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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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8396209 No.8396209 [Reply] [Original]

Anons, I hate to do this but... I'm going to die

Here is the short story... I have a rare form of bowel cancer called Sarcomas which basically means the supporting cells in my body are failing and my bones and muscles will disintegrate over time, I am already wheelchair bound... and If I don't pay my insurance in approximately 5 days time, I will very likely die from lack of treatment within 3-6 months and thats an "at best" timescale.
I know you've probably heard a million larps and whatever else, but I am 100% serious. I lost pretty much all of my savings in crypto, and now ask your help, unironically

If any of you can help me raise 5K USD I will forever be in your debt. I can post proof if you wish and if you want to tell me I'm cancer then go ahead, I know.

I thought I could live forever and it wasn't until I saw the doctor who I see regularly tear up when he told me the news. I am 21 years old and will likely not live to see 30. I thought I could be like one of you and coast through life trading and fucking up, but time runs out. And my time is almost up. Maybe one day we will meet again and trade in some other dimension, but I am unironically going to die if I don't find a way to raise money and I have no one to even share this news with because I have no friends or family who even care.

Here is my ETH address:

You will LITERALLY be saving my life

>> No.8396238

Hey man got a spare Eth I can have? I got robbed and need money for a bus token.

>> No.8396258


KYS fag, no begging threads. Just know that today, this evening, I am going to town to drink champagne and take drugs and I will likely spend 5k over the weekend.

>> No.8396277

Wow, well that is something anon. I wish you the best. Enjoy the times you have while you can

>> No.8396286

thanks for the pasta m8

>> No.8396303

I send you 10 ETH anon, hope it will help a little bit.

>> No.8396308

kys, but unironically

>> No.8396312

Have fun dying. lol cya faggot.

>> No.8396320

also, sent ;)

>> No.8396336
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>> No.8396363

Die you faggot

>> No.8396504
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>> No.8396570

sent you .1 ETH, not alot but alot for me. Probably doesn't matter I've done nothing but lose money in crypto since I'm pretty late to the party. Feel better anon.

>> No.8396606

I will remember you when I probably die so don't lose that ETH address you sent from. If I die, its your lucky day