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File: 213 KB, 1080x1350, 1520806826976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8421571 No.8421571 [Reply] [Original]


absolute state of roasties. just shoot me already

>> No.8421676

Bbbbut 4chan told me blonde guys don't get pussy

>> No.8421813

i have never ever heard that on 4chan

>> No.8421916

you wouldn't be here if you didn't think money mattered as well.

>> No.8421925

if you fall for the marriage scam you deserve to lose everything

>> No.8421947

>What is pump and dump

>> No.8421981
File: 10 KB, 300x191, trumpcoat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drunk sluts are sluts
oh wow anon I had no idea

>> No.8422090

>even if you're poor you gotta dress nice
very good goyim

>> No.8422110
File: 385 KB, 800x800, flat,800x800,075,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I can't wait until the mass suicide of roasties when after 10 years of partying and hooking up with Chad they are 30 years old, fat, and undesirable.

>> No.8422111

Jesus man, the kids these days are absolute nihilistic, idiotic degenerates.

>> No.8422160

They will always find some ok looking beta that they can drain his money and life away.

>> No.8422195
File: 2.82 MB, 1920x1080, american_progress_by_edelhert89-d91yr6v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the future we have given ourselves

>> No.8422257

>trying to copy based Owen so hard

lmao pathetic

>> No.8422316


This isnt hard at all, roasties will do anything to get a little bit of status. plus alcohol kills inhibition, which is why making out is like shooting fish in a barrel. fucking autists.

>> No.8422331

my only motivation for making it is to actually get as far away from these people as possible, like Daniel Plainview in There Will Be Blood.

>> No.8422370

>implying that tonguing inebriated teenage whores in public is something to strive for.
Top fucking kek

>> No.8422412
File: 898 KB, 1280x960, alien pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trips don't lie senpai

>> No.8422419

Yeah as if those drunk idiots didn't exist when you we're young. Every generation shits on the next.

>> No.8422460

>not being nihilistic and a degenerate
>hoping to get rich on virtual internet made up coins so your life won't be so pathetic

>> No.8422466

Yeah, but at least his generation was being drunken idiots to something besides nigger music. People don't get it man, this nigger hop-hop culture is really turning women into garbage.

Picking up drunk club sluts to pearl Jam, or soniqe was a different time....

>> No.8422491

This, the guy probably has so much nigger cum in his mouth from kissing these sluts. And lot's and lot's of herpes.

>> No.8422519


you just got keked hard

>> No.8422546
File: 12 KB, 500x441, 1518792952282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm saying the generation before mine was better than mine and this usually holds true for every previous generation in terms of civility and common manners / lack of degeneracy . Even boomers, although they are terrible for other reasons. However I think the degradation of our morals is accelerating at a crazy pace and it's getting absolutely disgraceful.

>> No.8422561

>hoping to get youtube famous by being slutty and obnoxious as possible
>investing in an emergent asset class and revolutionary technology
One is not like the other mate

>> No.8422683

Baby boomers are pretty terrible in their own way though.

>> No.8422707

The moral decay of the west has been progressively declining though. The societal norms of family and individualism has degraded horribly. Even boomers had goals and plans to have families at these roasties ages. These roasties have fallen to degeneracy and nihilism because of "them" creating a system that is hopeless. Their "freedom" is actually their biggest prison. Freedom of moral code or systematic society is a breeding ground for short term enjoyment and long term suffering and failure.

Funny enough, I have faith in Gen Z, but my generation has and will fuck over the world even worse than the baby boomers did. Only technology will be Gen Zs saving grace, as long as we can prevent the kikes from continuing to abuse it.

>> No.8422722

They are oblivious to how good they had it. The whole "walked to school 15 miles in the snow and back!" schtick is a meme. They could afford to buy houses and get married at 20.

>> No.8422754

whats wrong with being nihilistic?

>> No.8422763


>> No.8422773

that is very funny anon, while you sit on your bags other people are out there actually living their life

>> No.8422792

This meme needs improvement there are no stripes on a Marlboro red

>> No.8422804

gen z sn't even white

>> No.8422856

How did this picture survive on DeviantArt for so long?

>> No.8422997

It is the foundation and justification for all morally corrupt behaviour/degenerate beliefs or hedonistic acts thus leading to the break down of the society at large. I find it hard to believe that was a genuine question.

>> No.8423519

>Taking a cancer video seriously
Honestly the real shock here is how naive people are
>wink wink nudge nudge
what were you expecting to find at the designated roast congregation
might as well go to a brothel and act shocked at the men sad enough to pay for sex

>> No.8423603

The state of women. Lmao. It is laughable.

>> No.8423682

>absolute state of roasties. just shoot me already

these are the degen roasties who gives a fuck mate

>> No.8423788
File: 63 KB, 793x786, 49A47F84-0CB6-4BCA-96F5-EE7E4AD3CB25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these people paid to start making out with him or is this really how drunk Normans act?

>> No.8423821

have you never been drunk or gone to a party before? srs

>> No.8423849

No I haven’t

>> No.8423853

step 1. b good looking

>> No.8423917

Yikes, he probably paid for the ones he necks though

>> No.8423936

Step 2: Don't be unattractive

>> No.8423962

why haven't you? are you under 18? even if you have no friends drinking is something you can try alone

>> No.8423995

Do you even hear yourself? Go outside, incel.

>> No.8424103

step 3


>> No.8424433
File: 30 KB, 341x395, 1499499908023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step 4: be prepared

>> No.8424507


Step 5: walk in there and ask to speak to the manager, shake his hand firmly and ask for a job

>> No.8424984

Where is this? Maybe next time someone should tell me where this is so i can make a special appearance with my ak47drumroll please. Duruduruduruduruduru aaaand we're on the news.

>> No.8425042


>> No.8425104

6th street

>> No.8425122

This is why I’ll never get married