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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8426378 No.8426378 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not sure why everyone's celebrating no regulation, but the juicy bit for me is

"For now, crypto-assets don’t pose risks to financial stability, partly because they are still small relative to the financial system. Even at their recent peak, their combined global market value was less than 1 percent of global economic output, the FSB said."

Even the big guys know there's a ton of room for growth

>> No.8426428

i honestly am not sure either

if there's no regulation there's no institutional money flowing in

in the shortterm yes we will grow because, well look at the board, everyone thinks it will

but when people stop fomoing im almost certain we will stop somewhere between 8 and 10k mid nextweek (given no other news)

the real gains are when the big guys start pouring money in

>> No.8426460

you forgot to quote second part
"crypto-assets aren’t substitutes for currency and aren’t much used for financial transactions"

>> No.8426462
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Do you actually believe what you wrote

>> No.8426511
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Ahhh I remember the first time I saw a btc moon, back in 2011 when the Cyprus banking crisis occurred. The gov there said any bank deposits over 20k were going to be nationalised and that whole island seemed to buy btc.

If they do another decent sized war or gfc, we're set boys!

>> No.8426565
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>the real gains are when the big guys (mortgage/consumer debt money) start pouring money in

Fixed it for you! That poo in the loo CEO at visa will confirm.

>> No.8426569

i like this sminem

>> No.8426613

>but when people stop fomoing im almost certain we will stop somewhere between 8 and 10k mid nextweek (given no other news)
meanwhile golman sachs buys poloniex

>> No.8426626

Hopefully people start realizing how paper thin the crypto markets are. And I don't necessarily mean that in a bad way. More like a "It's not unreasonable to see a 80% loss" way.

>> No.8426635

>meanwhile golman sachs buys poloniex
so? exchanges make money on fees regardless of price

>> No.8426638

They said that was an accident

>> No.8426927

is that indian mark karpeles

>> No.8427129


the slow death it is ... google already went ahead and is going to banizzle crypto adds starting june they said ... also twitter

^ all while interest is already massively declining - people are catching up to shit and ICO's are shitfucked still

shills made it sound as if this was the cause ... it wasn't but surely sped up the downhill

anyway i'll continue daytrading for now