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8420781 No.8420781 [Reply] [Original]

Thanks for the lulz


>> No.8420850


The coordination. They must be scared. They should be.

Twitter's value is completely dependent on owning your intellectual property. Your social graph, posts, follows etc.

A simple DAPP could displace them by distributing value back to the users.

>> No.8420860
File: 44 KB, 600x479, 1470861850411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's X, but on the blockchain!

>> No.8420884


Do you at least agree this shit is coordinated at this point? Tell me you don't see how all this Korean fud, China fud, USA fud, and Mt gox fud isn't coming in one after the other to crash the fuck out of us

>> No.8420941

>Do you at least agree this shit is coordinated at this point?
In terms of the advertising bans, no. There have been so many fucking shit ICO scams that it's completely understandable that advertisers would want to distance themselves from them

>> No.8420968

>none of these companies really have anything to gain from crypto
>99% of the ads were scams or speculative ways to lose money

having ads was more of liability than an asset since most of them would end with people losing money rather than making any. They're normie platforms so the executives have to take care of the users

>> No.8420990

Also reading the comments on that article is fucking hilarious. I believe in crypto, but the level of delusion on some of these fucking people is amazing. Most cryptos are absolute shit and selling people on promises that will never actually come to be for easy money, and these retards trying to tell people every single crypto is going to change the world are doing the most damage to crypto as a whole

>> No.8421006


>> No.8421730

It is coordinated. I believe the people can have no thing nice