worth about 60 cents each. By 2014 they were worth $1000.

It's 2015 and these things are worth 60 cents each, and have a lot more potential than bitcoin.

Your call.

>> No.845158

Monero has a shit name. Bitcoin already got in as -the- crypto currency. Unless there's some serious advertising/propoganda/popular use, it's not going anywhere.

>> No.845165

How do they have more potential than bit coin?

>> No.845167


Yeah, it sounds like a south american currency


>> No.845168
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We had digital money for a long time.

Bitcoin was the first time we had digital money that was also trustless (decentralized).

The problem with bitcoin is that it has a public blockchain and everyone in the world can see everyone else's transactions. Can you imagine if you could go online and see anyone in the world's bank statements? That would be madness.

Monero uses cryptographic ring signatures to mask *all* transactions. It's totally private. No one can track your spending.

So for the first time in human history we have money that is digital, trustless, and private. That's never happened in history before.

This isn't some new Pandacoin shitcoin. This is the real deal.

>> No.845170


So how do we know it isn't a giant exit scam?

>> No.845173
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Because it's open source software that is being developed by a lot of independent developers. They have even been taking their time to build a rock solid framework before trying to put on the gloss and lipstick.

Typically with scam-coins they put the flashy stuff up as fast as possible and don't worry about the internals much because they don't intend it to be a long term project.

You can read the Cryptonote white paper here (the technology that Monero is based off of):

And see the open source development for Monero here:

I'm not saying it won't fail, but if it does it will be an honest failure. This is the most transparent and genuine cryptocurrency since the original bitcoin. It also just happens to severely improve upon bitcoin in a lot of important ways.

>> No.845187

Nah , ethereum is much more valuable from a utilitarian standpoint.

Didnt monero bubble up to 3 bucks a pop at one point?

>> No.845189

who the fuck cares if the transactions are public? you're not tied to your btc address in any way and can generate a new one/s in literally seconds.

>> No.845201
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If you think you're not tied to your bitcoin address, you're gonna have a bad time.

Monero makes money private again, just like it ought to be.

>> No.845202

Ethereum had a pre-sale.

Sorry, but no crypto with a presale can ever become truly mainstream. This tech needs to be relaunched without any presale/IPO whatsoever and then we can pay attention.

>> No.845248

Shame Monero is PoW

>> No.845253

That is a good thing. Proof of Stake is inherently flawed as it can't help the network reach a consensus during difficult times.

>> No.845260

They both have their tradeoffs, yes. However, bitcoin (and the likes) have a point where they become untradable, because minting becomes too hard / not worth it. This seems unforgivable because although price will go up, it may make shit way too slow to actually use it as money, depending on the exact nature of how computer power progresses.

Then again maybe I'm missing something big and should stop listening to bitcoin doomsayers.

>> No.845267

>A bunch of random addresses sent money to each other
>Therefore it's the first address in the chain

No. Only in police state court, America.

>> No.845290

What's a non-scam site for buying it?

>> No.845299
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haven't seen that before. thanks anon.
i've diversified once, and that actually worked out pretty well, but that aside i've still got every XMR i've ever owned, and almost all my daytrading profits for nearly a year, have been poured straight into a monero cold wallet. just a few satos of movement makes a big difference to how many BTC's worth i hold. it's so nice to watch.

is there anyone on /biz/ any more who doesn't hold even just a few? surely if not you're gonna be suicidal if we were right. which increasingly it looks like we're gonna be.
at least you've spared yourselves the hell i now face, of choosing whether to get a ferrari, or whether i'll need more than 2 seats to carry all the 18yo models who'll be following me around. sigh. life is difficult sometimes.

stick BTC on poloniex (best) or bittrex, just buy there. oh and i know everyone says it's a terrible idea, but with a good password, a malware-free pc and 2FA enabled, i'd trust poloniex to hold a fair chunk of coins. busoni is a pro, anytime i've had any kind of problem with them its been immediately and professionally sorted.
alternatively you could just use shapeshift.io for buying smallish amounts (like <$200) whereby you just click two dropdown forms, send the coins to the address you're given, and seconds later you're sent a different coin of your choice.

gotta ask... don't bother hating, i know it's not the greatest coin, but anyone have any thoughts as to how high BCN is going? someone here sent me ~$3 worth last year, it's now worth ~$85.

feelsgoodman. i fucking love cryptos.

