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File: 125 KB, 1301x893, BTC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8421811 No.8421811 [Reply] [Original]

How fucking retarded do you have to be, to unzoom and not see one of these two scenarios happening?

No matter how many retarded twitter TA pros there are, all of them are completely fucking retarded and forget to unzoom. Everytime I see people from 'Crypto Cartel' posting with their 'cool graphs' and hundreds of autstic theories about why the price is where it is, they forget to do one thing. ZOOM THE FUCK OUT, YOU SPASTIC TWATS. IT DOESN'T TAKE A GENIUS TO THINK RATIONALLY WHEN YOU ZOOM OUT AND SEE WHERE THINGS ARE GOING, IT DOESN'T TAKE SPECIAL INDICATORS OR ADVANCED TA, TO THINK THIS SHIT THROUGH. YOU ARE ALL FUCKING RETARDED AND OVER PHILOSOPHYING AND ANALYZING THIS FUCKING CHART. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU RETARDS.


>> No.8421908

everybody is expecting 2k test famalam

>> No.8421926

I think 7200 wil hold. This looks right though.

>> No.8421937


>> No.8421963

No, cuckold boy, not everybody.

>> No.8421971

Overcomplicating it makes it look difficult and more legit

>> No.8421984

at least 5k, 2k maybe

>> No.8422102
File: 131 KB, 1307x1194, 1521396480782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw your lines here please, OP. You are so smart.

>> No.8422104


No fucking shit, when BTC was around 14k$ if I recall correctly and said the short term bottom will be around 5.7k$ or 6k$, everybody laughed at me and thought I was crazy.

Almost every single retard that is self proclaimed BTC professional or w/e is emotionally attached to BTC and doesn't see things for what they are.

Most of you twitter retards are completely fucking retarded and instead of finding a shorting key level, you instead rather catch falling knives on fib retracement lines, or pivots.

You are all fucking retarded and overcomplicating a graph that couldn't be eaiser to fucking read. The fact that you are struggling with trading BTC, just shows how fucking retarded you are.

>> No.8422143
File: 841 KB, 1260x2272, 54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8422200

kek when will they learn

>> No.8422242

A lot of us saw this months ago. I tweeted back in december that this may happen.

>> No.8422243


It's the same shit on log chart you wannabe asshole. You are one of them, aren't you?

>> No.8422358

Op doesn’t understand how fragile market confidence is and how hard it is to get back when lost.

If we go down to 2k too many people would be burned and never come back , the media fud would be immense

>> No.8422457


Lmao, the buying power is already gone you fucking retard. Big players bought @6k and sold @11k, now they are shorting again and won't close until corn goes down really hard.

But nobody will long from here on, since there is no more buying power like it was during the hype. It's gonna be a few black months before anything happens, if it even happens this year. No amount of alt hype will bring this shit back in next few months. rally will be back, when everything will look like it's about to end.

>> No.8422554



>> No.8422615

Everyone knows gox crashed the market with 10% of their coins

It's going to 1k

>> No.8422618


>> No.8422626


retard alert

>> No.8422670


Are you one of those scared twitter faggots right now

>> No.8422691


This. Either you HAVE to believe Bitcoin will recover soon or else it will be dead and gone forever, I dare say if it dips below 5k it’s never coming back, this was the last chance to suck normies in after 10 years and i feel the greed of whales and uncomprimising Assburgers like GMaxwell is going to ruin it all.

>> No.8422734

We'll end up in the 2-4k region eventually, but not as quickly as your chart suggests unless we experience a catastrophic event like the Tethering.
The fall is already slowing down, so I expect an extended bull trap before true despair.

>> No.8422762

I agree with you and you sounds smart to me OP, would you mind sharing what alts will make it longterm in your opinion?

>> No.8422766

The 2k option seems about right. Hodlers will be devastated and at that point people will be concerned it is going to 1k or less and will be selling before they lose all their money. Once that shit is over, then there might be some fertile soil for BitScam 2.0 Reloaded The Next Generation

>> No.8422776

so you've opened a 10x leverage short on BTC then?

>> No.8422788

I doubt its going below 5k but I DO expect it to hover at around 5k for awhile. But honestly its not worth 5k either.

>> No.8422868

which is why we won't go to 2k right away
TAfags predicted a bottom of 8k for the 9k dip, a bottom of 4k for the 6k dip, and a high of 13-16k for the 11.7k top
now they're predicting a bottom below 6k, which we won't reach until much later because people will be trying to cut in front of each other in order to have their orders filled, causing an reversal earlier than predicted

>> No.8422903
File: 82 KB, 978x622, 2018-03-17-204908_978x622_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8422906


How about you look a graph that I posted and close your retarded twitter buddies predictions, since all of them are scared right now and most retarded anyway

>> No.8422930

see >>8422143

>> No.8423215
File: 480 KB, 493x342, tumblr_lvrjejSNU21r4ghkoo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot gif

>> No.8423380

didn't even knew this exists

>> No.8424162

Bitcoin is dead. Coins will never have bits ever again. Money will become analog and you'll have to bring a dial with you when you buy or sell something and prices will say things like "like so but about a cunt hair smaller".

