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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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843078 No.843078 [Reply] [Original]

How can anyone that understands risk justify car ownership?

The rate of accidents with injuries is 75 per 100 million vehicle miles driven. That is a rate of .000075% chance per mile driven.

Assuming a new car lasts 100,000 miles you have an 8% chance of having an accident with injuries over a cars life.

Now assume you go through 4 cars in your lifetime. You now have a 1 in 3 chance in being involved in an accident with injuries in your life.

This is a wipe out event that will either involve getting sued or breaking your body. Only one of these risks can be insured against and at a substantial cost.

>> No.843092

>implying I'd be injured in my F250
Prius owners, pls.

>> No.843099
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>> No.843100


>Don't drive
> Live under a rock

>> No.843122

So what are the alternatives? Bike? Chances of a bike accident ending in death are much higher than in a car.

Bus? Fixed schedule, only available in urban areas, take much longer time to complete trip. Still gets in accidents.

Walking? Impractical for most people, required to live near, work, store, everything you do frequently for entertainment.

Also what does their injury rate involve? Bruises? Abrasions? Lacerations? Broken Bones?

Autonomous cars will save us, anon.

>> No.843161

My girl is a math/stats grad and also very paranoid. This is why I tell her that she should avoid casualty insurance actuary as a career: Knowing the stats will keep her up at night constantly afraid of what form of death is waiting around the corner for her.

>> No.843215


You should be aware of statistically material risks.

>> No.843218


Either move close to work, move your job close to you or move both to take advantage of public transportation or telecommuting.

>> No.843229

Public transportation is still a vehicle and doesn't eliminate that risk.

>> No.843423

Gee idk , why would anyone NEED a car in a society where they NEED a cars utility?

Its a real puzzle OP

>> No.843429


>Not 45k plastic shit boxes

>> No.843456

>The driver of a pickup truck escaped serious injury Monday morning after the truck flipped over numerous times on the E.C. Row Expressway.


>> No.843473
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I'm disappointed /biz/, none of you have pointed out that this mongoloid can't into math.

Try doing the math again down syndrome retard

75/100000000 is not 000075%, it is .00000075%, fuck boy

Meaning you have a .08% chance of having an accident with injuries "over a cars life," which is still a stupid fucking way of looking at things

Kill yourself or go into a trade, because you are downright retarded

>> No.843486


Both of you are morons. The worst/best kind of morons that take statistics as absolute truths.

Statistics are often made for a singular purpose; to acquire dollars. Funding, advertising, insurance rates (big one) etc.

Not only is it almost always biased ("almost" is putting it lightly), a lot of the stats are inaccurate, cooked, or just blatantly wrong.

For example: Do OPs car stats take into account some kind of profile information? Male or female? IQ? Driving record? What is the sample size?

I don't know, it wasn't even cited properly. How you get to be the supposed 2 in 3 that don't get in a 'wipe out' accident is by being better than everyone else at driving and knowing your surroundings. It's not dumb luck as most would statistically infer.

>> No.843491

>NEET justifying to his parents why he shouldn't get a job. Transportation is dangerous.

>> No.843496


>telling someone they can't into math

>can't into converting a ratio to a percentage

Fucking idiot, go back to school.

>> No.843507

I'm pretty sure statistics don't work that way

>> No.843526

What's the name of that conspiracy theory/political ideology that attempts to control a population by packing them into huge buildings, eliminating suburbs and rural living, and getting everyone on public transportation?

I know it has a name

>> No.843527

>Not owning a Lexus

>> No.843529


agenda 21

>> No.844202


i think its called being a poltard

>> No.844206


>it will never happen to me