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8375202 No.8375202 [Reply] [Original]

Magnesium citrate

>> No.8375282

add zinc and vit d and they’re the legit ones. Worked in supplement stores for 4 years during my undergrad, in y4 med school now.

Magnesium citrate 400mg before bed will give you a wonderful sleep. Theanine is a gaba-a agonist (along with valerian) which results in rescued anxiety/ calming effects. However there is a kickback to this, and excessive doses for an extended period will result in increased glutamate transmission (excitatory/ stimulating), so can actually result in increased anxiety/ wired like feeling. This isn’t pretty much what happens in a heavy alcohol hangover.

Spiraling is just a green food supp. do or don’t. Doesn’t really matter. Asheaganda is Ayurvedic medicine. I don’t go near any of then as they always have non-standard quantities of active components.

I’m a western med head when it comes to doses, but I’m a fan of eastern medicine. If you touch any homeopathic medicines you’re a fucking idiot. Most people like to combine theanine and caffeine for a calm, alert sense; useful when studying

>> No.8375296

It's topkek that people watch limitless and buy random pills that mostly have caffeine in them.
Congrats on this, seriously

>> No.8375313


>> No.8375320

Actually the god tier no-tropic is to remove all the heavy metals one has inside them and replace them with the preferred minerals like zinc, selenium, magnesium, etc. tho a much longer and involved process than just taking a few pills here and there.

>> No.8375330

phenibut, taurine

>> No.8375348
File: 139 KB, 1024x1024, Transhuman_Enhancement_Holy_Trinity_EPITHALON_SEMAX_TESTOSTERONE_STRUCTURE_TRANSHUMAN_ENHANCEMENT_with_NUTRITION_with_REGENERATION_2048x2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the current optimum, short of genetic enhancement.

Take everything listed in this model and become a god walking among men.

>> No.8376325

Lmao this
I study neurology and none of this shit have any real impact or so incredibly small you consciously won't notice the different because the neurochemical change is tiny it literally does nothing.
What's working is what we all know, strong drugs (like amphetamine)

What's NOT working are these nootropics people buy because they watched limitless. Usually sold in pharmacies that includes caffeine as active compound. The rest whatever they decide to use has no effect.

>> No.8376357

how does one remove heavy metals from themselves? is it even possible? some of the methods mentioned in a google search are an absolute joke

>> No.8376369


>> No.8376387

what about omega 3, is it useful

>> No.8376389

xD ok sir good luck walking around without iron in your red blood cells

plz don't listen to this faggot /biz/

>> No.8376391

A really big magnet i think

>> No.8376401

I don't like racetams but they're definitely not placebos. Those are the most popular drugs that get labeled "nootropics." Most of the rest are glorified vitamins, sure.

>> No.8376556

You studied neuroscience. Neurology is the medical discipline of neuro.

You go to Med school, intern, reg, then you’re a neuro. Although I fully believe you’re an absolutely larger considering while low activity, lemon balm, rosemary contain rosaminic acid. Theanine/ valerian are gaba-a agonists which has a calming effect.

They are obviously nothing on drugs like muscimol/ baclofen but still, they do have some potency, if mild. You’re a larp.

>> No.8376722

Main nigga

>> No.8376758

also cbd
the sooner cbd is legalized the sooner i can get a gf and overcome my autism

>> No.8376799

confirmed typical med brainlet
you cunts take 2 units on nutrition and wonder why modern medicine is failing to address massively spiking mental illness and inflammatory disease rates
do yourself a favor and listen to dr rhonda patrick on joe rogan podcast

medicine has ignore proteomics and biochemistry for too long
you probably still promote the food pyramid you fucking dinosaur

>> No.8376805

>>8376799 for >>8376325

>> No.8376917

Purblack (quality shilajit), reishi, omega 3, vitamin D

>> No.8377030

I don't know what you burgers call my profession in English.

Retards who fall for this marketing gimmick are ready to believe anything. Only CNS enhancing will boost your cognitive ability like idiots hope for. Caffeine being a mild and common one, the rest is mostly placebo.
Again, most supplements sold in pharmacies contains a waaay too low amount to make a difference (thus, marketing gimmick).
If you are looking for mental boost you will need amounts close to overdosing for your preferred effect, basically no matter the active compound of common ""nootropics"".
This reminds me very much of the strength training equivalent to BCAA and EEA. While it works, it's only minimal and you will need way more than what is labeled on the package. It's gonna be fuck expensive for minimal results

>> No.8377053

Go drink a cup of coffee, then a few hours later go drink a nice cup of ceremonial grade matcha (L Theanine)...

