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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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83213 No.83213[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What uni did you /biz/nessmen attend? Also, what major did you study?

>Florida State University (master race)
>Business Management

>> No.83236

University of Kentucky
Mathematical economics

>> No.83230



>> No.83255

>yfw everyone on /biz/ goes to an Ivy league school or close to it

>> No.83257

Spent two years at community college and absolutely hated it.
I should be attending University of Delaware in about a year from now, what with the pell grant and my job's tuition reimbursement program.

>> No.83292

>small LAC

>> No.83286
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>community college

>> No.83289

>Texas A&M

>> No.83306

Could be lying, could be selection bias

>> No.83319

>Eastern Kentucky University
>Insurance & risk management

Mah nigga.

>> No.83324

Simon Fraser University

>> No.83331

I wish I would have studied:

>Computer Science

or a combo of the three

>> No.83334

probably the worst major i've ever seen

even worse than game design fags

enjoy unemployment

>> No.83341

How is Indiana for Accounting? I never really go by what rankings say but I got directly admitted and wish I had gone

>> No.83360

I was sickly when growing up and dropped out of high school at 15. My parents paid 50% of my brother's college tuition (~$35,000) with a parent plus loan. In that time, my dad got sick and had to retire from work. Seven years later, they are still paying for his bachelor's degree. They made too much money for me to get any kind of financial aid but nearly all of their income went out because of their bad decisions.

Is an actual university that much better than community college? EdX, coursea, and Khanacademy were all better than CC in every way imaginable.

>> No.83392

>yfw my boss used to be a insurance DM making $200k on a good year

a degree is a degree unless you get it from a top tier ivy league school

Yes. You can still do well with your life in CC, but a real uni is much more marketable and at least where I am from, speaks to your character. Most CC kids are losers who cant let go of high school

>> No.83394

University of Illinois
>Computer Engineering

Not for the light-hearted

>> No.83403

you really think that nigg going to some bumfuck hillbilly college will be able to do anything wiht a degree in INSURANCE of all things?

>> No.83404

Please be trolling

>> No.83412

I took some classes at the local Community College while in HS and they were all harder than anything I've done at Uni
I go to Cal Poly SLO though so I guess it's not surprising

>> No.83417


>> No.83428

I went there.

>> No.83441

Starting next semester. Is it really as bad as people say?

>> No.83445

Rice - Literature
Loyola - Law

>> No.83447

University of San Francisco

>inb4 bio major GTFO
>I have diverse interests

>> No.83457

Where are you originally from and do you live out in the city or on campus?

>> No.83474

Western Washington University
Computer Science

still studying.

>> No.83490

Howd you like it there?

Hs fag wondering if it was worth the price and if sf is a cool place to live

>> No.83487

Community College is designed to get that Associate's degree and carry it to a proper University. Pre-grad core curriculum crap is the same no matter where you go, so why spend $20k at Harvard to take algebra when you can spend $1k at a local community college?

Fore pre-grad core classes, community college is the smart choice. Anyone who says otherwise should not be trusted with money.

>> No.83497


SC2 had just been released and I wanted to get into eSports. Made the right call there, although SC2 sucks now. Could have transitioned over to DotA2/LoL/whatever, but never got an initial job to seem attractive to esports production companies (wanted a year of typical newsroom production experience while doing esports stuff in my spare time)

Now I jerk off and work for a hospital doing something any high schooler can. Welp, regret that major.

>> No.83504

Are you from in state or out of state?

>> No.83508


Only 60% of freshmen who enter the dept finish the program with a degree. Few people do it in four years unless you have dem AP credits.

>> No.83509

> implying risk department of any i bank doesnt stack cash

>> No.83521

Both of my parents are in the insurance game and there is much money to be made.

Which school you attend doesn't really matter. To be considered for a job as something like a risk manager for an insurance company you just need the paper saying you did the courses, a good GPA, and having an internship helps too.

Lucky for me I did a paid one last summer and I'm doing another this summer with a different company.

>> No.83524

Originally from Michigan but fell in love with SF and decided I had to go to college there

My stats were way too good for that school but I didn't get into Stanford

And I live on campus. One does not simply afford an apartment in this city.

Personally, I love it here, but I'm terrified of how I'm going to afford it once I'm out of college. Searching for great jobs now because hell knows I'm going to need one.

I'll tell you whether it's worth it once I actually start paying rent.

>> No.83539

>risk manager

lel you mean people too stupid to become actuaries?

i'll have the last laugh when you're on the street begging for change wondering why you majored in insurance and risk management

shit makes me die laughing even when i type it. why is this a degree?

