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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 34 KB, 155x207, sergey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8342844 No.8342844 [Reply] [Original]

I'm sure he's a Reddit kind of guy, he's completely disgusted and pissed to have his name and face (unironically) LINKed to this shit-hole board.

>> No.8342909

Your dubz confirm.
My guess is that he is going to sell SC and start working at Mobius.
Link $0,001eom confirmed.

>> No.8342920

of course he does

>> No.8342987

Why wouldn't he? You guy meme and harass him 24/7.

>> No.8343045

All publicity is good publicity, right?

>> No.8343234
File: 23 KB, 512x128, 98F376D0-3789-4E88-8ADC-77660F92E036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

False flag thread.
Very influential..but no.
This dude most likely hired a bunch of kids and teens to spam /biz/ with made up memes about him and his baby coin project. Doing this over an extended period of time will influence others to jump on board. Now at this point, you have A U T O S H I L L activated and you don’t even have to make shill Threads anymore..people make them out of habit because of cleverly hidden spam. You guys think this is natural? BTC to $1k. Trump 2020. Dr. Dre 2020. Cheese logs.

And filecoin.

>> No.8343298

He does which will make it even more fucking hilarious when we get rich of it

>> No.8343408

Gee a bunch of weeaboos, neets, and neonazis memeing and obsessing with you whats not to love?

if i were sergey id purposely tank the project so scum like this never make it.

>> No.8343448

or actually if i was sergei id pull an xlm and give a bunch of coins to africa.

now that would be funny.

>> No.8343477

SJW cuckboy detected you know she lost right? Bitch.

>> No.8343502

desu if I was a multimillionaire CEO, who could very well become a billionaire, I would not give a fuck, if anything I would think it is funny.