Come back after and tell me you don’t feel a difference.

>> No.8377179

>tfw when just ordered cbd vape juice exactly for that

>> No.8377189

also started taking boron and iodine and looks like both are working

>> No.8377223

stuff that doesn't improve your cognition, in order of importance
>vitamin D
>fish oil
>vitamin C

stuff that improves your cognition

>> No.8377238

US neuropsychiatrist here

ask me anything

>> No.8377240

>LSD microdosing
>not amph or methylphenidate microdosing
Why should I listen to this?

>> No.8377256

fuck you give me an adderall script

>> No.8377266

Do you eat any supplements, and if so, which ones

>> No.8377277

Armodafinal , normal modafinal makes me smell like eggs and look clammy.

>> No.8377288

n acetylcysteine
liposomal vitamin C
flawless diet

>> No.8377302

Modafinil is the only pill you need. It even helps you lose weight.

>> No.8377311

That's an amino acid and I like to eat everyday, so I have had that combination.

>> No.8377310

come see me

>> No.8377312

infowars THE RED PILL tm

>> No.8377325



Any long term implications? Effective or not? I think I've built a tolerance to the point where it feels like baseline existence while taking, drowsy without. .

>> No.8377327

Are you born stupid or did you get by age

>> No.8377329

Not OP, but you won't feel anything with matcha. Hell, you won't even feel anything with black tea because it only has 25mg L-Theanine

>> No.8377333

Cheers, doc. Sounds reasonable to me. N-Acetylcysteine is the only one I'm not using, I've heard some FUD about it, but it's been on my radar for months.

>> No.8377345


Sequential dubs. Nice.

>> No.8377366

What is the FUD?

It's one of the most powerful antioxidants we have.

>> No.8377379


>> No.8377420

impressive, very nice

I can't remember and being lazy I didn't take notes. Roughly, it was about it messing with such fundamental systems of your body that the disturbance may end up being more detrimental than useful.

>> No.8377439

You are starting to get the point with commercial nootropics. Anything no prescription legal to sell is bullshit.
In any case, mainstream compounds such as amphetamine, narcotics (mainstream because everyone knows what it is) works good but with long he or high dose withdrawal effect.
Students use Adderall, concerts etc before tests to stay focused.

>> No.8377447

Ah, somebody was claiming NAC caused them to experience increased brain fog. There was also speculation about the mechanism behind that. I was born with brain fog, so that sounded extra worrying to me.

>> No.8377459 [DELETED] 

Make money even in this bear market. We have all the tools you need.

https://discord dot gg/pbN4G73

>> No.8377488

Good fish oil
Magensium glycinate
Zinc ororate
Vitamin d3+k2
Vitamin a
Methy b-complex
Polygala Tenuifola

In the past I also used to take Fluoromethylphenidate. So much better than plain Ritalin and Vyvanse

>> No.8377491

Oh, also I read up on eggs containing considerable amounts of cysteine. I figured since I eat 2 eggs a day maybe that was gonna be the better natural alternative. Might have been wrong

>> No.8377499

What is your NAC dose? Do you cycle? Same for vit.C
Thoughts on vit.D, zinc, omega3 and cbd?

>> No.8377536

There's only two options that aren't meme-tier.

If you don't care about fucking yourself up:
>addy and other strong stims
if you do:

>> No.8377567

Any difference from Modvigil (Modafinil) To Adrafinil?

>> No.8377568

yeah I don't know. Could be the dose. Most people think more is better in medicine and drugs but it's actually about getting the right fine tuning. I take only 200 mg daily

>> No.8377601

Not really. Modafinil makes your body smell like eggs/shit, and adrafinil only makes your piss and shit smell like acetone

>> No.8377603

The only "nootropics" you need is enough sleep, exercise, and water.

All that other shit is pseudoscience unless its a fucking amphetamine.

>> No.8377616

i just joined an affiliate marketing cbd site. been using it for a few weeks now and my anxiety is gone. may nails got chewed the fuck down during the last few months with crypto. cbd isolate no thc so it comes in the mail to burgerland or to leafs.

http:// calmcbd.myctfocbd.com/

>> No.8377626

You people are huge faggots. Seriously.

>> No.8377681


>> No.8377747

This 100%.
There are actually people who takes advice in this thread about compounds with no effect.
If you are one of them, don't take advice from these "bro sciencers "

>> No.8377792

Modafinil is a nootropic. You wanna tell me it doesnt work?