>> No.83533

nigga try to get on the radio

>> No.83534

what are you gonna watch plants grow?

>What is a real college experience
>what is reputation
>what is not being poor

>> No.83543

Way out of state. My family is pretty great financially speaking but im not going to let that allow me to spend 900k on tuition

>> No.83545

Neuroscience minor so no, I'm going to study your brain.

>> No.83546

> One does not simply afford an apartment in this city.

And yet you're going to a tremendously expensive school...

>> No.83561

Then it doesn't really matter if you were to choose USF over say SF State in the first 2 years. The difference being that after 2 years at SF state, you would be able to start paying in-state rates and USF would remain extremely expensive.

>> No.83558

My parents are paying for it; but grad school and future living arrangements are all on me.

I got some decent financial aid, too.

>> No.83594

>What is real college experience
Attending community college for a 2 year degree and using that to get into a major university is a real college experience. Once you have the bachelor's from Harvard, nobody cares where you went for core classes.

>what is reputation
Generally meaningless. "This guy has a business degree from Harvard with a 4.0 GPA ... but he went to Pole Smoker Community College to take algebra. We better not hire him!" - said no human resources department ever.

>what is not being poor
A very, very tiny minority of people are born wealthy and I guarantee you that even fewer people spent their high school years amassing wealth.

>what is reality

>> No.83604

>lel you mean people too stupid to become actuaries?

No. Actuaries are data scientists and mathematicians, and even oftentimes dabble in computer science and programming as well. Risk managers are purely business oriented.

>The lower quarter of risk managers in the United States earned just under $87,000 per year, according to Salary.com. The lower 10 percent of risk managers earned just over $70,000. Compensation at this level often correlates with jobs in local government and depository credit intermediation, such as retail banks and credit unions, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. In the United Kingdom, entry-level risk managers earn between 22,000 and 30,000 Pounds Sterling annually, according to Prospects.

>Median risk managers earned around $97,000 annually in the U.S., according to Salary.com; the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that figure ranges between $72,000 and $135,000 per year. At this salary range, risk managers are employed in a variety of industries, ranging from insurance carriers to investment banks and investment corporations, according to the BLS. Nationally, risk managers who earn upwards of $82,000 annually are in senior-level positions, according to Pay Scale.

>A risk manager's base salary is only the beginning of her compensation. Risk managers can also earn more than $8,000 in annual performance bonuses, according to Pay Scale. Some performance bonuses can be as high as $30,000 per year. Risk managers also qualify for profit-sharing, which can be as little as $1,750 or as much as $8,750 per year. Risk managers may also earn commission as a reward for earning money for their firms.

Not that I'm doing it for the money anyway, but it's a plus. I definitely won't be panhandling on the streets.

>> No.83607

By "college experience" he meant being in the dorms, going to dining halls, meeting people early on, etc.

You pretty clearly didn't understand that.

>> No.83615

this guy knows what he's talking about

>> No.83624

your boss was an insurance dungeon master?

>> No.83623

Im not majoring in it, but the guys making 700k at goldman sachs are

>> No.83630

Considering a lot of people spend their first 2 years at a community college prior to entering university, the people you meet in community college will probably be around when you get to university.

Also, some community colleges have dorms and not all universities do.

There really is no cut and dried "real college experience" outside of cheesy 80s movies.

>> No.83649
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>> No.83651

> the people you meet in community college will probably be around when you get to university.

That is completely and totally incorrect.

> Also, some community colleges have dorms and not all universities do.

Very very few community colleges have dorms and very very few universities don't have dorms or other school owned housing.

>> No.83655

Is sf full of jobs/internships or is it all taken by the stanford fags

>> No.83656

did a year of radio production for $8 an hour.

shit's awful

>> No.83663

The Stanford grads that remain in the area are mostly down on the lower Peninsula and Silicon Valley.

>> No.83664

ehh it depends on what you want to go into
surprisingly most of my friends from Stanford ended up working in other cities

>> No.83680


Dorms and dining halls are overpriced. Live off campus and buy your own groceries. Meeting people is a valid point, but most people you will talk to are not worth meeting. They are other college losers with no connections.

>> No.83677


>> No.83684

How is it incorrect? Hell, I went to a community college for my first 2 years and a lot of the people sharing my major followed me to university and I even still network with some of them to this very day!

The only people who begin and end their college life at community college are cosmetologists and nursing students. There is no harm in taking your core curriculum classes at a community college. None whatsoever.

Also, living in a dorm is not the end all, be all of the experience. I have never lived in a dorm and I'm doing just fine.

