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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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840948 No.840948 [Reply] [Original]

The market crash of September 13th 2015.

>> No.840956

i wanna see the person who made this buy mad TVIX on sep 12th

>> No.840969


Won't be September. The markets will only contract once Yellen actually raises interest rates. Before that, they might slide a bit but things won't actually contract until the Fed actually does raise rates itself and people start pulling their money out of the stock market.

Also, the "crash" will be mostly contained to the NASDAQ, which is above it's dotcom boom high right now. The US will slip into recession again but it'll be mostly overhyped. The real damage is done overseas, with falling US consumer spending China will get completely roasted, which in turns fucks over Australia. Then you have the EU crisis and Russian sanctions.

What I'm curious to see is if the TPP manages to pass. Not Congress, but if the economy hits the fan then pacific rim countries are going to bargain harder for their industries, which in laymans terms means that the TPP itself could fall apart at the international level before ever seeing a House vote. And given that there is moderate support for even more drastic changes, like a NAFTA repeal, I'm curious to see if the next US President pushes that (which already has some support in Congress, in both parties).

>> No.840971


I should be clear: by "Won't be September", I mean that Yellen will only address Congress in September and announce a plan. The actual interest rate hike is more likely after the holiday season (December 29-31) in my opinion.

>> No.841456

September 13th is a Sunday

The markets aren't open on Sundays

>> No.841471
File: 17 KB, 250x351, e65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the market will crash EXACTLY on this date
> i willl invest money based on a /pol/ infographic with epic jew memes

Tbh I do think we're getting closer to a global downturn, but it might take until next year for it to even begin ( or longer if I'm horribly wrong)

>> No.841477

Infographic memes like this is the main reason I hate /pol/
It's so blindly ill informed it's actually not laughable at all.
Plz stop force memeing this. It's not going to happen bub.
If anything the USA economy will grow in September

>> No.841490

downturn for what?

>> No.841500

What is a good stock to short on September - something like Facebook? Some crazy overpriced shit like Shake Shack or Linked In?

Or does it have to be dealing in retail goods or raw materials?

>> No.841527



That was easy.

>> No.841528

the 1994 one looks like nothing... what even happenned

>> No.841539

Buy fucking VIX calls you pleb. Learn to market

>> No.841544

tfw /biz/ is uneducated swine

>> No.841547

Can someone explain how interest rates correlate with US stock prices?

>> No.841552

serious dude?

>google is your friend

>> No.841861


>> No.841869
File: 13 KB, 180x210, 180px-Magnanimous_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bait was cute, you might actually get someone antisemitic to and dumb believe you

>> No.842580

If interest rates are high banks lose a lot of money because they have to pay more money back to savers so the jews who control them get bitter and start making the stock prices plummet and watch how people frantacilly panic.

>> No.842647

but also to consider is market confidence, if interest rates are raised, inflation slows, it is a sign the economy is doing well, as interest rate/cash rate (whatever you wanna fucking call t ok?) pretty much is representitive of the soon to be inflation rate. this is because the reserve bank of the country at hand (federal reserve in USA, RBA in Australia and so on for your specific country). low interest rate set by the reserve bank will spark inflation because people will be looking to take loans, so they can buy things/buy a house, however it makes investors un-confident in the market. high interest rates mean the economy is doing well. it may not be a good time to get a loan but if your are an investor (ei a bank) you will be confident in the market integrity.

someone please correct me if i am wrong Still learnding myself :^)

>> No.842650

is your butthurt causing you to mix in hebrew syntax, kike?

>> No.842756


Oy gevalt! The goyims know!

>> No.842777

Please god let there be a crash this year.

>tfw gainfully employed, making regular purchases of an S&P 500 index fund each month

Please let stocks go on sale.