>> No.8377830

>Enough sleep
What a meme. Many people get enough sleep and still feel like shit you brainlet.

Whats important is only the sleep quality which you dont fucking have enough of if you have conditions like sleep apnoe alcoholism or lack of certain nutrients

I realized the first time how tired i always am when i tried full dose modafinil

>> No.8377845

>people who dont have a brain

>> No.8377847

would Modafinil help a brainlet?

>> No.8377900

I've tried a bunch. Higher-dose ALCAR is the only thing that consistently works for me.

I've used a bunch of Modafinil (Provigil and Modalert). It provides only a stimulant effect for me. But I like it because it's long-lasting.

>> No.8377916

I take modafinil, I dont smell though. But my piss is disgusting and i shit alot

>> No.8377928

Got to have the motivation to do something before, else it will just leave u confused

>> No.8377947

>This reminds me very much of the strength training equivalent to BCAA and EEA. While it works, it's only minimal and you will need way more than what is labeled on the package

You just went full retard bro

>> No.8377966

You’re like a retard that says working out doesn’t really gain muscle mass and no one should fall for working out memes.

>> No.8377989


I dunno man, it's subtle but it does make you smell dif, the wife noticed it said I smell like I've excercise lightly and not changed into fresh clothes/ showered constantly. I didn't really notice, though I get the whiff sometimes.

>> No.8378019

Branched-chain Amino Acids (BCAA)

The BCAA are leucine, isoleucine and valine, three amino acids that have a branching chemical structure (hence their name). Many studies have found that BCAA and specifically leucine is critical for stimulating skeletal muscle growth and protein synthesis and for this reason BCAA are often suggested for athletes trying to gain muscle mass.

Other aspects of performance have also been measured with early work suggesting that BCAA might decrease fatigue during high-intensity exercise; an equal amount of work found no effect. In some situations, BCAA may actually hurt performance through one of several mechanisms (e.g. ammonia production).

I’d note that BCAA are found to some degree in all high quality proteins with the highest concentration being found in the dairy proteins: whey and casein. This is yet another reason for athletes to consider adding those specific proteins (either in powder or food form) to their diet; this will help to ensure that BCAA intake is optimal.

In that vein, my general feeling is that, if sufficient dietary protein is being consumed (e.g. you’re following the recommendations in this book), additional BCAA is unnecessary and will have little to no effect. In most studies where BCAA had a benefit, it was on a background of inadequate protein intake.

As noted above, BCAA may protect immune system and athletes involved in very heavy training might consider extra. BCAA are fairly expensive, with daily doses running from 10-20 grams per day and supplements can be bitter tasting. I would consider BCAA supplementation as something for athletes to use only when everything else in their diet was taken care of."

>> No.8378030

Jesus Christ you couldn't be more wrong about everything. Either you're baiting like a retard or are just retarded.

>> No.8378043

It's a wakefulness promoting agent.

>> No.8378048

Phenibut gets you pretty fucking high

>> No.8378071

phenibut works great

>> No.8378074

What he meant was, the amino acids build is also in food and if you eat well, like you should if you do for hypertrophy , these supplements are unnecessary and only has notable change in those with low protein intake. If you are a top tie elite, minimal results can be critical, then you may want to consider it.

>> No.8378095

>BCAA are fairly expensive, with daily doses running from 10-20 grams per day and supplements can be bitter tasting
I don't know where you live but here in the US they cost the equivalent and are flavored well enough as your usual protein isolate. I take them instead of an isolate now

>I would consider BCAA supplementation as something for athletes
No natty should supplement with anything other than creatine for performance. I'm enhanced fwiw

>> No.8378096

skip the k and that not bad

>> No.8378115

If you don't start your day by snorting a few lines of noopept mixed with coke you are definitely not going to make it.

>> No.8378120

it's a """"""nootropic""""""

>> No.8378130
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Spirulina, a nootropic???


>> No.8378135


Give me proof there is a working product


All Alzheimer patients.
I literally can't find except from "buynootropicsfromus.com"

>> No.8378168

If you have a good diet, with lean protein (lean chicken breast, 98 dietary) you won't need such supplement. Amino acids comprises a protein so whatever you eat, such as chicken, you will get these L-s anyway.

