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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8364195 No.8364195 [Reply] [Original]

TOP 5 CMC 2019

>> No.8364215
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>> No.8364224 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8364338

Which porn whore was this again

>> No.8364394

More important question is who is more handsome Talal or Yazan?

>> No.8364404

Fucking pajeets will you go shit on another board? Nobody gives a fuck about Jibrel

>> No.8364426
File: 86 KB, 740x850, TALLY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talal by a million miles

Yazan ugly

>> No.8364447

yes i would like to buy the jibrel please tell me more

>> No.8364507
File: 123 KB, 300x300, yazan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't know

Yazan by a mile.

>> No.8364626

This is an elaborate scam to get their modeling careers off the ground. Mark my fucking words.

>> No.8364746

I want to buy using Fiat. On the other hand I want eth to drop even further so I can accumulate more before this gurarenteed coin takes off.

>> No.8364808

fucking all makes sense now

>> No.8364868 [DELETED] 

>Nobody gives a fuck about Jibrel
apparently Don Tapscott, Changpeng Zhao and the Al Maktoum family does
but surely your opinion weighs more

>> No.8364977

Kill yourself

1k eoy

>> No.8365023

hello everyone buy bazinga coin as well

>> No.8365038


>> No.8365058
File: 770 KB, 680x576, Old smiling guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when my fellow JNT holders are ruining this coin with all their bad shillings.

Please stop guys. Please.

>> No.8365110

Thanks to, datboi, Frank and wojack the retard Trio.

>> No.8365179

talal is the most handsome crypto figure by far

>> No.8365193

>ruining this coin
Who cares, it’s bound to moon with or without biztards

>> No.8365271

ok i'm listening.. what makes you say this.

>> No.8365287

i swear, this motherfucking lowlifes have no other thing going in in their pathetic lifes
someone ban them from the telegram, you make gaylal cry
you turned this whole thing in a joke and i hate you, all of you
so much

>> No.8365393

the wojak guy is literally one of the dumbest losers ive ever had the displeasure to encounter. he's literally a piece of shit who literally thinks spouting 4chan memes all day is funny. he also asks some of the dumbest goddman questions, it's mindboggling

>> No.8365452
File: 56 KB, 600x900, smiling-old-man-having-coffee-portrait-looking-happy-33471677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering this coin is not going to moon before some months if not 2019, are we going to have this stupid shillings every days?

How do they handle so much stupidity?

>> No.8365610


Assets are already being tokenized.

>> No.8365659

man the early days were a blast. sad to see datboi go

>> No.8365678

kek, fudders btfo

>> No.8365708

youre next faggot

>> No.8365710

where the fuck have you been anon?

>> No.8365847

I assume they just mean jcash but not the other 250 mil

>> No.8365857

300 MC when

>> No.8366316

we ded

>> No.8366412

Mum, is that you?

>> No.8366440

This, Im suprised noone noticed yet

>> No.8366635

Next Chain Link

>> No.8366725

you assumed wrong

>> No.8366786

yazan has more symmetry
talal looks off if you take a pic of him dead center

>> No.8366923

I personally think Talal, but it's honestly a hard choice, both are extremely handsome.

>> No.8367099

I despise these 3, they are so far up their own asses...

>> No.8367158

on biz, ignoring jibrel threads

>> No.8367212

so staying poor. why?

>> No.8367251

you gonna shill me on your shitcoin or what lad
quit wasting time

>> No.8367259

Realistic price predictions eoy?

My guess is anywhere from $10-15

>> No.8367302

this, fucking retarded idiots. Just pm the admin with the wishes of getting them all banned, sooner or later they will.

>> No.8367313

$3-10 bucks

>> No.8367333

I personally know those 3 guys. Pillar's of the Jibrel community.

Wojak is not a brainlet, as some have claimed, and the questions he asks are always of the highest calibre. Rumoured 9 inch x 7.5 inch pen15 also.

>> No.8367345

i like the tech and idea behind this coin, but it's way too arabic/muslim/jewish for me.

Fucking "Jibrel", what is this, the fucking biblical era? No, fuck that shit. Fuck this filthy sand nigger mufasa mohammed smelly curry beard alluhah akbar shit.

