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File: 62 KB, 700x442, Pharmaceuticals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8449456 No.8449456 [Reply] [Original]

Back again answering your questions on medicine, pharmaceuticals, nutrition, and blockchain. I'll be here until grandpa takes a nap and I can snag more alts.

>> No.8449471

i just took 2 ativan how fucked am i

>> No.8449485

Are you taking care of your grandfather? What's wrong with him?

>> No.8449492


How many mg?

>> No.8449522

Have you given up on AMB now that it's dead and IBM is eating your lunch?

>> No.8449528


He keeps shitting the bed.

>> No.8449568

Godspeed, pharmanon

I got interested in your concentration & meditation post last time.

I've been getting back in mindfulness meditation with the hope of enhancing my concentration. I believe that forcing myself to order my daily life in blocks of tasks + meditation can help tremendously.

Do you really think meditation can help with that? Tired of being inattentive, drowsy and feeling like shit most of the time. Will change my diet too and get some Vit D/fish oil shit.

>> No.8449596


No. Only a moron would give up on AMB now. It's like saying you have up on VEN at 3600 sats. IMB is also not eating anyones lunch.

>> No.8449636


Meditation can help immensely with concentration and discipline, so yeah, it will help you. Just stick with it. Consistency is the key to getting good results.

>> No.8449771


>> No.8449801


Probably late spring early summer is when it will really take off.

>> No.8450225

My mom ODed this summer on opiates (no this isn't a larp so faggots can fuck off)

When will medicinal marijuana actually be a viable alternative to most pharmaceuticals?

>> No.8450325


Less than 5 years. Really sorry for your loss man.

>> No.8450359

opinion on taking low doses of anabolic steroids for recreational purposes?

>> No.8450366


Never fuck with your hormones.

>> No.8450373

I've been taking one clonazepam (10mg) a day for about 3 days in a row. Took 2 today and haven't felt it much, is tolerance really a bitch?

>> No.8450402


Benzodiazapine tolerance builds VERY fast

>> No.8450462

How bad should ADHD related symptoms be before someone considers taking something to help regain focus?

>> No.8450483


You read my mind. I got a doctors appointment this week because I feel I have reached that critical point but wondering what Pharma bro says

>> No.8450542

Where do you guys get modafinil or adrafinil etc in Canada? Seems like every vendor is now pajeet sending from India and customs are confiscating that shit 90% of the time

>> No.8450556

I’m running a test and tren cycle atm, feels godly op.
Horomones are there to be manipulated.

>> No.8450574

1. Ketogenic diet, this is retarded for normal people, correct?

2. What do you think of propecia for hair loss? Bad idea?

3. Is the depression as chemical imbalance thing just a meme?

4. Will REQ be huge or just a biz meme forever?

>> No.8450583

How much is the total of a krystexxa treatment? I have really bad gout for over 17 yrs

>> No.8450592

Cheers for the condolences, and I hope you're right.

In your opinion, how many drugs are pushed through the market that aren't actually that effective for the majority of the populace? Is the Rx industry just fucked?

>> No.8450647


Only you and your doctor can make that decision. See a psychiatrist, not a gp.

>> No.8450680


Ok. But has it's risks.
No, depression absolutely can be just a chemical imbalance, although there's almost always more to it.

>> No.8450720

Why is meth so fucking over exaggereated in the media?
I was using it daily for 8 months, still showered every day. Ate 3 times a day, slept 6 hours a night, still worked. Yea my eyes got bags under them at times but besides that I'm not a delusional paranoid mess? Am i just God tier and my mind handles hard drugs very well or is it really fucking me up slowly but surely?

Also my friend found out and threw away my bag 1 day ago, i am currently sober. I am not going out robbing people, i am not gonna steal from my family. I just feel tired.... that is all

>> No.8450731

Yeah I have no idea as well anon. No idea why it's so strict. Feelsbad.

>> No.8450755


Most drugs that get through work. The industry isn't as bad as it's made out to be... It's just that the bad guys are REALLY bad.