>> No.8424676


Nah, it will come back, the question is when.

>> No.8424865
File: 180 KB, 1301x893, 1521399928063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the way my friend

>> No.8424902


how much crack have you smoked today my friend

>> No.8424905

you talking about the cunts trading futures on it? theres a reason they suddenly got interested in it, and started buying all of it up (other than to destroy it). how fucking hard is it to score big on a futures trade if you can control the underlying? the mass normie genocide is just a convenience was orchestrated to pump it even further and make it an even better short. theres going to be fuckers that make billions of dollars off of this one trade. fucking goldman, man

>> No.8424983

the log chart is a meme. i bet people only refer to it because it paints a more pretty picture. people will find what they want to see

>> No.8425044
File: 116 KB, 1076x477, 201BC62D-EC08-442D-864C-455CDF98386C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ominous Alligator-Sucking-On-A-Titty configuration.

>> No.8425394

quite legit

>> No.8425526

this is almost note for note what happened earlier in the chart back on like february 2nd. look at it. it will overshoot the SMA or EMA or whatever that is a little then back to 6k. after that only god knows, but the bottom aint here

>> No.8425703

further, the regular old global markets are all selling off, and next week is likely to be a bloodbath with US FED shit. people like to think that things like crypto remain unaffected by things like this, but they certainly are. look at it. both the US markets and the coins were both going parabolic around the same time, and they both collapsed at the same time, when the FED chair changed. to say which is influencing which, or if they are at all, is pointless. fact of the matter is, when the FED fucks with the money, it affects ALL fucking money. they do this and then hedge in gold and shit like that so that there is nowhere to fucking run, and they can suck up all the wealth that has accumulated in the past few years, in the crypto exchanges as well as equities

>> No.8425799

I T S G O I N G B A C K U P !

>> No.8425933

Higher interest rates equates to deflation, making fiat and bonds that much more valuable. This is why stocks respond negatively, and crypto more so. In that sense, yes, they’re related. But it is not a perfect correlation, if it were, then crypto would have fared far better in Jan and Feb. It didn’t bc there is ongoing market comparison between the two, stocks and crypto. Where is money more likely to equal bigger gains, is what investors ask themselves. So, it’s not a perfect correlation, despite responding similarly to certain triggers.

>> No.8426229



>> No.8426307

>Memelines can support worthless bursting bubble

>> No.8426346

you know it too don't you
all the news is bullshit, all the posts are bullshit
it's just people and greed and this makes the same pattern repeat again and again but they can't help themselves to try and find reasons

>> No.8426447

right. everyone tries to shy away from currency, markets and trade, affecting each others (especially in crypto), but one big move in one causes ripples everywhere, like you said, because the psychology of trying to escape huge losses. you go where the money is.

>> No.8426467

its also why pops in bear markets are so much wilder and volatile. everyone piles in at once

>> No.8426491

>memelines on a linear chart

let me guess, you bought in January?

>> No.8426502

This is the first major boom bust cycle in cryptocurrencies. There will be more like this only on smaller scales.

>> No.8426513

Good post

>> No.8426564

you're an idiot the same thing happened exactly the same in 2014

>> No.8426585

The last crash pre-december bull run took BTC down to 6k... then we hit 6k again in febuary and bounced off hard from it... Floor is pretty much 7k at this point, so the most likely scenario is the upper line in your graph

>> No.8426595

what about 2013 after Cyprus thing, they fell to nearly 10% of the high....

>> No.8426889

the same exact formation crops up on every chart that has anything to do with something being traded. its called the elliott wave and it happens on every fucking timescale you can imagine. it does not have an inherantly bullish or a bearish bias. what almost always DOES happen afterwards is consolidation. so once that bounce is found, set your limits and load the fuck up

>> No.8427012
File: 1.48 MB, 1280x720, hanging out with Sayori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>largest green candle since 6k
OP on suicide watch

>> No.8427209
File: 129 KB, 1301x893, trendlines_dont_work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow thanks for pointing that out anon.
Now I see how these trendlines worked out in the past EXACTLY as you point them out possibly happening now

... oh wait

>> No.8427288

Famalamadamn where have you been? I have buy orders sitting at $3000 and even bigger buy order at $2200. We all knows it's fucking going down for at least a year maybe 2. Thing is if mt. Gox didn't happen it probably would have hit 5k then but mt. Gox stopped a super massive bubble from developing early. There was nothing stopping it this time.

>> No.8427366

i don't buy this at all. crash cycles are always brutal because they go back to an area of accumulation pre-pump. look at 90s tech. amazon peaked at something like $115 and dropped to $5. if you're holding some shitcoin then yeah, maybe you are fucked, but if the tech is good, and some of this tech has value, then a trend will resume that may make new highs that surprise people. look at amazon now.