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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 6 KB, 221x228, mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8320614 No.8320614 [Reply] [Original]

My wife found out and she's leaving me after looking up the recent price.

I'm going to commit suicide tonight. Thank you all for the help, keks and anonymous friendships. Please, whether or not you are religious, pray for me.

- Andrew, Scotland, 1990-2018

>> No.8320668

see ya

>> No.8320687

shouldve done your research it was a scam from the start

>> No.8320702

Can somebody copy the link for a phoneposter? Thanks

>> No.8320732

>got married

you’ve been dead for a while, Andrew.

>> No.8320735

Your wife might be a millionaire.

>> No.8320739

Bout time faggot

>> No.8320740
File: 19 KB, 300x200, 1499688538059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't do it OP just sell your btcp and put it into LINK
you can still make it

>> No.8320755


>> No.8320760

Please don't do it Anon. You have your whole life ahead of you a lot can happen in those years, stuff that will make you glad you're alive.

>> No.8320764

holy fuck loooooooooooooooooool

>> No.8320801

I don't think there is any exchange for it lol

>> No.8320807

SELL... Never?

>> No.8320827


>> No.8320847

Damn, right in the feels. My middle name is Andrew, same age and from Scotland too. DON'T DO IT BROHEIM!

>> No.8320856

Where in Scotland? I'm here too. We could chat

>> No.8320876


Don't do it Anon, salvage what you can and fuck off to somewhere in central/south america. Live on a beach and work at a hostel. Super cheap cost of living and your hostel will cover your room and food while you work/volunteer their. Do some proper research and allocate the funds you can into some good projects while you live a virtually free life in a decent place.

Start here:

>> No.8320904

Don't do it mate! It's a permanent solution to a temporary problem. It's not worth it

>> No.8320906
File: 1.39 MB, 320x179, 3E26D9CF-601D-48A7-8DCD-483BA37B719A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much are your bags worth right now? What did your wife say? Before you go to the other side tells us your story bro.

>> No.8320920
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this is sad

>> No.8320961


I made a telegram channel if you want to talk


>> No.8320979

I will send you my last $20

>> No.8321002

Anon there are other options. There is a market on tradesatoshi for a start.

You may feel there is no hope but its only when the chips are down that the tough get going. You can bounce back.

A lucky trade can double your money anon or get you on your feet again.

Your wife was probably angry about the deceit rather than your trades. Talk to the other anon in scotland maybe hes close by sometimes its good to get things of your chest with an understanding stranger whose maybe been there too.

Dig deep anon think of the hurt for others left behind you can still turn this trade around do it.

>> No.8321015

Don't do it anon, we're bouncing back, we're all gonna make it

>> No.8321028
File: 949 KB, 1181x1199, __hecatia_lapislazuli_and_horikawa_raiko_touhou_drawn_by_shometsu_kei_no_teruru__fce0e84961f0080d3d6c986009c882a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do it, there are still people who care about you!

>> No.8321047


>> No.8321053
File: 463 KB, 846x1190, 1474854402941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP its not too late. magic meme man is here to save the day.

Post pic of a sharpie in your pooper and i will send you 2.5 eth.

>> No.8321093

Is this offer only for OP?

>> No.8321146
File: 29 KB, 549x356, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's a false flag buttcoin reddit content thread op?

>> No.8321167
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t. Andrew 03/05/18 00:13:22

>> No.8321193

>he thinks he's about to make it
>kill him and then find another

>> No.8321289
File: 717 KB, 1000x581, bogged.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>activate quantum immortality

>> No.8321346


Thanks I just bought 100K BTC private

>> No.8321392

>he killed himself, pump it

>> No.8321451

LMFAO all these fucking newfags falling for this LARP

>> No.8321488

He'd taken a quarter of a million quid mortgage to bung on BTCPrivate - or claimed to - fingers crossed that he did!

>> No.8321550

>Now Print $200 million Tether and PUMP IT.

>> No.8321574

Are you a poorfag?

Post pic w/ sharpie in pooper and 1 eth is yours.

>> No.8321580


>> No.8321651

>killing yourself over 100k loss

I saw your thread. You took out a 250k mortgage and from what I understand btcp has gone from about 70 dollars to 45. So you're only down 90k. If you weren't a fucking neet you could make that back in 2, maybe 3 years of wagecucking.

You cant live through 2 years of wagecucking, you have to kill yourself now?

>> No.8321771
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Fucking kek that's what you get sucker

>> No.8321785

Post a price and eth address. I'm willing to help bail you out anon.

>> No.8321848

This is the best argument against suicide over financial loss, LARP or not. If it's worth taking every year of your life away, why not just use some of those years to fix the problem?

>> No.8321903

OP you're a fucking idiot for getting married and getting a mortgage. Don't kill yourself. Sell what you have left 50% LINK 50% XMR and fuck off to a cheap country.

>> No.8322055

OP here.

I'm shocked by the overwhelming support and the jokes have made me laugh not upset. I can only thank you guys as you are seemingly the only people left in my life. I have decided to entrust all of my BTCP with my nephew to whom I will pass my Seed key in the hopes that he will have some monetary freedom when he becomes 18 years old. He has a unique mindset and is surely one of /ourguys/ so I trust him.

I'm still going to go through with the suicide, even if the money somewhat recovers, my life with my wife is destroyed and the home I worked years to build now in the ownership of bankers. I don't really have any hope for my life nor do I have any intentions of becoming the next Gates or something. I just want peace so I have taken this easy way out. I don't think there's any shame in that, it's simply my time to go.