>> No.8378212

phenibut definitely has a very tangible effect, almost like being drunk without the loss of motor coordination
helps you sleep too
i seriously doubt it's good for you to take on the reg

>> No.8378218

No you retard. If you're enhanced and training every day recovery matters and EAA absorption timing is obviously a key factor of that

>> No.8378221

phenibut is great but don't abuse
personally I dose kratom 2 - 3 times a day. I don't trade I work at a mining farm. I maintain the operation up from my cloud everyday. withdrawal is very mild and doesn't last long so I just giv'er.

>> No.8378241


>> No.8378278

"The anabolic window"?
In that case, amino acids (protein) are, yes.
EAA or BCAA specifically, no.
That's shit from bro-science and affiliate sites such as bodybuilding.com who's prime income is selling supplements.

>> No.8378305

Fucking retard do you not understand what enhanced means? It means steroids. Natty studies don't mean shit

>> No.8378327

Natural or not, you don't need retarded sales-person talk like EAA. You are literally retard if you think it's essential for grow

>> No.8378350

>dumb cunt in my gym bulking
>probably eats in excess of 4000 kcal, more than 250g worth of protein
>yeah bro I take bcaas before my workout

>> No.8378361

Lions mane of course. You guys haven't gone down the nootropic rabbit hole until you take lions mane.

>> No.8378378

Amazing, I'm trying a blend of Lion's Mane, Reishi, and Chaga very soon

>> No.8378393

This is the main thing that's been stopping me from trying it out. I'm neurotic and anxious as fuck, and not even alcohol can get me feeling confident. I don't bother with drugs, though I do enjoy modafinil for when I want to do a reset. What I do is take a night every now and then where I skip sleep entirely. It gives me a sense of clarity and optimism I never feel in my daily life. I take the time to catch up on music and feel interested in things for a while again, then sleep the next night somewhere around midnight.
If phenibut works to give me the same feeling without forcing sleep deprivation on myself I'd probably end up having problems with it. Plus I already kicked a nicotine addiction, so I'm not keen on experiencing consistent withdrawals.

>> No.8378410
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5-htp gives me a boner

>> No.8378431

Lions mane works desu. It has undisputed NGF and cognitive effects in clinical studies.

>> No.8378463

Alpha brain
Focus factor
Huperzine A
Alpha GPC Choline

>> No.8378583


>> No.8378663

Phenibut feels eons better than alcohol. Sleep on it is absolutely amazing and if you're in bed, you'll pass out without realizing. Anxiety is at 0 but you don't act retarded without realizing it like benzos.

>> No.8378729

I was diagnosed with GAD and phenibut worked 10x better than effexor, it's an amazing substance. its actually just GABA that passes the blood brain barrier. you'd have to abuse it to make your body stop producing its own GABA. the effect is subtle bid it does wonders for anxiety. definitely worth a try. just don'tmix it with benzos.

>> No.8378829

Never taken benzos, probably dodged a bullet because the times I lose the anxiety filter and act all earnest/open I always feel guilty and embarrassed for it in hindsight, even though other people don't give a shit. Takes me a couple of days to stop cringing at myself.
Is Phenibut very addictive? Would it be something I could try once on a low dose for a short period of time just to see what it's like?

>> No.8378837

I don't understand a single fucking thing said in this thread. How do I profit from this faggots

>> No.8378893

Phenibut is pretty addictive. I take too much then I feel nauseous, but I still end up taking more. Depends if you abhor nausea and it takes like 2 hours to kick in.

>> No.8378910
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>Theanine is a gaba-a agonist

>> No.8378941

>Lions mane
You guys have experience with that one? Seems very interesting.

>> No.8378942

>Anxiety is at 0 but you don't act retarded without realizing it like benzos.
On the other hand, if you mix alcohol with phenibut then you act retarded as fuck without realizing it (or maybe you just don't care..?)

>> No.8378958

add gotu kola, brahmi and fo ti to that list OP

>> No.8378974

200mg caps will do fine, you don't need much for the anxiolytic effect. there is potential for abuse so if you got no self control it might not be a good idea.

>> No.8378981

5 weeks into taking it daily. Can't tell if it's a placebo or not but I feel like there is some memory increase. It's supposed to take 8-16 weeks though.

>> No.8379017

Found out about all this through this guy, fucking mushrooms man.

>> No.8379030

Because what the fuck does the liver do right? Fucking dumb faggots on here are just as bad as sloots on insta.

>> No.8379035

unironically taking pretty high doses of selenium and it's helping me
I have legit high toxic metals though due to a disorder
spirulina helps too on that

>> No.8379123

thoughts on noopept?

>> No.8379213


Look into this one if you want some real results. Only side effect I have experienced is headache, and choline significantly reduces the chances of that. It's banned in the Olympics.