>> No.83685

You are willfully missing the point.

>> No.83687

>Lincoln Memorial University
>Undecided, first year

Part of me wants to do something with business because I'm ambitious and creative, but part of me wants to pick a healthcare profession because it's secure and easy to find a job.


I didn't know this was a thing until today

Is it hard to find a job with this degree? I may consider going for this.

>> No.83704

It's wrong because community colleges send people off to dozens and dozens of different universities you dipshit. Do you have literally no idea how the typical community college works?

This isn't about cost, this is about you making absurdly incorrect statements and passing them off and generally true.

>> No.83716

>Likes business and healthcare
>Healthcare MBA
>20mil starting

>> No.83729

Are/were both of you at USF?

>> No.83735

So I didn't go to USF or SF State. I was born and raised in the Bay Area though, left for college, then came back. I know a few people that went to each school.

>> No.83744

>not studying business

>> No.83757

> just studying business administration

That's a waste of time. That's one step above being undeclared.

>> No.83749

Almost everyone ITT is studying some form of business

>> No.83765

How do you like it there? I'm from Seattle and know a lot of people there, and it seems like that school just sucks the motivation out of everyone (I know a ton of people who started out in some kind of science or engineering and switch to fine arts or recreational studies, whatever that is). The environment and student body is just so different there than UW, it's really shocking to me.
Do you find the classes challenging enough? I know a couple people who transferred out because they were getting dean's list while getting stoned all day every day, and felt they were really losing motivation and work ethic (they were just taking basic bio/chem/calc series type stuff though).

Hopefully you're surrounding yourself with motivated people. Keep up CS.

>> No.83783

My school offers a degree in health services administration, but there's two different concentrations available.

One is General Health Care Administration and Informatics

The other is Ancillary Health Management

Which would be better?

>> No.83778

I am yeah

>> No.83798

ancillary health sounds like a bullshit hipster degree

go with the first

>> No.83818

At SF State right now majoring in Stats w/econ, not sure where I should look for an internship, since all my other jobs were entry level and unrelated to math.

>> No.83832

What's better:

Statistics major with finance minor


Finance major with statistics minor?

>> No.83842

Minors are pointless.

>> No.83846

Then why don't you elaborate the point? If people keep missing it, then you're not being clear enough. Communication is about how the listener interprets you, not about what you say.

Community colleges don't send anyone anywhere. The students choose where they wish to go afterwards. Once again, I went to community college for 2 years, graduated, and went on to university along with several other people who shared my major.

Why do you hate CC so much? What do you have against it?

>> No.83848

They're pretty hot though.

>> No.83868

Stats major. More versatile and more impressive sounding.

>> No.83882


>> No.83888

You completely misunderstood the general understanding of "the college experience" as the vast majority of people think of it and you mistook what that other guy meant when he brought it up.

And I went to CC for 2 years myself. 1st year at university, then 2 years at CC, then 2 more years at the same university. The FACT of the matter is that the vast majority of people that transfer to universities at the same time as you will end up going to different schools. You are intentionally making it seem like there is extreme continuity when there simply isn't.

>> No.84368

thank you. Exactly.

Kids a clown tho, let him go

>> No.84520

I live in Tallahassee, but I have a feeling that there'd be better job and internship opportunities for me in Computer Science if I went to UCF. Thoughts?

>> No.84569

I graduated from FSU, but I dont recall hearing much about their CS program. My roommate did IT and MIS and got a great job out of school (starting like $60k)

>> No.84811 [DELETED] 

If you're an Amerifuck and majoring in any of the following, you're a shit and need to reevaluate your life.

The following is a list of college majors with the highest unemployment rates in America in ascending order

1. Clinical psychology 19.5%
2. Miscellaneous fine arts 16.2%
3. United States history 15.1%
4. Library science 15.0%
5. (tie) Military technologies; educational psychology 10.9%
6. Architecture 10.6%
7. Industrial & organizational psychology 10.4%
8. Miscellaneous psychology 10.3%
9. Linguistics & comparative literature 10.2%
10. (tie) Visual & performing arts; engineering & industrial management 9.2%
11. Engineering & industrial management 9.2%
12. Social psychology 8.8%
13. International business 8.5%
14. Humanities 8.4%
15. General social sciences 8.2%
16. Commercial art & graphic design 8.1%
17. Studio art 8.0%
18. Pre-law & legal studies 7.9%
19. Materials engineering and materials science and composition & speech (tie) 7.7%
20. Liberal arts 7.6%
21. (tie) Fine arts and genetics 7.4%
22. Film video & photography arts and cosmetology services & culinary arts (tie) 7.3%
23. Philosophy & religious studies and neuroscience (tie) 7.2%
24. Biochemical sciences 7.1%
25. (tie) Journalism and sociology 7.0%

>> No.84884

>international business

this list is bogus

>> No.84922

>Clinical psychology 19.5%
Challenge Accepted!

