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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8420363 No.8420363 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any normies left? This board has not even 5% of the December traffic anymore, and normies tend to stick to reddit as it is.

Today I spoke to a friend who FOMOed into trx and ripple back in December and he told me he sold everything last night at 80% loss and he'd do it again in a heart beat. he said he felt so much better about everything now even though he lost 5,000 dollars. i asked him if he'd buy again and he said one day maybe (aka buy at the top again, lol).

surely they must have all sold? capitulation must have been at least started by now. i don't think "hodlers" are the same as normies.

>> No.8420442

i have a 100% normie friend who bought xrp and iota back in december and he's still holding

>> No.8420444

Who is that ?

>> No.8420450

She's beautiful

>> No.8420496


All the people holding now are mostly oldfags or very, very stubborn people who follow HODL doctrine to death (some might be normies but unlikely, most of them panic sell). Then you have traders shorting Bitcoin. That's about it.

Also yes we are in capitulation phase right now. Depression is 4k Bitcoin IMO then we will go up again.

>> No.8420561

Would consider myself a Normie but managed to buy slightly earlier before crypto got really hyped in Dec so hanging on for now.

>> No.8420605

Yeah I bought in for all my friends during last year and not one... not one of them contacted me to panic sell or anything, I am impressed but also disappointed as I have fiat ready to buy their bags at the bottom. I think the whole thing about normies selling at a loss doesn't happen as much as we'd like to think it does. Most people only buy because they believe long term in crypto and when people hear about it they don't go straight out and buy but that's when the idea is floating around in their minds and some will choose to research.

>> No.8420619

My favorite brap

>> No.8420639

i was lurking here early 2015 but only hopped on last week of 2017 because one of my normie friends got into it (i thought what the heck, if normies are into this then it's going to get even bigger over time)
4x in two weeks, then i fucked it up with a lot of bad trades now im down 30% my initial. Hype certainly went down and am pretty pissed that I bought at relative highs (learned my lesson the hard way).
Definitely considering putting more money if it goes below 6k

>> No.8420671

Now that's a dirty gook brapper

>> No.8420857
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been browsing since midway through November for the dank memes and pink wojacks and I haven't put a single cent into this market the whole time. Almost FOMO'd in Dec but glad I didn't

I don't have the money to throw away during this time right now but it's really been a fun time all the while. I love me some free Schadenfreude

>> No.8420869


>> No.8420891
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>> No.8420923
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we're still tied with r9k, which is pretty much high traffic, and the traffic bubble was more like first 2 weed january than december, maybe wagies had holidays?

>> No.8421070

Even better

>> No.8421092

/biz/ bubble popped

>> No.8421270

The number of posters have dropped off. Both here and on reddit. Threads normally got 200+ comments on reddit and now it's sub 100. Telegram chat groups are slower now. The normies have cleared out for now.