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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8385264 No.8385264 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/. I think I've come up with a brilliant masterplan involving getting married and strategically divorcing, and I need your thoughts on it.

Before I get into the details, heres some background:

>21 yo
>BSc Computer Science
>unemployed for the last 3 months because no internship experience
>kissless hugless friendless virgin

As you can see from my above, things aren't looking too rosy for me. I'm currently a NEET still living with my parents in the interim while I apply for jobs. Thing is, my parents have a little too much faith in me thinking the "world is my oyster" and I can literally work at Google, Tesla or even NASA if I just try hard enough. Long story short, I've already been rejected from Google and several other companies (+150 in total so far) for their hiring cycle this year. Basically I'm going to be a NEET for much longer unless I break the truth to my parents.

But no..why would I want to break bad news to my parents who have financially supported me for 21 years? They need a good return on their investment (i.e. me), right? So after thinking long and hard, and swallowing my pride, I've decided to finally get married. Or in other words, have a marriage arranged for me. Since I'm Indian, this will be easy to pull off and my parents would happily arrange one.

Masterplan in next post.


>> No.8385274
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So here is the masterplan:
>lie to my parents I have job lined up at Google next year
>tell my parents I want an arranged marriage
>they set up the wedding and pay for everything
>according to dowry tradition, my wife's family gives up some of their assets to my family
>get married
>wife becomes a US citizen meaning she will stay loyal to me or else
>move out of my parents and live in an comfy apartment in a different state with my wife paid by her dowry money
>being married would give me the necessary endorphin and dopamine boost to motivate myself to apply to jobs, get /fit/ and become a normie/chad
>once I have psychologically transitioned into a normie and can attract white or asian women by myself (which has been my end goal here), divorce indian wife if shes ugly.
>if wife is hot, well then, guess I can settle for that and I would have won the game called life :^)

Thoughts /biz/?

>> No.8385309


>> No.8385314


dude just stop, this is the dumbest thing I've ever read on the internet. seek professional help

>> No.8385320


You're a complete fucking idiot. You don't think they're going to find out you're lying when you don't have baller cash like a typical Google employee? Also if you're a fucking KHV there's NO WAY you're going to get past their bullshit detector.

>> No.8385334

>>wife becomes a US citizen meaning she will stay loyal to me or else
great plan, definitely defrauding families and their daughters is a great idea, the dad definitely won't come and chop off your fucking head or anything

>thinking someone will stay loyal to you just because you got them citizenship
lmfao once she's a citizen she doesn't have to stay married to your neet ass to keep it

>> No.8385375

>things aren't looking too rosy for me
what the fuck dude there's nothing wrong with being a 21 year old with a compsci major and no job. I have a business degree(lol) and I got a comfy software dev job at 22 with 0 job or internship experience. My manager told me my code sample was way better than the other applicants' too.

>> No.8385391

>being married would give me the necessary endorphin and dopamine boost to motivate myself to apply to jobs, get /fit/ and become a normie/chad
It won't. That's like saying "I'll start next week". Excuses.

>> No.8385514

>Take a huge "loan" (expected payback in family respect, social capital) based on fraudulent reported earnings that you cannot repay
>Treat family only as a means to acquire money
>Plan to just burn through money and wait for something to happen before you're out in the street
>Propensity for grandiose plans based on shaky projections and a magic step in the middle where everything goes right for no reason
You'll fit right in here.

>> No.8385746
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You need to stop pooing on the street. seriously. Also, can't you meet a wife at the local shitting street?

>> No.8385816
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You are a disgrace to my race

>> No.8385915

fucking pajeets

>> No.8385946

>unemployed for the last 3 months because no internship experience
>kissless hugless friendless virgin

I knew once I read this it was going to be stupid. And I was right.

>> No.8385991
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>> No.8386005

So this is what was going through the heads of all those scumbags who fucked with the girls in my family?

>> No.8386010

it appears as though you have some feces on your hand kind sir

>> No.8386040

>there are literal pajeets on /biz/

I thought it was just a meme

>> No.8386063

Let me ask the real question of this thread: you managed to land an interview with Google, yet you got rejected by 150 companies? The fuck??? Are you just working your way down the Fortune 500 or what?

>> No.8386085

you think your parents wont brag about you working for google to the other family? what happens when the whole your and her family think you work @ google, but ure a fucking homeless man?

>> No.8386140

poast this on /adv/ you fucking retard pajeet piece of shit. mentioning money doesn't make it automatically relevant to /biz/ fuck i hate this board, ruined by pajeets. enjoy your ban. good bye.

>> No.8386245

>the educated, westernized pajeet thought process
I tremble at the thought how male hindus operate in India.

>> No.8386253

>being married would give me the necessary endorphin and dopamine boost to motivate myself to apply to jobs, get /fit/ and become a normie/chad
uh, no

>> No.8386422

based, go for it

>> No.8386603


One of the most pathetic things i've read in my life. I seriously you're just larping.

>> No.8386653


>> No.8386886

so your going to buy an apartment and live happily after, funded by a pajeet in a third world cuntry

>> No.8387073

Op is a pajeet hater , not a pajeet

>> No.8387255

As your ex-father in law I would hire people to have you unironically crippled.