>> No.84987

>International Politics
To do business with a people, you must first understand them.

>> No.84991

I dropped out of law school, but I'm not too fucked since I live in communist Europe. Thinking about going into computer engineering or computer science when I'm done licking my wounds.

>> No.85070
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Any A(Arizona)SU fags in here?

What do you think of the school there?

>> No.85171

University of Colorado Denver.

I got a Major in Psych, Minored in Economics and just finished an MS in Information Systems.

I make $90k.

>> No.85225


Geography w/ GIS emphasis and Comp Sci

>> No.85246


Computer Information Systems

>> No.85256
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>goes to Georgetown
>gets non-STEM degree

Tell me where you live in real life so I can just smack the shit out of you.

>> No.85334

>Université Panthéon-Assas Paris II
>Business Law
Please tell me I'm not alone here

>> No.85380
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>already co-founded my own company
>even if that fails, I already have a guaranteed job due to connections & networking
Trashman, plz.

>> No.85409


Oh please, tell me the name of the company. Also great job with the connections, if you didn't have those, I'd buy you the noose so you could kill yourself with that degree.

>> No.85457

Not going to tell it to you on 4chan out of all places, but I'll happily leave an email in the fold for you to contact me.
As for the connections and degree, I don't know you about you but I think it would be pretty stupid to a go to a school whose main selling point is it's school of foreign service (which predates the actual US Foreign Service by 6 years) and NOT major in it.

>> No.85480


Yeah, but why not go into something practical? Is something like CS too hard for you?

>> No.85500

university of british columbia

>> No.85519

Not him, but you come off as a totally autistic prick.

>> No.85538

show paystub

>> No.85535

Why? So I can go into an oversaturated field where I would literally have to compete with thousands of other tech geeks (many of which will have better skills and references)? Not to mention the fact that 90% of tech startups fail.
Besides, the stuff I learn is practical. Intelligence analysis skills are in demand. And then there is the fact that people can't quantify concepts like influence or relationships or power. It's a turn-off that drives them away. Lost opportunity for them, more for the rest.

I'm not one the guys sitting around with no prospects despairing on what I should do. On that basis alone, I'd say I'm doing okay.

>> No.85561
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Got my BBA in Accounting from a local college. Now getting my MBA from the University of Texas at Dallas.

>> No.85589


>West Point
>Comparative Politics and French

Really considering changing it to like Physics because fuck French and a politics degree is worthless

>> No.85608


>West Point

Enjoying those woolies yet?

>> No.85629

o0o0o do you know a girl with the last name Hayashi

>> No.85687

Tomorrow's going to be my first time donning as for class in like two weeks. Loving this inclement weather.

>> No.85689

California State University, Fullerton
Business Administration: Accounting

>> No.85702

University of Tennessee

Nuclear Engineering

>> No.85711

>Bob Jones University (it was free cause my mom worked there)
>Business and Technology.

>> No.85717
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Copenhagen School of Design and Technology
Energy engineer

I'm in your base saving your energies

>> No.85771

/biz/ tier majors

joke tier
>International business

>> No.85775

Chapman U

>> No.85781

>Business and Technology.
What does this even mean

>> No.85783

as long as the Econ is a B.S.

otherwise its a sociology tier theory wank

>> No.85799

So how /biz/ is your family's education, /biz/?

My dad was a small business owner with a law background.

My oldest brother is Finance/Economics double masters. My second oldest is Accounting. I'm Accounting. My younger brother is a bum.

>> No.86002
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> University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
> Computer Science

>> No.86018

Germany blows at energy. They think getting rid of nuclear is a smart move.

>> No.86026

No degree from West Point is worthless. In fact, that's one of the best places to get a politics degree.

>> No.87697

Any Britfags that majored in Economics here? I'm considering it now, how did it turn out?

>> No.87887

Jesus fucking overpriced.

>> No.88259

Oxford, maths

>> No.88441

boston college
econ and comp sci

>> No.88488
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>10k starting any Burger King that's desperate

>> No.88632

I'm going to attend Santa Fe College for 2 years then transfer to the University of Florida.
I'm torn between studying Economics, Finance, and Computer Science.

