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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 19 KB, 337x357, rfid-chip-in-hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8380648 No.8380648 [Reply] [Original]

How do we defend against this

>> No.8380676

Idk, don't stick it under your skin maybe?

>> No.8380686

What's that? Bogdabot?

>> No.8380688

HERF guns

>> No.8380715

You gotta pray to the right aliens...not the bad ones, the good ones.

>> No.8380721

We dont. What you dont want fridge handlewarmers and a life in a nursing home now all of a sudden?

>> No.8380783

>implying you are not already chipped and herded by aliens who expect to harvest your psychic mass after tailoring it to suit their diet.
Anons, I would expect chickens and cows to rise up against humans before we stop getting chipperd

>> No.8380789

>acquire following items:
>microwave oven -- disassemble to acquire microwave emitter
>metal pipe large enough to contain microwave emitter
>ceramic tube large enough to contain metal pipe
>some other tech

Okay, now build this thing that looks like a flashlight but emits microwave radiation from its business end.

Find people who have RFID implants.

Fire a burst of microwaves at their implants, frying the implants.

Continue to repeat these steps until all human RFID tags have been neutralized.

>> No.8380793

stick it in your dick...they wont monitor you cuz dat would make them gay

>> No.8380804

This is not going to happen . no one wants to pull out and replace that shit once every 5 years. It's like putting an Iphone 3 in your ass thinking it will never get outdated.

>> No.8380824

Tinfoil gloves

>> No.8380828

Sucks, because chipping is probably going to end up being mandatory set at the base of the brain... Try setting people free without killing them, anon...

>> No.8380865

they don't need to implant anything to know where you are, what you're consuming & what you're thinking

>> No.8380867

If you're not doing anything wrong why would you want it removed? Honest question.

>> No.8380946

>getting the mark of the beast
no thanks satan

>> No.8380971

If you're not doing anything wrong, why would you want it implanted in the first place?

>> No.8381005

It's going to be something that you'll want. Like a cellphone. The tech is going to benefit you, but also sell you out to the government.

>> No.8381011

don't buy crypto for one

>> No.8381040

you cant, might as well kys right now

>> No.8381099

>bible predicts this thousand of years ago
>atheist fags still think its full of crap

hope you guys gonna enjoy hellfire

>> No.8381124
File: 60 KB, 375x484, peperick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this is true

>> No.8381139
File: 31 KB, 450x437, 1514703006595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people that preached this stupid ass boogieman shit didn't realize people would willingly carry around a phone and watch that would be able to more accurately track their location than this

>> No.8381158

This, the current way to manipulate your braindead morons is more cost effective, why bother with silly and expensive shit like some super chip?

>> No.8381188

All future spying tech will be repackaged and make you want it.

>> No.8381261

the point of it is to link to your bank account

>> No.8381307

Underrated post.
This tech will be obselete on arrival

>> No.8381321


>> No.8381345

Honest question: Wtf can you do when people don't care and will have these implanted voluntarily? Everyone will be your enemy and the only possibility left will be mass murdering "regular people" which I suspect are bio robots anyway.

>> No.8381366

>Literally predicted by christians nearly 2000 years ago
Get fucked fedorafags

>> No.8381412
File: 47 KB, 600x514, 28377545_10210429743649339_1357243383996597602_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every conspiracyfag loses their goddamn mind about something like this but I would volunteer for it. It's just a fucking rfid chip it can't monitor your location by gps.

It's better than having to carry around a fucking ID card or a LITERAL PIECE OF PAPER WITH THE MOST VALUABLE NUMBER OF YOUR ENTIRE LIFE ON IT

LITERALLY I want a reason why everyone in America shouldn't be implanted with one of these

>> No.8381423

See what I mean? The only thing you can do is kill everyone who agrees because their agreement means forced "agreement" for your kids.

>> No.8381446
File: 34 KB, 817x443, fdfdfdfdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8381449

there isn't anything you can do about them. just be sure that you do not get it yourself. they will get what they deserve

>> No.8381453

Just stick your hand in a microwave and it'll be diabled

>> No.8381459

because even if it makes sense to you, it's not your place to decide for other people. just as its not their place to decide for you. if i was in charge of you, then you wouldn't get a chip. considering the totalitarian risks of cashless currency LITERALLY I want a reason why everyone in America shouldn't be banned from impanting one of these.

>> No.8381472

Which passage?

>> No.8381489

which token is that

>> No.8381499

>there isn't anything you can do about them. just be sure that you do not get it yourself.
You don't understand how -anything- works. First a lot of people agree, then the government uses this "widespread" agreement to make it mandatory and calls everyone who doesn't agree a backforester ape, then forces it on those with gun power. Like IDs. You think everyone agreed to have those?

