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8366325 No.8366325 [Reply] [Original]

this is going to go parabolic in the next 24 hours.

first insiders bought
now leakers and subs
then pbc subs get home from work in Emerica right now and check their email

dont be greedy , check in 12 hours and take some cream from the tops along the way

>> No.8366387

Is it true most of the pbc subs are older wage cucking normies? If so you may be right, no way in hell they were fast enough to buy into AION while working a 9-5

>> No.8366421
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Bought at 5200

Please list all the ways I could go about killing myself


>> No.8366452

no way, priced in, only going down from here

>> No.8366524

Yeah my PC froze when I was trying to buy. It bought and I couldn’t sell. Sold for a huge loss. Fuck it. I’m gonna get retarded drunk tonight

>> No.8366553

Bought at 25k sats could of sold for 100%+ gains but I was playing League of Legends and didn't notice the pump.

>> No.8366570

I doubt it. After the shilling, it exploded for a short time, but fell hard, like 40%. Doubt it will go as high again.

It also happens to be a promising coin, I am surprised he shilled it.

>> No.8366597

Fuck off, you bought into the dump now you get to hold your heavy bags retard

>> No.8366645

THing is lots of his actual subscribers are older and are not crypto day traders. They will pump the coin between now and 3 days from now.

It happens with almost every single coin Teeka picks for his members.

The only one where it didnt happen was GTO I think but even GTO rebounded a little, so AION will 100% get back to the 4k range within the next 72 hours when the normie members of the PBC buy

The people who bought and pumped and dumped AION are 95% non-members and only traders.

Remember that if you're thinking about selling at a loss.

>> No.8366678
File: 22 KB, 540x511, 1520704266444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You asked here

Now you know here.

What changed between your 2 replies?

How to KMS

>> No.8366685

they just got home .. its already happening

>> No.8366756

Kek at anyone who fell for this pnd. The call wasn't aion just some pajeets using a fake pbc "bot" on twitter. Teeka said it's under $1 and under $50m mc. If you bought aion you are now a pajeets bagholder

>> No.8366792

so what is it fag

>> No.8366823


Someone on telegram confirmed for me that most of the PBC members are not crypto traders. They are wage cuckers that have a routine of buying Teekas picks well after the coin has pumped and dumped.

I then checked out CND's charts and it pumped mutilple times after the initial traders pumped and dumped it, so that prettty much confirmed to me the theory.

>> No.8366832

the report gets leaked in full every time just quit being an autist and wait for it

>> No.8366844
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It's Aion don't listen to this stupid Phag. Teeka clearly played us all for a fool, since he knows we always pump and dump his coins. Plus he could have planted false info to snuff out a rat in his circle who is leaking information, who the F knows.

>> No.8366850

It's CHAT retards

>> No.8366949


It's not CHAT you dingus. How about looking at that image above your head for actual proof. Im sorry you fell for the CHAT pNd. If it makes you feel better Aion got pNd as well so you would have lost regardless.

>> No.8367035

Imagine being this stupid.

Really shows how many fucking neets there are on this board.

>> No.8367056

can't tell if pajeet or retarded

>> No.8367062

I did not, I do not buy into these scams. I DYOR and make my own picks. So far it worked.

>> No.8367103
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>> No.8367335

I also have access to the full report and can confirm it's AION.
Yeah Teeka loves to fuck with us when he gives clues, what else is new.
Up to you guys to believe it or not

>> No.8367423

So is this just a shilled pump and dump or what?

>> No.8367442
File: 53 KB, 403x448, 5F46661C-EC86-477A-9C31-997BBB8199AE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What other coins were pumped, and when?

>> No.8367641

Bought aion at 2571 sats like 5 days ago and fucking sold it at 2800 sats. Fuck it in buying some more at 3300 sats. It better fcking bi back to 4500+ .
This fucking dirty neeze a land cunt better make me some mones

>> No.8368173

wow you guys fell for the pump and dump lmao

>> No.8369116

Their team acts like a scam artist & generally very unimpressive list of people. I fell for the PBC meme before - this isn't the first time they've shilled it. Not interested. Save your money for dfinity.

>> No.8369327

You again

You mislead many with your butccoin private

>> No.8369432

GTO only failed in its post-pump slowmoon because there were so many bagholders from the older pump several days ago, after Binance announced the contest. Either people who bought high and were desperate for an out, or those who bought low and were waiting for the right time to dump before contest end. They put a huge damper on demand for the coin. And then the fucking contest ended, Binance took its snapshop and the rest of the holders dumped another 10% in about five minutes. After all that there wasn't any more wind left in its sails. Just a case of incredibly shit timing.

Go look at CND, ZEN, GAS. All slow-moons after the initial pump. Aion's primed for at least 5k sats by weekend end. If it performs like CND, it'll likely touch 9k by next Friday.

>> No.8369476

Another point to make, Teeka picks seem to actually do better in bear markets because altholders are desperate to find something green. This is great timing right now with BTC teabagging 7k. There are tons of people who refuse to tether up who are looking for a safe harbor coin right now, once they seen AION steady slow-growing for days on end they will pile on.

>> No.8369499

>hey guys if I stop making threads for a week or two then everyone will forget I lost them money