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8394561 No.8394561 [Reply] [Original]

What blockchain concepts do you not understand? Be honest and fellow anons will explain to you

>> No.8394789

what enforces a smart contract and why is it necessary or preferable to current contracts businesses make

>> No.8394821

It's software that automatically and securely makes exchanges. It's not "enforced" because it only executes when certain specified conditions are met. It can't execute without those conditions, and it can't not execute when they are met.

>> No.8394887

It's just a script on the blockchain https://etherscan.io/address/0xbbe54023516c5a95dc63a8bf232f951600e8c3f3#code

You can interact with it making transactions, and no one can modify the code

>> No.8395065

Why does token supply matter if you can use fractions of a token anyway? Like why is 1 billion supply better than 100 million?

>> No.8395082

it's not, it's just a design decision. people fuck around with this number for various reasons. for example large supply means low token price so retards will think it's "cheap". or some decide on it based on their algorithm of releasing more tokens etc

>> No.8395125

How the fuck do you actuall scale blockchains so that transactions are fast and cheap without compromising security or decentralization? And don't say sharding because that's a only a scaling solution you try to implement when nothing else is possible and is hugely difficult to implement and insecure.

>> No.8395418

>reduce time between blocks
>increase blocksize
>use dpos

guaranteed 1k+ tps. enough to beat paypal and it's already deployed (see e.g. Steem)
scaling is a non-issue right now but Core brainwashed everyone to think we need LN lol