>> No.8381501

and you'll have interior third degree burns, good plan

>> No.8381512
File: 117 KB, 1153x849, laughing elf man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>totalitarian risks of cashless currency
>he doesn't know about cryptos

>> No.8381526


>we are to aliens what chickens and cows are to us

If intelligence was unilaterally divisible this would be possible, however a linear increase in brain connectivity allows for exponentially more complex abstract thought processes and furthermore these can be seen as well defined points. Hence while aliens may be far more intelligent than us, the fact that we can have this debate about whether or not we are in fact being harvested already distinguishes us from every living being we harvest.

Self awareness is a binary property.

>> No.8381529

Isn't it a common delusion among schizophrenics that tracking shit is buried in their skin?

>> No.8381539

I call this "majority communism" by the way. It's when the majority of down-bred retards make decisions for the minority.

>> No.8381543
File: 71 KB, 680x581, 1493497701609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

magnetic tattoos like in that movie where people had implants in their brain

>> No.8381574

what i mean is, this is going to be implemented globally whether you like it or not. the only thing you can do is to not get it yourself. eventually it will be the only way that you can buy or sell, when that day comes, im still not getting it embedded- i would rather die

>> No.8381596

You understand that every human on earth will have one chip like this and be recorded on a blockchain. That's what """"supply chain blockchains"""" are all about.

>> No.8381614

Ah I see. Sorry I didn't know you're a retard. Nothing can physically stop you from trading 10 chicken for a cow either, whether you have an RFID implant or not.

>> No.8381626

Revelation 13

>> No.8381628

unless, for example, that sort of trade is made illegal and violators get the death penalty

>> No.8381639

You don't say.

But you just used the same reasoning to tell me why people won't need to get a chip.

>> No.8381650
File: 80 KB, 252x395, Apple_Pay_promotional_hero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is apple pay, samsung pay, android pay, etc.

>> No.8381663


>> No.8381671

Nvm you're someone else, didn't see. Anyway I'm out, I'm smarter than you all combined and don't need to read your shit.

>> No.8381684

What is more likely that they’ll do it remotely without you or anyone else ever knowing.

It will be transmitted via radio waves and nanotechnology.

>> No.8381703

and what about the ant and highway theory? if they perhaps have a “brain with another layer on top” that enables more advanced intelligence like we do compared to all other animals, they should be capable of things we can’t even comprehend, no?

>> No.8381707

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools

>> No.8381719

I already have that kind of intelligence, it's the goyim that seem to have some issues operating outside of the cattle fence.

>> No.8381735

what is your ethnicity?

>> No.8381743

imagine if zimbabwe ran on crypto
now imagine if a nation with over $19 trillion worth of debt ran on crypto

>> No.8381753

PUt M0Re good stuff under my skin PLEASE? I love itttttt

>> No.8381767
File: 271 KB, 1920x1061, Darksied Wallpapar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The correct answer is Jesus.

>> No.8381778

It's complicated.

>> No.8381813

you're smart so you should be able to explain to a simpleton such as myself

>> No.8381827

Yes it certainly takes a special kind of smartness to tell strangers personal info.

Hey I got some magic beans here, $10 and they go really well under your skin.

>> No.8381862

so you're jewish?

>> No.8381904

You are about to ramp up to another intellectual peak here buddy. Keep going.

>> No.8381966

Because that gives the government power over you. I hope you realize that slavery is wrong, anon

>> No.8382010

You think cattle branding is a novel idea?

>> No.8382039

Checked. Also check your Apps on your bigbrotherphone

>> No.8382045

wear a tinfoil glove

>> No.8382054

I can't believe that the market goes down and this entire board becomes a clusterfuck of the worst things combined out of /pol/ and /r9k/

>> No.8382072

so I can steal someones money by bumping into them on the street and scanning their hand? awesome

>> No.8382179

You mean no pajeet spam and December fags. Welcome to /biz/ fuckface.

>> No.8382189

THanks for the laugh

>> No.8382541

all these christfags talking about the mark of the beast lol. i chipped myself for some fun rfid projects

>> No.8382571

If you’ve got nothing to hide you’ve got nothing to fear anon

>> No.8382582

check the firmware in your cellphone dummy

>> No.8382596

I’m waiting for some faggot to say, “Acktshually in Sweden...”

>> No.8382603

large magnets

>> No.8382656

jokes on you, you never leave the house.

