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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 18 KB, 1250x314, investopedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
833193 No.833193 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to be applying for this student managed investment fund class in the near future that is competitive to get into. I'll have no credentials except a 4.0 GPA after taking just 5 classes (Finance grad student).

Would it be worth showing the director of the program who will be interviewing me, my Investopedia account if it is still beating the S&P 500? Or will he be like "Uhhh, thats nice"?

pic related

>> No.833195

Maybe if you had above 10% or some really good months it's worth it, but not at that level. You're beating it slightly

>> No.833231

14 days results? Show that to your professor and he'll laugh in your face.

>> No.833265

Its been a month and a half, it'll be 5 months by the time of the interview

>> No.833282

I'd go a step further. Print this graph out and staple it behind your resume.

>> No.833285

I don't think it'll be impressive to those guys. My university had a similar thing. I never tried to get on the trading team, but I know the level they were trading at was well surpassing all of the stock indices.

Honestly, they'll probably teach you what you need to know. They're probably looking for someone with the right mindset/personality, like any other interview.

Don't sweat it and you'll be fine.

>> No.833355

lol'd. there are still some funny posts on /biz/

>> No.833396

You realize there's been like 2 or 3 funds out of thousands that beat the S&P 500 over a long period of time. Think one of them is the Davis NY venture fund.

Please kill yourself

>> No.833410

>Would it be worth showing the director of the program who will be interviewing me, my Investopedia account if it is still beating the S&P 500? Or will he be like "Uhhh, thats nice"?

Bad idea. If it were a real money account with only a few hundred dollars, it would be embarrassing. For all he knows you have 50 play money accounts and incurred losses on most of them.

>> No.834382

Bumping this because its lulzy

>> No.834387

Still not long enough.

>> No.834391

You sound like OP's girlfriend after his first foray into jelqing

>> No.834409
File: 10 KB, 180x222, 180px-Welles-1980_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I have actually tried jelqing

>> No.834532

>well surpassing all of the stock indices

is technical analysis an actual legit thing? Don't they just end up fucking up real bad eventually?

>> No.834541

why not quantopian?

>> No.835064

The funds exist but they come at a high price and there is only a few with a long track record. I think a person looking at the expense ratios just doesn't bother. If you are trying to beat the market, better to just acknowledge the risk set aside part of your portfolio for individual companies or sectors.

>> No.835314

>there is only a few with a long track record.
If a thousand people flip 8 coins in a row 3-4 of them will get all heads

>> No.835337

Seriously this

>> No.835355


Oh lord that literally made my day brighter

>> No.835435

can't believe it still exists