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8417468 No.8417468 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8417488

next time you sleep make sure it is eternal.

>> No.8417492

Let me just get your refund ready.

>> No.8417515

buy more do x74 now not going below 7400

>> No.8417548

y-you promise right senpai?

>> No.8417714

the bottom.
expect at least one more major panic spike downward. things move too fast to do any leveraged moves without seeing where you're definitely headed first.
i also seriously hope that you didn't actually do this. if you did, RIP.

>> No.8417753

oh shit—wait, this might have been the major panic spike downward. i dunno. i can't imagine there are many more instances of retarded money left to sell their bags at this point.

>> No.8417770

There is no bottom for crypto. People are finally catching on that there is no intrinsic value to any of this shit and that a entirely speculative, highly volatile "investment" at the mercy of a handful of whales isn't really a sound investment afterall, so they're all selling. Money is leaving the market and never coming back.

>> No.8417832

>never coming back
As long as the fed prints money, there will be spikes of panic and thus people turning into crypto.
Don't be retarded, that shit won't crash until it's taxed more than fiat.

>> No.8417863

Why do you think rattled investors will throw their money into crypto after it has demonstrated it is the worst way to preserve value and wealth? You really think any of the normies will touch this shit with a ten foot pole after getting burned this badly, after losing more than 50% of their investment in a matter of weeks - for literally no reason except speculation?

>> No.8417900

There are still a few scenarios going back to about 6k. It won't go below that for multiple reasons. Blockchain would outright have to do completely be erased off the planet for that to happen. However worst case is we're heading to about 6.2k and staying there/going sideways for a few months and slowly crawling back up.

>> No.8417908
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>no intrinsic value

worst way to preserve value and wealth

>> No.8417927


>> No.8417930

wow~ monster eats the >

>> No.8417934

im going to open a long one, this MUST be the fucking bottom

>> No.8417940
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>> No.8417943
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>going long when we still have two more months of bleed out


>> No.8417978

Bad luck my dude.

Margin trading is a full-time game and even the best rarely got more than 10x. You needed to do more research on what the potential bottom could be before taking such a risky position and have protection.

>> No.8418031

Humour me faggot. What's the intrinsic value of all these shitcoins?
How is something as volatile as crypto a good way to perserve value and wealth?

>> No.8418057
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>> No.8418078
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Biz told me to buy these altcoins, so I shorted them instead.

>> No.8418082

Lmao you got stop hunted you stupid piece of shit!
Next time stagger your stops like you'd stagger your take-profits.
Or put your stop ABOVE the swing high

>> No.8418148

You're never going to make it because you're a retard

>> No.8418152

Why would people get back? mhh let me thing...
Crypto fluctuates heavily, hence why it's called unstable. It means that it can reach big loows, but also big highs.
Fiat, like any other currencies are also fluctuating, but in the long term it only goes down.
Cryptos despite being volatile nothingness is still objectively better to hold than any non-metal fiat.

>> No.8418165

>6k. It won't go below that for multiple reasons
Like, what the fuck are these arguments.
It's been around for 8 years and it was 1k A FUCKING YEAR AGO. Do you know how short a year is?

>> No.8418219

You're a stupid faggot. Do you think anyone is "stop hunting" during a crash? They're literally throwing away money that in moments later vanishes. This is Bitmex deleting positions. It's all a scam

>> No.8418250


>> No.8418261

Okay so you're telling me when I want to preserve wealth I have the option between fiat (bad), something without intrinsic value that heavily fluctuates and stuff like metals, fonds, etc. that have some intrinsic value and are much less volatile.
So why pick crypto again?

Face it, the rising value of cryptos was entirely driven by people that wanted to make a quick buck. Get in, wait for increased value, get out. Not by people believing in the tech, not by people thinking this is gonna be an actual currency (or currencies), but people just wanting to make some money off of a bigger fool who in return also wanted to make money off of a bigger fool. Nobody (or at least not the people that actually made money) who invested into crypto thought it was a great alternative investment or a good way to secure wealth. They wanted to ride the wave and make some profits before the bubble popped. And now you're left bagholding, pretending crypto still is the future.

>> No.8418264

>not thinking the whole crash is one big stop hunt made up of smaller stop hunts

>> No.8418322

Hur dur, and in 2013 it mooned from $100 to $800 and got back to 200, then it mooned to 1k again.

>> No.8418455

Unless you prove me anyone can actually afford metals or houses, then yes, crypto is the only escape out there.

I disagree about the value of crypto being driven by the get rich guys. People DO believe in the tech, hell its pretty much a religion on this board, if you dare to talk about its blatant weaknesses you'll get hoards of fanatics telling you how the jew fears the crypto and governments can't do shot against it (disregarding the need of an internet connection to make it work).

But whether you like it or not it IS a good investment, not a lifelong one but one that will work out up until the government fully integrate them (and they will, digital only "money" has been the NWO project of centralisation since before the tech even existed).

No one will argue that it's better than metals and other physical investments, but you can't hide behind that obvious truth to wrongfully accuse it of being ultimately doomed NOW.

>> No.8418506

Exactly. 6k is a number pulled out of your ass. 2k is just as likely.
You're probably one of these brainlets who think mining costs are fixed.

>> No.8418523

What are you talking about? Real estate might have a barrier to entry in terms of investment minimums, but anyone can put their money, no matter how little, in precious metals.

Also I can't really understand how you can deny that the value was driven by get rich guys. You do remember we were at 20k, right? What do you think that was if not a run of people wanting to catch the "get rich quick" train?