>> No.845317


>So for the first time in human history we have money that is digital, trustless, and private. That's never happened in history before.

>build an exclusively blackmarket tool
>wonder why it only get adopted by criminals.

And I say that as somebody who cares a lot about digital freedom. However when I'm doing business legally I want that paper trail. I'm going to pay taxes and I want to easily show the authorities the sources of my income.

I don't really have a use for cryptocurrencies. I don't think most people have either.

>> No.845504

How do you actually make money on this though? Can you buy the currency?

I'm totally new to this and I have no idea how it works. I've tried looking around the site and there's nowhere that lets me just convert my own money into this stuff.

>> No.845506

great logic

im going to buy everything that is 60cents

thanks op

>> No.845509

>This isn't some new Pandacoin shitcoin. This is the real deal.
every time

>> No.845576

>How do you actually make money on this though?
daytrade on crypto exchanges.
>Can you buy the currency?
you need to buy bitcoins. how you do that depends on where you live. once you have them, put them on a crypto exchange (poloniex.com) and use them to buy a different cryptocurrency. there's a lot of hate here for cryptos for some reason, but the value fluctuations are wild. i think most people here hold a few monero, even if they won't admit it.


>> No.845589

wow, compare two completely irrelevant currencies and say "your call". How is this not a uneducated shill?

>> No.845590

right; worst sales pitch in the history of the world. Hur dur, look I made a connection with two currencies and they were both 60 cents! Thinking correlation means same effect, so fucking dumb.

>> No.845597

I thought that was the joke in the OP post

>> No.845639

could be, but he's defending it in his later statements, so no he's not joking. Also if these crypto coins would be the next big currency. None of the popular ones would be picked; the imf would make their own..

>> No.845651

Maidsafe has INSTANT transactions, globally decentralized and does a million things Monero and Bitcoin can't.

Also, Bitcoin will have confidential transactions BIP added and eventually will also have DarkWallet developed.

Dont get me wrong, im holding 100 XMR just in case, but lets not get lost here, BTC is king and has the most potential to become worldwide mainstream, XMR has potential to become big in underground circles.

>> No.845653

Well, the problem is if goverments start passing laws like that globally. Thats why OP has a point and we NEED stronger anonimity, even if it hinders us to get to the mainstream regulated goverment level bullshit, fuck them.

Also OP, another problem I see with XMR: Unless you are getting paid directly in XMR, you will be linked to owning XMR as you bought it with eithe fiat or BTC.

>> No.845655

Poloniex now requires your real name to withdraw and deposit. See, I dont see the point of a stronger anonymity coin unless you get paid directly in it. How to get around that?
Also, unless you are meeting a person and exchangin XMR for fiat you are fucked (same for BTC)

>> No.845660

You dumb nigger. If I had mined bitcoin back when I first heard about it, I could've fucking retired. That could've been my lifes work, selling those off as it rose up to $1000 a coin. Even at $200 a coin, you would've made a killing.

Know why I didn't do it? Because I didn't want to wear my GPU out for some virtual "coin". Yeah. I passed up the chance to retire, because I didn't know that this dirt cheap and easy to get "currency" would eventually be worth hundreds of dollars.

So what if it's a big pump and dump scheme? Buy like 200, keep them in case it starts gaining massive value. At $0.6 a coin (if that really is the price), it's worth buying $100 worth of them. Consider it a lottery ticket.

I thought the banks tried to make a cryptocoin at some point, too? What happened to that one?

>> No.845669

>real name
psh, no it doesn't. enter anything, enter "fuck you", it'll still work. i was drunk when i submitted my name, i'm known to them as Angus McOatup. no problems.
or use bittrex, which requires nothing of the sort. or shapeshift. or PM someone on bitcointalk. or any other number of options.

>> No.845698
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thats the only reason it can fly in the real world, anything else is a legal nightmare for its developers and community.

>> No.845703

>I thought the banks tried to make a cryptocoin at some point, too? What happened to that one?

They probably already did, can't see it being used anywhere but internally and away from public eyes, for one thing you cannot use a protocol like bitcoin or its clones as it offer less privacy than a banking account which is why Monero is the real deal.