>> No.8450828

Jesus dude don't do meth just smoke pot or something christ

>> No.8450892

that's the plan man, i'm really trying to stop
Don't give me the why would you even try
I'm a drug addict.... i don't see heroin and meth the way other people do
It becomes casual... as if it's nothing after a while

Anyways, i'm done. Back to being a soberfag again

>> No.8450898

Opinions on NaviAddress?

>> No.8450911

Does creatine make you go bald?

>> No.8450939

Hey I know ur not a doc, but I think I have adhd or some fucked up shit in my brain

Failed all 4 years of uni because I cant concentrate on a damn thing, my mind keeps wondering after 5 seconds of watching a lecutre and 15 mins later i realise im actually at a lecture

Going to go to the doc, but what are the long term health risks of adderall etc. Is it worth it?

>> No.8450951

If you're serious read the Reddit post about a guy quitting meth and his experience. The whole point of the drug is it's barely noticeable , starts off slow but before you know it shit hits the fan. Don't be naive into thinking it's ok.

>> No.8450965


>> No.8450973

It seems as tho pharma is mostly concerned with downstream effects of depression/anxiety ie: serotonin or dopamine imbalances versus root causes of depression/anxiety, heavy metal poisoning, etc. is this because you guys can only treat the downstream effects and not the causes?

>> No.8451025


What are the long term risks of not graduating uni? Everything has risks, you just need to figure out what's worth it. Adderal isn't going to kill you. See a psychiatrist.

>> No.8451046

Because we don't know what the root cause of depression is, and on a large scale it isn't some hippy shit like heavy metal poisoning.

>> No.8451063


You've only been sober one day. You're still manic as judging by your behavior. Check back in a week and let me know how you feel. Do you best to stay sober. Good luck.

>> No.8451064

yea its very deceiving
It's almost like half the time i'm on it i don't even notice i'm on it or feel high....
I'll give it a look

>> No.8451121


Stay strong Anon, my brother went out the same way. It was heart breaking. It was a powerless situation watching him waste away.

I spent 5 years in Trascanistan and never cried more than holding my limp, pill wasted brother when his runs would get bad. Stay strong bro.

>> No.8451184
File: 274 KB, 500x500, 567546345252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My body started to tremor really badly ever since I tried to go to sleep yesterday. I didn't even do any drugs on that day.

It's been getting better but the hell caused it?

I looked up this chart for serotonin syndrome and the only thing on the list I took was ginseng:

I take Adderall but I didn't take any yesterday.

>> No.8451192

“High Cu concentration is observed in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Wilson’s diseases and may also lead to decline in intelligence in young adolescents [8, 9]. Limited data also suggests the potential importance of copper in the development of neuropsychiatric disorders, including depression [6, 11–16], and several compelling arguments can confirm this fact.”


Second question: why are pharma phaggots so arrogant?

>> No.8451217
File: 37 KB, 1127x685, crypep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ man the feels--truly sorry for your loss

The mixture of pity, anger, despair, and sadness while watching someone you love lose themselves to a diet of pills is unparalleled to anything I've ever experienced

Thank you for your words. Stay strong, brother, and all my best to you moving forward

>> No.8451219

1. What do you think of Chainlink ?

2. Just finished a treatment for depression 3 months ago (escilatopram). I've been getting some really bad anxiety lately. I have some bromazepam and I was wondering if taking some regularly for a few days might help?
I know the root cause is financial and professional uncertainty but I have no way to remedy this in the short term. Anxiety makes it harder to perform at my current jobs and I just want to stay on my feet. Depression fucked me hard when it hit last year and I don't want to go through it again.

>> No.8451826

>Less than 5 years.
Have you heard of descheduling talks then? Or rescheduling?

>> No.8451889

>but what are the long term health risks of adderall etc.
Your brain will be rewired to uptake dopamine differently, your receptors will become used to a certain uptake and your emotions will be permanently stunted. Your serotonin will be out of balance during the time on the stims and will probably never be the same again. You will probably end up craving stims further in life as your synpases are permanently rewired with the long term use of amphetamines and their analogues.
Not worth it.