>> No.8379228

I have spent 10+ years and a small fortune on supplements and by far the most effective one I have found for treating anxiety is lithium orotate. That shit works as well as xanax for me, but without the addictiveness or any side effects. Cheap as fuck too. I use the NCI Advanced Research one from Amazon

>> No.8379252

communism is the best, now we need free food we need free water we need free

>> No.8379279

my guy right here. ket and xanax are gifts from god. or satan. either way they are fantastic.

>> No.8379303

how does one obtain phenibut

>> No.8379405

Thanks for the advice Mr. Rockefeller.

>> No.8379429

Wish I could get modafinil in Canada. Feelsbad.

>> No.8379586

The secret everyone hides

>> No.8379594

Thanks anon, will proceed with caution.

>> No.8379683

type the exact sentence you just typed into google and you will have found it idiot

>> No.8379689

He said heavy metals you fuck dick. Fe isn't a heavy metal

>> No.8379720

Can you give me the short version of what she says?

>> No.8379766

Be careful with iodine. I took liquid iodine in water for a while and at first it was amazing but after a while it fucked my neck up and it can affect your thyroid / give you goiters

>> No.8379866

You take all of that at once?

>> No.8379902

Nah in that case you're either dead or vomiting til you're nonstop dry heaving

>> No.8379916

I know that, the reason I take it is that I have slightly elevated TSH (2.9) and feel kinda hypothyroid. I take it in a pretty small dose (around 500mcg in sea kelp form) so I think I'll benefit from it.

>> No.8379936


>> No.8379961

You guys should consider checking yourselves out for food sensitivity. I had a similar scare but my ultrasound was clear. They ended up telling me I was depressed but 3 years later with "healthy" living and it's still shit. I'm gonna be trying out an elimination diet soon to see if my blood allergy tests missed something. Give it a go, it's better than giving yourself a goiter.

>> No.8379969

Also anyone tried Triphala? Gotta give pajeet folk medicine a chance.

>> No.8379979

I'm taking the foreign service officer test in a few weeks I have to read an ungodly amount of stuff, what drugs do you guys think could help me?

>> No.8380019

>Magnesium Citrate
>taking subpar supplements

Do yourself a favor and switch to Magnesium Malate

t- neuropharm major.

>> No.8380053

What happens if you mix it with benzos?

>> No.8380084

What are the food sensitivity markers? Only one I know is histamine level and my serum histamine is super low, which is kinda weird as I had allergies when I was a kid. As for iodine I don't think sub mg doses can cause goitier

>> No.8380281

Holy shit that's a lot. Must be expensive too, what do you do for a living? Do you need all that stuff?

>> No.8380289

I've drank on phenibut a few times and never died or vomited. the hangover was ridiculous tho

>> No.8380346

modafinil. I won't share my source cuz I dont want all these autists to flood the site but you can find it online if you put in a little effort and they accept bitcoin or eth as payment.

>> No.8380354

Does this really work? They legalized cbd in my state? How does it work? Pls help a fellow autist.

>> No.8380363

How does one combat neuro inflammation? Currently taking krill oil and sprouting broccoli for that sulforaphane.

>> No.8380423

Don't want to make a thread to ask but any of you guys try kratom before? Is it any good

>> No.8380452

T.v. sed pill mak smarter and I feel smart for buy. Pull work.

>> No.8380464

>how does one remove heavy metals from themselves?
Citrus Pectin capsules from Now Foods.

>> No.8380479

r/nootropics the post

kek. just take addy or moda dude.

>> No.8380485

How much elemental lithium is safe to take?

>> No.8380487

>take a gram of phenibut in the morning
>feel great all day, make eye contact and speak clearly
>next day don't take any
>back to autist mode, can't make eye contact with female coworkers
What's the solution boys? Im starting to take a gram a day but my tolerance is going to be high eventually

>> No.8380545

Like Mixing alcohol with xanax

>> No.8380584

Kratom is great. Make sure you get a green or white vein kratom, as those as more energizing effects. The red vein will put you to sleep.

>> No.8380593

Apparently intolerance and sensitivity are different from actual allergy because they affect your intestines and your ability to absorb nutrients, so not so much a histamine reaction. It causes all kind of shit, according to what I've read but I'm no authority so feel free to double check on what I say, I'm still learning about it myself.
Anyway the whole point is to figure out which food you're eating is the cause and just stop eating that.

