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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 131 KB, 1200x632, stock scale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8344054 No.8344054 [Reply] [Original]

This is a prediction pic of the dead cat bitcoin bounce I saved in FEB , and the subsequent fall to around 2k before rebounding.

Sorry to those that didn't get out in time

>> No.8344126

panic down to 1k will be glorious. biz will turn 2 posts a day board again.

>> No.8344151

>tfw boought at euphoria after my friend introduced me to bitcoin

Never lost money so fast in my life

>> No.8344189


>tfw now down 150k


>> No.8344307


Down over a million. Don't be a pussy, this is big money trying to steal the future from you.

The old rich fucks don't want to lose control and control fiats.

>> No.8344350

Watch this thread prove that 4chan is in the denial phase.Biggest buch of retards I've seen. Fucking snap out of it and sell already.

>> No.8344385


>sell on return to mean

Great advice.

>> No.8344393

won't go much lower than 8k, screencap this

>> No.8344411


At least we have the balls to believe and work towards a better future instead of boiling everything down to a pushed narrative.

>> No.8344412
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According to this chart that will take two months. I will have a shitload more fiat to pump in by then as will most of this board. I would love if this happened so I could buy more. Buying all the way down nocoiner faggots

>> No.8344419

>sell already.
lmao fucking never
even if it all drops to zero
im not

>> No.8344427

Nah it'll be full of singing wokacks

>> No.8344441


Denial...you fuckers have it bad.

>> No.8344446

KEK boooooooooooriing FUD even if true. no not selling. unironically $20k+ in crypto. DGAFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

>> No.8344450

no u

>> No.8344485


Go up to the top of the thread and check the denial location. Wake up shit head!

>> No.8344492


Fuck. I bought at anxiety. Oh well. I'll just let it sit for a few years.

>> No.8344495
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I wen't from 23k in December to 3k now.

I'm just going to hold forever now. Fuck taking out 3k. My shitcoin might turn amazon in the future. If not it's only 3k.

But if I take out my 3k and it turns out I would have been a millionaire in 2021 I would literally killed myself.

losing 3k is worth not killing myself if I'm wrong.

But no I'm 99.9% sure this is the end of crypto and it will never amount to anything ever again. The actual blockchain that will change the industry is more than likely not even invented yet and we are trading bullshit pets.com and theglobe.com instead of Google and Facebook (both of which didn't publicly trade during the dot-com bubble)

>> No.8344503

This. OP we're entering price ranges now where those of us holding are holding for ideaological reasons. It isn't about getting rich quick for this level, it's about refusing to help others get rich by submitting to their manipulative system. We will hold all the way down to 0 and we fucking mean it.

>> No.8344506


>> No.8344522


Why would I sell I can't even afford the taxes lmao. I would literally fuck myself harder if I sold than if I held at this point

>> No.8344527


>> No.8344530


You're a spineless pussy.

>> No.8344561

Bought at hope. Traded millions in volume. Could've profited 6 figures but made dumb trades/held too long. Broke even and called it quits. It was fun while it lasted.

>> No.8344572

Yea exactly
Last time i checked my alternatives to.virtual currency were still either bets on political systems, or.gold
Im too poor to invest in real estate and stocks turn me off because i need to rely on a broker to trade them
Man i wish i could safely own and trade stocks and other virtual assets myself
That would put stock brokers out of business but empower the individual, and thats apways a good.thing, right?

>> No.8344582


Well said. I'm dumping today. I'm dumping index funds and stocks based in USD to pay crypto tax obligations. With this, I'm out of their system and 100% in crypto.

Either I help change the world or die trying.

>> No.8344592
File: 2.78 MB, 2760x3684, 95C7FE98-1F70-4A1B-8C66-F60AFE854C19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn’t ask for these feels you fucking dildo

>> No.8344604


>paying taxes for crypto


>> No.8344609

Im with you anon! I only have 1btc and im a pretty poor faggot but
SELLING (to (((them))) )

>> No.8344615

But youll be paying attention to the space, like early bitcoiners paid attention to ethereum

>> No.8344641


They own the jails and I'd rather not get forced into one.

>> No.8344643

Where I come from until around 30 years ago, if you were old and sick you would voluntarily leave the community and go die in the wilderness. This was so that you are not a burden to the future young generations.

Things changed. Old capitalist fags no longer want to get eaten by a polar bear.

For this we made crypto. If you don't voluntarily go get eaten by a polar bear mr boomer, we will stop accepting your money. What is that piece of paper? USD? EURO? Sorry, we only accept DogeCoin here. What? You don't understand how to turn your pension fund to DogeCoin grandpa? TO THE POLAR BEARS YOU GO!!!!!

This is why today all the media is FUDing crypto. Old boomer money is afraid that the working able youth will just say "thanks no thanks" to them, their economy will collapse and they will have to play hunger games with each other. Do not buy into the FUD of old established media. They are afraid. Start using crypto for currency.

This is the biggest opportunity for wealth redistribution and crashing the current system (and saving the polar bears too)

>> No.8344735


Then don't cash out and keep all your crypto in a wallet that you control the keys to, buy things ONLY in crypto and (((they))) can't do shit.