>> No.8452022

From your cited study:
“The obtained results showed no significant differences between the copper concentration in the blood serum of patients (both with current depressive episode and in remission) and healthy volunteers, as well as the lack of correlations between the copper level in the active stage of the disease and clinical features of the population”

Stop cherry picking
Don’t be a hippie

>> No.8452122

Why do I keep on telling myself out loud "I want to kill myself" when I don't think I really do. Is something wrong with me? Also, does this board make people more prone to suicidal thoughts? Is it me or this board?

>> No.8452179

OP my wife suffers from bipolar and OCD.
We moved 3 years ago and she won’t see a new DR/Therapist.
What can I do to make things better?

>> No.8452192


no joke don't mess with crazy

>> No.8452208

i have done this for over 10 years, although i fantasize about killing myself almost daily. In my case it's mostly a nervous tick. Anon, do you notice if you say it out loud in response to any particular thoughts or situations?

>> No.8452274

Yes! Whenever I have flashbacks of situations where I did/say stupid stuff, embarrassed myself, etc.

Good to know I'm not the only one. You're right, its probably nervous tick.

Since I don't really socialize much anymore, I do find myself saying stupid shit out loud to myself more often than before. Wonder if this is how schizophrenia begins. At least for now, I'm still conscientious of this strange behavior.

>> No.8452317

why is a keto diet retarded?

define a "normal" person please, have u tried keto?

>> No.8452355

1. Eat less calories is the only diet you need
3. I've never been chronically depressed ever since I started taking stimulants. Adderall et al mostly boost dopamine but also has minor serotonin activity.
4. Literally vaporware.

>> No.8452391
File: 9 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this the best drug ever? Seriously, goes great with smoking pot, reduces how much I drink, slightly stimulating while also having mild opioid-like effects. Increases sociability while reducing anxiety. And makes me sleep like a damn baby. Went on a tolerance break and didn't experience significant withdrawal of any sort. Am I an absolute degenerate?

>> No.8452402

kratom btw

>> No.8452435


>> No.8452459

I don't like downers but I do eat kratom when I'm sick with flu or something. Much better than OTC painkillers.

>> No.8452528
File: 97 KB, 1080x1277, 1521338783645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously: long term effects of smoking pot everyday? not dead stoned, but 40% of the day high-ish. i used to vape aswell, got mild chest pains so i started doing cardio and working out daily. what long term damage is there if you keep yourself mentally and physically active? thanks man

>> No.8452541

you could say im the kind of "productive" pothead lol

>> No.8452565

Look, you can "handle" it, because your whole life doesn't revolve around the drug. Its not like youre home- and jobless and the only thing giving you joy is smoking a little pipe.
But meth is not fun mate. If you would have said amphetamin, i would have understood. But you are going to fall really hard on your face once you realize it

>> No.8452578

Kratom is great, but with everything, moderation. and don't make it a daily habit, you can get addicted to everything.

>> No.8452588

Will AMB dip further again? I need to buy more

>> No.8452634

I hate painkillers, got prescribed percs a while back and hated the nauseous feeling but the pain sucked without it for the first few days (fractured a bone). Kratom reduced the pain a lot, though, and doesn't give me any of the bad opiate side effects.
you're probably right but it's whatever, got a great gf but working a shitty dead end job while in school

>> No.8452706

Long term effects are your fucking teeth and gums rot. My cousin has been smoking weed for 20 years his mouth is fucked, completely fucked. It is just a car crash of teeth, gums and fucking stink.
He is hooked on the shit, breakfast cones, lunch cones, before bed cones. He gets nothing out of it now days but needs to take his "meds" just to function as a semi-normal person.
Smoke weed by all means, but if you are doing it 3-5 times a day get your fucking head checked

>> No.8452799

nah, no need more than 1 or 2 a day. i used to smoke more but cant be that high anymore. about my mouth... i brush my teeth 2 - 3 times a day, white nice teeth... i think your boy has hygiene issues. i dont think it comes from smoking pot only. maybe cigarettes yeah, fuck cigarettes

>> No.8452802

Why would this larper know?