>> No.88715

University of South Carolina
International Business and either accounting, finance, or management

>> No.88744

University of Central Florida

Accounting/Finance dual major

>> No.90393

What the hell difference does it make? Just because there's an S instead of an A doesn't mean the econ courses you take are any different you fucking idiot.

>> No.92325

UBC muh nigguh.

>> No.93499

Nice, although UCF is a pretty decend STEM school from what I hear

>> No.94216

Florida State University.
International Affairs and Economics.
Can't find a job because I left the south and because I'm not in DC or New York.

>> No.94227

Go Noles. When did you graduate?

>> No.94259

Employers where I am are acting like dicks too. It's like they want to intimidate me out of the job market. I'm getting a paralegal certificate to pad my econ major with so I can gt govt posts doing trade law and stuff. Don't know why it is so hard to find a job though.
>Know of anything lol?

>> No.94319

harvard doesn't accept transfers from real universities, let alone community colleges.

>> No.94346

Harvard absolutely takes transfers.

>> No.94358

That's not really true. Stanford senior here and I know TONS of people that have graduated and are working in the city or are planning to work in the city next year. SF is definitely the new center as far as startups are concerned. Even people working at Apple / Google / FB live in the city and take the bus down.

>> No.94359

It is kind of bullshit that I busted my ass in high school and my first two years of college just to have someone languish and then sort of pick up the pieces of their life in community college then be seen as doing just as well as me. I think I should get credit for not being a douch for those 4-6 years.

>> No.94384
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>do niche M&A advisory work

>> No.94402

>business management
Were you in the special class in high school?

>> No.94417

Yeah, fuck them for carpooling!

>> No.94407

Fuck those niggers that take the corporate buses. They are the most selfish, arrogant people I've ever interacted with.

>> No.94431

University college london
Economics 1st year

>> No.94433

No, fuck them for their entitled and savagely uncaring attitudes. They have done so much social harm to SF that it's not even funny.

>> No.94442

Could you give an example?

>> No.94469

People like them that live in the city but work 30 or 40 miles away have precipitously driven up rent prices (which they complain about despite it being their own fault) and have forced out residents that have lived there for decades. And all the while, they refuse to acknowledge the effect they are having and cop it out to "well I'm entitled to have fun". I have no problem with people that move there who work in or very nearby to the city. But it is totally unacceptable for long time residents to be forced out by people that commute to jobs an hour away from SF.

>> No.94474

I don't know about corporate buses which sound nig nog proof but I have been harassed by black people who were potentially mentally ill while taking the regular bus. Tragedy of the Commons is what we call it.

>> No.94481

Also, those people should just take the damn train.

>> No.94495

Yeah, Amtrak could really use the business.

>> No.94504

It's not Amtrak. It's BART and Caltrain. The city is going to start charging the private buses for each stop (only $1 per stop). They should be charging them 100x that.

>> No.94513

I thought you would say something like that. You realize, this is not the tech workers' fault. Why are you entitled to live in SF just because you've been living there longer? Also, they're not intentionally driving up prices; it's just a side effect of increased demand with the absurdly low supply in SF. No one is acting maliciously here.

If anything, be mad at the local government for ridiculous housing restrictions that have caused stagnant development for the better part of 2 decades. Be mad at the local government for not developing better public transportation that would those hour commutes to half hour ones.

>> No.94514

There are some pretty kooky people on the BART. Plus, if your black there is a pretty good chance the SF police are going to shoot you in the train station.

>> No.94520

That was in Oakland, where there are many, many more black people. Asians are the main SF minority.

>> No.94525

Tons of employees DO take CalTrain and BART - many South Bay companies give unlimited passes to employees. They're still less efficient and shittier than taking the bus though. Even if they did take the train, they'd still be driving up rent prices, so pick your battles here.

>> No.94539

You are right about there being a housing shortage. The transportation up and down the peninsula is fine. There is absolutely no good reason why those people couldn't or shouldn't take Caltrain instead.

But it's also a fact that long time residents are being evicted left and right as properties are taken off the rental market only very temporarily and then re-rented at far higher rates to people would work far away. That's criminal.

>> No.94535

Could have fooled me.

>> No.94554

First off the train is FAR more efficient. And second off, it's faster than the bus. These companies should be running their little shuttles between the nearest station and their offices (something the Oracle does), not from 30, 40, or 50 miles away.

>> No.94561

SF is like 6.1% black, WAY under the national average and well under the statewide average.

>> No.94574

Again, government issue, not a tech worker issue.