>> No.8418688

>You do remember we were at 20k, right?
My argument, that you already denied (but without proof, just speculation) is that people do believe in the tech. that's how I explain the rise.
Now the dip, I would totally put it on get rich guys, which subsequently lowered trust in the tech, hence why it struggles to get back up.
But it's bound to, because people have even less trust in banks.

Your approach is that the sweet spot of crypto is behind us, mine is that it's not there until the banking system crumbles upon itself. Then you'll see a spike in crypto, then because it will be the social apocalypse, THEN people will understand it's fucking useless.

tldr: it's not about intrinsic value, it's about trust.

>> No.8418745
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But your argument doesn't make sense.
If you say the dip is caused by get rich guys selling.... when exactly do you think they bought? Maybe in the run-up to 20k when everyone and their mom was trying to get in on the "moon mission"?

And yeah, trust is the reason it struggles to get up, duh. People lost their trust that this is a sound investment after getting burned hard - and they're completely right in losing it.

>> No.8418788

>say my argument doesn't make sense
>makes sense out of it himself
okay, thanks I guess.

>> No.8418899
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Are you actually stupid? Your argument has no logic, your explanation of crypto value doesn't follow cause and effect.
You say the rising value was due to people believing in the tech and the dip due to get rich quick fags cashing out - but that doesn't really fit. It doesn't explain why we dipped to begin with.
The only explanation is that the rise of crypto value was driven by specalutors wanting a quick profit. Then, when they saw a big enough increase in value, they cashed out, causing the dip.

>> No.8419076
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>It doesn't explain why we dipped to begin with.
It takes one guy. It's no coincidence it started at 20k and not 15 or 25. Someone thought it was the right time to sell and people followed.

You can't grasp such simple concepts yet you try to be smug and call me stupid.
Your own argument doesn't follow cause and effect either, if it was really about speculators wanting a quick profit, they wouldn't have waited until 20k to sell, they'd have shorted as soon as it had doubled in value, like they do for every single other fucking market.

Your speculations make much less sense.

>> No.8419125

Enough people followed to cause a complete meltdown. You really think this would have happened if most investors weren't just trying to get rich quick?

>> No.8419268

That's just the nature of trading. If it gets down people start selling, when it gets up people fomo.

It doesn't explain the cause, asshat.
The cause is always the first seller, and it can be ANYONE, you can't just point finger at get rich guys, it can very well be a normie triggering that shit, especially since most of the orders are automated, someone buying himself a fucking coffee can trigger the machine.
You sound as retarded as someone taking the bogdnaoff jokes 100% seriously.

>> No.8419316

Except people sold all the time during the bullrun. It's not just one sale, enough people were saying "yep that's enough, time to cash out" to cause the tidal wave.

>> No.8419405

Are you genuinely retarded?
Automation + panic.

That's the fucking nature of trading, it happens with every single market and it not much to do with get rich quick guys. Those contribute to the dip by shorting but it doesn't make sense to say they are THE cause since they are SHORTING (they sold before it crumbles, not because it crumbles).

>> No.8420300
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posting for the record

>> No.8420373

Sorry dude, my bad.

>> No.8420380

>something has value because it is expensive to make

>> No.8420407

Nice larp. Nobody uses leverage and goes to sleep. This board has become cancer

>> No.8420767
File: 33 KB, 754x185, >pump it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga, we ain't talking meme-tier marxist economics here
bitcoin is not tangible—and that is the best thing it could possibly have going for it
bitcoin is not an excellent conductor
bitcoin does not have specialized uses in chemistry
bitcoin is not a component of any molecule, or of any amalgam
bitcoin literally exists to be moved around on its blockchain, and to be worth something
if you don't see the value in proof-of-work, congratulations! you have something in common with around 99.9% of the people on earth right now.
there are speculators, sure—most of them who sold the high feel like they're on top of the world right now
the ones who *actually think* that the proof-of-work cryptos are gonna stay down for long after the general altcoin bubble bursts are gonna be the pinkest wojaks there ever were—and the ones who *still* don't buy after that because they think that they've missed out are gonna be the pinkest wojaks there ever will be.

at any given time, bitcoin has baseline value because it only has one purpose, and any competition to acquire more of it only raises the difficulty and makes one unit of it harder to obtain. for as long as there are people who take mining seriously, it will continue to be worth more and more—and for certain, hardware manufacturers should have caught onto this by now. they are (naturally) at a great advantage here, and could become unprecedentedly wealthy if they follow what bitmain, which has risen from nearly nothing in 2013, has done so far.
long-term, we're never gonna stop going up. just imagine the difficulty of mining bitcoin once in-home IoT ASICs across the world are mining on a constant basis. buy now, and only ever sell if you're attempting to accumulate more.

>> No.8420820

>it's worth something because it exists to be worth something

>> No.8421087
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yes. kinda. it's worth something because it's *designed* to be worth something. being a seamless, self-contained system, it exists to pay miners who mine it. they then hold it or sell it for more than the constantly rising price of what it cost them to mine—or, if they're brain damaged, they sell it at a loss, quit mining, and wagecuck.
you're not like one of those brain damaged miners—are you, anon? even if it takes you years, you'll understand, some day, that what i am explaining is correct. we are literally still at the ground floor of proof-of-work cryptocurrencies. they are unstoppable. if you want a totally secure investment that, in ten years, will be worth thousands of times what they are worth today, you buy bitcoin cash. you buy monero. you buy peer-to-peer, decentralized, proof-of-work cryptos that have strong miner support—because they are virtually unstoppable. thanks to forks, though, they are *entirely* unstoppable.

also, chainlink is a very good investment. sergey deserves a place in all this.