>> No.8382684

Literally met a guy a few weeks ago who had two RFIDs implanted that hold his encrypted private keys. He got into Bitcoin in 2010 and has paid attention to everything since. This dude knew everything about every project it was impressive. Super chill guy but needless to say extremely paranoid at this point

>> No.8382831

>get a chip embedded in his hand
made me think

>> No.8383126

Imagine if everyone had microchips in their hand + ChainLink = super smart contracts that are intertwined with human action + thought.

Trust me, if you're investing in ChainLink today you'll most likely be a millionaire by 2022.

Take care,

>> No.8383184

But would you like to be a millionaire in such a shitty world?

>> No.8383367

Go back to plebbit

>> No.8383642

Stop what? It's a fucking RFID chip. It just holds a string of numbers that can be read by a RF scanner. It's no different than having a string of numbers magnetically encoded on a piece of plastic in your wallet. Unless you expect that the world is going to be blanketed with RF scanners, in which case you should stop using mobile phones, because you're already using a device with an array of sophisticated sensors broadcast your location and activities to your mobile network provider already.
I work in animal rescue and own a RF scanner wand. Stupid pet owners get confused about what RFIDs do all the time, in the same way that you're all clearly confused. "Why can't I just look up where my dog is?" They don't work like that. It's not a tracker. It's not a GPS device. I have to wave a wand within a few inches of the chip to get a number, which I then have to relay to an operator for the company you registered the chip with, so they can call your dumb ass and tell you where your dog is.
The RFIDs you're all freaking out about are the exact same technology, it's just a compact way store a number. We could have been starting our cars and unlocking our front doors with hand gestures 40 years ago with a simple, cheap, and effective technology, but thanks to idiots like you the broadest consumer application its seen is getting Pookie back into your yard so she dig a way out under the fence again next week.

>> No.8384325

hard to see how you got anywhere in life when all you do is focus on the negative and not the solution

>> No.8384642

Why don't you want a camera recording every single second of your life with other people controlling it anon? Honest question.

>> No.8384690

>Every conspiracyfag loses their goddamn mind about something like this but I would volunteer for it. It's just a fucking rfid chip it can't monitor your location by gps.

GPS isn't the only way to locate you retard, you just need to put a small beacon at the entry half of the shops in a city and you can be tracked easily.

>> No.8384696

>doesn't get the implications

>"citizen, why are you missing your tag? freeze all his assets until we figure this out."

>> No.8384724

Get yourself a big rare earth magnet. It’ll scramble any data that little thing is holding and render it completely useless. Other than the fact it’s a foreign object floating around in you.

>> No.8384736

Fucking kek anon
>What? It's just a barcode on your face,
>it's just like the ones in the supermarket what are you worried about

>> No.8384787
File: 37 KB, 1280x522, nano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you carry a rfid card on you? Most westeners do.
It's the same thing.
I mean, I know the average intelligence in America has dropped to nothing - meaning people frankly think stuff like this is magic, but /biz/ should know better.

>> No.8384836

>Honest question
If it was, you wouldn't have to say it.

>> No.8384957

This is my fetish. I feverishly jack off in front of my webcam in hopes that someone somewhere is watching. AMA.

>> No.8385071

I think they only do this shit for two reasons. To make people scared with a decoy and then mislead the masses with a 'voluntary' solution with plastic cards.
PROTIP: We're already living in the dystopia, it's just a pain in the ass fit them to go full 1984 right now. also, you can complain about the system and guess the truth but if you lay one hand on the system itself with terrorism or whistleblowing, you will be gulaged. Just sit back and enjoy the ride because it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

>> No.8385107

That's not a unique thing

>> No.8385155

The chip is figurative. To uninstall, stop watching the TV.

>> No.8385181

>Self awareness is a binary property.
No anon, real life isn't simple like you

>> No.8385182

But it's not a barcode on your face. It's an encoded number that could be held on keychain dongle or on a card in your wallet or whatever if you don't want one implanted. You use numbers just like it all the time, on purpose, for all sorts of things. Unless you're an actual luddite who lives "off the grid" and buys everything with physical commodities. Considering the venue for this discussion I doubt that's the case.
The benefit to implantation is that it locks usage of that number to your physical presence. So if it's encoded to a maglock on the door of your house, no one without valid chip will be able to enter it. If you're really worried about big brother tracking your behavior then you should throw your phone away. It's a much more effective device for such an application and it's being used for it right now. If you ever have a networked mobile device on your person then you're a simple triangulation away from having anyone with access to that network know your exact location. Nevermind the cameras, microphones, accelerometers, thermometers, etc that you're carrying around. RFIDs are fucking nothing compared to that.