Also, CalTrain is awful. Shit time schedules. No WiFi. Bumpy ride. And far from anywhere you want to go. If you further in like the Castro or Mission or something and had to BART -> CalTrain or Muni -> CalTrain, you could be spending $16+ on commuting each day.

It's in the tech companies' best interests to save their employees as much time as possible so they can focus on work. I'm sure if CalTrain and others were good, they wouldn't need to bus people.

>> No.94583
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I don't believe you.

>> No.94590

That's definitely not true. Factoring in travel time to CalTrain + wait + additional stops + all the service interruptions and delays, it's much slower to take public transportation from SF to the Peninsua than it is to take a bus, which is like 50 minutes to an hour max. Plus, the busses are nicer, have WiFi, etc.

At any rate, tech workers choosing or not choosing to take public transportation is not the issue here.

>> No.94604

You've never ridden Caltrain if you think it's shit. It's better than literally every other public transit system in the Bay Area. And companies should be offering full subsidies or pre-tax commuter benefits for public transit, which many already do. The bus operations are total horseshit, they contribute effectively nothing to the infrastructure they utilize while simultaneously being slower under normal commute time traffic conditions than the train.

>> No.94617

That is objectively incorrect. Those buses make dozens of stops in the city before leaving it and then end up stuck in traffic. Meanwhile, even if you take a Caltain that makes every single stop between SF and San Jose (which is further south than most people go), it takes a little over an hour.

>> No.94636

> At any rate, tech workers choosing or not choosing to take public transportation is not the issue here.

Not that other guy, but the one of the biggest reason they are increasingly resented is due to the use of private buses (which use public bus stops without having to pay into the public transit fund for now). So yeah, tech employees using private company transit is definitely a part of the issue.

>> No.94663

> Constantly delayed
> Crowded
> No wifi
> Sitting next to strange smelling motherfucker
> Random shutdowns and delays because incompetence

No thanks. I'll continue to ride the GBus and laugh at your powerless ranting.

>> No.94671

>STATE university
>master ANYTHING

>> No.94669

Oh heavens, they use *public bus stops*? I can only dream of the damage they must do to bus stops by using them!

Cry more.

>> No.94684


Fuck yeah me too. Class of '12, you?

>> No.94686

Caltrain has a 90-95%+ on time performance.

And you don't ride the Google bus. You don't need to lie to argue a point.

So you're intentionally ignoring basic logic. I see now.

>> No.94696

Durham (UK)
PPE (Philosophy, Politics & Economics - don't know if this is a thing the US)

A lot of people, or at least the general public, seem to think that PPE's a really respectable or tough degree, yet if you take away the economics component (which lets face it at undergraduate level isn't really that hard), people don't respect a politics/philosophy degree at all, quite strange.

>> No.94731

That's something that people are mad about, but it's not the crux of the issue. The real problem is the government completely fucked the housing situation in SF, so it's getting to expensive for existing residents and they're grabbing at low-hanging fruit, namely stupid shit like tech workers' preferred methods of transportation


SF to SJ is frequently over and hour. Also, you never addressed my issues of convenience and time to commute to the station and from the station to their job. Apple, for example, is several miles from the nearest CalTrain station.

>> No.94733

1. That's bulk performance, not my particular trains.
2. You think that's OK? Your train is late every 2 weeks and you don't mind?

>And you don't ride the Google bus. You don't need to lie to argue a point.
I do, but not from SF. There are >46,000 Google employees, and I guarantee I'm not the only one of them using 4chan.

>So you're intentionally ignoring basic logic. I see now.
No, you just failed to make a point at all. Glad you're keeping that up.

>> No.94747

If the bus encounters normal traffic conditions along the peninsula (which are terrible) and makes an average number of stops with SF (which is a lot), the train has more than made up the time gained out of "convenience" of the private bus.

>> No.94752



>> No.94759

1 train being late every 2 weeks is nothing. Traffic alone would make the bus much less on time.

Post some proof for us then.

The point is that these private buses are FACTUALLY using public bus stops that they do not contribute funding to and are causing Muni bus delays (which that system doesn't need any more of).

>> No.94766

Maybe, but employees can also work on the bus, which essentially substantially reduces their "effective" commute time.

Again though, tech workers choosing to take the bus or the train is silly to debate and is not the root of the dissatisfaction in SF.

>> No.94782

>1 train being late every 2 weeks is nothing. Traffic alone would make the bus much less on time.
Funny how it never has for me...

>Post some proof for us then.
I'm still right, whether or not you figure out that you're wrong.

>The point is that these private buses are FACTUALLY using public bus stops
You don't say. The poor bus stops. How do they get by?

