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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8342428 No.8342428 [Reply] [Original]

The dump you are seeing is the predictable sell-off of bagholders during the conference to a market of buyers... which hasn't materialized yet. When the lead developer takes the podium and prices drop ten percent before he drops the microphone, that's idiots selling.

They're selling to a market which does not yet exist because their attenuation is much more rapid than that of the garden variety normie.

>> No.8342466
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There's maybe two people watching Sergey at SXSW who didn't know about LINK before and are now so struck by its imminence that they're investing *during* the conference.

Almost everyone else there who doesn't already know needs time to digest this new information, because their normie brains cannot handle it.

Tonight, while they sleep, the ChainLINK memes will begin to take root in their normie brains. They'll toss & turn to inexplicable fever dreams, waking unrested with a possible hunger for Big Macs.

They'll start looking into flannel shirts and philosophy, fishing around for *something* to tickle that itch which has just begun to burrow itself under their hindbrains.

One of them may take a walk through a park, down a path along the edge of a ball field. There's a game playing, and one of the teams wears white & blue. Lost in thought, they'll be suddenly snapped out of their reverie by the crack of a baseball suddenly sailing directly at them. They begin to flinch, their soy-sapped nervous system nowhere near quick enough to actually avoid the 90mph line drive directly at them. They watch in terror as the ball arcs off the bat directly at them, stopped scarcely a foot away from their pale face by the sturdy chainlink fence of the outfield.

>> No.8342496
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Heart fluttering like a trapped bird, they stand stupefied, beholding their savior: the chainlink fence.

Chainlink. Slowly, their MSNBC-conditioned brains will churn through a few memories & ideas which link together with afterglow of the last moment's adrenaline burst, and they begin to know without yet knowing.

On the walk home, they pass a small pond. A lone frog smugly smiles at them from a log. They don't understand why they're beginning to feel something they'd forgotten: true hope.

Later on, a segment on cryptocurrency flashes across the television, warning normies from investing in our best weapon yet against global zionism. The normie feels that familiar, conditioned pang of fear, that automatic terror response which keeps society knit together the way it is, but them remembers back to a soft-spoken gentleman in a flannel shirt talking about a comfy little cube and the end of both lawyers & banks.

>> No.8342517
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More nightmares assail them that night, but these are clearer. Hook-nosed gremlins chase the normies ever deeper into labyrinthine caves made out of uncountable stacks of rotten, moldering paper bills. They lewdly paw & grope the normies whenever they catch them near the surface, demeaning them with base acts before driving them deeper into their cash money hell.

Outside, a sweet voice calls; the boldest of the normies heed it and escape, finding lush green fields above resplendent with gains. He is there, clad in flannel, shepard's crook in one hand to guide the gentle; sling & stones in the other, with which the assail the wicked.

They awaken, woke, and go through their cellphones to Reddit, where they try to make heads or tails. The bread crumbs begin to coalesce into a trail leading directly to financial salvation. Jewish propaganda tries once more to make the normie laugh off or spit on the idea of casting off shylock's shackles, but the memes have taken root. Somewhere, a frog smiles smugly.

Somewhere on the internet, the normie finds their way to us, here, at /biz/. They see the light, which they now remember glimpsing firsthand before at SXSW. *That* is when the market into which the idiots were hopefully dumping *during* SXSW will finally *begin* to emerge. They won't buy LINK today, or tomorrow, or next week, or next month....

They will buy as the waters tickle their toes and rise above their ankles, as their knees submerge, as they drown....

Some of them wise up and wake up almost as fast as we did; they buy hundreds & thousands of LINK and hodl, because now the future's truth is too obvious to ignore:

>$1000 eoy

ChainLINK is going to be absolutely colossal.