I'm fucking out

>> No.8367425

holy fuck $15 would be insane, I mean I only have 4k jiblets but that would still be 60k would save my life. Not too bad for only putting in like 1.5k Cad

>> No.8367433

You must be fun to be around IRL

>> No.8367515

oops sorry that wasnt me

i love all people

jibrel is an awesome coin as well

>> No.8367530

Why so low?

It wouldn't be too hard for it to get to $15 in my opinion. It'd need an market cap of 2.25 billion dollars. Remember this project aims to have jCash to be used in the UAE and MENA regions. Also Dubai aims to be the first City to run on blockchain technology by 2020. Honestly $15 is a low ball, I fully expect this to at least hit $50 sometime in 2019.

>> No.8367533

Trips confirms it's true

>> No.8367539

sounds about right

source: my ass

>> No.8367555
File: 359 KB, 540x960, 28721481_10211668456650498_1869596800_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

60-100$ in 2020-2021 maybe even more. Bonus; buy property in Dubai taxfree with your Jcash, property doubles in value over the next 3 years after that cause of Dubai 2020 Blockchain city futuristic edition and you will be set for life.

>> No.8367582
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This guy gets it.

>> No.8367690

Don't get your hopes up. All sorts of funky shit happens in this market. We probably won't moon until 2020.

>> No.8367887

Trips of truth

>> No.8367946

Holy shit someone saved my OC. Thanks jibro. That made my day.

>> No.8367969

yes but then I'd have to own a house in dubai... no thanks

>> No.8368055

no one needs a blockchain anymore when there is hashgraph
all your shit is becoming worthless

>> No.8368079

weed legal in dubai?

>> No.8368092

>anything fun legal

>> No.8368097

you're welcome, it's nice OC

>> No.8368114

No, but I think they have special areas for westerners to drink without getting thrown in prison... so there's that?

>> No.8368147

Meant to reply to this

>> No.8368213

Because I think the project will grow more in 2019 than 2018.

2018 will be just inaugurating the potential of Jibrel - 2019 will see even more adoption.

3 dollars is still like a 10x - you guys should temper your expectations

>> No.8368295

How much in 2019?

>> No.8368332

about tree fiddy

>> No.8368360
File: 60 KB, 517x642, S8jzTPr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EOY 2019 10
EOY 2020 30
EOY 2021 80-100

Talal said so.

>> No.8368471

Much higher if things go well - I dont really like to get hung up on price predictions there isn’t anything beneficial to be gained on speculating what the orice might be a year from now

Its a really good project and will grow a bunch. There is huge potential obviously and as long as I maintain faith in the team I’ll stay invested in it.

>> No.8368562

Can someone shill me on this project?

>> No.8368626

go fuck yourself ricardo
you are baiting your fuckbuddy datboi to post a copypasta
just get a life you fucking autists

>> No.8368841

holy fuck the volume is so low on the gate eth pairing. i've never waited this long for a crypto trade before. should have gone with btc pairing or just used bibox

>> No.8368910 [DELETED] 

Investable smart contracts are about to blow up, just wait for it www.p3d.trade

>> No.8368983

I see your point. Project Pinocchio won't be done until Q4 2018, so most of the magic will start to happen 2019/2020.

>> No.8369131

the dao is just going to be manually done til then, project pinnochio just means dao and full decentralised.The whole aim of this project is to tokenize assets and thats being done now, this isnt a neo, cardano etc project that will make money 12 + months in the future, this is happening now.

>> No.8369505

I kinda see where the other guy is coming from still, even if they can tokenize assets now it'll take time for them to gain customers. Remember if they're to be believed they've gotten so many offers that they can choose which banks they work with so it's going to take time for them to build their customer base and it'll take time for financial institutions to get comfortable using jibrel network

>> No.8369558

quick rundown on pinocchio?

>> No.8369622

All that matters is how much these tokenized deals reflect on the marketcap.The one deal they announced so far will add 6x minimum.Thats ONE deal.You think they only tokenize one deal all year long?You think they want to tell potential clients they need to wait 10 months before they can tokenize assets?Is there any reason it would take 10 months?They will want to do this quickly.

>> No.8369625
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the DAO will be full automated

pic related is yazan's answer

>> No.8369681

I think we'll see a lot of deals his year but if I had to guess which year we'd see more growth between this year and next year I'd pick next year

>> No.8369817

Bog bow to the wooden puppet-boy....