> are causing Muni bus delays (which that system doesn't need any more of).
Hahahahahahha. Yes, the time it takes a few Googlers to step on a bus is going to delay other buses.

Of course, it doesn't matter because you're "FACTUALLY" wrong anyway:

>> No.94785

I'll give you the WiFi point (although some Caltrains do have it and more and more are getting it). And, while yes, housing itself is the core issue, the fact remains that tech workers make of the bulk of those ultimately displacing other people.

>> No.94801

Why are you lying about a point to argue it. It's unnecessary. And this is a fucking anonymous imageboard. You could easily post proof with identity revealing details blurred/removed if you weren't just a lying sack of shit.

>> No.94795

The problem is that huge numbers of gangly twenty-something buzzword-spewing shitheads are being paid enormous amounts of money to do nothing at software companies which produce nothing, ruining things for everyone else in the process. God I hate software bubbles.

>> No.94797

So you're mad at the tech workers for wanting to live in SF? I'm confused as to what you actually want, or how you propose resolving this conflict, whatever this conflict is.

>> No.94807

No, not tech workers in general. Any worker that lives in SF but commutes far away on a daily basis for work.

Tech workers are just the most notable example of this phenomenon.

>> No.94820

Because I'm not lying. I'll repeat myself since you seem a little dense:

I'll still be correct whether you believe me or not. I'm stating a fact to explain my experiences with the system. It doesn't affect my life if you're wrong.

>> No.94821

But even if they did work in SF instead of commuting, they'd still be driving up housing prices...

If you're proposing that they live where they work, are you upset by the majority of working Americans who live in suburbs and commute to the city? SF is notable in its reversal of this norm.

>> No.94844

> subjectively claim to be correct
> won't provide proof of any kind

There is zero reason for this kind of shit to be taken even remotely seriously on this website.

>> No.94862

commuting from city to suburbs has shown itself to be much, much more contentious than commuting from suburbs to city.

A huge part of the reason for living in an urban core is to compress the distance over which your daily life occurs.

>> No.94870


Also that barely literate programmers have co-opted just about every professional title in existence (architect, engineer, etc), as well as the term "tech". Software isn't technology.

>> No.94877

> subjectively claim to be correct
> subjectively
You aren't very smart, are you?

>There is zero reason for this kind of shit to be taken even remotely seriously on this website.
You don't have to believe me. You can just be wrong. I explained the way things are, corrected your simple factual errors, and you became paranoid and started obsessing about me.

>> No.94890

1. You never addressed my first point, namely that regardless of where tech workers work, just by living in SF they're driving up housing prices.

2. Yes, it's contentious. So what? Why do YOU feel that this is wrong?

3. That may be one reason why you would like to live in the city (to compress distance), but there's no reason why that has to apply to everyone. Again, unsure what point you're trying to make here.

>> No.94903

It offends me how many low-talent CS types make way more than they should. Anecdotal example incoming: A former roommate of mine did CS at the school we went to which was a pretty good technical/engineering school. He failed out at one point and then was able to come back later from a community college. He had zero work experience, zero internships, and still landed an $80k/year job right out of school.

Don't get me wrong, he's a good guy and fairly smart, but just a real underachiever type who isn't exceptionally or even remotely notably gifted in CS.

>> No.94912

You didn't correct anything. You just claimed you were right based on first hand experience (which you're the only one claiming) that you refuse to give any iota of proof about. Just leave if you're gonna troll.

>> No.94920

It's almost like the demand for programmers exceeds the current supply, and salaries have risen as a result.

Those damn CS majors though, how "offensive".

>> No.94935

>Of course, it doesn't matter because you're "FACTUALLY" wrong anyway:
I really hope you're a troll at this point. I don't want to believe there are people this dumb.

>> No.94946

I did address it. I admitted that they aren't the sole or underlying cause. But they are by far the biggest manifestation of the issue.

Because they are obscenely incognizant of the less-than reasonable lifestyle they maintain and that the effects go beyond their own little bubbles.

See above. Nobody can really force them to leave. But I wish they'd be less fucking arrogant and entitled about the whole situation.

>> No.94955

That's a lot less true than you seem to believe.

So you're just ignoring 99% of the conversation. Cool. We're done here nigger.

>> No.94957

>they are obscenely incognizant of the less-than reasonable lifestyle they maintain
So basically:
> "wahh, wahh, people have nice things and i don't ;( ;( ;("
>"make them stop having nice things!!!"

>> No.94968

Wait, are you saying you think it makes sense to pay someone with zero experience of any kind and someone that barely graduated from a mid-tier school that sort of money?