>> No.8380607

Yeah it's pricey. I work as a finish carpenter and I make about 80k a year. I live with my parents though but pay all of my own bills too because 80k won't get me an apartment in Washington.
I used to go on multi drug binges for almost 3 years. Took MXE, Pcp, Ket, xanax, clonazolam, EPH, Hexen, Ritalin, 4f-mph,cocaine, meth, shrooms, lsd, alcohol, and some other stuff except weed because I hate that shit. Been sober for 3 years so taking a lot of pills keeps my off the hard stuff

>> No.8380608

I have this exact experience.

>> No.8380631

>be me
>genius level iq
>eat like shit
>drink every weekend
>pop otc painkillers like candy
>smoke pot every now and then
>even when drunk and high I can't stand how retarded everybody around me is.
>see shitty limitless movie
>shake head at how retarded retard screenwriters are and how they have no concept of how genius works.
>see brainlets talk about nutropics.
You will always be brainlets.
Nothing can fix the cancer that is mediocrity.

>> No.8380635

only one way to find out anon why dont you give it a shot and report back to us in the name of science

>> No.8380675

>Nothing can fix the cancer that is mediocrity
You could kys desu. That would be a small net gain

>> No.8380694

>genius level iq
>posts on 4chan

oh no no no no

>> No.8380701

You should find some friends

>> No.8380753

>powerless but to resort to personal insults
I see your smart pills aren't working.

>> No.8380801

god is an asshole. if I take pheni more than once a week my tolerance skyrockets. etizolam works well too but same problem. I alternate between the two because from what I understand phenibut acts on gaba A and etiz acts on gaba B. or something.

>> No.8380837
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>muh iq

>> No.8380872

are you saying iron maiden aren't heavy metal?

>> No.8380900
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>hurr durr I am so smart you guys are mediocre
>wow you must be retarded if you're dishing out personal insults

>> No.8380913

11/10 dumbjak

>> No.8380920

Who here /takesamphetamines/?

How do you fine tune your dosing, and specifically keep it low?

I use 2-FMA and love it, better than adderall since it’s more subtle, less euphoria, literally adderall-lite. Love the fluoro stims like >>8377488 said. But I got 2 grams recently before my source shut down temporarily (some might know it on here) and finished it in a month and a half :(

I just go overboard, especially at night after I’m coming down and have nothing to do the next day and think fuck it just keep it going.

>> No.8380933

Ever taken phenylpiracetam? It really does work, several other compounds have been shown to work by studies as well. There’s no caffeine in them unless you’re talking about those bogus “nootropic supplements” on amazon

Yeah okay, published studies are pseudoscience. Where did you get your degree again?

It really works, been proven. And you can buy the good stuff with eth

Don’t blame God for your dependency, if you can’t handle taking phenibut once a week then don’t take it at all. You’re fucking around with your neurochemistry son.

>> No.8380935

I don't think it counts but I take Synephrine when I'm on shred, which works really well. No appetite at all while still having energy all day. Only side effect is slight nausea and you might get slight diarrhea.

However I need recommendations for something till help me with shaking. When I have to do something finicky with my hands they shake. Any ideas?

>> No.8380954

Choline bitartrate
Semax Nasal Spray
Selank Nasal Spary
Magnesium L-Threonate
Magnesium Glycinate
Zinc Picolinate
Green tea
Hibiscus tea

Your brain will thank me later. Take massive doses of piracetam (like around 4G) once in a while, it gets you closer to God.

>> No.8380978

This guy fucks

Semax, phenyl, ani and alcar are pretty good. Magnesium and zinc are good for men especially if you don’t eat a lot of meat. Never got any effect from noopept though.

>> No.8380994

magnseium citrate how long before bed though? It's not working that well for me, I can't seem to find the sweet spot. Also full or empty stomach?

>> No.8381023

GABA with Niacin will cross the blood-brain barrier, they use it on autist, look it up.

For sleep some people take 2100-2300 mg GABA with 100-150 mg 5-HTP.

2100-2300 mg of L-Tyrosine is used for mental acuity.

Milk Thistle is great for your liver, detoxifies, and helps mental clarity.

>> No.8381047


Because prolonged exposure to amphetamine microdosages usually fucks up your brain and creates hypersensitivity to dopamine (with associated health problems).

>> No.8381087

I take 400mg magnesium citrate right after dinner. If you take too much it'll give you diarrhea.