>> No.845706

Way too hard to acquire these Monero Bucks

how could this ever catch on

>> No.845710

to the haters, do you not think that once a GUI is released, then an absolutely batshit pump is inevitable? i mean even if you believe you have valid reasons for hating monero, that hype will be fucking biblical once that long-awaited GUI hits.

to those put off by the command line wallet, or how unintuitive things are generally right now, it's really easy. do this and you have a monero wallet on your pc, ready to receive and stash coins.
ignore the bit telling you how to paste commands, that just tells you how to spend the coins once you've received them. piss easy. once you have that, all you need is some bitcoins and an account on a crypto exchange.
i'm happy to break this down further if anyone wants. i think it's easy to forget how much we've learned and how hard this could be for noobs. seriously, don't be put off. if you can use 4chan you can use monero.
bitcoin was a pain in the ass at first too. command line only, just like monero is now.

>> No.845712
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why did it raise so quickly all of a sudden?

>> No.845715

This monero spam is getting really fucking annoying. Bitcointalk's forums spammed, reddit's crypto subs spammed, now this shit

At least I'm not the only one:


>> No.845722
File: 465 KB, 1547x1334, Coke-and-Pepsi-dilutive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go look on pretty much any forum on bitcointalk, there are gonna be shitloads of people arguing about monero vs bitcoin. many of whom legendary, millionaire whales. every time. even though monero is only a year old, and only costs 60 cents vs 6yo bitcoin's $280.

>> No.845726

Probably because Dash is getting kicked off of Bittrex and people got worried and started hedging their bets.

>> No.845729

pumpers man......

the spam is worse than the fraud

>> No.845744

You can also use mymonero.com as an excellent online wallet. It is so easy and safe to use, I don't even need to explain it here.

>> No.845746

Bitfinex, rather.

>> No.845753

+ It was created by one of the monero core developers.

>> No.845910

>legendary whales

You mean people who sold their bitcointalk account to Monero devs?

>> No.845917

A pump by the devs to try to head off the launch of Ethereum.

Ethereum is a serious network. Monero is a ripoff of cryptonote with no development work being carried out. Only troll.

>> No.845938

if etherium so serious, why presale? this real troll. you just line other man's pockets.

monero fair launch with no premine, premale, and volunteer developers. it is real deal.

>> No.845983

>why presale

Because they needed funding. Core devs cost money. And now the presale coins are selling for ten times presale price.

How is that not a good presale? Apart from if you didn't buy in.

Monero sounds like some Mexican coin. Dev sounds angry and hopeless in bitcointalk threads. No economy. No GUI in 3 years of development. Total shit.

>> No.846002
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One year of development, and there have been stunning accomplishments in that year.

And this makes Etherium a business venture. I see them as no different than Ripple.

I'm glad for anyone who's presale coins are going for 10x the original price. Good luck.

Meanwhile Monero had no presale and some of the most advanced software development in the history of mankind for free. The GUI will be coming soon; the devs have been nothing but honest with the community.

I have no opinion on Etherium other than it was a pre-sale and sounds like some World of Warcraft Expansion pack.

Monero is literally "money" in esperanto. It's got a bright future ahead of it. 10x? lol, Monero will be considered a failure if the coins don't go for 10,000x what they are now eventually.

>> No.846136


lol ethereum, theres a reason blockchain contracts didn't took off in bitcoin, when things go sour people like getting lawyered. There is only future in cryptocurrencies and Monero is the best. Enjoy your IPO'ed scamcoin 15 min of hype.

>> No.846150

Er, mind if I ask how anything might cause legal issues? Not saying you're wrong, I just have no clue.

Tried doing some relevant googling (for a short time) but came up dry.

>> No.846190

Lol the jokers commenting foul about Monero are those who tag all their daily shit on facebook every minute

Monero IS what the world needs when there are privacy breaches everywhere. Good luck with your Bit(Track Me)coin or some scam ipo shitethereum.

Just think about it, why are banks now positive on Bitcoin, shouldnt they be fearful? No, they will control more of your lifes you fools. They will precisely know your spending habits now because everything is recorded in the blockchain.

Do good to your useless ass, support Monero, this is what we desperately need, if not, keep your worthless opinions to yourself

>> No.846196



>> No.846300

Just when you thought /biz/ was safe from shitcoins...

>> No.846309

> honest failure
That's 99/100. Not a badge of honor, just a lack of foresight.

>> No.846395

eutherium is dead, no one but niche devs get it or want it. true anonymous coins like monero or bytecoin or even dash are much better positioned to take over market. bitcoin is still king for a while, but it suffers from speed problems and non-anonymous nature issues.

>> No.846848

So now that Ethereum is dropping like a rock will you listen to reason?