>> No.94970

>is objectively wrong
>"we're done here!"
That's what I thought.

>> No.94980

Not at all. I'm glad you're willing to admit that you are willfully misinterpreting the argument to suit your non-position though.

>> No.94981

They're just exposing an issue that was going to explode at some point anyway - the housing shortage in SF. As it's been said, be mad at the government, not the workers.

>muh generalizations
>muh double generalizations

So what's your solution? Put the tech workers through sensitivity training?

>> No.94986

In his case, probably not. But hiring good CS folks is incredibly tough right now. Good engineers can demand a high price. Unfortunately, a lot of places have ended up hiring bad engineers at good engineer prices.

>> No.94994

Cool story faggot. Come back when you have some proof of your alleged "first hand experience".

>> No.95002

>The point is that these private buses are FACTUALLY using public bus stops that they do not contribute funding
>do not contribute funding
You never grow if you don't understand that you're wrong.

>> No.94999

a few.

>> No.95012

>Getting mad when you're wrong.
Just stop posting. No one cares that you're both incorrect and angry.

>> No.95008

To stem the tide by making it illegal for landlords to evict people in the already pseudo-legal way they are just to appease what amount to transient workers.

>> No.95022

You need to follow the conversation. The fact that payments are now being made by some was brought up. The fact also remains that the vast majority of the private buses aren't yet paying and due to the city's own stupidity, which is certainly part of the issue, are only going to be charged what amounts to nothing of any practical utility.

>> No.95023

>That's a lot less true than you seem to believe.
Oh really? You mean there are tons more good programmers than jobs?

Quick, get on the phone with Facebook! You could save them millions if you just told them they didn't have to pay so much!

>> No.95026


Why are you referring to CS students as "engineers"?

>> No.95033

9/10. You're subtle enough to be actually annoying.

>> No.95035

>talks about the Google bus
>is proven wrong
>"I... uh... I was talking about those other buses!"

>> No.95045

I'm cool with that. But go picket outside city hall and break city vehicle windows - you're not winning any friends by attacking tech workers, physically or verbally.

Also, you should have opened with that. Stop going off on these bullshit tangents about tech worker bus privilege and arrogance.

>> No.95046

They already know that. The big tech companies are pushing the government to make it easier for them to hire foreign workers because they are typically willing to do the same job for longer hours for less pay.

>> No.95054
File: 13 KB, 386x330, intentional_logical_fallacies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.95056

Google literally just started paying their pittance ($1 per stop).

>> No.95067

It's not a bullshit tangent when the largest target demographic of the overall trend happens to be tech workers.

>> No.95070

>city agrees to $1 per stop
>"why didn't they voluntarily pay more?!?! >:("
Do you understand how business works?

>> No.95080

3rd party anon trying to follow the shitfest of a conversation the two (probably more) of you are having:

> intentional_logical_fallacies.png

Good job applying formal debate rules to 4chan, the least formal place on the internet.

>> No.95089

"The foreigners" have been about to take all the software jobs for decades. It never happens because a majority of foreign workers don't have the technical, communication, or miscellaneous skills needed to succeed at an American tech company.

>> No.95091

They shouldn't voluntarily pay more, but the faggot city managers shouldn't have let themselves be lowballed. It's a two way street so to speak.

>> No.95108

Okay, you try telling that to the thousands upon thousands upon thousands that have already come here to work for tech companies.

>> No.95109
File: 160 KB, 481x800, full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a reference to this comic

>> No.95123

That doesn't at all change that one point I made. I don't care about the little debate you're having or the issues being talked about. It's just stupid as fuck to talk about logical fallacy on 4chan as a matter of policy.

>> No.95124

>a majority
I work with a lot of great foreign-born engineers. They're probably the least worried about everyone in their home country coming to the US to take their job.

>> No.95134

That justs tacitly supports what I just said. I am pretty certain you misinterpreted.

>> No.95135

>That doesn't at all change that one point I made
Uh... what point?

>It's just stupid as fuck to talk about logical fallacy on 4chan as a matter of policy.
So... why are you talking about logical fallacy on 4chan?

>> No.95144

It does support what you're saying. We don't disagree. You just have poor reading comprehension skills.

>> No.95145

ITT: Trolls trolling trolls.

Why should /biz/ be any different than the rest of the site?

>> No.96272

University of Southern California
Petroleum Engineering

>> No.96295


>be american
>call it "uni"

This is reserved for eurofags and faggots who think calling it university makes them sound cool. Its called college, faggot.