>> No.8381129

Crystal Meth here...
I get so drowsy and lazy with out it
I'm fucked
But so far i'm holding up WHEN i have it...
I still shower, work, eat big meals, brush teeth, fap etc
It's just annoying having to have something to get shit done
I do low doses daily, and i don't feel euphoria off it anymore. All it does is make me awake
Fuck you, don't remind me
Meth is good for you, yes
Pls sir, invest

>> No.8381137

Fulcrum News guy David Seaman swears by CurcuBrain from NOW Foods.

nowfoods com

BrainForce from infowars store is getting rave reviews.

>> No.8381145

What if your dopamine receptors are desensitized to begin with, wouldn’t it be helpful to a degree?

>> No.8381161

I said this above, but you're taking a subpar supplement, hence the diarrhea. Magnesium Glycinate, Magnesium Bisglycinate, Magnesium Malate. Any of those are chelated and are much less likely to cause GI issues.

>> No.8381186

Anyone ever tried muscimol? Like amanita muscaria. High doses it gets pretty fucking stupid if you're not prepared but low doses (0.5-4g) have a really nice soothing effect, mild spaceout and visuals; weird cathartic dreams also, AND you sleep like a brick.
Some chick/dude was writing a blog journaling how she practically cured her lyme disease microdosing it.

>> No.8381202

magnesium citrate is also great for regularity (your morning crap) , the best time for your body to detoxify, remove toxins.

>> No.8381218

Thanks for the info, I'll try it.

>> No.8381299

Is this bad?

>> No.8381305

Yes... until you run out or want to quit
See >>8381129

>> No.8381346


My wife had a problem staying awake after long work days - so her doctor gave her a "brain stimulant". Which is just modafinil. He got her on a limitless prescription so she doesn't have to keep making appointments. I take it every day now. This is in BC

>> No.8381372

Even with microdoses you can end up dependent?

>> No.8381590

hmm how small are we talking? I do pretty low doses everyday and i'm dependent. I don't know if they are micro though... I don't have a scale, my eye ball is on point :)

>> No.8381630

ITT: Babby's first nootropics.

This is how I know you guys are plebs.
You don't know about the advanced shit that actually works.

>> No.8381722

Shilajit. God-tier nootropic and energy/libido booster. Get a legit source though to make sure there are no heavy metals.

>> No.8382111

>tfw Ritalin doesn't work anymore

I'm gonna stay off for 3 months, should that do the trick?

>> No.8382142

I use this, has worked well for me. Though i see it more as a general immunity and GI tract booster than a nootropic

>> No.8382196

Isn't that supposed to strengthen your digestive tract muscles so you don't need laxative/fiber/stool softeners to be regular.

>> No.8382260

Can you faggot just post some Amazon links instead of larping as Walter white?

>> No.8382664

>Get enough sleep
>feel like shit

Pick one brainlet

>> No.8382781

I'm going to take it for general immunity and detox.
Good to know, thanks

>> No.8382822

What brand have you tried? I used Russian shilajit and didn't feel any effects. My libido is naturally high tho.

>> No.8382919

just drink plenty of water and eat fruit and veg and you'll be much better for it
if you need energy try a spoon of peanut butter
>falling for the chemicular-jew in 2018

>> No.8382968

what is this gay shit?

small doses of methamphetamine>all you faggy herb shit

>> No.8383566

mag cit, exited thread moment that was said, ur all retarded. taking a strong laxative for mag-based noop kyselves

>> No.8383828

Hard stims
? I've taken all these btw

>> No.8383844

what about multivitamins goys? starting to take them

>> No.8383875

I already do and it doesn't work. My stack works for me.
>chemicular jew
These drugs are made mostly by small companies and they have spectography/GCMS for all their stuff. Not to mention most of it isn't even exorbitantly expensive

>> No.8384231

that's why I recommended the other forms. Not everyone is caught up on shit like this, you smug nobody. If all you do is stick your nose up in the air you only show your lack a maturity.

>> No.8384332
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gtfo with your meme tier comment

>> No.8384709


>> No.8384908

Lol iron is an essential mineral not a heavy metal you absolute moron. There’s nothing essential about cadmium, arsenic, Mercury, lead, nickel, etc.

>> No.8385038

Lol he doesn’t know about the concept of preferred minerals. Hey dipshit, biochemfag here, before you wade in to waters too deep for your small little brain let me explain something to you. The body will sometimes use heavy metals to replace the essential minerals at the enzyme binding site in the face of a given essential mineral deficiency. This is a shirt term adaptation the body has so that enzymes can continue to function when we don’t get enough of zinc, selenium, magnesium, etc. it keeps us alive in the short term but over a longer term period is reduces the efficiency of the enzyme dramatically and disease results. By your logic, everyone’s liver would just get rid of all heavy metals at the first site of the body coming into contact with them but it obviously doesn’t work that way. Never post here again retard.

