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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 61 KB, 930x700, 1394904414528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8447973 No.8447973 [Reply] [Original]

all you crypto idiots are broke after the crash. ahha

"its just a correction" they said. btc will never go above $11,000 ever again. nigger. btc's continued decline as well as ethereums corrupt ICOs will be the systematic risk dragging all alt shit coins with it. you probably dont know what systematic risk even is because you are a complete dimwit novice at investing and think putting $150 into a imaginary coin is investing when its not.

enjoy your bankruptcy and your 9-5 bagging groceries. you will never be wealthy, good looking, and women-seducting like me, you NEETs.

>> No.8447989

Try again when we aren’t mooning bye

>> No.8448006

>never listens















https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lit_oAA-PXs [Embed]

>> No.8448010
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>> No.8448011
File: 1.39 MB, 1136x640, 39BCC031-8766-42D4-B460-6A6A0E742259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8448027

ive seen you spam this shit in multiple threads

desperation is a very stinky cologne.

>> No.8448029

That image is fucking retarded, this boards obsession with being a loser but having a high net worth is retarded. Yes, save up money, drive a shit car and when you're finally 50 you can start enjoying life, when your dick don't want your fat as fuck and women have AIDS.

>> No.8448051

what moon? btc is $11,200 below its all time high and is in a fully confirmed bear trend. enjoy the bankruptcy

>> No.8448052

Eat a dik fgt

>> No.8448060

Nah, you never listen. You faggots have been saying THIS IS THE END for a decade now.
And you're always wrong.

>> No.8448071

>doing the things on the left make you a loser
>you won't enjoy life if you don't waste money

>> No.8448081

detected the average frustrated chump who buys his car on loans, gets no bitches, and thinks trading shit coins wil save him even though he hasnt profitted a cent

>> No.8448100

So they're blood on the streets, thanks for shilling buying crypto.

>> No.8448109

feeling a little triggered over being a brainlet normalfag, hmm?

>> No.8448117

at this point I cannot believe that these nocoiner threads are anything other than shitposting and bait.
after everything that happened the last 3 years, how can you come here and post this unironically

>> No.8448118
File: 940 KB, 899x505, 7d5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average frustrated chump
this faggot is using cringy pua terminology from 2006 and expects us to take him seriously on business and finance

my sides, some of the losers that come on here...

>> No.8448122

You won't be making it, and you will not be getting any (you)'s.

Die poor no-coiner.

>> No.8448127


>> No.8448148

>you probably dont know what systematic risk even is
imagine trying this hard to prove that you're knowledgeable about finance.
systematic vs unsystematic risk is literally the first thing you learn in accounting 101. next time use a harder concept, kiddo

>> No.8448212

yeah sure. guarantee you 99% of the idiots on this board dont know that.

>> No.8448328

oh i agree, i dont take any advice from this board, its all for the keks

but next time try throwing the Fourier analysis or mean-variance frontier at them so they reeeeeally panic sell or panic buy, depending on what you want these screaming NEETs to do

>> No.8448333
File: 90 KB, 541x811, mysterypua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why are you getting so defensive, anon? Scared he might... steal... yo... girl?

>> No.8448345

And saged

>> No.8449060

>average frustrated chump
an hero now

>> No.8449088

no I just think it's retarded how idiots on this board talk about saving everything you got and dealing with a shit car, shit place to live and wearing the same dirty clothes just so that you can have good money when you're old as fuck.

people here need to live a little, you'd be surprised how confident you get with bitches when you have a nice ass car and good clothes.

>> No.8449152

The point is you can have that shit when you can actually afford it brainlet, you'll be 50 with 2 dollars in your checking account because you cant understand this simple fucking concept

>> No.8449194
File: 132 KB, 600x600, 1441420972410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8449721

Shut it history major

>> No.8449807

>not buying literally all the way down because its next stop is $400,000
lolol holy fuck some people.....

>> No.8449932

Lmao exactly. Plus I’ll be a sugar daddy banging barely legal teens while that AFC sucks cock for rent money

>> No.8449990

lol actually looks a little like danny devito

>> No.8450054

>That pic
You obviously have never been around the "1%." Most old money kids are typical degenerate normies. The only difference is they have a larger pocketbook

>> No.8450163

>Using the term "old money" unironically

Where did anyone say anything about "old money kids?" the picture def describes people who are self made. Who gives a fuck about trust fund children? That's not what this is about. You're using a red herring argument to deflect from the fact that this image speaks the truth

>> No.8450214

>self made
The only way to get to the "1%" self made is through owning a business. No degree is going to get you there unless you are a lawyer or doctor

>> No.8450279

10 shits were deposited to your designated shitting street

>> No.8450282

shut the fuck up millennial faggot women with aids and hep c are the best lovers

>> No.8450319

Have fun driving my lambo when you valet it. SAGE

>> No.8450521

I fucking love this picture, im going to hang it on my wall. Thx.

>> No.8450545

You couldnt pay me to sit through that trash nog rap song.

>> No.8450560

someones salty,
hey guess what
youre going to be 50 real soon
its going to suck when you dont have shit lol
remember that old story about the turtle and the hare?

>> No.8450599

You lack a functioning brain. Meme lines aren’t what determines the price, I guess you missed the coordinated FUD campaign. Oh, no, wait, you’re actually part of it. Kys

>> No.8450601

nobody here likes dollar cost averaging huh?
nobody here buys gold or silver?
Man you have alot of faith in our government.
You shouldnt. They will come for cryptos.
I imagine when the dollar crashes they will try to ban gold and silver AND cryptos just like they did many times in the past and history will repeat itself.

>> No.8450631

why do you even respond to this subpar troll attempt, that says alot about you insecure idiots


>> No.8450854

Because I'm right

>> No.8451630

Why are you so angry and bitter?

Let me get you more bitter. I bought BTC in 2011 and have 230 left after cashing out 120 @17000

You mad brah?

>> No.8451692

no need to get salty dude
it's ok if you're a normalfag
actually that's not ok at all and you should fuck off

>> No.8451698

chump is an actual word you internet addicted retard

>> No.8451716

the pic made no mention of getting a degree. your confusion between education and a piece of paper supposedly proving you're educated is the reason you're not part of the 1%

>> No.8451796

>Meaning "blockhead" is first attested 1883.

>> No.8452457

why are you so angry