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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8362162 No.8362162 [Reply] [Original]

Ive been grinding for almost 2 fucking years working on various bots to trade stocks, after working with an anon elsewhere I finally found a formula that picks out likely trades 2 months ago, watched it like a hawk until 2 weeks ago, then I put in some real money and (so far) all has gone to plan.
Ive spent all of my free time and energy on this for what feels like forever and now I feel a bit lost, also much nervous excitement, all i want to do is fast forward 6 months to see what the results are, I dont give a shit if I lose the few k I put in.

I had visions of getting back into workout routines, spending my time reading, watching movies, shitposting on /b/ all day, maybe putting in some effort to find a better place to wagecuck but so far all I've done is repeat the same shitty routine Ive had since 2016 of sitting on the computer watching gay red and green lines. I am addicted and using more money has only made it worse, I've pretty much written off the cash experiment as a test run and dont give a fuck if it all goes wrong so WHY AM I STILL SITTING HERE

what the fuck do you do all day

>> No.8362253

what was the backtest resuslt?

>> No.8362323

Go on a holiday.

>> No.8362451

Going back to 2015, 20ish trades a week, 80% success rate, averaging 4% profits overall after losses and fees.
After 37 trades this past fortnight, only 6 have failed and being stopped out, the $8k I started with at the beginning of march is now $430 ahead without me touching the laptop its running on, which is marginally ahead of what I paper traded but close enough to show promise.
I'm not fucking actively doing anything, just hitting refresh and watching, I've had 4 days of work now and I havent done anything else but sit here like a fucking retard when I should be showing patience and forgetting about it for a few months.

>> No.8362524
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post yfw the crash is just making you break even from 3 months ago

>> No.8363034
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So with 6btc you could reasonably support a family AND grow your stack. Pic related

>> No.8363189

Too early to tell.

>> No.8363295

Did you learn your system from a book? Or?

>> No.8363351

Oh god no. Very much my own and another anons theories, plus a couple of thousand hours of trial and error.

>> No.8363671

Fairy nuff. I'm going to guess from my own experience that you'll get more time AFK when you trust your system more, or correct for bugs more.

What's your next step after that? 430pw is not yet lambo territory