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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8425011 No.8425011 [Reply] [Original]

>dumps 160,000 eth
Don't mind me just prepping that exit

>> No.8425056
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Hey hey hey

>> No.8425084

delete this

>> No.8425113

How many redflag did people need to see that this was a scam
Anyway it's good that less shit tokens are in the hand of the devs, but in the end it won't matter if they are worhtless.

>> No.8425135

You'll be hearing from my lawyer buddy boy

>> No.8425174

you need your meds lad

>> No.8425252

Don't get smart pal

>> No.8425463

417k eth moved and over 160k sold on bitfinex. The exit scam is just starting


>> No.8425516

>implying dan needs to exit scam anyone
>implying he's not already made hundreds of millions off steem and bitshares

>> No.8425540

sauce? where do you see this? they have 500k eth

>> No.8425543

boycot these jews, sell all eos, these pajeets don't deserve the top 10

>> No.8425565


This is going to be the real flippening I can’t beleive the retards here still haven’t figured it out yet

>> No.8425584


They have been dumping ETH since the first day, where have you been, idiot?

>> No.8425588

EOS plan has always been to take over ETH
They will crash it to the ground

>> No.8425598

>vaporware currently
>21 node centralized garbage if not vaporware
This will flip eth!

>> No.8425630

Today was 160k dumbass
Kek kys

>> No.8425647

You forgot they have a billion $ in eth and could literally crash that coin in the ground.

>> No.8425659
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it's still in ICO till june 1st
>21 nodes
3-4 times more than ETH has


>> No.8425678

GO look up how many ETH they have from their year long ICO

>> No.8425722

You only have 74 more days and they are ahead of schedule

>> No.8425813

They will crash and bring ethereum down with them. That will be the major news of 2018

>> No.8426284

stop shilling this
they will fomo in at $30