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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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836600 No.836600 [Reply] [Original]

I work Portfolio Balancing software startup. The target is smaller to mid-sized RIAs (200 mil up to 1.5b).

Half of these people are F U C K I N G R E T A R D E D. Why on earth does anyone trust these schmucks with their hard-earned money? It makes no fucking sense.

>> No.836606

post some stories

>> No.836609

There are still people who believe the myth that there is such a thing as "professional" investors.

>> No.836611

I mean... a lot of these people are aging folks who can barely use a computer. Our software is super fucking simple and yet it seems to be beyond some of them.

How can such a person possibly pick stocks in today's environment? It doesn't make any sense. They are managing hundreds of millions of dollars and yet they seem to barely be able to click a mouse.

It's probably older clients using these older RIA's though... people just stuck in their ways on both side of the business I suppose. I wouldn't let an RIA touch my money after these experiences though.

>> No.836640

Greentext us, faggot.

>> No.836732
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bumpin for intrest

>> No.836845

Come on, ya queer. GREEN US UP.