If anyone is serious about helping out, please, I beg you, do NOT send a large amount of money. Any help will be greatly appreciated but it is not right that you should give away your money to some stranger on the internet. I will be forwarding all ETH donations to a Wallet for my nephew to gain access. Thank you again: 0x776Bb2aa1Ba5daaC4635EC7a2E54d49bDC7827FC

>> No.8322089
File: 2.51 MB, 286x258, 1495480744072.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turned right into a pajeet begging thread? Why am I not surprised?

>> No.8322092
File: 7 KB, 250x200, 1520972822336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

until i get a pic with a sharpie marker up your ass i cant give you anything.

>> No.8322199

Man you went full Pajeet (as if you weren't already). If your serious either wait it out until it hits major exchanges and pumps then sell it to break even ot just sell at a loss and start wagecucking to make that 90k back. Also if you can't live with yourself live stream the suicide, will drive a lot of normies away from biz so you'll be doing something noble, but try to not do it please I really don't want you to die if you can help it.

>> No.8322332
File: 1.31 MB, 3088x2320, B3E1B59B-3A54-4A02-BFFF-AFE1BF3F8400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll do it.


>> No.8322336
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>> No.8322375



>> No.8322380
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I was going to say something nice to you, but you just started to beg.

>> No.8322390

at least you had a wife faggot

>> No.8322403



>> No.8322408
File: 428 KB, 643x591, tasdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

die beggar

>> No.8322432


>> No.8322483

Fucking hell anon, I believe your suicidal now kek

>> No.8322594

>No data for chart
>No token balances found
Am i being memed or just retarded?

>> No.8322628

ye, fight and you may die.
Run, and you'll live. At least a while.
And dying in your beds many years from now,
would you be willing to trade all the days,
from this day to that, for one chance,
just one chance,
to come back here and tell our enemies
that they may take our lives,
but they'll never take our

When Wallace uttered these famous words before the battle of stirling do you think he was just giving up and calling it a day? Fuck those Bankers dont let them win by rolling over. Why you in crypto? to stick it to the man?

You took a chance and believe you have lost. Dont give up its not over until its over. Stand tall and be counted

>> No.8322654

> My wife found out and she's leaving me
Should of found a cute boy that will stay with you forever no matter what instead, cuck.

>> No.8322659

Bro don't do it. Honestly dump the thot. And fuck hot pussy. Don't need money to be happy. Move to a hipster city. They all dress like they are homeless anyway. But loads of delicious pussy.

Suicide is honestly dumb.

>> No.8322678
File: 131 KB, 528x321, 1519078573407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell will await you for Eternity. Believe me, once you die and you meet those 2 huge angels of death asking you who was your God, prophet and religion and you will babble in confusion. You will regret the time of suiciding over trivial meaningless stuff.

Repent, ask God to show you his path (islam) and be positive. Suicide is only for the weak.

>> No.8322699

Not sure what you mean. I’m just bored and poor.

>> No.8322705

There is surely some irony those words were spoken by the biggest kike-hater ever

>> No.8322721

Fuck you, pajeet. I gave real advice and you go currynigger on me. Violated my trust, fuck you.

>> No.8322725

why would you need money if you're suiciding
fuck off pajeet

>> No.8322728

Send me all your crypto please.

BTC: 194biq4ena57xDUEXzcKjN1Ht6hr3Gxc5C
ETH/LINK/EOS: 0x7f9b4399a5a0e9481e6cff7ce443dde200c59e7c

>> No.8322734

Andrew, this is your wife, I love you and I forgive you. Don’t do this.

>> No.8322745
File: 10 KB, 200x200, 1518919579774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real advice

>> No.8322747

Shut up bitch and keep sucking.
t. Tyron

>> No.8322749


>> No.8322756

Share nudes of yourself before you kill yourself. You might live to regret it

>> No.8322764

Go ahead faggot, as if your life wasn't about to get a whole lot better. Single and soon to be rich, but couldn't make it through a few months of bear market and killed himself. Hilarious

>> No.8322771

Dear. Miss.

I'm a real Chad alpha. Wanna bone? I'm a 100 btc in my jewbase account.

>> No.8322787

you fucking idiot, don't do it. btcp will moon next month.

>> No.8322791

I will throw in an extra .1 eth if you post in 15 minutes

>> No.8322799


>> No.8322805

sent ;)

>> No.8322840

Sent ;)

>> No.8322899

Please don’t kill yourself OP, there is no afterlife. This life is all that you have and it’s the most precious gift you’ve ever received, don’t waste it over something like this, please just realize that there’s more to life than what you’ve been through.

>> No.8322965

hes lying

>> No.8322970

>Please don’t kill yourself OP, there is no afterlife.

>> No.8322991

dude take out members of the illuminati while killing yourself. You got time to plan something out.

>> No.8323510


and you couldn't at least go out on a good coin or a good bet, but instead an obvious shit coin. get rekt.

>> No.8324005

hilariously this will rebound after the bittrex fud clears. This is the bottom

>> No.8324136

Shilling your bags in a suicide thread lmao

>> No.8324145

Anon would literally rather die than use tradesatoshi

>> No.8324165

Can you write the date on the rope your gonna hang yourself with? Wanna make sure this suicide is trackable so I can come spit on your grave when LINK goes through the solar system.

>> No.8324255

If you had enough money to invest in crypto you can salvage yourself. Don't do it.

>> No.8324265

RIP Andrew

>> No.8324316

kill a politician first
especially if you're Scottish