True crypto projects can't have presales. They need to be zero premine/presale projects so they have a pure beginning that is selfless. This + technological innovation is the only way to success.

Ethereum needs a relaunch without any presale.

>> No.846861

>Ethereum needs a relaunch without any presale.

but this measn no one can get rich day 0 with no efforts running only on hype!

>> No.846903

if it was initially 60 cents per bit-coin, you wouldn't have sold it at 200 dollars. Your hind-sight bias says "omg I would've sold it at 200 dollars" nah man you wouldn't have known, it's like knowing the next google. So stfu with this "passed up a chance to retire" EXACTLY it was a chance, a lottery, a speculation.

>> No.847385

Things that are ridiculously good investments seldom appear that way at the time of opportunity. It takes wisdom and foresight to see the future potential.

>> No.847686

is there a free monero faucet?

>> No.847766

yeah too bad I'm not getting any wisdom nor foresight from you; just blind faith and pretentious sayings about opportunities. Don't say it's a salient investment, because it's not its a lottery, google is the opportunity, this is garbage masquerading as a opportunity.

>> No.847923

give me links on how to buy monero stuffs, im super noob and only a week into biz, im 23 years old.

>> No.847925

nevermind I got it.

>> No.847962

>...me (ID: Fv/SaeRM)
>08/09/15(Sun)18:46:57 No.84

There's no such thing as a faucet anymore for any coin aftter the big BTC boom. As soon as BTC shot up above $50, all the faucets were permanently shut off as their owners struggled to save every single 0.0001 BTC for themselves. Not even a drop trickles out now...

>> No.848109

huh? There are faucets for doge / litecoin/peercoin/bitcoin/ dash/darkcoin and a few others so no one shut down faucets. I just want to know if Moreno has one

>> No.848120

Sorry, but with the scale of what ethereum is trying to achieve you needed crowdsale funding. They have to hire top developers at market rates which is 200k. vitalik is on 150k

Monero sounds like some untrustworthy mexican shit. like dinero or sombrero. You won't get anyone but south americans into using it.

Monero could be implemented in a few lines of ethereum code.

Ethereum has been on the market for less than a week and it's number 4 market cap of any coin. it only has to beat ripple to get number 2 then investors will flood in.

monero...is number 14. Long way to go. And to be honest the name turns me off more than anything.

>> No.848122
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>> No.848179
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buy bitcoins (uk? bitbargain or bittylicious are instant)
get an account on poloniex.
transfer bitcoins to poloniex account.
use those bitcoins to buy monero.
go to mymonero.com, create account
make 50,000 copies of private keys
transfer monero to mymonero address
fuck bitches

>> No.848739

I like to buy virgins. New securities which have dropped from their initial offer price by a large margin, and have not yet had a big run-up. XMR looks like a virgin to me. Never popped. Since the rate of emission has dropped by half, this seems like a good time to buy.

As far as I can tell, it is much more like gold than any other digital currency. I.e., unmarked, anonymous, and finite supply.

>> No.848811

thanks much appreciated

>> No.848815

Oh wait for me NA

>> No.848817

Whats an XMR

>> No.848853

XMR is Monero


>> No.848856

are you saying that for you this guide is not applicable? presumably because you're not in the uk and as such can't use bitbargain/bittylicious? how you buy coins depends on where you live. just google it. there's always a way. but yeah it can be a pain in the ass. blockchain.info might serve your area. or try localbitcoins.com. even ebay. you'll find something.

>> No.848890

Ok thanks.

So I buy lots of Monero?

Im japanese I live on guam.

>> No.849356

>So I buy lots of Monero?
sounds like a plan
i'm sure i don't need to tell you that there are no guarantees, but i have faith the price will rise massively in coming years. i'd look to pay around 200k satoshi (0.002 BTC) a piece.

>> No.849584

Ethereum is going to the moon currently.

>> No.849674

having dropped like a rock, lol.
i bought 70ish at silly prices, then watched the price plummet. as so often happens. then bought more at 280 and sold at 340, making back the money i lost and making enough to buy a few XMR for my troubles.

>> No.849926

can I get an intro to cryptocurrencies?

I'm at the level that even a wikipedia article is too much.

>> No.849928

If you include an imaginary point on the chart where the ICO price was, you'll see that the trend is UP.

You sold too early. This isn't monero. This is going to the top. Bye bye Bitcoin.

>> No.849930


>> No.849980

Let me just google that for you...