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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8397029 No.8397029 [Reply] [Original]

>You are now aware of the fact that Satoshi Nakamoto has probably posted on /biz/ at least once, if not many times.

>> No.8397036

He literally owns 4chan you dummy

>> No.8397052

That's really unlikely considering this board was made just a few years ago, Satoshi Nakamoto is, despite what you want to believe, probably not a millennial, and is more than likely actually Japanese.

>> No.8397054
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>they know
>kill them

>> No.8397053
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>Tfw you've probably called Satoshi Nakamoto a poorfag pajeet

>> No.8397113

>He thinks the japs aren't posting here
Whoever wrote the whitepaper was either English or Australian, or liked those enough to use phrases only used there.

If it's Wright then he has most definiely checked this place out, at least
If its Szabo he's probably the guy posting the occasional gold threads

I don't believe that anyone tuned in enough to create Bitcoin wouldn't know about this place
4chan is unfiltered and raw quite like crypto, really.

>> No.8397144

hal and nick hated anime, so i doubt it

>> No.8397174

>yfw satoshi is a real pajeet and was a bitbean shill

>> No.8397202

So do I and many other posters here
Ignoring the cartoons is easy

>> No.8397231

Hal died a few years ago. I doubt he ever posted here.

>> No.8397889

Yes. I Have posted here. Numerous times in fact. This is not how my vision was supposed to be. Just know, I see everything.

S. N.

>> No.8397923
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>> No.8397943

Sergey nazarov

>> No.8398124

Sergey posts here 100s of times a day using multiple VPNs.

>> No.8398308

Proof? As far as my actual name goes, this will be released upon my death. At which point, The BTC I mined to keep the chain alive shall be donated to multiple charities and children's hospitals. This was never meant to happen like this. Mining Cartels, Greed, Banks and Governments trying to take over. This was my some of the variables I contemplated but miscalculated. It was supposed to be for everyone, not just select few.

S. N.

>> No.8398604

I will say this. I have read a lot of your thoughts and theories as to who I am. I will say this... Some of you are on the right path. It all starts with the Source Code.

S. N.