>> No.8370055

fuck yes i'm at least in with 2.3K... pushing for 25K over the next couple weeks. wish me luck jibronis

>> No.8370642


could you imagine? unreal

>> No.8370881


>> No.8371207

>sees Antshares for ten cents each
>"What is this? A crypto for ants? I'm out"

>> No.8371376

basically. this coin is literally a ramp for middle eastern institutions to early-adopt blockchain and profit while doing so. can't imagine the amount of wojacks that will cover this board in a year or so.

>> No.8371953


>> No.8372508

Gib moon

>> No.8372923

I have 25k of these and stopped accumulating link for this. I think its a better buy than almost anything else for awhile

>> No.8373026

Jibrel Network is not a licensed bank nor does it follow any financial regulations. They have a rather grandiose roadmap that mentions the phrase "full regulatory compliance" without even attempting to spell out what exactly that's supposed to mean.

Jibrel Network Tokens (JNT) aren't backed by anything. It's yet another ERC20 token with a pretty basic contract. I am not going to read it in full because I've got better things to do. You, however, put actual money into this and unless you understand exactly how this contract works, you cannot claim to understand what you wasted your money on.

CryptoDepository Receipts (CryDjR), which are the supposed point of the entire project, don't actually seem to exist yet. I might be wrong: Jibrel Network's launch announcement is pretty unclear on what they actually launched. In any case, CryDRs are redeemable in JNT only. This means that if you happen to hold CryDRs pegged to some asset and the real-world value of that asset goes up, you will still lose money if the price of JNT takes a nosedive.

On the team: none of the developers have a public record of successfully delivering or even just leading large-scale projects. They don't seem to have anyone with a long-term, high-level involvement with financial products nor anyone with the necessary expertise in financial regulations. I can't say that I share your optimism.

In summary, you have exchanged your hard-earned cash for an ERC20 token that as of today is pretty useless. You are putting your trust a team that has no significant public track record and, as far as we can tell, lacks the domain-specific expertise, and furthermore has so far produced very little that would convince anyone that they might, against all the odds, turn their vague, lofty roadmap into reality.

>> No.8373108

got 9.4k, not much into trading unless it's a bull market cause i'm wageslaving. so buy and hold shitcoins, the "worst" advice in crypto.
if i'm stuck holding 20 cent bags two years from now at least i'm in good company. i'll have you fags to laugh at. and linkies too.

>> No.8373220

Nice just unironically sold 24k

>> No.8373429

this needs to be circulated in every JNT thread. it's the smug pasta from some faggot redditor and we need to have it on hand when we hit 100 per token around 2019.

i want the man who typed those words to very strongly consider taking his own life when this coin goes to andromeda

>> No.8373776

Do you have the link for the Reddit post? I'd like to take a look at the context for the lelz

>> No.8373908

but he's right about some things
>checked out token source weeks ago
>didn't understand any of it, but saw 900 lines of code
>good enough for me
i don't understand any of it, but know that it probably does more and has more thought put into it than other tokens because other tokens have less lines of code. anyone know solidity or we all brainlets?
>vague roadmap
yes but i've worked in consulting with a little bit of exposure to banking(technical sales/proposals, basically a fancy administrator). a lot of what was written was top down from the team, maybe with a little consultation from clients. a lot of it was their ideas on how to make money in the space, and not all of it was set in stone. that's why the focus of the project seems to keep changing if anyone's heard of it from the ICO stage. ideas is one thing, but once they start shilling to clients, the clients may want entirely different things and change the scope of the project. happens all the time. selling stuff like this is very demand-driven to use a stupid buzzword
that's like just his opinion. he has no faith in the team, jnt holders do, obviously.

>> No.8374067
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but anon that's literally the best part

>> No.8374353

Based Arabro

>> No.8375216

Fucking this

>> No.8375289

Another day, another JNT thread, another Jibrel bleeding.

>> No.8375406

We holding better than ETH ans BTC what other microcap coin holds their value like this. None.

Dumb cunt.

>> No.8375470
File: 70 KB, 1387x729, Holding value.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop coping so hard.