>> No.8385102

Nope. I insufflate 5mg of amphetamine pretty much daily. The dose ramps up nearly 0 tolerance and is completely sustainable.

Try to measure a little higher than your intended dose. When my doses get too low I get motor tics.

>> No.8385150
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also 5mg technically isn't a a microdose, it's more like a really small dose

i get spun from that dosage, your mileage may vary

>> No.8385410

how does one go about detoxing heavy metals at the bind sites?

>> No.8385532

The trick is to reduce stress as much as possible. Meditate every day. Sleep as much as your body feels necessary. For most people this is 9-10 hours every night. Simultaneously you’ll want to eat a diet that is as rich in micronutrients as possible, particularly minerals. So one must eat 9-10 cups of cooked veggies every single day and high quality pasture raised meats and eggs. I would also consider getting a hair analysis from www.drlwilson.com. The hair analysis done by these folks will help to recognize certain stress patterns and help guide mineral supplementation, as everyone needs this nowadays too. The supplements and minerals will replete the body of the preferred minerals and replace the heavy metals at the enzyme binding sites. Also worth investigating is a near infared sauna.

>> No.8385541

Good quality leaf green tea is much better than caffeine for me. There is many different stages in harvest affecting strength.

>> No.8385611

Citrus Pectin

>> No.8385668
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>> No.8385822

Thanks for the info, i'll look into the hair analysis. The IR sauna seems interesting, does a regular sauna not cut it?

seems good, i'll add it to my next order

>> No.8385872

Near infared is uniquely powerful. There are plans on Dr. Wilsons website to build your own. That’s what I did. Or you can check out saunaspace.com for some high quality near infared saunas built in the USA. Check out Dr. Wilsons book Sauna Therapy on his website or amazon for a really in depth look at the different spectrums of infared.

>> No.8385971

amazing, this might be what i've been looking for. definitely a night's worth of dyoring. i started a new multi last week, would that have the potential to throw off the analysis results? i've been meaning to hit up the doc for a blood test as well

>> No.8386030

I've tried everything and so far the best nootropic, for me, has been drinking my own cum.

>> No.8386132

It could but not too much. Many multis have lots of b vitamins which can speed up your oxidation rate which can reflect on a hair test.

>> No.8386170

anyone ITT worried about mineral depletion should also consider not jacking off too much, or abstaining from sex.

for me, i feel 100% drained of minerals and vitamins after i nut and i just feel tired overall, which contributes to brain fog.

if you absolutely have to nut, make sure you eat your own cum. i'm dead serious. it should be your punishment for wasting your seed, and it's the only way to get back the wasted minerals.

>> No.8386222

got it. appreciate it bro

>> No.8386466

Guys if you take phenibut and decide to quit please taper off instead of going cold turkey. I thought I could deal with a bit of discomfort but ended up feeling like I was actually going to fucking die.

>painful muscle aches
>pounding headache
>heart was beating so hard it felt like it could stop at any moment
>head was "hot" even though I didn't have a fever
>labored breathing
>physically unable to sleep
>nightmares when I finally did
>too miserable to eat

Went on full blown like this for three days. Terrible, terrible stuff.

>> No.8386491

that sounds like a lot of work when you can just smoke a ton of crack and you will be super fucking alert all the time

>> No.8386561

you should consider kys you fucking faggot I depleted my minerals all over your mothers face last night

>> No.8386576

How much were you taking?

>> No.8386582

>you should take it only a few days a week dum dum

>> No.8386657

3g a day for a week straight. Previously I was taking it twice a week.

>> No.8386808

100mg caffeine + 200mg L-Theanine pills are cheap and extremely effective. Don't bother with hard to control variables like brewing tea or coffee.

>> No.8386824

>tfw too intelligent to be healthy

>> No.8387002


modafinil + choline is all you need

>> No.8387209

Yes absolutely agree anon. Lots of zinc and selenium along with other vits and minerals in cum.

>> No.8387224

Arent these also the things that make you cum buckets?

>> No.8387241

Does nothing.
Get some Phenibut and a small dose of Concerta (18mg).

>> No.8387277

>tfw Ritalin doesn't work anymore
If you take ritalin or concerta (ritalin's slow release version), never increase the dose... Stay at 18mg or 27mg. Concerta > ritalin.