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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8429881 No.8429881 [Reply] [Original]

Alight /biz/, give it to me straight. How do I make money without working? I just want enough for food, rent and internet. There's gotta be an easy way to scrape by without doing anything. Just fucking tell me it already

And if not nothing, I want to do the bare minimum, the least amount of effort I have to put in to not be homeless

>> No.8429894

Be a woman and get a rich guy.

>> No.8429900

>Alight /biz/, give it to me straight

youre a faggot
youll always be a faggot
youll never make it
everyone hates u

>> No.8429978
File: 101 KB, 2042x514, Screen Shot 2018-03-18 at 7.32.45 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Learn how to code
>Get job at extremely tech illiterate company
>Write scripts to automate your job duties
>Do nothing

>> No.8430054

holy shit I never thought of this. I was worried about having to wageslave as a code monkey, I never even thought of applying for places to stupid to know what I'm supposed to be doing. Looks like my comp sci degree will come in handy after all

>> No.8430379

Even better if you can find a remote job. Or several remote jobs. My developer buddy does this for half the shit his job requires and it makes me regret not getting into comp sci every day.

>> No.8430937

Remind me if this one story about a guy outsourcing all his assignments to pajeets for several years while he just watched YouTube/Facebooked

>> No.8431762
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/jp/ would tell you to fake autism

>> No.8431884

>Get fired for cheating
>Get put on shit list
>Never get hired again

>> No.8431916

sell chinkshit to normies at a 60% premium

>> No.8432057
File: 183 KB, 640x510, Princess_Morbucks_2016_profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Indiegogo good for this? or just the sites on

>> No.8432640


>> No.8432752
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some of them