>Dumb Cunt

>> No.8375497

Is this the next hot biz meme coin? Should we start calling it ethereum 2.0?

Can't wait to baghold this for years while its sat value drops into the abyss.

>> No.8375518

0,00004051 BTC (-5,29%)

Furthermore. It is under the top BTC value losers in the last 24h. Holding value pretty well.

>Dumb cunt.

>> No.8375579

It's the Arabic tether with full Halal compliance.

>> No.8375757

Who gives a fuck

>> No.8375867

Nobody gives a fuck, but there are multiple JNT threads day...

>> No.8375913

yeah we need more link threads

>> No.8375968

The reason why this shit is bleeding and will keep bleeding is that basically JNT is solely gambling in institutional money. And the odds for getting the money into a 3rd party coin is ridiculous low. First the wont trust millions and billions of money some, yes, random guys.
Nor would they double down their investment to tokenize their financial assets and on top of that risking a percentage equal the pledge to lose to random market votality.

This shit doesn't even sound good in theory and wont do anything until the DAO is at least implemented. Don't know why you would waste energy and time to discuss this project on a daily base

>> No.8376088



>> No.8376222
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>mfw when Binance introduces jUSD pairs for KYC-compliant users

>> No.8376437

Aims to tokenize 250m? Is that all you have waited for? Fuck amazon is aiming for 500b profit too and?

>> No.8376441

n-no doubt it will

>> No.8376503

so glad whites are being bred out and replaced
hateful subhumans

>> No.8376507

You don't understand the project

>> No.8376614

Hello friend

>> No.8376636

either this is fud to scare off complete retards or you yourself are a complete retard

>> No.8376826
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hi fren

>> No.8376916

Hi fren

>> No.8376931

Is 30k JNT enough to make it by Q4? I'm impatient and bear it if I haven't made it by the end of the year

>> No.8376993

Can't bear*

>> No.8377028

>Is 30k JNT enough to make it by Q4? I'm impatient and bear it if I haven't made it by the end of the year

I'm at 17k hoping for around 25-30, I would say yes.

>> No.8377163
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>> No.8377258 [DELETED] 
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see >>8377230

>> No.8377569

Hi CaptainSavajo

>> No.8377684
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>> No.8377725
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>people STILL shilling the unconfirmed "aims to tokenize 250M" meme

>> No.8377745

>jCash to be used in the UAE and MENA regions


>Dubai aims to be the first City to run on blockchain technology by 2020

No sources

I haven't seen this level of delusion in a long time.

>> No.8377934 [DELETED] 

Make money even in this bear market. We have all the tools you need-

https://discord dot gg/pbN4G73

>> No.8378175

Omg anon. You are so right. I cant believe i didnt realize this before. Just bought 100k amazon. No need to wait, on the moon already

>> No.8378773
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DYOR you stupid fuck, you rather spend your time shitposting here than do a fast google search?




>> No.8378784

You copied this from Reddit you faggot

>> No.8378826

I heard it was with xlm

>> No.8379025


>> No.8379189


>> No.8379240

Look you are getting it all wrong.

Only /biz/ knows about the confirmed 250M tokenizing. And only /biz/ is buying it. But since /biz/ hasn't enough purchasing power, it keeps bleeding from day to day.
JNT is even worse than Chainlink menes

>> No.8379611

Reddit knows as well.

>> No.8379629

Even better. And still it keeps bleeding due to a guruanteed 4-5x? Makes sense bud.


>> No.8379677

There is like one and a half redditors in jibrellinni reddit
Jibrel is literally /ourcoin/, even if some normie knows about it, he don’t understand it and won’t buy.

>> No.8379697

>is in the official news release from the SEED fund

With FUD this bad, who needs shill?

>> No.8379738

Are you able to comprehend the english language? To AIM for sth isn't a confirmation.

>> No.8379954

this is just no liabilty investor speak so you can not sue them if it goes wrong.

>> No.8380050

Buddy, latching on to a single word in a press release is textbook autism. Sure, a corporation worth billions is just going to outright lie in a press release to reuters, because they want to trick /biz/ neets.

I bet you are the same poor bastard who needed handholding a while back.

>> No.8380146

buddy, latching on to a single word in a press release is how lawyers earn their salary
fucking internetchildren