This. Refuse all fiat. Buy only in crypto. If you make it in crypto, start businesses that only accept crypto payments and pay all their employees in crypto. Fuck the boomers. And fuck (((them))).

>> No.8344748


This is insanely true. The advice given to retirement accounts is to move your money out of risky investments as you get older. That means index funds, bonds, USD, things like that.

The problem is that those things will not be stable if crypto takes off, as it almost did before the coordinated shutdown. It will jeopardize the retirement of the boomers and they will panic sell.

This destabilizes the US as boomers start dieing on street corners, homeless and penniless. A fitting end for some of them.

>> No.8344752

Tfw bought even lower than the first 'disbelief' at 1.8k and never sold. Rode all the way up and all the way back down

>> No.8344799

Oh yes I remember in september when we were thinking "this rally will fail like the others" and "a recovery is possible"

>> No.8344807

Youre right. Need your car fixed? Pay that buddy of yours in bitcoin. He not has the coice.to declare, or not. Power to the people and all that

>> No.8345389
File: 3.91 MB, 1875x2510, 150122270152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto is a ponzi scheme to escape ponzi schemes. And we are at the top of the pyramid.

>> No.8345858

hell motherfucking yeah at this point id hold till it drops to 2k and recycles in a year

>> No.8345923

coordinated shutdown. hmm. sure does seem like that, and those that control the big bank system would have every incentive to do so, how is the question.

but you have to take into account that all the value and massive buy ins were created by hype and not real assets, so a natural crash by panic sellers after that hype dissipates isn't impossible in this situation.

>> No.8346083

OP are we at panic now or denial

>> No.8346133

t. did not sell because i didnt want to trigger taxable event

>> No.8346181

Denial. Its going down past 6K at least.

>> No.8346214


Are you fucking kidding me? So you're going to ride it down to a loss so you don't have to pay tax. What is this place "/biz/"? What kind of idiots is this bizarre board creating?

>> No.8346233

The only reason I haven't sold is the sheer volume of these kinds of posts, they legitimately make me think that we're due for a rebound or someone is coordinating a campaign to manipulate the market

>> No.8346260


You're a tardbus riding idiot. Hodl on you helpless freak.

>> No.8346279
File: 360 KB, 620x401, unkle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you've got bout 45% more pain to go, then they pump it again. trust me. they always do.

>> No.8346400

bitcoin would have to fall under 1k. i was planning on dca out beginning of 2018 as it would be counted as long term capital gains. but then this happened and i stuck to my plan. now plans have changed.

>> No.8346423

same here.

I will not sell btw. I'm going down with the ship or we rise up again

>> No.8346663
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>> No.8346694

>disbelief starting at 4,000

are you fucking retarded?

>> No.8346784

the fact that it matches up with the chart makes me think that it's a jewish conspiracy and that they'll start pumping it a couple of thousand above from the alleged bottom

>> No.8346986


when I sell, someone else gets my shit at a deep discount, and because I was an impatient/weak bitch I will watch others make it. not happening. fuck you fucking paid fudders and bored autists trolling on here

>> No.8347027
File: 170 KB, 428x385, export.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by the way try making this image yourself and you'll find that changing the scale of the images basically lets you say whatever you want.
Not to mention the fact that op's pic does not predict the bounce from 6k so what's he even talking about?
pic related is the divergence from the graphic after fitting the previous months by fucking with the scale.

>> No.8347137


You mean the denial bounce from 6k? Lets see how high this bounces as panic starts to set in. Not everyone here with a realistic view of BTC's short term price action is part of a conspiracy to hurt you. Some are actually trying to help you. However, you definitely seem like part of the helpless bunch here on 4chan. GLTY

>> No.8347185

if you only have 3k now and you think its going to be the next amazon, then why dont you buy more now?

>> No.8347223

1k to 20k in a year is a huge fucking run up, why the fuck would you buy then instead of waiting for a correction

>> No.8347224

yes i would rather look forward to paying my $2-3k mortgage for the rest of my life while i slave for some corporate cocksucker for 30 years

>> No.8347695

Fuck all nocoiners and fud fags in here. I will hold this shit until $0.

>> No.8347900


seriously though, if you didn't recognise the complacency shoulder and then realise that the scale of that shoulder would result in a long, looong bear market and sell or short, you deserve this hell of market emotions you created for yourself

educate yourself and drop the ego

>> No.8347953
File: 44 KB, 400x204, 1520982378841.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are shaking the tree, so im accumulating toilet fiat to buy more btc

>> No.8348494

end of summer bull market


>> No.8348640

yup. I was gonna be traveling all summer, now I think I'm gonna be working my ass off/selling my ass to buy another couple BTC.

>> No.8348669

Also why has no one ITT mentioned that a month's worth of price action is neglected in this chart?

Timeline shown would put us at ANGER

>memechart btfo

>> No.8348671

>op posts pic of prediction chart that since has diverged with basically -100% correlation
>i'm somehow being unreasonable by pointing this out

>> No.8348701

i did and posted an updated version of it.

>> No.8348741

stop being so unreasonable

>> No.8348879

Strong resistance at 8k, will fail to breakthrough and nosedive to 2k in april.
It's all over

>> No.8348898

fuck off faggot