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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8379762 No.8379762 [Reply] [Original]

>sold at $7950 last night

>> No.8379775

Too soon

>> No.8379789

it's fine, just set a buy there and wait

also, stop trading because obviously you are emotional

>> No.8379797
File: 57 KB, 400x408, 1447632658325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek that gun
>tfw you suicide on livestream for attention but you just become a laughingstock because you're shitskin weaboo who killed himself with the most ridiculous gun in the most ridiculous looking way

>> No.8379939
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>tfw the gore didn’t bother you but, the thought of his mother or father hearing the shot and rushing to find their child’s brains all over the ground got to you.

>> No.8380077
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>> No.8380142


I bought bitcoin at $17,000 and convinced my family to pitch in as much money as they could to do the same. I fell for the hype and thought we were moments away from the biggest financial revolution in world history.

Last night I cut my losses and sold it all off at $8,000... I just couldn't take it anymore.

I don't understand how anyone still believes that people can make money off of crypto. Fucking lying thieves.

>> No.8380145
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Obviously selling at $7950 was too soon. Should have waited 8 more hours.

>> No.8380169
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did you family disown you

>> No.8380189


>> No.8380208

>you didnt lose anything until you actually sold
>you sold
>you lost

>> No.8380230
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What family?

>> No.8380234

You lose when you buy. You win based on how much more you made vs lost when you sell.

>> No.8380266

Did someone do a hero?
Gimme a quick rundown brehs

>> No.8380299

google "r9k suicide"

>> No.8380313
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>> No.8380318
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>some fag from r9k had a discussion with his mother + roastie gf leaving him
>does a livestream an hero
>he's the reason why /a/ , /b/, /v/ and /vg/ got frozen for hours

>> No.8380580
File: 9 KB, 261x170, 089360F8-DE7B-42E2-B849-DFC7D599DE5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished reading some aftermath thread, top fucking kek, robots are pathetic.
Even pajeets here trying to make it and those pussy ass teenager fags are offing themselves over some retarded shit.

>> No.8380664

I sold at pretty much the same level :( Feeling pretty stupid right now. Wasn't even panic sell, I just fel like giving up and exiting for good.

>> No.8380731
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topfuckignkek just found this

>> No.8380741

It hurts more watching the price go up without you than down with you.

I learned the hard way too.

>> No.8380820
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>bought back all my BTC last night

I went from 6.77 BTC like a week and a half ago to 8.53 BTC last night.

>> No.8380851

>implying bitcoin will unironically ever get to 17k ever again

>> No.8380897

Fuck you and your success.
I'm probably -50% BTC.

>> No.8380939
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